162 research outputs found

    A responsabilidade civil do fabricante no código de defesa so consumidor

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.Para uma sociedade realmente justa, os interesses gerais devem prevalecer. É nesse sentido que se orienta todo o trabalho: não somente uma análise dogmática da Lei 8.078/90, mas também a busca de um sistema eficaz de reparação

    Study of method of electrical resistance for evaluating the soil nailing integrity

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    The slope improvement works with soil nailing are widely used along highways for stabilization of slope and landfill slopes. These structures differ from others, such as gravity walls or gabion meshes, because they have steel bars buried in the soil and surrounded by grouting. The major problem in soil nailing is the incomplete grouting along the hole, which can affect the performance of the structure. Moreover, soil nailing structures are buried, hence the most affordable inspection is visual, which makes more difficult to define the length and integrity of the elements. To improve the analyses and overcome the limitations, non destructive methods are used to evaluate all the elements of the retaining without disturbing the structure. The electrical resistance method can be used in the integrity evaluation of soil nailing. The methodology consists in compare the electric resistance between adjacent bars, which may conduct to different results, indicating executive failures or bar of different sizes. This paper aims to perform preliminary tests on a slope, before the construction of soil nailing, in order to understand the technique’s operation and to evaluate the influence of the electrical parameters of the soil. It was possible to notice that the evaluated slope presents lateral variation in electric resistance. Therefore, considering a future soil nailing there, it will be important to take into account the heterogeneity of the soil in results of electrical resistance

    Use conditions of computer in mathematics classes of Secondary Education in Portugal

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    En este trabajo se consideran como objetivos principales caracterizar el tipo de uso que los profesores de Matemáticas de educación secundaria portuguesa hacen del ordenador en el aula e identificar las condiciones que consideren pertinentes para su uso. El estudio siguió un enfoque mixto con una gran componente cuantitativa, de acuerdo con un plan descriptivo, de corte transversal. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario electrónico enviado a los profesores que impartían disciplinas de Matemáticas en enseñanza secundaria en el año escolar 2015/2016 en Agrupamientos de Escuelas/Escuelas del país. Los resultados de los 119 profesores que colaboraron en el estudio muestran que el ordenador no es aún una herramienta totalmente integrada en la enseñanza de Matemáticas en Portugal habiendo sido identificadas como condiciones necessárias para ello una gran variedad de aspectos, relacionados no sólo con el equipamento o los medios informáticos de las escuelas, sino también con aspectos curriculares y pedagógicos, competencias informáticas, formación y motivación.This study has two main aims: to characterize the type of use that Mathematics teachers of the portuguese secondary education do of the computer in the classroom and to identify the conditions that they point as relevant for its use. The study followed a mixed approach with strong quantitative perspective according to a descriptive, cross-sectional plan. Data were collected through an online questionnaire applied to secondary education Mathematics teachers in the school year 2015/2016 from Portuguese Schools. The results, referring to the 119 teachers who collaborated in the study, show that the computer is not yet an integrated tool in the teaching of Mathematics in Portugal. The teachers identified as necessary conditions for the improvement of computer use a variety of aspects related to the logistics of technology but also to curricular and pedagogical aspects, their computer skills, training and motivation.Neste trabalho, consideram-se como objetivos principais caracterizar o tipo de utilização que os professores de Matemática do ensino secundário português fazem do computador na sala de aula e identificar condições que consideram pertinentes para o seu uso. O estudo seguiu uma abordagem mista com grande pendor quantitativo de acordo com um plano descritivo, de corte transversal. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário eletrónico enviado aos professores que lecionaram disciplinas de Matemática ao ensino secundário no ano letivo 2015/2016 em Agrupamentos de Escolas/Escolas do país. Os resultados, referentes aos 119 professores que colaboraram no estudo, mostram que o computador ainda não é uma ferramenta plenamente integrada no ensino da Matemática em Portugal, tendo-se identificado como condições necessárias para o seu uso uma grande variedade de aspetos, não só relacionados com o equipamento e meios informáticos das escolas, mas também aspetos curriculares e pedagógicos, competências informáticas, formação e motivação.peerReviewe

    Gestão do Centro de Triagem do Coronavírus em Macaé: da implantação aos resultados

