235 research outputs found

    Promoting and maintaining physical activity in the transition to retirement: a systematic review of interventions for adults around retirement age

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    It has been argued that transition points in life, such as the approach towards, and early years of retirement present key opportunities for interventions to improve the health of the population. Research has also highlighted inequalities in health status in the retired population and in response to interventions which should be addressed. We aimed to conduct a systematic review to synthesise international evidence on the types and effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity among people around the time of retirement. A systematic review of literature was carried out between February 2014 and April 2015. Searches were not limited by language or location, but were restricted by date to studies published from 1990 onwards. Methods for identification of relevant studies included electronic database searching, reference list checking, and citation searching. Systematic search of the literature identified 104 papers which described study populations as being older adults. However, we found only one paper which specifically referred to their participants as being around the time of retirement. The intervention approaches for older adults encompassed: training of health care professionals; counselling and advice giving; group sessions; individual training sessions; in-home exercise programmes; in-home computer-delivered programmes; in-home telephone support; in-home diet and exercise programmes; and community-wide initiatives. The majority of papers reported some intervention effect, with evidence of positive outcomes for all types of programmes. A wide range of different measures were used to evaluate effectiveness, many were self-reported and few studies included evaluation of sedentary time. While the retirement transition is considered a significant point of life change, little research has been conducted to assess whether physical activity interventions at this time may be effective in promoting or maintaining activity, or reducing health inequalities. We were unable to find any evidence that the transition to retirement period was, or was not a significant point for intervention. Studies in older adults more generally indicated that a range of interventions might be effective for people around retirement age

    The specificity and patterns of staining in human cells and tissues of p16INK4a antibodies demonstrate variant antigen binding

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    The validity of the identification and classification of human cancer using antibodies to detect biomarker proteins depends upon antibody specificity. Antibodies that bind to the tumour-suppressor protein p16INK4a are widely used for cancer diagnosis and research. In this study we examined the specificity of four commercially available anti-p16INK4a antibodies in four immunological applications. The antibodies H-156 and JC8 detected the same 16 kDa protein in western blot and immunoprecipitation tests, whereas the antibody F-12 did not detect any protein in western blot analysis or capture a protein that could be recognised by the H-156 antibody. In immunocytochemistry tests, the antibodies JC8 and H-156 detected a predominately cytoplasmic localised antigen, whose signal was depleted in p16INK4a siRNA experiments. F-12, in contrast, detected a predominately nuclear located antigen and there was no noticeable reduction in this signal after siRNA knockdown. Furthermore in immunohistochemistry tests, F-12 generated a different pattern of staining compared to the JC8 and E6H4 antibodies. These results demonstrate that three out of four commercially available p16INK4a antibodies are specific to, and indicate a mainly cytoplasmic localisation for, the p16INK4a protein. The F-12 antibody, which has been widely used in previous studies, gave different results to the other antibodies and did not demonstrate specificity to human p16INK4a. This work emphasizes the importance of the validation of commercial antibodies, aside to the previously reported use, for the full verification of immunoreaction specificity

    Multiparameter analysis of naevi and primary melanomas identifies a subset of naevi with elevated markers of transformation

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    Here we have carried out a multiparameter analysis using a panel of 28 immunohistochemical markers to identify markers of transformation from benign and dysplastic naevus to primary melanoma in three separate cohorts totalling 279 lesions. We have identified a set of eight markers that distinguish naevi from melanoma. None of markers or parameters assessed differentiated benign from dysplastic naevi. Indeed, the naevi clustered tightly in terms of their immunostaining patterns whereas primary melanomas showed more diverse staining patterns. A small subset of histopathologically benign lesions had elevated levels of multiple markers associated with melanoma, suggesting that these represent naevi with an increased potential for transformation to melanoma

    Frequency and outcomes of gastrostomy insertion in a longitudinal cohort study of atypical parkinsonism

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. European Journal of Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Neurology.Background: Multiple system atrophy (MSA), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS) show a high prevalence and rapid progression of dysphagia, which is associated with reduced survival. Despite this, the evidence base for gastrostomy is poor, and the optimal frequency and outcomes of this intervention are not known. We aimed to characterise the prevalence and outcomes of gastrostomy in patients with these three atypical parkinsonian disorders. Method: We analysed data from the natural history and longitudinal cohorts of the PROSPECT-M-UK study with up to 60 months of follow-up from baseline. Survival post-gastrostomy was analysed using Kaplan–Meier survival curves. Results: In a total of 339 patients (mean age at symptom onset 63.3 years, mean symptom duration at baseline 4.6 years), dysphagia was present in >50% across all disease groups at baseline and showed rapid progression during follow-up. Gastrostomy was recorded as recommended in 44 (13%) and performed in 21 (6.2%; MSA 7, PSP 11, CBS 3) of the total study population. Median survival post-gastrostomy was 24 months compared with 12 months where gastrostomy was recommended but not done (p = 0.008). However, this was not significant when correcting for age and duration of symptoms at the time of procedure or recommendation. Conclusions: Gastrostomy was performed relatively infrequently in this cohort despite the high prevalence of dysphagia. Survival post-gastrostomy was longer than previously reported, but further data on other outcomes and clinician and patient perspectives would help to guide use of this intervention in MSA, PSP and CBS

