37 research outputs found

    Dual control of NAD + synthesis by purine metabolites in yeast

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    International audienceMetabolism is a highly integrated process resulting in energy and biomass production. While individual metabolic routes are well characterized, the mechanisms ensuring crosstalk between pathways are poorly described, although they are crucial for homeostasis. Here, we establish a co-regulation of purine and pyridine metabolism in response to external adenine through two separable mechanisms. First, adenine depletion promotes transcriptional upregulation of the de novo NAD + biosynthesis genes by a mechanism requiring the key-purine intermediates ZMP/SZMP and the Bas1/Pho2 transcription factors. Second, adenine supplementation favors the pyridine salvage route resulting in an ATP-dependent increase of intracellular NAD +. This control operates at the level of the nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyl-transferase Nma1 and can be bypassed by overexpressing this enzyme. Therefore, in yeast, pyridine metabolism is under the dual control of ZMP/SZMP and ATP, revealing a much wider regulatory role for these intermediate metabolites in an integrated biosynthesis network

    Purine Homeostasis Is Necessary for Developmental Timing, Germline Maintenance and Muscle Integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    International audiencePurine homeostasis is ensured through a metabolic network widely conserved from prokaryotes to humans. Purines can either be synthesized de novo, reused, or produced by interconversion of extant metabolites using the so-called recycling pathway. Although thoroughly characterized in microorganisms, such as yeast or bacteria, little is known about regulation of the purine biosynthesis network in metazoans. In humans, several diseases are linked to purine metabolism through as yet poorly understood etiologies. Particularly, the deficiency in adenylosuccinate lyase (ADSL)-an enzyme involved both in the purine de novo and recycling pathways-causes severe muscular and neuronal symptoms. In order to address the mechanisms underlying this deficiency, we established Caenorhabditis elegans as a metazoan model organism to study purine metabolism, while focusing on ADSL. We show that the purine biosynthesis network is functionally conserved in C. elegans. Moreover, adsl-1 (the gene encoding ADSL in C. elegans) is required for developmental timing, germline stem cell maintenance and muscle integrity. Importantly, these traits are not affected when solely the de novo pathway is abolished, and we present evidence that germline maintenance is linked specifically to ADSL activity in the recycling pathway. Hence, our results allow developmental and tissue specific phenotypes to be ascribed to separable steps of the purine metabolic network in an animal model

    Functional PTB phosphate transporters are present in streptophyte algae and early diverging land plants

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    International audienceTwo inorganic phosphate (Pi) uptake mechanisms operate in streptophytes and chloro-phytes, the two lineages of green plants. PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER B (PTB) proteins are hypothesized to be the Na + /Pi symporters catalysing Pi uptake in chlorophytes, whereas PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER 1 (PHT1) proteins are the H + /Pi symporters that carry out Pi uptake in angiosperms. PHT1 proteins are present in all streptophyte lineages. However, Pi uptake in streptophyte algae and marine angiosperms requires Na + influx, suggesting that Na + /Pi symporters also function in some streptophytes. We tested the hypothesis that Na + /Pi symporters exist in streptophytes. We identified PTB sequences in streptophyte genomes. Core PTB proteins are present at the plasma membrane of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The expression of M. polymorpha core PTB proteins in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pho2 mutant defective in high-affinity Pi transport rescues growth in low-Pi environments. Moreover, levels of core PTB mRNAs of M. polymorpha and the streptophyte alga Coleochaete nitellarum are higher in low-Pi than in Pi-replete conditions, consistent with a role in Pi uptake from the environment. We conclude that land plants inherited two Pi uptake mechanisms-mediated by the PTB and PHT1 proteins, respectively-from their streptophyte algal ancestor. Both systems operate in parallel in extant early diverging land plants

    New biomarkers for early diagnosis of Lesch-Nyhan disease revealed by metabolic analysis on a large cohort of patients

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    International audienceBackground: Lesch-Nyhan disease is a rare X-linked neurodevelopemental metabolic disorder caused by a wide variety of mutations in the HPRT1 gene leading to a deficiency of the purine recycling enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGprt). The residual HGprt activity correlates with the various phenotypes of Lesch-Nyhan (LN) patients and in particular with the different degree of neurobehavioral disturbances. The prevalence of this disease is considered to be underestimated due to large heterogeneity of its clinical symptoms and the difficulty of diagnosing of the less severe forms of the disease. We therefore searched for metabolic changes that would facilitate an early diagnosis and give potential clues on the disease pathogenesis and potential therapeutic approaches

