1,192 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Installment Disposible Income Ratio (IDIR) dalam mempertimbangkan permohonan kredit terhadap risiko gagal bayar calon debitur pada PT Bank “X” Tbk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskripstif asosiatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel tidak acak ( Non Random Sampling) dengan pendekatan purposif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui penelitian lapangan, wawancara dan penelitian kepustakaan. Metoda analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana dan korelasi yang menguji hubungan antara dua variabel yaitu perhitungan Installment to Disposable Income Ratio dengan risiko gagal bayar calon debitur. Sedangkan untuk pengujian Hipotesis menggunakan koefisien determinasi untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator yang terdapat dalam rasio IDIR sangat saling mempengaruhi dalam menentukan layak atau tidaknya suatu usaha / calon debitur untuk dibiayai dan memperoleh pinjaman dana yang diajukan Berdasarkan data debitur pada PT Bank “X” total NPL berada pada angka 0,76%,menunjukkan dari total kredit yang diberikan sebesar 0,76% merupakan kredit bermasalah karena menunggak lebih dari 90 hari . Ini menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab debitur dalam memenuhi kewajiban untuk memenuhi angsuran kredit sesuai jadwal kredit dengan kesepakatan kredit dalam surat perjanjian menunjukkan tingkat kepatuhan masih dalam kategori baik.Informasi dari hasil wawancara dengan pihak bank menjelaskan kredit bermasalah yang dialami disebabkan oleh kesalahan dalam pengelolaan usaha. Hasil dari korelasi menunjukkan bahwa hubungan variabel perhitungan IDIR dengan variabel risiko gagal bayar berada pada hubungan yang kuat berdasarkan tingkat hubungan Kata kunci :permohonan kredit, risiko gagal bayar, kredit bermasala

    Aeroelastic loads prediction for an arrow wing. Task 2: Evaluation of semi-empirical methods

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    The development and evaluation of a semi empirical method to predict pressure distributions on a deformed wing by using an experimental data base in addition to a linear potential flow solution is described. The experimental data accounts for the effects of aeroelasticity by relating the pressures to a parameter which is influenced by the deflected shape. Several parameters were examined before the net leading edge suction coefficient was selected as the best

    Endogenising Demographic Variables in Demo -Economic Models: The Bachue Experience

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    This paper surveys the problems encountered and solutions adopted in incorporating demographic phenomena in the main Bachue case studies undertaken to date, namely the demo-economic models constructed for the Philippines, Kenya, Brazil and Yugoslavia. Eight issues are treated: population accounting and lag structure; fertility; mortality; migration; nuptiality; household formation; schooling; and labour force paxticipation. In each case there is a discussion of model structure, dependent and 'explanatory variables, and empirical strategy. Summary tables compare the approaches of the different models. Although the objective is not to identify the best solution - it is noted that the specifics of every country situation rule this out - some suggestions about more promising approaches are made with respect to choice of variables to include, and the estimation of behavioural models


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    This paper analyses the impact of the 2003 CAP reform (the so-called Fischler Reform) and its interaction with the Nitrate Directive on the sustainability of selected arable farming systems in a French region (Midi-Pyrénées). The Nitrate Directive is one of the oldest EU environmental programs designed to reduce water pollution by nitrate from agricultural sources, through a set of measures, defined at regional level, and mandatory for farmers of vulnerable zones. This impact analysis is performed through a bio-economic modelling framework coupling the crop model CropSyst and the farm-based model FSSIM developed, within the EU FP6 SEAMLESS project (Van Ittersum et al., 2008). The 2003 CAP reform was compared first to the continuation of Agenda 2000 Regulations and then to a policy scenario combining the CAP reform with the application of the Nitrate Directive. Compared to the continuation of Agenda 2000 Regulations, the implementation of the 2003 CAP reform leads to (i) a decrease of durum wheat area, as the supplement for durum wheat in traditional production zones was reduced and integrated in the single payment scheme, (ii) a slight increase in the land used for irrigated crops, especially for maize grain, considering that 25% of the payments for these crops remain coupled and (iii) an amelioration of farm income due to a better crop allocation. Regarding the environmental results, the 2003 CAP reform induces a decrease of nitrate leaching mostly because of the drop in the level of durum wheat growing under cereal rotations in profit of soft wheat-sunflower rotation which generates less pollution levels. The impact analysis of the policy scenario shows that the potential 3% premium cut is not enough to compel farmers to adopt the Nitrate Directive and to substitute entirely the current activities by the alternative ones based on better N management. The farm income is marginally affected in spite of this premium cut thanks to the implementation of certain alternative activities which are more competitive. The impact on nitrate leaching is not always positive and swings between -6% to +5% depending on farm types. This implies that the partial adoption of better N management is not sufficient to ensure a reduction of leached nitrate. A sensitivity analysis shows that 17% of premium cut is required to enforce all arable farmers in the region to implement this directive.Integrated assessment, Agricultural Policy, Nitrate Directive, Bioeconomic modelling, multi-scale analysis., Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Q18, Q52, Q58,

