64 research outputs found

    Probing Transport Theories via Two-Proton Source Imaging

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    Imaging technique is applied to two-proton correlation functions to extract quantitative information about the space-time properties of the emitting source and about the fraction of protons that can be attributed to fast emission mechanisms. These new analysis techniques resolve important ambiguities that bedeviled prior comparisons between measured correlation functions and those calculated by transport theory. Quantitative comparisons to transport theory are presented here. The results of the present analysis differ from those reported previously for the same reaction systems. The shape of the two-proton emitting sources are strongly sensitive to the details about the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections and their density dependence.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. Figures are in GIF format. If you need postscript format, please contact: [email protected]

    Measurement of the 58Ni(α, γ) 62Zn reaction and its astrophysical impact

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    Funding Details: PHY 08-22648, NSF, National Science Foundation; PHY 0969058, NSF, National Science Foundation; PHY 1102511, NSF, National Science FoundationCross section measurements of the 58Ni(α,γ)62Zn reaction were performed in the energy range Eα=5.5to9.5 MeV at the Nuclear Science Laboratory of the University of Notre Dame, using the NSCL Summing NaI(Tl) detector and the γ-summing technique. The measurements are compared to predictions in the statistical Hauser-Feshbach model of nuclear reactions using the SMARAGD code. It is found that the energy dependence of the cross section is reproduced well but the absolute value is overestimated by the prediction. This can be remedied by rescaling the α width by a factor of 0.45. Stellar reactivities were calculated with the rescaled α width and their impact on nucleosynthesis in type Ia supernovae has been studied. It is found that the resulting abundances change by up to 5% when using the new reactivities. © 2014 American Physical Society.Peer reviewe

    Unresolved Question of the 10He Ground State Resonance

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    The group state of 10He was populated using a 2p2n-removal from a 59 MeV/u 14Be beam. The decay energy of the three body system, 8He + n + n, was measured and a resonance was observed at E = 1.60(25) MeV with a 1.8(4) MeV width. This result is in agreement with previous invariant mass spectroscopy measurements, using the 11Li(-p) reaction, but is consistent with recent transfer reaction results. The proposed explanation that the difference, about 500 keV, is due to the effect of the extended halo nature of 11Li in the one-proton knockout reaction is no longer valid as the present work demonstrates that the discrepancy between the transfer reaction is no longer valid as the present work demonstrates that the discrepancy between the transfer reaction results persists despite using a very different reaction mechanism, 14Be(-2p2n)

    β -decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclides in the A=100-110 mass region

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    β-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclides in the A=100-110 mass region have been measured using an implantation station installed inside of the Summing NaI(Tl) (SuN) detector at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. Accurate half-lives for these nuclides are important for nuclear astrophysics, nuclear structure, and nuclear technology. The half-lives from the present work are compared with previous measurements, showing overall good agreement

    Total absorption spectroscopy of the β decay of Zr 101,102 and Tc 109

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    20 pags., 9 figs., 5 tabs.The β decay of Zr101,102 and Tc109 was studied using the technique of total absorption spectroscopy. The experiment was performed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory using the Summing NaI(Tl) (SuN) detector in the first-ever application of total absorption spectroscopy with a fast beam produced via projectile fragmentation. The β-decay feeding intensity and Gamow-Teller transition strength distributions were extracted for these three decays. The extracted distributions were compared to three different quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) models based on different mean-field potentials. A comparison with calculations from one of the QRPA models was performed to learn about the ground-state shape of the parent nucleus. For Zr101 and Zr102, calculations assuming a pure shape configuration (oblate or prolate) were not able to reproduce the extracted distributions. These results may indicate that some type of mixture between oblate and prolate shapes is necessary to reproduce the extracted distributions. For Tc109, a comparison of the extracted distributions with QRPA calculations suggests a dominant oblate configuration. The other two QRPA models are commonly used to provide β-decay properties in r-process network calculations. This work shows the importance of making comparisons between the experimental and theoretical β-decay distributions, rather than just half-lives and β-delayed neutron emission probabilities, as close to the r-process path as possible.A.A. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grants No. FPA2011-24553, No. FPA2014-52823-C2-1-P, and No. FPA2017-83946-C2-1-P and the program Severo Ochoa (SEV-2014-0398). P.S. acknowledges support from MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE (Spain) under Contract No. PGC2018-093636-B-I00. S.V. acknowledges support from Czech Science Foundation Project No. 19-14048 and the Charles University Project No. UNCE/SCI/013. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. PHY 1565546 (NSCL), No. PHY 1430152 (JINA-CEE), and No. PHY 1350234 (CAREER). This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration through the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium under Awards No. DE-NA0003180 and/or No. DE-NA000097

