31 research outputs found
An integrated approach to historical population assessment of the great whales: case of the New Zealand southern right whale
Accurate estimation of historical abundance provides an essential baseline for judging the recovery of the great whales. This is particularly challenging for whales hunted prior to twentieth century modern whaling, as population-level catch records are often incomplete. Assessments of whale recovery using pre-modern exploitation indices are therefore rare, despite the intensive, global nature of nineteenth century whaling. Right whales (Eubalaena spp.) were particularly exploited: slow swimmers with strong fidelity to sheltered calving bays, the species made predictable and easy targets. Here, we present the first integrated population-level assessment of the whaling impact and pre-exploitation abundance of a right whale, the New Zealand southern right whale (E. australis). In this assessment, we use a Bayesian population dynamics model integrating multiple data sources: nineteenth century catches, genetic constraints on bottleneck size and individual sightings histories informing abundance and trend. Different catch allocation scenarios are explored to account for uncertainty in the population's offshore distribution. From a pre-exploitation abundance of 28â800â47â100 whales, nineteenth century hunting reduced the population to approximately 30â40 mature females between 1914 and 1926. Today, it stands at less than 12% of pre-exploitation abundance. Despite the challenges of reconstructing historical catches and population boundaries, conservation efforts of historically exploited species benefit from targets for ecological restoration
Structural optimization of MacPherson control arm under fatigue loading
U ovom istraĆŸivanju izvrĆĄena je optimizacija topologije i oblika MacPherson upravljaÄke poluge u svrhu postizanja manje teĆŸina. PostojeÄe automobilsko trĆŸiĆĄte traĆŸi dijelove niske cijene i male teĆŸine, a za potrebe energetski uÄinkovitog, a jeftinog vozila. To zahtijeva uÄinkovitiju uporabu materijala za automobilske dijelove koji mogu dovesti do smanjene mase vozila. BuduÄi da su automobilski dijelovi izloĆŸeni dinamiÄkim optereÄenjima koja uzrokuju oĆĄteÄenja zbog zamora, uzimanje u obzir kriterija zamora Äini se bitnim u dizajniranju automobilskih dijelova. Kako bi se stvorili ĆĄto teĆŸi uvjeti optereÄenja upravljaÄke poluge, najprije su spektralnom gustoÄom snage generirane neravne ceste. Zatim su, dinamiÄkom analizom karoserije kompletnog modela vozila, dobiveni najkritiÄniji uvjeti optereÄenja. Nakon toga, izvrĆĄena je optimizacija topologije pomoÄu kriterija vijeka trajanja do zamora primjenom HyperMesh softvera, ĆĄto je rezultiralo smanjenjem mase od 50 %. U sljedeÄem koraku kreiran je CAD model primjenom CATIA softvera i provedena optimizacija oblika kako bi se dobile toÄne dimenzije s manje mase.In this research, the topology and shape optimization of a MacPherson control arm has been accomplished to achieve lighter weight. Present automotive market demands low cost and light weight component to meet the need of fuel efficient and cost effective vehicle. This in turn gives the rise to more effective use of materials for automotive parts which can reduce the mass of vehicle. Since automotive components are under dynamic loads which cause fatigue damage, considering fatigue criteria seems to be essential in designing automotive components. At first, in order to create severe loading condition for control arm some rough roads are generated through power spectral density. Then, the most critical loading conditions are obtained through multi body dynamics analysis of a full vehicle model. Then, the topology optimization is performed based on fatigue life criterion using HyperMesh software, which resulted in 50 % mass reduction. In the next step a CAD model is created using CATIA software and shape optimization is performed to achieve accurate dimensions with less mass
Demography and ecology of southern right whales Eubalaena australis wintering at sub-Antarctic Campbell Island, New Zealand
Since the decimation of the southern right whale Eubalaena australis population in New Zealand by whaling, research on its recovery has focused on the wintering ground at the Auckland Islands, neglecting potentially important wintering habitat at Campbell Island. For the first time in 20 years we conducted an expedition to sub-Antarctic Campbell Island to document and describe E. australis occupying this wintering habitat. We used a variety of methods including photo-identification, genetic and stable isotope analyses of tissue samples, and visual surveys of abundance and distribution, to provide details on the demography, population connectivity and ecology of E. australis wintering at Campbell Island. Our primary findings include (1) a lack of calves observed at Campbell Island, (2) an age-class bias toward sub-adults encountered at Campbell Island, (3) nine photo-identification matches between individuals observed at Campbell Island and previously documented elsewhere in New Zealand, (4) no genetic differentiation between E. australis at Campbell Island and the broader New Zealand population, (5) increased abundance estimates of E. australis at Campbell Island over the last 20 years, and (6) indications that E. australis forage within the sub-Antarctic region based on stable isotope analyses. Our results confirm that the Auckland Islands are currently the only significant calving area for E. australis in New Zealand, and therefore previous abundance estimates based on demographic data from the Auckland Islands are applicable to the entire New Zealand population of E. australis. However, future periodic surveys to Campbell Island are recommended to monitor population recovery and expansion.PostprintPeer reviewe
