315 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Natural Images: A database and some statistics

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    A Systematic Review of Data Quality in CPS and IoT for Industry 4.0

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are the backbones of Industry 4.0, where data quality is crucial for decision support. Data quality in these systems can deteriorate due to sensor failures or uncertain operating environments. Our objective is to summarize and assess the research efforts that address data quality in data-centric CPS/IoT industrial applications. We systematically review the state-of-the-art data quality techniques for CPS and IoT in Industry 4.0 through a systematic literature review (SLR) study. We pose three research questions, define selection and exclusion criteria for primary studies, and extract and synthesize data from these studies to answer our research questions. Our most significant results are (i) the list of data quality issues, their sources, and application domains, (ii) the best practices and metrics for managing data quality, (iii) the software engineering solutions employed to manage data quality, and (iv) the state of the data quality techniques (data repair, cleaning, and monitoring) in the application domains. The results of our SLR can help researchers obtain an overview of existing data quality issues, techniques, metrics, and best practices. We suggest research directions that require attention from the research community for follow-up work.acceptedVersio

    Influence of heart rate, blood pressure, and beta-blocker dose on outcome and the differences in outcome between carvedilol and metoprolol tartrate in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the COMET trial

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    Aims We studied the influence of heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and beta-blocker dose on outcome in the 2599 out of 3029 patients in Carvedilol Or Metoprolol European Trial (COMET) who were alive and on study drug at 4 months after randomization (time of first visit on maintenance therapy). Methods and results By multivariable analysis, baseline HR, baseline SBP, and their change after 4 months were not independently related to subsequent outcome. In a multivariable analysis including clinical variables, HR above and SBP below the median value achieved at 4 months predicted subsequent increased mortality [relative risk (RR) for HR>68 b.p.m. 1.333; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.152-1.542; P120 mmHg 0.78; 95% CI 0.671-0.907; P<0.0013]. Achieving target beta-blocker dose was associated with a better outcome (RR 0.779; 95% CI 0.662-0.916; P<0.0025). The superiority of carvedilol as compared to metoprolol tartrate was maintained in a multivariable model (RR 0.767; 95% CI 0.663-0.887; P=0.0004) and there was no interaction with HR, SBP, or beta-blocker dose. Conclusion Beta-blocker dose, HR, and SBP achieved during beta-blocker therapy have independent prognostic value in heart failure. None of these factors influenced the beneficial effects of carvedilol when compared with metoprolol tartrate at the pre-defined target doses used in COME

    A blockchain-based framework for trusted quality data sharing towards zero-defect manufacturing

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    There is a current wave of a new generation of digital solutions based on intelligent systems, hybrid digital twins and AI-driven optimization tools to assure quality in smart factories. Such digital solutions heavily depend on quality-related information within the supply chain business ecosystem to drive zero-waste value chains. To empower zero-waste value chain strategies with meaningful, reliable, and trustful data, there must be a solution for end-to-end industrial data traceability, trust, and security across multiple process chains or even inter-organizational supply chains. In this paper, we first present Product, Process, and Data quality services to drive zero-waste value chain strategies. Following this, we present the Trusted Framework (TF), which is a key enabler for the secure and effective sharing of quality-related information within the supply chain business ecosystem, and thus for quality optimization actions towards zero-defect manufacturing. The TF specification includes the data model and format of the Process/Product/Data (PPD) Quality Hallmark, the OpenAPI exposed to factory system and a comprehensive Identity Management layer, for secure horizontal- and vertical quality data integration. The PPD hallmark and the TF already address some of the industrial needs to have a trusted approach to share quality data between the different stakeholders of the production chain to empower zero-waste value chain strategies.publishedVersio

    Relations between lipoprotein(a) concentrations, LPA genetic variants, and the risk of mortality in patients with established coronary heart disease: a molecular and genetic association study

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    Background: Lipoprotein(a) concentrations in plasma are associated with cardiovascular risk in the general population. Whether lipoprotein(a) concentrations or LPA genetic variants predict long-term mortality in patients with established coronary heart disease remains less clear. Methods: We obtained data from 3313 patients with established coronary heart disease in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. We tested associations of tertiles of lipoprotein(a) concentration in plasma and two LPA single-nucleotide polymorphisms ([SNPs] rs10455872 and rs3798220) with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality by Cox regression analysis and with severity of disease by generalised linear modelling, with and without adjustment for age, sex, diabetes diagnosis, systolic blood pressure, BMI, smoking status, estimated glomerular filtration rate, LDL-cholesterol concentration, and use of lipid-lowering therapy. Results for plasma lipoprotein(a) concentrations were validated in five independent studies involving 10 195 patients with established coronary heart disease. Results for genetic associations were replicated through large-scale collaborative analysis in the GENIUS-CHD consortium, comprising 106 353 patients with established coronary heart disease and 19 332 deaths in 22 studies or cohorts. Findings: The median follow-up was 9·9 years. Increased severity of coronary heart disease was associated with lipoprotein(a) concentrations in plasma in the highest tertile (adjusted hazard radio [HR] 1·44, 95% CI 1·14–1·83) and the presence of either LPA SNP (1·88, 1·40–2·53). No associations were found in LURIC with all-cause mortality (highest tertile of lipoprotein(a) concentration in plasma 0·95, 0·81–1·11 and either LPA SNP 1·10, 0·92–1·31) or cardiovascular mortality (0·99, 0·81–1·2 and 1·13, 0·90–1·40, respectively) or in the validation studies. Interpretation: In patients with prevalent coronary heart disease, lipoprotein(a) concentrations and genetic variants showed no associations with mortality. We conclude that these variables are not useful risk factors to measure to predict progression to death after coronary heart disease is established. Funding: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development (AtheroRemo and RiskyCAD), INTERREG IV Oberrhein Programme, Deutsche Nierenstiftung, Else-Kroener Fresenius Foundation, Deutsche Stiftung für Herzforschung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Saarland University, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Willy Robert Pitzer Foundation, and Waldburg-Zeil Clinics Isny