    Serous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas: A multinational study of 2622 patients under the auspices of the International Association of Pancreatology and European Pancreatic Club (European Study Group on Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas)

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    OBJECTIVES: Serous cystic neoplasm (SCN) is a cystic neoplasm of the pancreas whose natural history is poorly known. The purpose of the study was to attempt to describe the natural history of SCN, including the specific mortality. DESIGN: Retrospective multinational study including SCN diagnosed between 1990 and 2014. RESULTS: 2622 patients were included. Seventy-four per cent were women, and median age at diagnosis was 58\u2005years (16-99). Patients presented with non-specific abdominal pain (27%), pancreaticobiliary symptoms (9%), diabetes mellitus (5%), other symptoms (4%) and/or were asymptomatic (61%). Fifty-two per cent of patients were operated on during the first year after diagnosis (median size: 40\u2005mm (2-200)), 9% had resection beyond 1\u2005year of follow-up (3\u2005years (1-20), size at diagnosis: 25\u2005mm (4-140)) and 39% had no surgery (3.6\u2005years (1-23), 25.5\u2005mm (1-200)). Surgical indications were (not exclusive) uncertain diagnosis (60%), symptoms (23%), size increase (12%), large size (6%) and adjacent organ compression (5%). In patients followed beyond 1\u2005year (n=1271), size increased in 37% (growth rate: 4\u2005mm/year), was stable in 57% and decreased in 6%. Three serous cystadenocarcinomas were recorded. Postoperative mortality was 0.6% (n=10), and SCN's related mortality was 0.1% (n=1). CONCLUSIONS: After a 3-year follow-up, clinical relevant symptoms occurred in a very small proportion of patients and size slowly increased in less than half. Surgical treatment should be proposed only for diagnosis remaining uncertain after complete workup, significant and related symptoms or exceptionally when exists concern with malignancy. This study supports an initial conservative management in the majority of patients with SCN

    Sedentary time in older men and women: an international consensus statement and research priorities

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    Sedentary time is a modifiable determinant of poor health, and in older adults, reducing sedentary time may be an important first step in adopting and maintaining a more active lifestyle. The primary purpose of this consensus statement is to provide an integrated perspective on current knowledge and expert opinion pertaining to sedentary behaviour in older adults on the topics of measurement, associations with health outcomes, and interventions. A secondary yet equally important purpose is to suggest priorities for future research and knowledge translation based on gaps identified. A five-step Delphi consensus process was used. Experts in the area of sedentary behaviour and older adults (n=15) participated in three surveys, an in-person consensus meeting, and a validation process. The surveys specifically probed measurement, health outcomes, interventions, and research priorities. The meeting was informed by a literature review and conference symposium, and it was used to create statements on each of the areas addressed in this document. Knowledge users (n=3) also participated in the consensus meeting. Statements were then sent to the experts for validation. It was agreed that self-report tools need to be developed for understanding the context in which sedentary time is accumulated. For health outcomes, it was agreed that the focus of sedentary time research in older adults needs to include geriatric-relevant health outcomes, that there is insufficient evidence to quantify the dose-response relationship, that there is a lack of evidence on sedentary time from older adults in assisted facilities, and that evidence on the association between sedentary time and sleep is lacking. For interventions, research is needed to assess the impact that reducing sedentary time, or breaking up prolonged bouts of sedentary time has on geriatric-relevant health outcomes. Research priorities listed for each of these areas should be considered by researchers and funding agencies

    Sex-biased parental care and sexual size dimorphism in a provisioning arthropod

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    The diverse selection pressures driving the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have long been debated. While the balance between fecundity selection and sexual selection has received much attention, explanations based on sex-specific ecology have proven harder to test. In ectotherms, females are typically larger than males, and this is frequently thought to be because size constrains female fecundity more than it constrains male mating success. However, SSD could additionally reflect maternal care strategies. Under this hypothesis, females are relatively larger where reproduction requires greater maximum maternal effort – for example where mothers transport heavy provisions to nests. To test this hypothesis we focussed on digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Ammophilini), a relatively homogeneous group in which only females provision offspring. In some species, a single large prey item, up to 10 times the mother’s weight, must be carried to each burrow on foot; other species provide many small prey, each flown individually to the nest. We found more pronounced female-biased SSD in species where females carry single, heavy prey. More generally, SSD was negatively correlated with numbers of prey provided per offspring. Females provisioning multiple small items had longer wings and thoraxes, probably because smaller prey are carried in flight. Despite much theorising, few empirical studies have tested how sex-biased parental care can affect SSD. Our study reveals that such costs can be associated with the evolution of dimorphism, and this should be investigated in other clades where parental care costs differ between sexes and species

    Assessing robustness of carotid artery CT angiography radiomics in the identification of culprit lesions in cerebrovascular events

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    open20siAcknowledgements: EPVL is undertaking a PhD funded by the Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Frank Edward Elmore Fund and the Medical Research Council’s Doctoral Training Partnership [award reference: 1966157]. JMT is supported by a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Career Development Fellowship [211100/Z/18/Z], the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre and the British Heart Foundation Cambridge Centre of Research Excellence. NRE was supported by a Research Training Fellowship from The Dunhill Medical Trust [RTF44/0114]. MMC was supported by fellowships from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the British Heart Foundation [BHF; FS/16/29/31957]. HP is undertaking a PhD with a BHF CRE studentship. FJG is an NIHR Senior Investigator. LR and ES were supported by The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Centre [C9685/A25177]. MR is supported by AstraZeneca Oncology R&D. ES receives additional support provided by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. FAG receives funding from CRUK. EAW receives support from the NIHR CRN. CBS acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust project on ‘Breaking the non-convexity barrier’, the Philip Leverhulme Prize, the EPSRC grants EP/S026045/1 and EP/T003553/1, the EPSRC Centre Nr. EP/N014588/1, the Wellcome Innovator Award RG98755, European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777826 NoMADS and No. 691070 CHiPS, the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information and the Alan Turing Institute. JHFR is part-supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, the British Heart Foundation, HEFCE, the Wellcome Trust and the EPSRC grant [EP/N014588/1] for the University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.Radiomics, quantitative feature extraction from radiological images, can improve disease diagnosis and prognostication. However, radiomic features are susceptible to image acquisition and segmentation variability. Ideally, only features robust to these variations would be incorporated into predictive models, for good generalisability. We extracted 93 radiomic features from carotid artery computed tomography angiograms of 41 patients with cerebrovascular events. We tested feature robustness to region-of-interest perturbations, image pre-processing settings and quantisation methods using both single- and multi-slice approaches. We assessed the ability of the most robust features to identify culprit and non-culprit arteries using several machine learning algorithms and report the average area under the curve (AUC) from five-fold cross validation. Multi-slice features were superior to single for producing robust radiomic features (67 vs. 61). The optimal image quantisation method used bin widths of 25 or 30. Incorporating our top 10 non-redundant robust radiomics features into ElasticNet achieved an AUC of 0.73 and accuracy of 69% (compared to carotid calcification alone [AUC: 0.44, accuracy: 46%]). Our results provide key information for introducing carotid CT radiomics into clinical practice. If validated prospectively, our robust carotid radiomic set could improve stroke prediction and target therapies to those at highest risk.noneLe E.P.V.; Rundo L.; Tarkin J.M.; Evans N.R.; Chowdhury M.M.; Coughlin P.A.; Pavey H.; Wall C.; Zaccagna F.; Gallagher F.A.; Huang Y.; Sriranjan R.; Le A.; Weir-McCall J.R.; Roberts M.; Gilbert F.J.; Warburton E.A.; Schonlieb C.-B.; Sala E.; Rudd J.H.F.Le E.P.V.; Rundo L.; Tarkin J.M.; Evans N.R.; Chowdhury M.M.; Coughlin P.A.; Pavey H.; Wall C.; Zaccagna F.; Gallagher F.A.; Huang Y.; Sriranjan R.; Le A.; Weir-McCall J.R.; Roberts M.; Gilbert F.J.; Warburton E.A.; Schonlieb C.-B.; Sala E.; Rudd J.H.F

    Controversies in the Science of Sedentary Behaviour and Health: Insights, Perspectives and Future Directions from the 2018 Queensland Sedentary Behaviour Think Tank

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    The development in research concerning sedentary behaviour has been rapid over the past two decades. This has led to the development of evidence and views that have become more advanced, diverse and, possibly, contentious. These include the effects of standing, the breaking up of prolonged sitting and the role of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in the association between sedentary behaviour and health outcomes. The present aim is to report the views of experts (n = 21) brought together (one-day face-to-face meeting in 2018) to consider these issues and provide conclusions and recommendations for future work. Each topic was reviewed and presented by one expert followed by full group discussion, which was recorded, transcribed and analysed. The experts concluded that (a). standing may bring benefits that accrue from postural shifts. Prolonged (mainly static) standing and prolonged sitting are both bad for health; (b). ‘the best posture is the next posture’. Regularly breaking up of sitting with postural shifts and movement is vital; (c). health effects of prolonged sitting are evident even after controlling for MVPA, but high levels of MVPA can attenuate the deleterious effects of prolonged sitting depending on the health outcome of interest. Expert discussion addressed measurement, messaging and future directions
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