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An integrated approach to historical population assessment of the great whales: case of the New Zealand southern right whale
Accurate estimation of historical abundance provides an essential baseline for judging the recovery of the great whales. This is particularly challenging for whales hunted prior to twentieth century modern whaling, as population-level catch records are often incomplete. Assessments of whale recovery using pre-modern exploitation indices are therefore rare, despite the intensive, global nature of nineteenth century whaling. Right whales (Eubalaena spp.) were particularly exploited: slow swimmers with strong fidelity to sheltered calving bays, the species made predictable and easy targets. Here, we present the first integrated population-level assessment of the whaling impact and pre-exploitation abundance of a right whale, the New Zealand southern right whale (E. australis). In this assessment, we use a Bayesian population dynamics model integrating multiple data sources: nineteenth century catches, genetic constraints on bottleneck size and individual sightings histories informing abundance and trend. Different catch allocation scenarios are explored to account for uncertainty in the population's offshore distribution. From a pre-exploitation abundance of 28â800â47â100 whales, nineteenth century hunting reduced the population to approximately 30â40 mature females between 1914 and 1926. Today, it stands at less than 12% of pre-exploitation abundance. Despite the challenges of reconstructing historical catches and population boundaries, conservation efforts of historically exploited species benefit from targets for ecological restoration
Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex
The two hemispheres of the human brain differ functionally and structurally. Despite over a century of research, the extent to which brain asymmetry is influenced by sex, handedness, age, and genetic factors is still controversial. Here we present the largest ever analysis of subcortical brain asymmetries, in a harmonized multi-site study using meta-analysis methods. Volumetric asymmetry of seven subcortical structures was assessed in 15,847 MRI scans from 52 datasets worldwide. There were sex differences in the asymmetry of the globus pallidus and putamen. Heritability estimates, derived from 1170 subjects belonging to 71 extended pedigrees, revealed that additive genetic factors influenced the asymmetry of these two structures and that of the hippocampus and thalamus. Handedness had no detectable effect on subcortical asymmetries, even in this unprecedented sample size, but the asymmetry of the putamen varied with age. Genetic drivers of asymmetry in the hippocampus, thalamus and basal ganglia may affect variability in human cognition, including susceptibility to psychiatric disorders
Population histories of right whales (Cetacea: Eubalaena) inferred from mitochondrial sequence diversities and divergences of their whale lice (Amphipoda: Cyamus)
Pharmacy Practice in Quebec Emergency Departments: A Survey Study
Background: According to a Canadian survey conducted in 2013, 37 of the 67 Quebec emergency departments (EDs) in hospitals with more than 50 beds reported having a pharmacist within the department. However, based on the 17 responses to the survey, it was not possible to determine patient care services offered by Quebec ED pharmacists, because the data were aggregated across all Canadian respondents. A provincial survey was undertaken to further define ED pharmacy practice within Quebec.
Objectives: To measure pharmacist involvement in EDs in the province of Quebec and to describe patient care services and interventions offered by these pharmacists.
Methods: A 47-question survey was sent to 33 directors of pharmacy departments, representing 90 hospitals and institutes with EDs in the province of Quebec. The directors of pharmacy were asked to forward the survey to an ED pharmacist for completion or to partially answer the survey themselves if their facilities had no pharmacists practising in the ED. The survey evaluated the presence of pharmacists in the ED, their training, the interventions they performed, and their involvement within the department. The presence and role of ED pharmacy technical staff were also evaluated.
Results: Of the 43 completed surveys received, 30 reported at least 1 pharmacist providing patient care within the facilityâs ED. The most common tasks performed by ED pharmacists were, in decreasing order of frequency, answering questions from the multidisciplinary team, adjusting medications according to patientsâ allergies or their renal or hepatic function, managing drug interactions, and clarifying prescriptions. Pharmacists also reported teaching pharmacy students and residents and supporting the team in the resuscitation area.
Conclusions: The majority of respondents reported having at least 1 pharmacist in the ED. Compared with previous Canadian results, this survey had more respondents from Quebec with better representation of ED pharmacy practice in the province. Patient care services provided by pharmacists were variable, possibly because of a lack of standardized practice guidelines.