    A Review on the Young History of the Wind Power Short-term Prediction

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    This paper makes a brief review on 30 years of history of the wind power short-term prediction, since the first ideas and sketches on the theme to the actual state of the art on models and tools, giving emphasis to the most significant proposals and developments. The two principal lines of thought on short-term prediction (mathematical and physical) are indistinctly treated here and comparisons between models and tools are avoided, mainly because, on the one hand, a standard for a measure of performance is still not adopted and, on the other hand, it is very important that the data are exactly the same in order to compare two models (this fact makes it almost impossible to carry out a quantitative comparison between a huge number of models and methods). In place of a quantitative description, a qualitative approach is preferred for this review, remarking the contribution (and innovative aspect) of each model. On the basis of the review, some topics for future research are pointed out

    Tye7 regulates yeast Ty1 retrotransposon sense and antisense transcription in response to adenylic nucleotides stress

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    Transposable elements play a fundamental role in genome evolution. It is proposed that their mobility, activated under stress, induces mutations that could confer advantages to the host organism. Transcription of the Ty1 LTR-retrotransposon of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is activated in response to a severe deficiency in adenylic nucleotides. Here, we show that Ty2 and Ty3 are also stimulated under these stress conditions, revealing the simultaneous activation of three active Ty retrotransposon families. We demonstrate that Ty1 activation in response to adenylic nucleotide depletion requires the DNA-binding transcription factor Tye7. Ty1 is transcribed in both sense and antisense directions. We identify three Tye7 potential binding sites in the region of Ty1 DNA sequence where antisense transcription starts. We show that Tye7 binds to Ty1 DNA and regulates Ty1 antisense transcription. Altogether, our data suggest that, in response to adenylic nucleotide reduction, TYE7 is induced and activates Ty1 mRNA transcription, possibly by controlling Ty1 antisense transcription. We also provide the first evidence that Ty1 antisense transcription can be regulated by environmental stress conditions, pointing to a new level of control of Ty1 activity by stress, as Ty1 antisense RNAs play an important role in regulating Ty1 mobility at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional stages

    Detection of Fusarium head blight contamination in wheat kernels by multivariate imaging

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    AGAP : équipe GE²popThe objective of this study was to evaluate the safety quality of wheat kernels and more specifically the infection of wheat by Fusarium culmorum. We have developed a new non-destructive methodology based on multispectral imaging and chemometrics to detect wheat contamination. This method has been applied to evaluate the tolerance to Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) on six accessions of durum wheat. Two of the accessions are parental lines, one susceptible and one resistant to Fusarium, and the other four are their offspring lines. Multispectral images of dorsal and ventral sides of all kernels were acquired with an in-house imaging system and processed with chemometrical tools, including principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression (MLR). According to the quantitative PCR (qPCR) results, PCA was able to detect infested kernels and to identify affected areas with kernels. Moreover, regression analysis of the images allowed the degree of contamination for each pixel to be estimated, and thus mapping of contamination for each kernel. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Comparative genomic and expression analysis of the adenosine signaling pathway members in Xenopus

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    International audienceAdenosine is an endogenous molecule that regulates many physiological processes via the activation of four specific G-protein-coupled ADORA receptors. Extracellular adenosine may originate either from the hydrolysis of released ATP by the ectonucleotidases or from cellular exit via the equilibrative nucleoside transporters (SLC29A). Adenosine extracellular concentration is also regulated by its successive hydrolysis into uric acid by membrane-bound enzymes or by cell influx via the concentrative nucleoside transporters (SLC28A). All of these members constitute the adenosine signaling pathway and regulate adenosine functions. Although the roles of this pathway are quite well understood in adults, little is known regarding its functions during vertebrate embryogenesis. We have used Xenopus laevis as a model system to provide a comparative expression map of the different members of this pathway during vertebrate development. We report the characterization of the different enzymes, receptors, and nucleoside transporters in both X. laevis and X. tropicalis, and we demonstrate by phylogenetic analyses the high level of conservation of these members between amphibians and mammals. A thorough expression analysis of these members during development and in the adult frog reveals that each member displays distinct specific expression patterns. These data suggest potentially different developmental roles for these proteins and therefore for extracellular adenosine. In addition, we show that adenosine levels during amphibian embryogenesis are very low, confirming that they must be tightly controlled for normal development