13 research outputs found

    Science from an Ultra-Deep, High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Survey

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    Opening up a new window of millimeter-wave observations that span frequency bands in the range of 30 to 500 GHz, survey half the sky, and are both an order of magnitude deeper (about 0.5 uK-arcmin) and of higher-resolution (about 10 arcseconds) than currently funded surveys would yield an enormous gain in understanding of both fundamental physics and astrophysics. In particular, such a survey would allow for major advances in measuring the distribution of dark matter and gas on small-scales, and yield needed insight on 1.) dark matter particle properties, 2.) the evolution of gas and galaxies, 3.) new light particle species, 4.) the epoch of inflation, and 5.) the census of bodies orbiting in the outer Solar System.Comment: 5 pages + references; Submitted to the Astro2020 call for science white paper

    Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics

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    International audienceThe hot dense environment of the early universe is known to have produced large numbers of baryons, photons, and neutrinos. These extreme conditions may have also produced other long-lived species, including new light particles (such as axions or sterile neutrinos) or gravitational waves. The gravitational effects of any such light relics can be observed through their unique imprint in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the large-scale structure, and the primordial light element abundances, and are important in determining the initial conditions of the universe. We argue that future cosmological observations, in particular improved maps of the CMB on small angular scales, can be orders of magnitude more sensitive for probing the thermal history of the early universe than current experiments. These observations offer a unique and broad discovery space for new physics in the dark sector and beyond, even when its effects would not be visible in terrestrial experiments or in astrophysical environments. A detection of an excess light relic abundance would be a clear indication of new physics and would provide the first direct information about the universe between the times of reheating and neutrino decoupling one second later

    Dark Matter Science in the Era of LSST

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    Astrophysical observations currently provide the only robust, empirical measurements of dark matter. In the coming decade, astrophysical observations will guide other experimental efforts, while simultaneously probing unique regions of dark matter parameter space. This white paper summarizes astrophysical observations that can constrain the fundamental physics of dark matter in the era of LSST. We describe how astrophysical observations will inform our understanding of the fundamental properties of dark matter, such as particle mass, self-interaction strength, non-gravitational interactions with the Standard Model, and compact object abundances. Additionally, we highlight theoretical work and experimental/observational facilities that will complement LSST to strengthen our understanding of the fundamental characteristics of dark matter

    Astro2020 Science White Paper: Primordial Non-Gaussianity

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    5 pages + references; Submitted to the Astro2020 call for science white papers. This version: fixed author listInternational audienceOur current understanding of the Universe is established through the pristine measurements of structure in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the distribution and shapes of galaxies tracing the large scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. One key ingredient that underlies cosmological observables is that the field that sources the observed structure is assumed to be initially Gaussian with high precision. Nevertheless, a minimal deviation from Gaussianityis perhaps the most robust theoretical prediction of models that explain the observed Universe; itis necessarily present even in the simplest scenarios. In addition, most inflationary models produce far higher levels of non-Gaussianity. Since non-Gaussianity directly probes the dynamics in the early Universe, a detection would present a monumental discovery in cosmology, providing clues about physics at energy scales as high as the GUT scale

    The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science

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    The Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2020) of the US National Academies of ScienceWe describe the opportunities for galaxy cluster science in the high- redshift regime where massive, virialized halos first formed and where star formation and AGN activity peaked. New observing facilities from radio to X-ray wavelengths, combining high spatial/spectral resolution with large collecting areas, are poised to uncover this population

    The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science

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    We describe the opportunities for galaxy cluster science in the high- redshift regime where massive, virialized halos first formed and where star formation and AGN activity peaked. New observing facilities from radio to X-ray wavelengths, combining high spatial/spectral resolution with large collecting areas, are poised to uncover this population