Contexte : Selon une enquĂȘte canadienne menĂ©e en 2013, 37 des 67 services des urgences dans des hĂŽpitaux quĂ©bĂ©cois de plus de 50 lits ont dĂ©clarĂ© avoir un pharmacien au sein de leur service. Cependant, Ă partir des 17 rĂ©ponses de cette enquĂȘte, il nâa pas Ă©tĂ© possible de dĂ©terminer les services de soins aux patients offerts par les pharmaciens des services des urgences du QuĂ©bec, car les donnĂ©es Ă©taient agrĂ©gĂ©es pour tous les rĂ©pondants canadiens. Une enquĂȘte provinciale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e pour mieux dĂ©finir la pratique de la pharmacie au sein des services des urgences au QuĂ©bec.
Objectifs : Mesurer lâimplication des pharmaciens dans les services des urgences du QuĂ©bec et dĂ©crire les services de soins aux patients et les interventions offerts par ces pharmaciens.
MĂ©thodes : Un sondage comportant 47 questions a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ© Ă 33 chefs de dĂ©partements de pharmacie, reprĂ©sentant 90 hĂŽpitaux et instituts ayant un service des urgences au QuĂ©bec. Les chefs de dĂ©partements de pharmacie ont Ă©tĂ© invitĂ©s Ă transmettre le sondage Ă un pharmacien du service des urgences pour quâil y rĂ©ponde; ou, si leur Ă©tablissement ne comptait aucun pharmacien exerçant en service des urgences, Ă y rĂ©pondre partiellement eux-mĂȘmes. LâenquĂȘte a permis dâĂ©valuer la prĂ©sence des pharmaciens dans les services des urgences, leur formation, leurs interventions et leur implication au sein du dĂ©partement. La prĂ©sence et le rĂŽle du personnel technique en pharmacie des urgences ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ©Â Ă©valuĂ©s.
RĂ©sultats : Sur les 43 questionnaires remplis reçus, 30 indiquaient avoir au moins un pharmacien prodiguant des soins aux patients dans le service des urgences de lâĂ©tablissement. Les tĂąches les plus courantes consistaient, par ordre dĂ©croissant de frĂ©quence, Ă rĂ©pondre aux questions de lâĂ©quipe multidisciplinaire, Ă adapter les mĂ©dicaments selon les allergies des patients ou leur fonction rĂ©nale ou hĂ©patique, Ă gĂ©rer les interactions mĂ©dicamenteuses et Ă clarifier les ordonnances. Les pharmaciens ont Ă©galement dĂ©clarĂ© former les Ă©tudiants et les rĂ©sidents en pharmacie et soutenir lâĂ©quipe dans la salle de rĂ©animation.
Conclusions : La majoritĂ© des rĂ©pondants ont dĂ©clarĂ© avoir au moins un pharmacien au service des urgences. Par rapport aux rĂ©sultats canadiens antĂ©rieurs, cette enquĂȘte comptait plus de rĂ©pondants du QuĂ©bec et indiquait une meilleure reprĂ©sentation de la pratique de la pharmacie au service des urgences dans la province. Les services de soins aux patients fournis par les pharmaciens Ă©taient variables, peut-ĂȘtre en raison dâun manque de directives de pratique normalisĂ©es
Data from: An integrated approach to historical population assessment of the great whales: case of the New Zealand southern right whale
Accurate estimation of historical abundance provides an essential baseline for judging the recovery of the great whales. This is particularly challenging for whales hunted prior to twentieth century modern whaling, as population-level catch records are often incomplete. Assessments of whale recovery using pre-modern exploitation indices are therefore rare, despite the intensive, global nature of nineteenth century whaling. Right whales (Eubalaena spp.) were particularly exploited: slow swimmers with strong fidelity to sheltered calving bays, the species made predictable and easy targets. Here, we present the first integrated population-level assessment of the whaling impact and pre-exploitation abundance of a right whale, the New Zealand southern right whale (E. australis). In this assessment, we use a Bayesian population dynamics model integrating multiple data sources: nineteenth century catches, genetic constraints on bottleneck size and individual sightings histories informing abundance and trend. Different catch allocation scenarios are explored to account for uncertainty in the population's offshore distribution. From a pre-exploitation abundance of 28â800â47â100 whales, nineteenth century hunting reduced the population to approximately 30â40 mature females between 1914 and 1926. Today, it stands at less than 12% of pre-exploitation abundance. Despite the challenges of reconstructing historical catches and population boundaries, conservation efforts of historically exploited species benefit from targets for ecological restoration