23 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Molecular Determinants of Primary HIV-1 Vpr Proteins: Impact of the Q65R and R77Q Substitutions on Vpr Functions

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    Although HIV-1 Vpr displays several functions in vitro, limited information exists concerning their relevance during infection. Here, we characterized Vpr variants isolated from a rapid and a long-term non-progressor (LTNP). Interestingly, vpr alleles isolated from longitudinal samples of the LTNP revealed a dominant sequence that subsequently led to diversity similar to that observed in the progressor patient. Most of primary Vpr proteins accumulated at the nuclear envelope and interacted with host-cell partners of Vpr. They displayed cytostatic and proapoptotic activities, although a LTNP allele, harboring the Q65R substitution, failed to bind the DCAF1 subunit of the Cul4a/DDB1 E3 ligase and was inactive. This Q65R substitution correlated with impairment of Vpr docking at the nuclear envelope, raising the possibility of a functional link between this property and the Vpr cytostatic activity. In contradiction with published results, the R77Q substitution, found in LTNP alleles, did not influence Vpr proapoptotic activity

    Autophagy induction by the pathogen receptor CD46.

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    International audienceAutophagy is a highly regulated self-degradative mechanism required at a basal level for intracellular clearance and recycling of cytoplasmic contents. Upon intracellular pathogen invasion, autophagy can be induced as an innate immune mechanism to control infection. Nevertheless, pathogens have developed strategies to avoid or hijack autophagy for their own benefit. The molecular pathways inducing autophagy in response to infection remain poorly documented. We report here that the engagement of CD46, a ubiquitous human surface receptor able to bind several different pathogens, is sufficient to induce autophagy. CD46-Cyt-1, one of the two C-terminal splice variants of CD46, is linked to the autophagosome formation complex VPS34/Beclin1 via its interaction with the scaffold protein GOPC. Measles virus and group A Streptococcus, two CD46-binding pathogens, induce autophagy through a CD46-Cyt-1/GOPC pathway. Thus, upon microorganism recognition, a cell surface pathogen receptor can directly trigger autophagy, a critical step to control infection