24 research outputs found

    Extensive Noachian fluvial systems in Arabia Terra: Implications for early Martian climate

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    Valley networks are some of the strongest lines of evidence for extensive fluvial activity on early (Noachian; >3.7 Ga) Mars. However, their purported absence on certain ancient terrains, such as Arabia Terra, is at variance with patterns of precipitation as predicted by "warm and wet" climate models. This disagreement has contributed to the development of an alternative "icy highlands" scenario, whereby valley networks were formed by the melting of highland ice sheets. Here, we show through regional mapping that Arabia Terra shows evidence for extensive networks of sinuous ridges. We interpret these ridge features as inverted fluvial channels that formed in the Noachian, before being subject to burial and exhumation. The inverted channels developed on extensive aggrading flood plains. As the inverted channels are both sourced in, and traverse across, Arabia Terra, their formation is inconsistent with discrete, localized sources of water, such as meltwater from highland ice sheets. Our results are instead more consistent with an early Mars that supported widespread precipitation and runoff

    Spectral investigation of volcanic alteration deposits on Vulcano island /Italy as planetary analog for acid alteration conditions on Mars

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    During the fifth International Summer School held on Vulcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) in June 2019 we started the investigation of volcanic deposits with different spectral instruments combining mineralogical, elemental and molecular information [1, 2]. The island of Vulcano presents an extremely large variety of volcanic products [3] in extreme acid alteration conditions. Acidic alteration may also have been a key process throughout Martian geologic history making Vulcano a perfect analog for studies on Mars by defining the geochemistry at these sites. In this work we present an update of our spectral investigations based on the VIS-NIR spectral measurements

    Stepped fans and facies-equivalent phyllosilicates in Coprates Catena, Mars

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    Stepped fan deposits and phyllosilicate mineralogies are relatively common features on Mars but have not previously been found in association with each other. Both of these features are widely accepted to be the result of aqueous processes, but the assumed role and nature of any water varies. In this study we have investigated two stepped fan deposits in Coprates Catena, Mars, which have a genetic link to light-toned material that is rich in Fe–Mg phyllosilicate phases. Although of different sizes and in separate, but adjacent, trough-like depressions, we identify similar features at these stepped fans and phyllosilicates that are indicative of similar formation conditions and processes. Our observations of the overall geomorphology, mineralogy and chronology of these features are consistent with a two stage formation process, whereby deposition in the troughs first occurs into shallow standing water or playas, forming fluvial or alluvial fans that terminate in delta deposits and interfinger with interpreted lacustrine facies, with a later period of deposition under sub-aerial conditions, forming alluvial fan deposits. We suggest that the distinctive stepped appearance of these fans is the result of aeolian erosion, and is not a primary depositional feature. This combined formation framework for stepped fans and phyllosilicates can also explain other similar features on Mars, and adds to the growing evidence of fluvial activity in the equatorial region of Mars during the Hesperian and Amazonian

    Remote detection of past habitability at Mars-analogue hydrothermal alteration terrains using an ExoMars Panoramic Camera emulator

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    JKH is funded by a Birkbeck University of London Graduate Teaching Assistantship. CRC is funded by a Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellowship co-funded by Marie Curie Actions. The Aberystwyth research leading to these results has been funded by the UK Space Agency, ExoMars Panoramic Camera (PanCam) Grant Nos. ST/G003114/1, ST/I002758/1, STL001454/1, and the UK Space Agency CREST2 PanCam-2020 research Grant No. ST/L00500X/1. Additional Aberystwyth funding has come from The European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), Grant Agreement Nos. 21881 PRoVisG, 241523 PRoViScout, and Grant Agreement No. 312377 PRoViDE. PMG is funded by a UK Space Agency Aurora Fellowship (grants ST/J005215/1 and ST/L00254X/1).A major scientific goal of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars 2018 rover is to identify evidence of life within the martian rock record. Key to this objective is the remote detection of geological substrates that are indicative of past habitable environments, which will rely on visual (stereo wide-angle, and high resolution images) and multispectral (440–1000 nm) data produced by the Panoramic Camera (PanCam) instrument. We deployed a PanCam emulator at four hydrothermal sites in the Námafjall volcanic region of Iceland, a Mars-analogue hydrothermal alteration terrain. At these sites, sustained acidic–neutral aqueous interaction with basaltic substrates (crystalline and sedimentary) has produced phyllosilicate, ferric oxide, and sulfate-rich alteration soils, and secondary mineral deposits including gypsum veins and zeolite amygdales. PanCam emulator datasets from these sites were complemented with (i) NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility aerial hyperspectral images of the study area; (ii) in situ reflectance spectroscopy (400–1000 nm) of PanCam spectral targets; (iii) laboratory X-ray Diffraction, and (iv) laboratory VNIR (350–2500 nm) spectroscopy of target samples to identify their bulk mineralogy and spectral properties. The mineral assemblages and palaeoenvironments characterised here are analogous to neutral–acidic alteration terrains on Mars, such as at Mawrth Vallis and Gusev Crater. Combined multispectral and High Resolution Camera datasets were found to be effective at capturing features of astrobiological importance, such as secondary gypsum and zeolite mineral veins, and phyllosilicate-rich substrates. Our field observations with the PanCam emulator also uncovered stray light problems which are most significant in the NIR wavelengths and investigations are being undertaken to ensure that the flight model PanCam cameras are not similarly affected.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Aqueous dune-like bedforms in Athabasca Valles and neighbouring locations utilized in palaeoflood reconstruction