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    Cross-sectional study that aims to: describe the experience of the city of Macaé in implementing the Coronavirus Screening Center; describe the nurse's role in implementing the CTC; present the profile of COVID-19 in the municipality of Macaé. Conducted from the analysis of notifications from the Information System for the Epidemiological Surveillance of Influenza and e-SUS VE in the period between March and July 2020. The data were tabulated and analyzed with the statistical resources of Microsoft Excel and Tabwin. The main symptoms identified were cough and fever and the number of cases was higher in males. The predominant age was between 30 and 49 years. It is concluded that the CTC became a municipal reference in the reception and monitoring of cases of COVID-19 and that nursing had a fundamental role in the organization of this service, in addition to appearing as the main category notified from the consultations.Estudo transversal que tem como objetivos: descrever a experiência do município de Macaé na implantação do Centro de Triagem do Coronavírus; descrever o papel do enfermeiro na implantação do CTC; apresentar o perfil da COVID-19 no município de Macaé. Realizado a partir da análise das notificações do Sistema de Informação da Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe e e-SUS VE no período entre março e julho de 2020. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados com os recursos estatísticos do Microsoft Excel e do Tabwin. Os principais sintomas identificados foram tosse e febre e o número de casos foi maior no sexo masculino. A idade predominante foi entre 30 e 49 anos. Conclui-se que o CTC se tornou referência municipal no acolhimento e acompanhamento dos casos de COVID-19 e que a enfermagem teve papel fundamental na organização desse serviço, além de surgir como principal categoria notificada a partir dos atendimentos

    A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial

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    Funding This work was supported by ERDF through the operation POCI-01−0145-ERDF-007746 funded by the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização − COMPETE2020 and by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP national support through CINTESIS, R&D Unit (UIDB/4255/2020), CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020 and UIDB/04923/2020) and through the project reference PTDC/BAA-AGR/7419/2020.Gut microbiota modulation might constitute a mechanism mediating the effects of beer on health. In this randomized, double-blinded, two-arm parallel trial, 22 healthy men were recruited to drink 330 mL of nonalcoholic beer (0.0% v/v) or alcoholic beer (5.2% v/v) daily during a 4-week follow-up period. Blood and faecal samples were collected before and after the intervention period. Gut microbiota was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Drinking nonalcoholic or alcoholic beer daily for 4 weeks did not increase body weight and body fat mass and did not changed significantly serum cardiometabolic biomarkers. Nonalcoholic and alcoholic beer increased gut microbiota diversity which has been associated with positive health outcomes and tended to increase faecal alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker of intestinal barrier function. These results suggest the effects of beer on gut microbiota modulation are independent of alcohol and may be mediated by beer polyphenols.publishersversionpublishe

    Paternidade: responsabilidade social do homem no papel de provedor

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar los significados atribuidos a la paternidad por hombres que son padres. DELINEAMIENTO DEL ESTUDIO: Estudio realizado en Joao Pessoa (Noreste de Brasil), en 2003, desarrollado bajo el abordaje cualitativo y enfoque teórico del género. Los participantes del estudio fueron diez hombres, cuyos hijos eran atendidos en el ambulatorio de puericultura de un hospital escuela. Las informaciones analizadas fueron obtenidas por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Los relatos fueron analizados por la técnica de análisis crítica del discurso. ANÁLISIS DE LOS DISCURSOS: Los sujetos de estudio concebían la paternidad como un nuevo encargo social, vinculándola más a la provisión material de la familia que al espacio de envolvimiento afectivo con él(la) hijo(a). Así mismo, los participantes experimentaban un proceso de transición en el cual el padre tradicional convivía entre aquellos cuya dimensión afectiva de la paternidad se presentaba como el eje central de preocupación del ser padre. CONCLUSIONES: El significado y el ejercicio concreto de la paternidad se situaron en un campo de responsabilidades que predominantemente reproducen el padre tradicional pero también re-crean el papel de padre, con inclusión de la dimensión afectiva.OBJETIVO: Analisar os significados atribuídos à paternidade por homens que são pais. DELINEAMENTO DO ESTUDO: Estudo realizado em João Pessoa, PB, em 2003, desenvolvido sob abordagem qualitativa e enfoque teórico de gênero. Os participantes do estudo foram dez homens, cujos filhos eram atendidos no ambulatório de puericultura de um hospital escola. As informações analisadas foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos foram analisados pela técnica de análise crítica do discurso. ANÁLISE DOS DISCURSOS: Os sujeitos do estudo concebiam a paternidade como um novo encargo social, vinculando-a mais à provisão material da família do que ao espaço de envolvimento afetivo com o(a) filho(a). Entretanto, os participantes experimentavam um processo de transição no qual o pai tradicional convivia entre aqueles cuja dimensão afetiva da paternidade apresentava-se como eixo central de preocupação do ser pai. CONCLUSÕES: O significado e o exercício concreto da paternidade situaram-se num campo de responsabilidades que predominantemente reproduzem o pai tradicional mas também recriam o papel de pai, com inclusão da dimensão afetiva.OBJECTIVE: To analyze meanings attributed to paternity by men who are fathers. STUDY DESIGN: Study with a qualitative approach and gender-theory focus, performed in the city of João Pessoa, Northeastern Brazil, in 2003. A total of ten men, whose children had been cared for in the pediatric outpatient clinic of a university hospital, participated in the study. Information analyzed was obtained with semi-structured interviews. Critical discourse analysis technique was employed to analyze participants' speech. DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: Participants in the study viewed paternity as a new social role, more closely associated with material support for the family than the dimension of affective involvement with the child. However, participants experienced a transition process where the traditional father lived with those whose affective dimension of paternity was found to be the main concern of being a father. CONCLUSIONS: The meaning and concrete exercise of paternity were found in an area of responsibilities that predominantly reproduces the traditional father, but also recreates the father's role, including the affective dimension

