714 research outputs found

    An outflow in the Seyfert ESO 362-G18 revealed by Gemini-GMOS/IFU observations

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    Indexación: Scopus.We present two-dimensional stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 0.7 × 1.2 kpc2 of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy ESO 362-G18, derived from optical (4092-7338 Å) spectra obtained with the GMOS integral field spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope at a spatial resolution of ≈ 170 pc and spectral resolution of 36 km s-1. ESO 362-G18 is a strongly perturbed galaxy of morphological type Sa or S0/a, with a minor merger approaching along the NE direction. Previous studies have shown that the [O III] emission shows a fan-shaped extension of ≈ 10′′ to the SE. We detect the [O III] doublet, [N II] and Hα emission lines throughout our field of view. The stellar kinematics is dominated by circular motions in the galaxy plane, with a kinematic position angle of ≈ 137° and is centred approximately on the continuum peak. The gas kinematics is also dominated by rotation, with kinematic position angles ranging from 122° to 139°, projected velocity amplitudes of the order of 100 km s-1, and a mean velocity dispersion of 100 km s-1. A double-Gaussian fit to the [O III]λ5007 and Hα lines, which have the highest signal to noise ratios of the emission lines, reveal two kinematic components: (1) a component at lower radial velocities which we interpret as gas rotating in the galactic disk; and (2) a component with line of sight velocities 100-250 km s-1 higher than the systemic velocity, interpreted as originating in the outflowing gas within the AGN ionization cone. We estimate a mass outflow rate of 7.4 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1 in the SE ionization cone (this rate doubles if we assume a biconical configuration), and a mass accretion rate on the supermassive black hole (SMBH) of 2.2 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1. The total ionized gas mass within ∼84 pc of the nucleus is 3.3 × 105 M⊙; infall velocities of ∼34 km s-1 in this gas would be required to feed both the outflow and SMBH accretion. © ESO 2018.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/06/aa31671-17/aa31671-17.htm

    Facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy: new cases, cognitive changes and pathophysiology

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    Purpose of review To improve our clinical understanding of facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy (FOSMN). Recent findings We identified 29 new cases and 71 literature cases, resulting in a cohort of 100 patients with FOSMN. During follow-up, cognitive and behavioral changes became apparent in 8 patients, suggesting that changes within the spectrum of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are a part of the natural history of FOSMN. Another new finding was chorea, seen in 6 cases. Despite reports of autoantibodies, there is no consistent evidence to suggest an autoimmune pathogenesis. Four of 6 autopsies had TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP) 43 pathology. Seven cases had genetic mutations associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Summary FOSMN is a rare disease with a highly characteristic onset and pattern of disease progression involving initial sensory disturbances, followed by bulbar weakness with a cranial to caudal spread of pathology. Although not conclusive, the balance of evidence suggests that FOSMN is most likely to be a TDP-43 proteinopathy within the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–FTD spectrum


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    O presente experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta imune humoral de coelhos frente a extrato de larvas (L2 e L3) de D. hominis. Vinte e quatro coelhos foram imunizados com três diferentes extratos de larvas de D. hominis. Foram estabelecidos três grupos imunizados da seguinte forma: grupo A, com extrato solúvel; grupo B, com extrato bruto; e grupo C, com extrato solúvel e extrato bruto. Uma dose de reforço foi aplicada no 135o dia após a primeira inoculação, nos animais dos grupos A, B e C. Amostras de soro foram coletadas quinzenalmente do dia 0 aos 150 dias após a primeira imunização (DPI) para verificar a cinética de produção de anticorpos por meio do ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA). Anticorpos circulantes foram encontrados em níveis máximos a partir de 45 DPI. A dose de reforço induziu o aparecimento imediato de uma resposta secundária. O extrato solúvel foi mais eficaz na estimulação da resposta imune humoral de machos e fêmeas. Constatou-se diferença significativa (


