97 research outputs found

    Valoración de la Calidad de sueño, actividad física y estado cognitivo en una serie de pacientes con Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) prodrómica: Estudio descriptivo

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en la LXXIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Neurología, celebrada de forma virtual del 22 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2021Objetivo: Describir la calidad de sueño, actividad física y estado cognitivo en pacientes con Enfermedad de Alzheimer prodrómica (EA). Analizar los problemas de sueño y ejercicio físico en función de la presencia o no de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRV), antecedentes familiares de enfermedades neurodegenerativas (AF), MMSE y biomarcadores. Se emplearon los cuestionarios de Pittsburg (PSQI), de actividad física (ClassAF) y el Minimental state examination (MMSE) para evaluar la calidad de sueño, la actividad física y el estado cognitivo respectivamente. El análisis estadístico fue llevado a cabo con el programa SPSS. Resultados: Revisados 23 casos con EA prodrómica con edad inferior a 75 años y PET-amiloide positivo 100%. Mujeres 69,56%. Estudios primarios 47,82%. FRV 52,17%. AF 56,52%. MMSE 26.91(±1.47). Problemas en calidad de sueño 52,17%. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la calidad de sueño entre los que presentaron FRV y los que no (50% vs. 54,54% respectivamente). Actividad física: laboral o doméstica: 86,95% (moderada); ejercicio físico y/o deporte: 78,26% (ligero); frecuencia semanal de ejercicio físico y/o deporte: 78,26% (diariamente), sin diferencias en función del FRV. Conclusiones: En nuestra serie, más de la mitad de los pacientes presentan problemas de sueño. Sin embargo, no se encuentran diferencias en la calidad del sueño entre los pacientes que presentan o no factores de riesgo cardiovascular. No hay diferencias en la actividad física en relación con la presencia o no de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con EA prodrómica. Limitaciones: tamaño muestral.Peer reviewe

    Lyman break and UV-selected galaxies at z ~ 1: II. PACS-100um/160um FIR detections

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    We report the PACS-100um/160um detections of a sample of 42 GALEX-selected and FIR-detected Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 1 located in the COSMOS field and analyze their ultra-violet (UV) to far-infrared (FIR) properties. The detection of these LBGs in the FIR indicates that they have a dust content high enough so that its emission can be directly detected. According to a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with stellar population templates to their UV-to-near-IR observed photometry, PACS-detected LBGs tend to be bigger, more massive, dustier, redder in the UV continuum, and UV-brighter than PACS-undetected LBGs. PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 are mostly disk-like galaxies and are located over the green-valley and red sequence of the color-magnitude diagram of galaxies at their redshift. By using their UV and IR emission, we find that PACS-detected LBGs tend to be less dusty and have slightly higher total star-formation rates (SFRs) than other PACS-detected UV-selected galaxies within their same redshift range. As a consequence of the selection effect due to the depth of the FIR observations employed, all our PACS-detected LBGs are LIRGs. However, none of them are in the ULIRG regime, where the FIR observations are complete. The finding of ULIRGs-LBGs at higher redshifts suggests an evolution of the FIR emission of LBGs with cosmic time. In an IRX-β\beta diagram, PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 tend to be located around the relation for local starburst similarly to other UV-selected PACS-detected galaxies at their same redshift. Consequently, the dust-correction factors obtained with their UV continuum slope allow to determine their total SFR, unlike at higher redshifts. However, the dust attenuation derived from UV to NIR SED fitting overestimates the total SFR for most of our PACS-detected LBGs in age-dependent way: the overestimation factor is higher in younger galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Extragalactic Background Light Inferred from AEGIS Galaxy SED-type Fractions

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    The extragalactic background light (EBL) is of fundamental importance both for understanding the entire process of galaxy evolution and for gamma-ray astronomy, but the overall spectrum of the EBL between 0.1-1000 microns has never been determined directly from galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) observations over a wide redshift range. The evolving, overall spectrum of the EBL is derived here utilizing a novel method based on observations only. This is achieved from the observed evolution of the rest-frame K-band galaxy luminosity function up to redshift 4 (Cirasuolo et al. 2010), combined with a determination of galaxy SED-type fractions. These are based on fitting SWIRE templates to a multiwavelength sample of about 6000 galaxies in the redshift range from 0.2 to 1 from the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). The changing fractions of quiescent galaxies, star-forming galaxies, starburst galaxies and AGN galaxies in that redshift range are estimated, and two alternative extrapolations of SED-types to higher redshifts are considered. This allows calculation of the evolution of the luminosity densities from the UV to the IR, the evolving star formation rate density of the universe, the evolving contribution to the bolometric EBL from the different galaxy populations including AGN galaxies and the buildup of the EBL. Our EBL calculations are compared with those from a semi-analytic model, from another observationally-based model and observational data. The EBL uncertainties in our modeling based directly on the data are quantified, and their consequences for attenuation of very high energy gamma-rays due to pair production on the EBL are discussed. It is concluded that the EBL is well constrained from the UV to the mid-IR, but independent efforts from infrared and gamma-ray astronomy are needed in order to reduce the uncertainties in the far-IR.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS on September 3, 2010. Online material available at http://side.iaa.es/EB

    Investigación de los efectos del consumo moderado de vino en la enfermedad de Alzheimer en modelos de ratones con patología Aß y Tau

