270 research outputs found

    Território Audiovisual: imagens e sons como estratégia metodológica de pesquisa

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    Resumo: este artigo traz a reflexão de questões levantadas no Simpósio 23, coordenado pelos autores durante o VI Reunião de Teoria Arqueológica da America do Sul (TAAS), realizado em 2012. Os trabalhos, cuja temática percorrem a Arqueologia, Antropologia, Etnologia e o campo do audiovisual, conferiram medidas do caráter interdisciplinar e dialógico dessas áreas. Palavras-chave: Patrimônio Cultural. Acervo Audiovisual. Contexto analógico e digital. Imagens e sons

    Identifying pathways modulating sleep duration: from genomics to transcriptomics

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    Recognizing that insights into the modulation of sleep duration can emerge by exploring the functional relationships among genes, we used this strategy to explore the genome-wide association results for this trait. We detected two major signalling pathways (ion channels and the ERBB signalling family of tyrosine kinases) that could be replicated across independent GWA studies meta-analyses. To investigate the significance of these pathways for sleep modulation, we performed transcriptome analyses of short sleeping flies' heads (knockdown for the ABCC9 gene homolog;dSur). We found significant alterations in gene-expression in the short sleeping knockdowns versus controls flies, which correspond to pathways associated with sleep duration in our human studies. Most notably, the expression of Rho and EGFR (members of the ERBB signalling pathway) genes was down-and up-regulated, respectively, consistently with the established role of these genes for sleep consolidation in Drosophila. Using a disease multifactorial interaction network, we showed that many of the genes of the pathways indicated to be relevant for sleep duration had functional evidence of their involvement with sleep regulation, circadian rhythms, insulin secretion, gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis

    No effect of auditory–visual spatial disparity on temporal recalibration

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    It is known that the brain adaptively recalibrates itself to small (∼100 ms) auditory–visual (AV) temporal asynchronies so as to maintain intersensory temporal coherence. Here we explored whether spatial disparity between a sound and light affects AV temporal recalibration. Participants were exposed to a train of asynchronous AV stimulus pairs (sound-first or light-first) with sounds and lights emanating from either the same or a different location. Following a short exposure phase, participants were tested on an AV temporal order judgement (TOJ) task. Temporal recalibration manifested itself as a shift of subjective simultaneity in the direction of the adapted audiovisual lag. The shift was equally big when exposure and test stimuli were presented from the same or different locations. These results provide strong evidence for the idea that spatial co-localisation is not a necessary constraint for intersensory pairing to occur

    Effects of stimulus duration on audio-visual synchrony perception

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    The integration of visual and auditory inputs in the human brain occurs only if the components are perceived in temporal proximity, that is, when the intermodal time difference falls within the so-called subjective synchrony range. We used the midpoint of this range to estimate the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS). We measured the PSS for audio-visual (AV) stimuli in a synchrony judgment task, in which subjects had to judge a given AV stimulus using three response categories (audio first, synchronous, video first). The relevant stimulus manipulation was the duration of the auditory and visual components. Results for unimodal auditory and visual stimuli have shown that the perceived onset shifts to relatively later positions with increasing stimulus duration. These unimodal shifts should be reflected in changing PSS values, when AV stimuli with different durations of the auditory and visual components are used. The results for 17 subjects showed indeed a significant shift of the PSS for different duration combinations of the stimulus components. Because the shifts were approximately equal for duration changes in either of the components, no net shift of the PSS was observed as long as the durations of the two components were equal. This result indicates the need to appropriately account for unimodal timing effects when quantifying intermodal synchrony perceptio

    Neural responses in parietal and occipital areas in response to visual events are modulated by prior multisensory stimuli