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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na UFPR - Campus Palotina - Paraná e em uma propriedade rural do município de Mundo Novo - Mato Grosso do Sul, durante o período de maio de 2002 a abril de 2003. O experimento foi delineado com os objetivos de avaliar: a) a eficácia do núcleo homeopático (nosódicos CH12, sacarose e Bixa orelhana) na prevenção da infestação natural por larvas de D. hominis e H. irritans em bovinos de corte e b) a dinâmica populacional de D. homins e H. irritans ao longo do ano. Para sua realização foram utilizados 24 vacas, de aproximadamente 15 meses de idade, distribuídas em dois grupos de 12 animais, com pesos médios semelhantes. Os animais do grupo A foram tratados com núcleo homeopático adicionado à suplementação mineral na proporção de 400 g de núcleo adicionado em 25 Kg da mesma. Os animais do grupo B receberam suplementação mineral (sem adição de núcleo homeopático). Foram contadas um total de 451 larvas de D. hominis. A análise de variância demonstrou diferença estatística significativa (

    Multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms may determine Crohn's disease behavior in patients from Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJECTIVES: Conflicting data from studies on the potential role of multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms in inflammatory bowel disease may result from the analysis of genetically and geographically distinct populations. Here, we investigated whether multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases in patients from Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: We analyzed 123 Crohn's disease patients and 83 ulcerative colitis patients to determine the presence of the multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms C1236T, G2677T and C3435T. In particular, the genotype frequencies of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients were analyzed. Genotype-phenotype associations with major clinical characteristics were established, and estimated risks were calculated for the mutations. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in the genotype frequencies of the multidrug resistance 1 G2677T/A and C3435T polymorphisms between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients. In contrast, the C1236T polymorphism was significantly more common in Crohn's disease than in ulcerative colitis (p = 0.047). A significant association was also found between the multidrug resistance 1 C3435T polymorphism and the stricturing form of Crohn's disease (OR: 4.13; p = 0.009), whereas no association was found with penetrating behavior (OR: 0.33; p = 0.094). In Crohn's disease, a positive association was also found between the C3435T polymorphism and corticosteroid resistance/refractoriness (OR: 4.14; p = 0.010). However, no significant association was found between multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms and UC subphenotypic categories. CONCLUSION: The multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism C3435T is associated with the stricturing phenotype and an inappropriate response to therapy in Crohn's disease. This association with Crohn's disease may support additional pathogenic roles for the multidrug resistance 1 gene in regulating gut-microbiota interactions and in mediating fibrosis. Understanding the effects of several drugs associated with multidrug resistance 1 gene variants may aid in the selection of customized therapeutic regimens

    Global estimates of the extent and production of macroalgal forests

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    Aim Macroalgal habitats are believed to be the most extensive and productive of all coastal vegetated ecosystems. In stark contrast to the growing attention on their contribution to carbon export and sequestration, understanding of their global extent and production is limited and these have remained poorly assessed for decades. Here we report a first data-driven assessment of the global extent and production of macroalgal habitats based on modelled and observed distributions and net primary production (NPP) across habitat types. Location Global coastal ocean. Time period Contemporary. Major taxa studied Macroalgae. Methods Here we apply a comprehensive niche model to generate an improved global map of potential macroalgal distribution, constrained by incident light on the seafloor and substrate type. We compiled areal net primary production (NPP) rates across macroalgal habitats from the literature and combined this with our estimates of the global extent of these habitats to calculate global macroalgal NPP. Results We show that macroalgal forests are a major biome with a global area of 6.06–7.22 million km2, dominated by red algae, and NPP of 1.32 Pg C/year, dominated by brown algae. Main conclusions The global macroalgal biome is comparable, in area and NPP, to the Amazon forest, but is globally distributed as a thin strip around shorelines. Macroalgae are expanding in polar, subpolar and tropical areas, where their potential extent is also largest, likely increasing the overall contribution of algal forests to global carbon sequestration