    Money and Betrayal: Perceptions of Alimony Fairness in Relation to Infidelity

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    Alimony is a contentious topic often argued over during a divorce. Individuals getting divorced seek fairness in an alimony settlement, but due to how laws are written this can seem arbitrary. Public policy suggests laws should reflect the suggestions of the people it affects. Thus, public perception of alimony fairness is an important component in the discussion of what is fair for spouses. In addition, infidelity in marriage might change how the public views what is fair. This study collected data from 1,285 individual United States participants. Participants were randomly assigned a vignette condition related to a hypothetical alimony scenario where one of the spouses had committed infidelity. Using logistic regression and multivariate Heckman selection models, we find when the higher wage earner has an affair, they are punished with a higher alimony amount for a longer period. Further, t-tests indicate that men are punished more than women. Finally, comparisons are made to three alimony formulas used across the United States. Financial therapists may be able to use this information to help divorcing couples separate the emotional aspect of an affair and the needs or ability to pay related to alimony. The results of this can be two-fold: keep the marital estate intact and help the couple heal emotionally

    The Effect Family Ownership on Firm Risk: The Role of Professional CEO

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    This study aims to examine whether family ownership impacts firm risk. This argument is due to the uniqueness of the family company in running its business, which prioritizes not only financial aspects but also non-financial aspects. In addition, this study also aims to examine the moderating effect of the professional CEO on the relationship between family ownership and firm risk. The samples used in this study are family firms in manufacturing industry, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. The total 245 observation will be tested with Panel Data regression. The results found that family ownership has a negative effect on firm risk. The result indicates that the company tries to maintain the family's wealth. In addition, professional CEOs are able to act more realistically and independently, thus weakening the relationship between family ownership and firm risk. In practice, the results of this study are expected to help various stakeholders understand how family ownership can affect firm risk

    Pengembangan Menu Seimbang Berbasis Pangan Lokal dengan Sajian Isi Piring Makanku sebagai Upaya Perbaikan Pola Konsumsi Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Terpencil Dataran Tinggi Pipikoro Kabupaten Sigi Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Upaya perbaikan gizi masyarakat merupakan amanah pemerintah yang dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan pola konsumsi makanan yang sesuai gizi seimbang dan perbaikan perilaku sadar gizi. Implementasi pedoman gizi seimbang dapat diterapkan pada ibu hamil melalui pengenalan menu seimbang berbasis pangan lokal dengan sajian isi piring makanku. Susunan menu seimbang yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai media KIE. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan pola konsumsi makanan yang sesuai gizi seimbang melalui pengembangan menu seimbang berbasis pangan lokal dengan konsep sajian isi piring makanku. Jenis penelitian ini adalah mix method yakni penelitian yang menggabungkan 2 jenis penelitian yakni kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Informan adalah kader posyandu, tokoh masyarakat dan praktisi kuliner. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan indepth interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observasi dan pengujian laboratorium. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terciptanya 18 (delapan belas) set menu untuk 6 (enam) hari yang terdiri dari makan pagi, makan siang dan makan malam. Menu sehari yang disusun adalah menu dengan kandungan energi berkisar 2400 kalori dengan sajian mengikuti konsep isi piringku yakni porsi makanan pokok dan sayur sebesar 2/3 porsi dalam setengah piring dan porsi lauk pauk dan buah sebesar 1/3 porsi dalam setengah piring. Kegiatan penting yang ditempuh sebelum menyusun menu seimbang adalah eksplorasi bahan pangan lokal di wilayah penelitian meliputi identifikasi jenis bahan pangan lokal, akses perolehannya, teknik pengolahan dan analisis nilai gizi bahan pangan. Diperlukan eksplorasi yang lebih lengkap terutama dalam menggali kualitas gizi bahan pangan lokal di wilayah Pipikoro
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