32 research outputs found

    Large-scale identification of microRNA targets in murine Dgcr8-deficient embryonic stem cell lines.

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    Small RNAs such as microRNAs play important roles in embryonic stem cell maintenance and differentiation. A broad range of microRNAs is expressed in embryonic stem cells while only a fraction of their targets have been identified. We have performed large-scale identification of embryonic stem cell microRNA targets using a murine embryonic stem cell line deficient in the expression of Dgcr8. These cells are heavily depleted for microRNAs, allowing us to reintroduce specific microRNA duplexes and identify refined target sets. We used deep sequencing of small RNAs, mRNA expression profiling and bioinformatics analysis of microRNA seed matches in 3' UTRs to identify target transcripts. Consequently, we have identified a network of microRNAs that converge on the regulation of several important cellular pathways. Additionally, our experiments have revealed a novel candidate for Dgcr8-independent microRNA genesis and highlighted the challenges currently facing miRNA annotation

    Over-expression of Plk4 induces centrosome amplification, loss of primary cilia and associated tissue hyperplasia in the mouse.

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    To address the long-known relationship between supernumerary centrosomes and cancer, we have generated a transgenic mouse that permits inducible expression of the master regulator of centriole duplication, Polo-like-kinase-4 (Plk4). Over-expression of Plk4 from this transgene advances the onset of tumour formation that occurs in the absence of the tumour suppressor p53. Plk4 over-expression also leads to hyperproliferation of cells in the pancreas and skin that is enhanced in a p53 null background. Pancreatic islets become enlarged following Plk4 over-expression as a result of equal expansion of α- and β-cells, which exhibit centrosome amplification. Mice overexpressing Plk4 develop grey hair due to a loss of differentiated melanocytes and bald patches of skin associated with a thickening of the epidermis. This reflects an increase in proliferating cells expressing keratin 5 in the basal epidermal layer and the expansion of these cells into suprabasal layers. Such cells also express keratin 6, a marker for hyperplasia. This is paralleled by a decreased expression of later differentiation markers, involucrin, filaggrin and loricrin. Proliferating cells showed an increase in centrosome number and a loss of primary cilia, events that were mirrored in primary cultures of keratinocytes established from these animals. We discuss how repeated duplication of centrioles appears to prevent the formation of basal bodies leading to loss of primary cilia, disruption of signalling and thereby aberrant differentiation of cells within the epidermis. The absence of p53 permits cells with increased centrosomes to continue dividing, thus setting up a neoplastic state of error prone mitoses, a prerequisite for cancer development

    Over-expression of Plk4 induces centrosome amplification, loss of primary cilia and associated tissue hyperplasia in the mouse

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    To address the long-known relationship between supernumerary centrosomes and cancer, we have generated a transgenic mouse that permits inducible expression of the master regulator of centriole duplication, Polo-like-kinase-4 (Plk4). Over-expression of Plk4 from this transgene advances the onset of tumour formation that occurs in the absence of the tumour suppressor p53. Plk4 over-expression also leads to hyperproliferation of cells in the pancreas and skin that is enhanced in a p53 null background. Pancreatic islets become enlarged following Plk4 over-expression as a result of equal expansion of α- and β-cells, which exhibit centrosome amplification. Mice overexpressing Plk4 develop grey hair due to a loss of differentiated melanocytes and bald patches of skin associated with a thickening of the epidermis. This reflects an increase in proliferating cells expressing keratin 5 in the basal epidermal layer and the expansion of these cells into suprabasal layers. Such cells also express keratin 6, a marker for hyperplasia. This is paralleled by a decreased expression of later differentiation markers, involucrin, filaggrin and loricrin. Proliferating cells showed an increase in centrosome number and a loss of primary cilia, events that were mirrored in primary cultures of keratinocytes established from these animals. We discuss how repeated duplication of centrioles appears to prevent the formation of basal bodies leading to loss of primary cilia, disruption of signalling and thereby aberrant differentiation of cells within the epidermis. The absence of p53 permits cells with increased centrosomes to continue dividing, thus setting up a neoplastic state of error prone mitoses, a prerequisite for cancer development

    Regulating E-Cigarettes: Why Policies Diverge

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    This paper, part of a festschrift in honor of Professor Malcolm Feeley, explores the landscape of e-cigarette policy globally by looking at three jurisdictions that have taken starkly different approaches to regulating e-cigarettes—the US, Japan, and China. Each of those countries has a robust tobacco industry, government agencies entrusted with protecting public health, an active and sophisticated scientific and medical community, and a regulatory structure for managing new pharmaceutical, tobacco, and consumer products. All three are signatories of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, all are signatories of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and all are members of the World Trade Organization. Which legal, economic, social and political differences between the three countries explain their diverse approaches to regulating e-cigarettes? Why have they embraced such dramatically different postures toward e-cigarettes? In seeking to answer those questions, the paper builds on Feeley\u27s legacy of comparative scholarship, policy analysis, and focus on law in action

    Kdm3a lysine demethylase is an Hsp90 client required for cytoskeletal rearrangements during spermatogenesis

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    The lysine demethylase Kdm3a (Jhdm2a, Jmjd1a) is required for male fertility, sex determination, and metabolic homeostasis through its nuclear role in chromatin remodeling. Many histone-modifying enzymes have additional nonhistone substrates, as well as nonenzymatic functions, contributing to the full spectrum of events underlying their biological roles. We present two Kdm3a mouse models that exhibit cytoplasmic defects that may account in part for the globozoospermia phenotype reported previously. Electron microscopy revealed abnormal acrosome and manchette and the absence of implantation fossa at the caudal end of the nucleus in mice without Kdm3a demethylase activity, which affected cytoplasmic structures required to elongate the sperm head. We describe an enzymatically active new Kdm3a isoform and show that subcellular distribution, protein levels, and lysine demethylation activity of Kdm3a depended on Hsp90. We show that Kdm3a localizes to cytoplasmic structures of maturing spermatids affected in Kdm3a mutant mice, which in turn display altered fractionation of beta-actin and gamma-tubulin. Kdm3a is therefore a multifunctional Hsp90 client protein that participates directly in the regulation of cytoskeletal components.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Efficient Knockin Mouse Generation by ssDNA Oligonucleotides and Zinc-Finger Nuclease Assisted Homologous Recombination in Zygotes

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    <div><p>The generation of specific mutant animal models is critical for functional analysis of human genes. The conventional gene targeting approach in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) by homologous recombination is however laborious, slow, expensive, and limited to species with functional ESCs. It is therefore a long-sought goal to develop an efficient and simple alternative gene targeting strategy. Here we demonstrate that, by combining an efficient ZFN pair and ssODN, a restriction site and a loxP site were successfully introduced into a specific genomic locus. A targeting efficiency up to 22.22% was achieved by coinciding the insertion site and the ZFN cleavage site isogenic and keeping the length of the homology arms equal and isogenic to the endogenous target locus. Furthermore, we determine that ZFN and ssODN-assisted HR is ssODN homology arm length dependent. We further show that mutant alleles generated by ZFN and ssODN-assisted HR can be transmitted through the germline successfully. This study establishes an efficient gene targeting strategy by ZFN and ssODN-assisted HR in mouse zygotes, and provides a potential avenue for genome engineering in animal species without functional ES cell lines.</p> </div