    Long-term wind resource assessment for small and medium-scale turbines using operational forecast data and measure-correlate-predict

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    Output from a state-of-the-art, 4 km resolution, operational forecast model (UK4) was investigated as a source of long-term historical reference data for wind resource assessment. The data were used to implement measure-correlate-predict (MCP) approaches at 37 sites throughout the United Kingdom (UK). The monthly and hourly linear correlation between the UK4-predicted and observed wind speeds indicates that UK4 is capable of representing the wind climate better than the nearby meteorological stations considered. Linear MCP algorithms were implemented at the same sites using reference data from UK4 and nearby meteorological stations to predict the long-term (10-year) wind resource. To obtain robust error statistics, MCP algorithms were applied using onsite measurement periods of 1-12 months initiated at 120 different starting months throughout an 11 year data record. Using linear regression MCP over 12 months, the average percentage errors in the long-term predicted mean wind speed and power density were 3.0% and 7.6% respectively, using UK4, and 2.8% and 7.9% respectively, using nearby meteorological stations. The results indicate that UK4 is highly competitive with nearby meteorological observations as an MCP reference data source. UK4 was also shown to systematically improve MCP predictions at coastal sites due to better representation of local diurnal effects

    Matrix gla protein in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): gene expression analysis and identification of sites of protein accumulation

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    Matrix Gla protein (Mgp) is a secreted vitamin K-dependent extracellular matrix protein and a physiological inhibitor of calcification whose gene structure, amino acid sequence and tissue distribution have been conserved throughout evolution. In the present work, the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) mgp cDNA was cloned and the sequence of the deduced protein compared to that of other vertebrates. As expected, it was closer to teleosts than to other vertebrate groups but there was a strict conservation of amino-acids thought to be important for protein function. Analysis of mgp gene expression indicated branchial arches as the site with higher levels of expression, followed by heart, vertebra and kidney. These results were confirmed by in situ hybridization with a strong mgp expression in branchial arch chondrocytes. Mgp was found to accumulate in gills where it appeared to be restricted to chondrocytes from branchial filaments, while in vertebrae it was localized in vertebral end plates, in growth zones, in vertebral arches and spines and in notochord cells. In the soft tissues analysed, Mgp was mainly detected in kidney and heart, consistent with previous data and providing further evidence for a role of Mgp as a calcification inhibitor and a modulator of the mineralization process. Our studies provide evidence that turbot, an important new species for aquaculture, is also a useful model to study function and expression of Mgp

    Sturgeon osteocalcin shares structural features with matrix gla protein evolutionary relationship and functional implications

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    Osteocalcin (OC) and matrix Gla protein (MGP) are considered evolutionarily related because they share key structural features, although they have been described to exert different functions. In this work, we report the identification and characterization of both OC and MGP from the Adriatic sturgeon, a ray-finned fish characterized by a slow evolution and the retention of many ancestral features. Sturgeon MGP shows a primary structure, post-translation modifications, and patterns of mRNA/protein distribution and accumulation typical of known MGPs, and it contains seven possible Gla residues that would make the sturgeon protein the most gamma-carboxylated among known MGPs. In contrast, sturgeon OC was found to present a hybrid structure. Indeed, although exhibiting protein domains typical of known OCs, it also contains structural features usually found in MGPs (e. g. a putative phosphorylated propeptide). Moreover, patterns of OC gene expression and protein accumulation overlap with those reported for MGP; OC was detected in bone cells and mineralized structures but also in soft and cartilaginous tissues. We propose that, in a context of a reduced rate of evolution, sturgeon OC has retained structural features of the ancestral protein that emerged millions of years ago from the duplication of an ancient MGP gene and may exhibit intermediate functional features.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation [POCTI/MAR/57921/2004, SFRH/BD/9077/2002]; Fundo Europeu De Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) (Portugal); National Funding; Center of Marine Sciences (CCMAR