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    The effect of multi-modal vs uni-modal prior stimuli on the subsequent processing of a simple flash stimulus was studied in the context of the audio-visual 'flash-beep' illusion, in which the number of flashes a person sees is influenced by accompanying beep stimuli. EEG recordings were made while combinations of simple visual and audio-visual stimuli were presented. The experiments found that the electric field strength related to a flash stimulus was stronger when it was preceded by a multi-modal flash/beep stimulus, compared to when it was preceded by another uni-modal flash stimulus. This difference was found to be significant in two distinct timeframes--an early timeframe, from 130-160 ms, and a late timeframe, from 300-320 ms. Source localisation analysis found that the increased activity in the early interval was localised to an area centred on the inferior and superior parietal lobes, whereas the later increase was associated with stronger activity in an area centred on primary and secondary visual cortex, in the occipital lobe. The results suggest that processing of a visual stimulus can be affected by the presence of an immediately prior multisensory event. Relatively long-lasting interactions generated by the initial auditory and visual stimuli altered the processing of a subsequent visual stimulus.status: publishe

    Characterization of the effects of cross-linking of macrophage CD44 associated with increased phagocytosis of apoptotic PMN

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    Control of macrophage capacity for apoptotic cell clearance by soluble mediators such as cytokines, prostaglandins and lipoxins, serum proteins, and glucocorticoids may critically determine the rate at which inflammation resolves. Previous studies suggested that macrophage capacity for clearance of apoptotic neutrophils was profoundly altered following binding of CD44 antibodies. We have used a number of different approaches to further define the mechanism by which CD44 rapidly and specifically augment phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils. Use of Fab ’ fragments unequivocally demonstrated a requirement for cross-linking of macrophage surface CD44. The molecular mechanism of CD44-augmented phagocytosis was shown to be opsonin-independent and to be distinct from the Mer/protein S pathway induced by glucocorticoids and was not functional for clearance of apoptotic eosinophils. CD44-cross-linking also altered macrophage migration and induced cytoskeletal re-organisation together with phosphorylation of paxillin and activation of Rac2. Investigation of signal transduction pathways that might be critical for CD44 augmentation of phagocytosis revealed that Ca 2+ signalling, PI-3 kinase pathways and altered cAMP signalling were not involved, but did implicate a key role for tyrosine phosphorylation events. Finally, although CD44 antibodies were able to augment phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils by murine peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages, we did not observe a difference in the clearance of neutrophils following induction of peritonitis with thioglycollate in CD44-deficient animals. Together, these data demonstrate that CD4

    Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has a variable effect on pollination in European agricultural landscapes

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    Background and aims - Agricultural intensification and loss of farmland heterogeneity have contributed to population declines of wild bees and other pollinators, which may have caused subsequent declines in insect-pollinated wild plants. Material and methods - Using data from 37 studies on 22 pollinator-dependent wild plant species across Europe, we investigated whether flower visitation and seed set of insect-pollinated plants decline with an increasing proportion of arable land within 1 km. Key results - Seed set increased with increasing flower visitation by bees, most of which were wild bees, but not with increasing flower visitation by other insects. Increasing proportion of arable land had a strongly variable effect on seed set and flower visitation by bees across studies. Conclusion - Factors such as landscape configuration, local habitat quality, and temporally changing resource availability (e.g. due to mass-flowering crops or honey bee hives) could have modified the effect of arable land on pollination. While our results highlight that the persistence of wild bees is crucial to maintain plant diversity, we also show that pollen limitation due to declining bee populations in homogenized agricultural landscapes is not a universal driver causing parallel losses of bees and insect-pollinated plants.Peer reviewe

    Neural correlates of audiovisual motion capture

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    Visual motion can affect the perceived direction of auditory motion (i.e., audiovisual motion capture). It is debated, though, whether this effect occurs at perceptual or decisional stages. Here, we examined the neural consequences of audiovisual motion capture using the mismatch negativity (MMN), an event-related brain potential reflecting pre-attentive auditory deviance detection. In an auditory-only condition occasional changes in the direction of a moving sound (deviant) elicited an MMN starting around 150 ms. In an audiovisual condition, auditory standards and deviants were synchronized with a visual stimulus that moved in the same direction as the auditory standards. These audiovisual deviants did not evoke an MMN, indicating that visual motion reduced the perceptual difference between sound motion of standards and deviants. The inhibition of the MMN by visual motion provides evidence that auditory and visual motion signals are integrated at early sensory processing stages