    Cross-contamination of lettuce with Campylobacter spp. via cooking salt during handling raw poultry

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    Campylobacter spp. are the most common bacterial pathogens associated with human gastroenteritis in industrialized countries. Contaminated chicken is the food vehicle associated with the majority of reported cases of campylobacteriosis, either by the consumption of undercooked meat or via cross- contamination of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods during the handling of contaminated raw chicken parts and carcasses. Our results indicate that cooking salt (used for seasoning) is a potential vehicle for Campylobacter spp. cross-contamination from raw chicken to lettuce, through unwashed hands after handling contaminated chicken. Cross-contamination events were observed even when the chicken skin was contaminated with low levels of Campylobacter spp. (ca. 1.48 Log CFU/g). The pathogen was recovered from seasoned lettuce samples when raw chicken was contaminated with levels ≥ 2.34 Log CFU/g. We also demonstrated that, once introduced into cooking salt, Campylobacter spp. are able to survive in a culturable state up to 4 hours. After six hours, although not detected following an enrichment period in culture medium, intact cells were observed by transmission electron microscopy. These findings reveal a "novel"indirect cross-contamination route of Campylobacter in domestic settings, and a putative contamination source to RTE foods that are seasoned with salt, that might occur if basic food hygiene practices are not adopted by consumers when preparing and cooking poultry dishes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    LITERATURA E LEITURA LITERÁRIA NO ENSINO MÉDIO: Quebrar barreiras e ampliar fronteiras

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    O projeto de Ações Integradas: “Literatura e Leitura Literária no Ensino Médio- quebrar barreiras, ampliar fronteiras ”, visa demonstrar a importância da literatura eda leitura literária nos eixos da pesquisa, extensão e ensino, compondo a formaçãointegral do aluno do ensino médio regular e integrado. As ações desenvolvidaspelos membros do projeto são estratégias didáticas e lúdicas. Atuamos no âmbitoescolar das localidades de São Bento do Sul, especificamente na Escola deEducação Básica Celso Ramos Filho e no Instituto Federal Catarinense - CampusSão Bento do Sul

    Occurrence of Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infection in endoscopic and gastric cancer patients from Northern Brazil

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori (HP) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) have been associated with cancer development. We evaluated the prevalence of HP, HP CagA(+) and EBV infection in gastric cancer (GC) samples from adults and in gastric tissues from patients who underwent upper endoscopy (UE).Methods: Samples from UE and GC were collected to investigate the presence of HP infection and the HP virulence factor CagA by a urease test and PCR. the presence of EBV was detected by Eber-1 in situ hybridization.Results: in UE, 85.5% of juvenile patients showed some degree of gastritis (45.3% of patients with mild gastritis and 54.7% with moderate/severe gastritis) and patients with mild gastritis were younger than patients with moderate/severe gastritis. Among adults, 48.7% presented mild gastritis and 51.3% moderate/severe gastritis. HP infection was detected in 0% of normal mucosa, 58.5% of juvenile gastritis patients, 69.2% of adult gastritis patients and 88% of GC patients. in these same groups, HP CagA(+) was detected in 0%, 37.7%, 61.5% and 67.2% of tissue samples, respectively. in juvenile patients, HP infection was more common in those with gastritis than in normal samples (p = 0.004). the patients with either HP or HP CagA(+) were older than patients without these pathogens (p < 0.05). in juvenile patients, HP infection was more frequent in cases of moderate/severe gastritis than in cases of mild gastritis (p = 0.026). Moreover, in patients with GC, HP infection was more frequent in males than in females (p = 0.023). GC patients with HP CagA(+) were older than patients with HP CagA-(p = 0.027). HP CagA(+) was more common in intestinal-type than diffuse-type GC (p = 0.012). HP CagA(+) was also associated with lymph-node (p = 0.024) and distal (p = 0.005) metastasis. No association between EBV infection and HP infection or any clinicopathological variable was detected.Conclusions: Our results suggest that HP is involved in the pathophysiology of severe gastric lesions and in the development of GC, particularly when CagA(+) is present. EBV was not the primary pathogenic factor in our samples.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fed Univ Para, Inst Ciencias Biol, Lab Citogenet Humana, BR-66075110 Belem, PA, BrazilFed Univ Para, Inst Ciencias Saude, BR-66075110 Belem, PA, BrazilCtr Univ Para, Belem, PA, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ortopedia & Traumatol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Morfol & Genet, Disciplina Genet, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Para, BR-66075110 Belem, PA, BrazilUniv Fed Ceara, Fac Odontol, Dept Oral Pathol, Fortaleza, CE, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ortopedia & Traumatol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Morfol & Genet, Disciplina Genet, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc