503 research outputs found

    Measuring galaxy segregation using the mark connection function

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    (abridged) The clustering properties of galaxies belonging to different luminosity ranges or having different morphological types are different. These characteristics or `marks' permit to understand the galaxy catalogs that carry all this information as realizations of marked point processes. Many attempts have been presented to quantify the dependence of the clustering of galaxies on their inner properties. The present paper summarizes methods on spatial marked statistics used in cosmology to disentangle luminosity, colour or morphological segregation and introduces a new one in this context, the mark connection function. The methods used here are the partial correlation functions, including the cross-correlation function, the normalised mark correlation function, the mark variogram and the mark connection function. All these methods are applied to a volume-limited sample drawn from the 2dFGRS, using the spectral type as the mark. We show the virtues of each method to provide information about the clustering properties of each population, the dependence of the clustering on the marks, the similarity of the marks as a function of the pair distances, and the way to characterise the spatial correlation between the marks. We demonstrate by means of these statistics that passive galaxies exhibit stronger spatial correlation than active galaxies at small scales (r <20 Mpc/h). The mark connection function, introduced here, is particularly useful for understanding the spatial correlation between the marks.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Perceptions towards risks involved in off-site construction in the integrated design & construction project delivery

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    This study aimed to address the gap in research regarding the application of integrated design and construction (IDC) project delivery into off-site construction Projects (OSC) within China. A questionnaire survey was designed and delivered to reach Chinese professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) disciplines to assess their risk perceptions

    Sun safety in construction: a UK intervention study

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    Background: Interventions to promote sun safety in the UK construction sector are warranted given the high incidence of skin cancer attributable to sun exposure relative to other occupational groups. Aims: To evaluate change in sun safety knowledge and practices among construction workers in response to an educational intervention. Methods: A baseline questionnaire was administered, followed by a bespoke sector-specific DVD-based intervention. At 12-month follow-up participants completed a further questionnaire. Results: Analyses were conducted on a sample of 120 workers (intervention group, n = 70; comparison group, n = 50). At follow-up the proportion of intervention group participants that reported correct sun safety knowledge was not significantly greater than at baseline. However, the intervention group demonstrated significant positive change on nine out of ten behavioural measures, the greatest change being use of a shade/cover when working in the sun followed by regularly checking skin for moles or unusual changes. Conclusions: Exposure to this intervention was linked to some specific positive changes in construction workers’ self-reported sun safety practices. These findings highlight the potential for educational interventions to contribute to tackling skin cancer in the UK construction sector. The findings support the development of bespoke educational interventions for other high-risk outdoor worker groups

    The spectral-type/luminosity and the spectral type/satellite-density relations in the 2dFGRS

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    We examine the relative fractions of passive (Type 1), quiet-SF (Type 2) and active-SF (Type 3+4) galaxies as a function of luminosity and number of neighbours in several volume limited samples selected from the 2dFGRS. Neighbours are counted within 1 h751h_{75}^{-1} Mpc projected distance, and ±\pm 1000 km s1^{-1} depth. We apply a maximum magnitude difference criterion and require neighbours to be fainter than the galaxy itself. We show that, whatever the environment, passive galaxies dominate in bright samples and active-SF galaxies in faint samples, whereas quiet-SF galaxies never dominate. We further show that in bright samples (MB_{B} -- 5 log\log h75h_{75} \leq19 - 19) the fraction of passive galaxies grows steadily with fainter neighbour density, whereas in faint samples a threshold like dependence is observed. This suggests that the spectral-type / density (\approx morphology / density) relation extends to intermediate dense environment, but only in the surrounding of luminous galaxies and that it reflects an enhancement of the number of satellites rather than stronger clustering among galaxies themselves. Our analysis indicates that, in general, luminosity is a good tracer of a galaxy halo mass and that it dominates over environment (satellite density) in setting the spectral type mix of a population. However, minority populations exist, such as luminous SF galaxies and faint passive galaxies, whose luminosity is an unfair tracer of halo mass.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figur

    Rings of fire and Grooved Ware settlement at West Kennet, Wiltshire

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    Alasdair Whittle has had a career-long interest in the Neolithic of the Avebury area (Fig. 17.1). In the late 1980s and early 1990s he undertook a major research project in the region to investigate the Neolithic sequence and its environment (Whittle 1993). This included a series of excavations of early Neolithic sites including the causewayed enclosure at Windmill Hill (Whittle et al. 1999), the chambered tomb at Millbarrow (Whittle 1994), and an earthen long barrow at Easton Down (Whittle et al. 1993). A series of trenches were also cut through two palisade enclosures at West Kennet (Whittle 1997). This campaign of new excavation was accompanied by research into the archives of previous investigations, particularly the publication and subsequent dating of Richard Atkinson’s excavation on and within Silbury Hill in 1968–70 (Bayliss et al. 2007a; Whittle 1997) and a reassessment of the date and development of Avebury itself (Pitts and Whittle 1992). The subsequent decades have seen continued work in the Avebury region, given focus by the Archaeological Research Agenda for the Avebury World Heritage site (AAHRG 2001). Alasdair himself has been instrumental in producing refined chronologies for the West Kennet long barrow (Bayliss et al. 2007b) and the causewayed enclosures at Windmill Hill and Knap Hill (Whittle et al. 2011, chapter 3), and in producing synthetic narratives of early Neolithic sites in the region and beyond (Whittle et al. 2007; 2011, chapters 14 and 15). Further understanding of the late Neolithic landscape has been gained through research excavations at the Beckhampton Avenue and Longstones Cove and ditched enclosure (Gillings et al. 2008), and through rescue excavations undertaken in advance of consolidation works at Silbury Hill (Leary et al. 2013a). The latter in particular has done much to improve our understanding of the development and date of Silbury Hill (Marshall et al. 2013; in prep. a; in prep. b), which has been put into context by a recent synthesis of the available scientific dating evidence for the Avebury area by Frances Healy (2016)

    Superclusters of galaxies in the 2dF redshift survey. III. The properties of galaxies in superclusters

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    We use catalogues of superclusters of galaxies from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey to study the properties of galaxies in superclusters. We compare the properties of galaxies in high and low density regions of rich superclusters, in poor superclusters and in the field, as well as in groups, and of isolated galaxies in superclusters of various richness. We show that in rich superclusters the values of the luminosity density smoothed on a scale of 8 \Mpc are higher than in poor superclusters: the median density in rich superclusters is δ7.5\delta \approx 7.5, in poor superclusters δ6.0\delta \approx 6.0. Rich superclusters contain high density cores with densities δ>10\delta > 10 while in poor superclusters such high density cores are absent. The properties of galaxies in rich and poor superclusters and in the field are different: the fraction of early type, passive galaxies in rich superclusters is slightly larger than in poor superclusters, and is the smallest among the field galaxies. Most importantly, in high density cores of rich superclusters (δ>10\delta > 10) there is an excess of early type, passive galaxies in groups and clusters, as well as among those which do not belong to groups or clusters. The main galaxies of superclusters have a rather limited range of absolute magnitudes. The main galaxies of rich superclusters have larger luminosities than those of poor superclusters and of groups in the field. Our results show that both the local (group/cluster) environments and global (supercluster) environments influence galaxy morphologies and their star formation activity.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic