1,463 research outputs found

    Lorelle Car Ride

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    How Mental Health and Welfare to Work Interact: The Role of Hope, Sanctions, Engagement, and Support

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    [Excerpt] This article describes some of the lessons learned in the implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) as it relates to people with psychiatric disabilities. It attempts to articulate some of the inherent difficulties faced in serving these individuals within the welfare system as well as how the established strengths of each system can inform the otherā€™s efforts. The philosophy concerning work for clients of the welfare and mental health systems differ. Each system has developed separately, and they do not easily integrate their differing philosophies and goals. At the client level, this lack of consistency presents obvious coordination barriers. At the system level, examination of practice and the underlying philosophy of each provides incentives for cross-training and policy changes. Two case studies describe the identification of issues, opportunities, and challenges to providing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) services to individuals with mental illness. These lessons can provide guidance to mental health systems as they strive to implement evidence-based employment practices and provide welfare entities with policy direction as a result of a widening knowledge base. Specific policy and program innovations in a county and in a state are highlighted to demonstrate these issues. Finally, the authors raise areas for further inquiry and reflection

    Origins of the avian neural crest: the role of neural plate-epidermal interactions

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    We have investigated the lineage and tissue interactions that result in avian neural crest cell formation from the ectoderm. Presumptive neural plate was grafted adjacent to non-neural ectoderm in whole embryo culture to examine the role of tissue interactions in ontogeny of the neural crest. Our results show that juxtaposition of non-neural ectoderm and presumptive neural plate induces the formation of neural crest cells. Quail/chick recombinations demonstrate that both the prospective neural plate and the prospective epidermis can contribute to the neural crest. When similar neural plate/epidermal confrontations are performed in tissue culture to look at the formation of neural crest derivatives, juxtaposition of epidermis with either early (stages 4ā€“5) or later (stages 6ā€“10) neural plate results in the generation of both melanocytes and sympathoadrenal cells. Interestingly, neural plates isolated from early stages form no neural crest cells, whereas those isolated later give rise to melanocytes but not crest-derived sympathoadrenal cells. Single cell lineage analysis was performed to determine the time at which the neural crest lineage diverges from the epidermal lineage and to elucidate the timing of neural plate/epidermis interactions during normal development. Our results from stage 8 to 10+ embryos show that the neural plate/neural crest lineage segregates from the epidermis around the time of neural tube closure, suggesting that neural induction is still underway at open neural plate stages

    Jurisdiction After International Kidnapping: A Comparative Study

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    Response to Thomas Hamm and Shannon Cragio-Snell

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    Assessing Gender Differences in USD Students in the Consumption of Pornography

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    While pornography consumption has been studied many times in the past decade, little has been done on assessing the gender differences behind it. This study sought out to find those differences. A total of 306 University of South Dakota students participated in an online pornography survey. There was 231 females and 75 males. When asked about intentionally consuming pornography, there was 241 responses, 180 females and 61 males. Of those responses, 57 males (93%) and 142 females (79%) said they intentionally consume pornography. As hypothesized, a higher percentage of men said they consumed porn regularly (34%) than did women (4%). Although hypothesized that men would have greater acceptance of pornography use, results showed there was no difference in teen and adult consumption (9% combined acceptance in teens and 40% in adults). It was hypothesized that men and women would have different motives for their pornography consumption. However, men and women had the same top three motives, sexual pleasure, masturbation material, and stress relief. Women, however, were more likely to choose stress relief as their top motive (73%) than men (39%). It was hypothesized that pornography consumption would increase during Covid for both men and women. While most men reported they consumed more (50%), most women reported it had no effect on their consumption (68%). Exploratory material looked at the favorite types of pornography that are being consumed. Men and women had the same top three types: Professionally Produced, College-Aged Actors, and Homemade. However, women were more likely to chose Bondage and S&M (19.5%) than men (5%)

    I\u27ll Be With You In The Twilight Dear Louise

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    Comments--Quaker Religious Thought, no. 66

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    The Serb and the Fox

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    Comments on \u27Atonement\u27 in Historical Perspective

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