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    Putative fluvial dunes have been identified within the Athabasca Valles and associated network of channels on Mars. Previous published work identified and measured bedforms in Athabasca Valles using photoclinometry methods on 2–3 m/pixel resolution Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle images, and argued that these were created by an aqueous megaflood that occurred between 2 and 8 million years ago. This event is likely to have occurred due to geological activity associated with the Cerberus Fossae fracture system at the source of Athabasca Vallis. The present study has used higher resolution, 25 cm/pixel images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera, as well as stereo-derived digital terrain models and GIS software, to re-measure and evaluate these bedforms together with data from newly discovered neighbouring fields of bedforms. The analysis indicates that the bedforms are aqueous dunes, in that they occur in channel locations where dunes would be expected to be preserved and moreover they have geometries very similar to megaflood dunes on Earth. Dune geometries are used to estimate megaflood discharge rates, including uncertainty, which results support previous flood estimates that indicate that a flood with a discharge of ∼2 × 106m3s−1 created these bedforms

    Topographic, spectral and thermal inertia analysis of interior layered deposits in Iani Chaos, Mars

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    We present an analysis of Interior Layered Deposits (ILDs) in Iani Chaos using visible, infrared, hyperspectral and topographic datasets acquired by instruments aboard NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft. We focus on four main regions where ILDs outcrop in Iani Chaos. Deposits span a ∼2 km range of elevations and exhibit moderate to high albedos, layering at sub-decameter scales, thermal inertias of 300–800 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2 and a range of surface textures. Thermal inertia calculations use slope and azimuth corrections from High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) topography. Spectral features in hyperspectral data acquired by NASA’s Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) suggest that gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and kieserite (MgSO4·H2O) are present in most deposits. We report absorptions typically exhibited by alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6) and jarosite View the MathML sourceKFe33+(OH)6(SO4)2 as well as a number of features that may be attributable to a wide range of mono- and polyhydrated sulphates and hydroxyl-sulphates bearing a number of cations, including Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Ca2+. Spectral features similar to those of ammonium sulphates may also be present. Analysis of a HiRISE stereo DEM shows planar layering in some ILDs, favouring a sedimentary deposition origin. Stratigraphic mapping of hydration and sulphate spectral features in flat ILDs in central Iani Chaos suggest that specific elevation intervals in the stratigraphic column were subject to different levels of hydration, perhaps during episodes of water table elevation. This is consistent with formation models for ILDs and hydrological modelling. Geomorphic characteristics of deposits in northern and southern Iani Chaos suggest their relatively recent exhumation and significant erosion by aeolian processes. We conclude that any formation theory for ILDs in Iani Chaos should support mechanisms for different hydration states at different stratigraphic elevations and subsequent significant aeolian erosion, burial and re-exposure

    Complex geomorphologic assemblage of terrains in association with the banded terrain in Hellas basin, Mars

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    Hellas basin acts as a major sink for the southern highlands of Mars and is likely to have recorded several episodes of sedimentation and erosion. The north-western part of the basin displays a potentially unique Amazonian landscape domain in the deepest part of Hellas, called “banded terrain”, which is a deposit characterized by an alternation of narrow band shapes and inter-bands displaying a sinuous and relatively smooth surface texture suggesting a viscous flow origin. Here we use high-resolution (HiRISE and CTX) images to assess the geomorphological interaction of the banded terrain with the surrounding geomorphologic domains in the NW interior of Hellas to gain a better understanding of the geological evolution of the region as a whole. Our analysis reveals that the banded terrain is associated with six geomorphologic domains: a central plateau named Alpheus Colles, plain deposits (P1 and P2), reticulate (RT1 and RT2) and honeycomb terrains. Based on the analysis of the geomorphology of these domains and their cross-cutting relationships, we show that no widespread deposition post-dates the formation of the banded terrain, which implies that this domain is the youngest and latest deposit of the interior of Hellas. Therefore, the level of geologic activity in the NW Hellas during the Amazonian appears to have been relatively low and restricted to modification of the landscape through mechanical weathering, aeolian and periglacial processes. Thermophysical data and cross-cutting relationships support hypotheses of modification of the honeycomb terrain via vertical rise of diapirs such as ice diapirism, and the formation of the plain deposits through deposition and remobilization of an ice-rich mantle deposit. Finally, the observed gradual transition between honeycomb and banded terrain suggests that the banded terrain may have covered a larger area of the NW interior of Hellas in the past than previously thought. This has implications on the understanding of the evolution of the deepest part of Hellas