    Detecting a stochastic gravitational wave background with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

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    The random superposition of many weak sources will produce a stochastic background of gravitational waves that may dominate the response of the LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) gravitational wave observatory. Unless something can be done to distinguish between a stochastic background and detector noise, the two will combine to form an effective noise floor for the detector. Two methods have been proposed to solve this problem. The first is to cross-correlate the output of two independent interferometers. The second is an ingenious scheme for monitoring the instrument noise by operating LISA as a Sagnac interferometer. Here we derive the optimal orbital alignment for cross-correlating a pair of LISA detectors, and provide the first analytic derivation of the Sagnac sensitivity curve.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Significant changes to the noise estimate

    IceCube - the next generation neutrino telescope at the South Pole

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    IceCube is a large neutrino telescope of the next generation to be constructed in the Antarctic Ice Sheet near the South Pole. We present the conceptual design and the sensitivity of the IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of neutrinos, both atmospheric and extra-terrestrial. A complete simulation of the detector design has been used to study the detector's capability to search for neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies, and gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 8 pages, to be published with the proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Munich 200

    Sensitivity of the IceCube Detector to Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Muon Neutrinos

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    We present the results of a Monte-Carlo study of the sensitivity of the planned IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of muon neutrinos at TeV to PeV energies. A complete simulation of the detector and data analysis is used to study the detector's capability to search for muon neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts. We study the effective area and the angular resolution of the detector as a function of muon energy and angle of incidence. We present detailed calculations of the sensitivity of the detector to both diffuse and pointlike neutrino emissions, including an assessment of the sensitivity to neutrinos detected in coincidence with gamma-ray burst observations. After three years of datataking, IceCube will have been able to detect a point source flux of E^2*dN/dE = 7*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV at a 5-sigma significance, or, in the absence of a signal, place a 90% c.l. limit at a level E^2*dN/dE = 2*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV. A diffuse E-2 flux would be detectable at a minimum strength of E^2*dN/dE = 1*10^-8 cm^-2s^-1sr^-1GeV. A gamma-ray burst model following the formulation of Waxman and Bahcall would result in a 5-sigma effect after the observation of 200 bursts in coincidence with satellite observations of the gamma-rays.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 6 table

    On the selection of AGN neutrino source candidates for a source stacking analysis with neutrino telescopes

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    The sensitivity of a search for sources of TeV neutrinos can be improved by grouping potential sources together into generic classes in a procedure that is known as source stacking. In this paper, we define catalogs of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and use them to perform a source stacking analysis. The grouping of AGN into classes is done in two steps: first, AGN classes are defined, then, sources to be stacked are selected assuming that a potential neutrino flux is linearly correlated with the photon luminosity in a certain energy band (radio, IR, optical, keV, GeV, TeV). Lacking any secure detailed knowledge on neutrino production in AGN, this correlation is motivated by hadronic AGN models, as briefly reviewed in this paper. The source stacking search for neutrinos from generic AGN classes is illustrated using the data collected by the AMANDA-II high energy neutrino detector during the year 2000. No significant excess for any of the suggested groups was found.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astroparticle Physic

    An improved method for measuring muon energy using the truncated mean of dE/dx

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    The measurement of muon energy is critical for many analyses in large Cherenkov detectors, particularly those that involve separating extraterrestrial neutrinos from the atmospheric neutrino background. Muon energy has traditionally been determined by measuring the specific energy loss (dE/dx) along the muon's path and relating the dE/dx to the muon energy. Because high-energy muons (E_mu > 1 TeV) lose energy randomly, the spread in dE/dx values is quite large, leading to a typical energy resolution of 0.29 in log10(E_mu) for a muon observed over a 1 km path length in the IceCube detector. In this paper, we present an improved method that uses a truncated mean and other techniques to determine the muon energy. The muon track is divided into separate segments with individual dE/dx values. The elimination of segments with the highest dE/dx results in an overall dE/dx that is more closely correlated to the muon energy. This method results in an energy resolution of 0.22 in log10(E_mu), which gives a 26% improvement. This technique is applicable to any large water or ice detector and potentially to large scintillator or liquid argon detectors.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure
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