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    Resumen La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la forma más común de demencia y tiene una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. La EA se caracteriza principalmente por la presencia de dos estructuras aberrantes en el cerebro de los pacientes, placas seniles formadas por péptido-β-amiloide (Aβ) y ovillos neurofibrilares cuyo principal componente es la proteína tau fosforilada. Aunque actualmente no se conoce bien la etiopatogenia, cada vez son más los estudios que demuestran un efecto causal del microbioma intestinal sobre la EA y las funciones cognitivas, a través del "eje microbiota intestino-cerebro". Las evidencias científicas sugieren un posible efecto protector de los polifenoles del vino frente a los trastornos neurodegenerativos aunque se desconocen los mecanismos y, hasta el momento, los estudios para evaluar de forma exhaustiva el efecto del vino sobre la etiopatogenia de la EA son muy escasos. El objetivo principal de la línea de investigación que enmarca este trabajo es entender cómo la dieta, y especialmente los polifenoles presentes en los alimentos vegetales, y otros factores del estilo de vida interactúan con el microbioma oral e intestinal, en relación con la salud digestiva y el deterioro cognitivo. Para ello, se está llevando a cabo una aproximación experimental que tiene como finalidad evaluar el posible efecto protector de los polifenoles del vino, mediante la suplementación de la dieta en dos modelos murinos de la EA (patología Aß y Tau), y, por otro lado, se está profundizando en el estudio de los mecanismos de protección mediante la evaluación de los efectos del ácido protocatéquico sobre la actividad eléctrica del cerebro

    Mid- and Far-infrared Luminosity Functions and Galaxy Evolution from Multiwavelength Spitzer Observations up to z~2.5

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    [Abridged]We exploit a large homogeneous dataset to derive a self-consistent picture of IR emission based on the time-dependent 24, 15, 12 and 8micron monochromatic and bolometric IR luminosity functions (LF) over the 0<z<2.5 redshift range. Our analysis is based on the combination of data from deep Spitzer surveys in the VVDS-SWIRE and GOODS areas. To our limiting flux of S(24)=400microJy our derived sample in VVDS-SWIRE includes 1494 sources, and 666 and 904 sources brighter than S(24)=80microJy are catalogued in GOODS-S and GOODS-N, respectively, for a total area of ~0.9 square degs. We obtain reliable optical identifications and redshifts, providing us a rich and robust dataset for our luminosity function determination. Based on the multi-wavelength information available, we constrain the LFs at 8, 12, 15 and 24micron. We also extrapolate total IR luminosities from our best-fit to the observed SEDs of each source, and use this to derive the bolometric LF and comoving volume emissivity up to z~2.5. In the 0<z<1 interval, the bolometric IR luminosity density evolves as (1+z)^3.8+/-0.4. Although more uncertain at higher-z, our results show a flattening of the IR luminosity density at z>1. The mean redshift of the peak in the source number density shifts with luminosity: the brighest IR galaxies appear to be forming stars earlier in cosmic time (z>1.5), while the less luminous ones keep doing it at more recent epochs (z~1 for L(IR)<10^11L_sun). Our results suggest a rapid increase of the galaxy IR comoving volume emissivity back to z~1 and a constant average emissivity at z>1. We also seem to find a difference in the evolution rate of the source number densities as a function of luminosity, a downsizing evolutionary pattern similar to that reported from other samples of cosmic sources.Comment: Accepted for pubblicantion in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Building the cosmic infrared background brick by brick with Herschel/PEP

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    The cosmic infrared background (CIB) includes roughly half of the energy radiated by all galaxies at all wavelengths across cosmic time, as observed at the present epoch. The PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) survey is exploited here to study the CIB and its redshift differential, at 70, 100 and 160 micron, where the background peaks. Combining PACS observations of the GOODS-S, GOODS-N, Lockman Hole and COSMOS areas, we define number counts spanning over more than two orders of magnitude in flux: from ~1 mJy to few hundreds mJy. Stacking of 24 micron sources and P(D) statistics extend the analysis down to ~0.2 mJy. Taking advantage of the wealth of ancillary data in PEP fields, differential number counts and CIB are studied up to z=5. Based on these counts, we discuss the effects of confusion on PACS blank field observations and provide confusion limits for the three bands considered. The total CIB surface brightness emitted above PEP 3 sigma flux limits is 4.52 +/- 1.18, 8.35 +/- 0.95 and 9.49 +/- 0.59 [nW/m2/sr] at 70, 100, and 160 micron, respectively. These values correspond to 58 +/- 7% and 74 +/- 5% of the COBE/DIRBE CIB direct measurements at 100 and 160 micron. Employing the P(D) analysis, these fractions increase to ~65% and ~89%. More than half of the resolved CIB was emitted at redshift z<=1. The 50%-light redshifts lie at z=0.58, 0.67 and 0.73 at the three PACS wavelengths. The distribution moves towards earlier epochs at longer wavelengths: while the 70 micron CIB is mainly produced by z<=1.0 objects, the contribution of z>1.0 sources reaches 50% at 160 micron. Most of the CIB resolved in the three PACS bands was emitted by galaxies with infrared luminosities in the range 1e11-1e12 L(sun).Comment: Proposed for acceptance on A&

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    7th Drug hypersensitivity meeting: part two

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