347 research outputs found

    An evaluation of semantic fisheye views for opportunistic search in an annotated image collection

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    Visual interfaces are potentially powerful tools for users to explore a representation of a collection and opportunistically discover information that will guide them toward relevant documents. Semantic fisheye views (SFEVs) are focus + context visualization techniques that manage visual complexity by selectively emphasizing and increasing the detail of information related to the user's focus and deemphasizing or filtering less important information. In this paper we describe a prototype for visualizing an annotated image collection and an experiment to compare the effectiveness of two distinctly different SFEVs for a complex opportunistic search task. The first SFEV calculates relevance based on keyword-content similarity and the second based on conceptual relationships between images derived using WordNet. The results of the experiment suggest that semantic-guided search is significantly more effective than similarity-guided search for discovering and using domain knowledge in a collectio

    Enhancing Decision Patterns Dicovered By Process Mining With Semantic Related Data

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    Business processes can be automatic, semiautomatic or manual processes. Semi-automatic and manual processes are involved in some parts by people. Understanding how people work or make judgments in processes can help management to evaluate their performance and suggest essential information to enhance their decision making. This paper describes a case study of using process mining to discover decision patterns of a worker in a semi-automatic business process. It was found that the discovered rules could be improved by enhancing the business execution log file with semantic related data. The experimental results before and after improvements were compared

    Гвинтовий вібраційний змішувач удосконаленої конструкції

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    The Co-design practices are carried out in different fields of studies. Some of the key advocates of Co-design originate from business. In this study the four steps of Co-design approach is applied. From the first step of Co-design, through interviews, log analysis and a channel survey, findings show that the failed dialogues with Avatar Eva are mainly concerned with five factors: interactivity; dialogue capability; consistency; knowledge; and synonyms. In the second step, carrying out customer workshops, we suggested ten ideal scenarios for Avatar Eva to perform better. In the third step, SAS decision makers decided to implement the first three scenarios: Eva’s synonyms; knowledge and Eva’s consistency. In the fourth step, another channel survey was carried out as well as a new log analysis to know the impact of the redevelopment above three scenarios. An important result of the study was that the company adopted a continuous use of Co-design as an approach of continuous improvement of the service quality performed by the Avatar Eva. It also opens a new set of questions framing the relation and transformation between Co-design as a research approach for knowledge creation and Co-design as a method for innovation and service quality improvements. The study presents an Extended Co-design Model, which illustrates how the Co-design inspires staff to use it for other functions within and without the SAS

    Concept expansion using semantic fisheye views

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    Exploratory search over a collection often requires users to iteratively apply a variety of strategies, such as searching for more general or more specific concepts in reaction to the information they encounter. Rich semantic models, such as WordNet, are potentially valuable aids for making sense of this information. However, these large complex models often contain specialized vocabularies and a detailed level of granularity that makes them difficult to use for opportunistic search. In this paper, we describe how Semantic Fisheye Views (SFEV) can be designed to transparently integrate rich semantic models into the search process, allowing users to effectively explore a diverse range of related concepts without explicitly navigating over the underlying model. The SFEV combines semantic guided search with interactive visualization techniques, creating a search tool that we have found to be significantly more effective for exploratory tasks than those based on keyword-similarity alone. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

    Sla-driven automatic bottleneck detection and resolution for read intensive multi-tier applications hosted on a cloud

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    Abstract. A Service-Level Agreement (SLA) provides surety for specific quality attributes to the consumers of services. However, the current SLAs offered by cloud providers do not address response time, which, from the user's point of view, is the most important quality attribute for Web applications. Satisfying a maximum average response time guarantee for Web applications is difficult for two main reasons: first, traffic patterns are unpredictable; second, the complex nature of multi-tier Web applications increases the difficulty of identifying bottlenecks and resolving them automatically. This paper presents a working prototype system that automatically detects and resolves bottlenecks in a multi-tier Web application hosted on a EUCALYPTUS-based cloud in order to satisfy specific maximum response time requirements. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in an experimental evaluation with a testbed cloud and a synthetic workload. Automatic bottleneck detection and resolution under dynamic resource management has the potential to enable cloud providers to provide SLAs for Web applications that guarantee specific response time requirements

    Cross-domain citation recommendation based on hybrid topic model and co-citation selection citation selection

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    Cross-domain recommendations are of growing importance in the research community. An application of particular interest is to recommend a set of relevant research papers as citations for a given patent. This paper proposes an approach for cross-domain citation recommendation based on the hybrid topic model and co-citation selection. Using the topic model, relevant terms from documents could be clustered into the same topics. In addition, the co-citation selection technique will help select citations based on a set of highly similar patents. To evaluate the performance, we compared our proposed approach with the traditional baseline approaches using a corpus of patents collected for different technological fields of biotechnology, environmental technology, medical technology and nanotechnology. Experimental results show our cross domain citation recommendation yields a higher performance in predicting relevant publication citations than all baseline approaches

    Ionic Interactions in Biological and Physical Systems: a Variational Treatment

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    Chemistry is about chemical reactions. Chemistry is about electrons changing their configurations as atoms and molecules react. Chemistry studies reactions as if they occurred in ideal infinitely dilute solutions. But most reactions occur in nonideal solutions. Then everything (charged) interacts with everything else (charged) through the electric field, which is short and long range extending to boundaries of the system. Mathematics has recently been developed to deal with interacting systems of this sort. The variational theory of complex fluids has spawned the theory of liquid crystals. In my view, ionic solutions should be viewed as complex fluids. In both biology and electrochemistry ionic solutions are mixtures highly concentrated (~10M) where they are most important, near electrodes, nucleic acids, enzymes, and ion channels. Calcium is always involved in biological solutions because its concentration in a particular location is the signal that controls many biological functions. Such interacting systems are not simple fluids, and it is no wonder that analysis of interactions, such as the Hofmeister series, rooted in that tradition, has not succeeded as one would hope. We present a variational treatment of hard spheres in a frictional dielectric. The theory automatically extends to spatially nonuniform boundary conditions and the nonequilibrium systems and flows they produce. The theory is unavoidably self-consistent since differential equations are derived (not assumed) from models of (Helmholtz free) energy and dissipation of the electrolyte. The origin of the Hofmeister series is (in my view) an inverse problem that becomes well posed when enough data from disjoint experimental traditions are interpreted with a self-consistent theory.Comment: As prepared for Faraday Discussion, Pavel Jungwirth Organizer, 3 - 5 September 2012, Queens College Oxford, UK on Ion Specific Hofmeister Effects. Version 2 has significant typo corrections in eq. 1 and eq. 4, and has been reformatted to be easier to rea

    First results from the AugerPrime Radio Detector

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