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Pelukis Ade Moelyana Dalam Mengembangkan Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang di Cimahi Kajian Historis Tahun 1969-2010”. Permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang di Cimahi dari tahun 1969-2010 dan keterkaitannya dengan potensi ekonomi dari seni lukis pelepah pisang yang terabaikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan sumber lisan maupun sumber tertulis, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosial dan ilmu ekonomi dengan memakai konsep-konsep seperti interaksi sosial, distribusi, ekonomi kreatif, kewirausahaan, dll. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hal ini dilakukan karena terbatasnya sumber tertulis yang mengkaji secara langsung mengenai permasalahan di atas. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1969. Seni lukis ini merupakan seni lukis yang unik karena menggunakan limbah dari pelepah pisang. Pada awal perkembangannya seni lukis ini tidak serta merta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat sekitar, dan barulah pada tahun 2002 seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini mengalami puncak perkembangan. Pasalnya seni lukis ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Cimahi saja, melainkan sampai ke mancanegara. Seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sektor ekonomi kreatif dan dapat dijadikan sebagai lahan lapangan pekerjaan. Banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pelukis untuk mengembangkan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang, selain itu pula pemerintah turut serta dalam mengembangkan seni lukis pelepah pisang. Kata kunci : Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang, Ekonomi Kreatif, Pemasaran This skripsi titled Ade Moelyama role in developing the art painting of wasted banana leaves in Cimahi of historical studies from 1969 to 2010. The main issue studied in this skripsi was “How Development Art Painting of Wasted Banana Leaves in Cimahi from 1969 to 2010 and linkages with economic potential of art painting of banana leaves neglected. The method used is the historical method through four phases of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the author use the approach interdisciplinary through the study of social and economic by using concepts such as social interaction, distribution, creative economy, entrepreneurship, and other. A research technique used in this research is to use interview techniques. This is done because of the limited resources that examines written directly on the above problems. Based on the research results, the art painting of wasted banana leaves has existed since 1969. This painting is a painting that is unique because it uses waste form banan leaves. In the early development of art is not necessarily acceptable to the local community, and then in 2002 the art painting of wasted banana leaves is experiencing the peak development. This is because not only do marketing painting around Cimahi but abroad as well. Painting of wasted banana stalks can be used as a creative economic sector and creates jobs. Lack of awareness of the various parties to make this painting became dormant. Many attempts were made by the painter to develop the art of waste banana leaves, in addition the goverment also participated in the development the art of painting banana leaves. Keywords : Art Painting of Banana Leaves, Creative Economy, Marketin

    Guidelines for Genome-Scale Analysis of Biological Rhythms

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    Genome biology approaches have made enormous contributions to our understanding of biological rhythms, particularly in identifying outputs of the clock, including RNAs, proteins, and metabolites, whose abundance oscillates throughout the day. These methods hold significant promise for future discovery, particularly when combined with computational modeling. However, genome-scale experiments are costly and laborious, yielding “big data” that are conceptually and statistically difficult to analyze. There is no obvious consensus regarding design or analysis. Here we discuss the relevant technical considerations to generate reproducible, statistically sound, and broadly useful genome-scale data. Rather than suggest a set of rigid rules, we aim to codify principles by which investigators, reviewers, and readers of the primary literature can evaluate the suitability of different experimental designs for measuring different aspects of biological rhythms. We introduce CircaInSilico, a web-based application for generating synthetic genome biology data to benchmark statistical methods for studying biological rhythms. Finally, we discuss several unmet analytical needs, including applications to clinical medicine, and suggest productive avenues to address them

    Genetic variants associated with subjective well-being, depressive symptoms, and neuroticism identified through genome-wide analyses

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    Very few genetic variants have been associated with depression and neuroticism, likely because of limitations on sample size in previous studies. Subjective well-being, a phenotype that is genetically correlated with both of these traits, has not yet been studied with genome-wide data. We conducted genome-wide association studies of three phenotypes: subjective well-being (n = 298,420), depressive symptoms (n = 161,460), and neuroticism (n = 170,911). We identify 3 variants associated with subjective well-being, 2 variants associated with depressive symptoms, and 11 variants associated with neuroticism, including 2 inversion polymorphisms. The two loci associated with depressive symptoms replicate in an independent depression sample. Joint analyses that exploit the high genetic correlations between the phenotypes (|ρ^| ≈ 0.8) strengthen the overall credibility of the findings and allow us to identify additional variants. Across our phenotypes, loci regulating expression in central nervous system and adrenal or pancreas tissues are strongly enriched for association.</p

    Trans-ancestry meta-analyses identify rare and common variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension

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    High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and premature death. However, there is limited knowledge on specific causal genes and pathways. To better understand the genetics of blood pressure, we genotyped 242,296 rare, low-frequency and common genetic variants in up to ~192,000 individuals, and used ~155,063 samples for independent replication. We identified 31 novel blood pressure or hypertension associated genetic regions in the general population, including three rare missense variants in RBM47, COL21A1 and RRAS with larger effects (>1.5mmHg/allele) than common variants. Multiple rare, nonsense and missense variant associations were found in A2ML1 and a low-frequency nonsense variant in ENPEP was identified. Our data extend the spectrum of allelic variation underlying blood pressure traits and hypertension, provide new insights into the pathophysiology of hypertension and indicate new targets for clinical intervention