127 research outputs found

    Diversity, functionality, and resilience under increasing harvesting intensities in woodlands of northern Patagonia

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    Sustainable forest management relies on the understanding of biodiversity response to disturbance and the ecological resilience of the system. The dynamic equilibrium hypothesis (DEM) predicts that site productivity will modulate the effects of disturbance gradient on biodiversity. Also, considering functional diversity (eco-morfo-phisicological traits related to resource usage) is needed to understand the effect of species gains and losses on ecosystem functionality. Here we assess the response of understory plant taxonomic and functional diversity to increasing harvesting intensities (0, 30, 50 and 70% of basal area removed) at three woodland sites of contrasting biomass growth (productivity) in northern Patagonia. Also, we assessed resilience based on comparisons with undisturbed treatments four years after initial harvest. In agreement with DEM, both taxonomic and functional diversity peaked at high, medium, or low harvesting intensities in the high-, medium-, or low-productivity site, respectively. Taxonomic composition was clearly determined by site productivity (biomass growth), while no pattern emerged for functional composition. Functional traits related to light use showed different responses: specific leaf area was only affected by site productivity while leaf chlorophyll content was affected by an interaction between harvesting intensity and site productivity. Interestingly, there was no effect of harvesting intensity on the resilience of taxonomic diversity and functional composition. Only for functional diversity, harvesting intensity was as important as site productivity. In the high and intermediate productivity sites the traits that characterizes the system were more resilient and resembled the control treatment after four years of low or high (but not intermediate) harvesting intensities. Our results support the use of the DEM on forest interventions and the importance of considering both taxonomic and functional composition, as the consideration of functional traits related to resource use strategies have different implications when considering the resilience of the system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Embarazo precoz en adolescentes de Barrio Emiliano de la Ciudad de Rosita Periodo 2011

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    La presente investigación se realizó en el barrio Emiliano de la ciudad de Rosita, sobre el embarazo precoz. Limita al norte con la cordillera salida hacia minesota, al sur con el panteón, al este con el barrio Lucia Montoya y al Oeste con el Barrio Vicente Siles. En una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo explicativo, porque describe diversas pautas de comportamientos sociales de un sector y trata de explicar las relaciones causalmente funcionales que existen entre las variables estudiadas. Para la recopilación de la información se aplicó la técnica de entrevista estructurada, observación estructura y grupo focal. La unidad de análisis la conformaron las adolescentes que experimentaron embarazo precoz. Entre las causa principales están: Desintegración familiar que se dio la separación de los padres debido a la infidelidad de uno de la pareja. La falta de educación sexual, ya que la mayoría de los padres no les hablaron a sus hijas sobre sexualidad. Nivel de escolaridad, la mayoría solo curso la secundaria completa o incompleta. Desconocimiento del uso correcto de anticonceptivo, la influencia de los medios de comunicación permitió que las adolescentes quisieran imitar algunas acciones vistas en la televisión principalmente. Otra causa fueron la curiosidad por experimentar y las influencias de amiga, además de la comunicación que tenían algunas con los padres de familia. Entre las principales consecuencias se destacaron: Abandono de los niños responsabilidad paterna y materna dependencia de las jóvenes de su familia, bajo encuentran pocas oportunidades de trabajo. Los principales estados psicoafectivo de las adolescentes con embarazo precoz que se encontraron son: ansiedad, inestabilidad emocional, necesidad de afecto y apoyo y sentimiento de culpa

    Polinizadores y polinización en frutales subtropicales : implicaciones en manejo, conservación y seguridad alimentaria

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    The commercialization and consumption of tropical fruits has grown worldwide during the last decade. This trend is expected to continue, due to the increasing world population and the greater demand for these products in western markets. As in most fruit crops, one of the main bottlenecks in production is pollination, which determines fruit-tree and pollinator management to a large extent. Pollination management is therefore a defining factor in the composition and diversity of agro-systems. Because of this, the intensive production of fruit crops in many areas of the world requires adequate management of crops to enable: (1) an optimal production of fruit crops; (2) the conservation of insect communities. This is particularly important in developing countries, where the centers of genetic diversity of these crops are generally found and pollinator diversity is often poorly known and seriously threatened by agricultural intensification. However, some of these crops have been introduced into geographic areas away from the native areas of origin, which is an agronomic challenge but, at the same time, provides an opportunity to study and test under controlled conditions new management strategies. In this work we present a brief review on pollinators and pollination in subtropical fruit crops focusing on three species of international economic relevance such as mango, avocado and cherimoya. With the knowledge acquired on these species in a Mediterranean context, we propose a road-map to develop appropriate management strategies in other fruit crops and geographical areas

    Evaluación de la activación plaquetaria en la leucemia linfoblástica aguda

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    Objetivo. Investigar si los pacientes con LLA desarrollan un estado hipercoagulable con activación plaquetaria. Material y métodos. Se incluyeron quince pacientes con LLA de la infancia, trece de tipo B y dos de tipo T. El grupo control consistió de 28 individuos sanos. Ambos fueron estudiados para la expresión de los antígenos CD61 y CD62P por citofluorometría. Resultados: El grupo de pacientes con LLA tuvo una activación plaquetaria de 1.2%, comparada con 0.33% en el grupo control (p=0.032). Conclusión: Existe un aumento significativo en la expresión del marcador de activación CD62P, que podría contribuir al estado protrombótico de la LLA

    Molecular analysis of menadione-induced resistance against biotic stress in Arabidopsis

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    19 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.Menadione sodium bisulphite (MSB) is a water-soluble derivative of vitamin K3, or menadione, and has been previously demonstrated to function as a plant defence activator against several pathogens in several plant species. However, there are no reports of the role of this vitamin in the induction of resistance in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. In the current study, we demonstrate that MSB induces resistance by priming in Arabidopsis against the virulent strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pto) without inducing necrosis or visible damage. Changes in gene expression in response to 0.2 mm MSB were analysed in Arabidopsis at 3, 6 and 24 h post-treatment using microarray technology. In general, the treatment with MSB does not correlate with other publicly available data, thus MSB produces a unique molecular footprint. We observed 158 differentially regulated genes among all the possible trends. More up-regulated genes are included in categories such as 'response to stress' than the background, and the behaviour of these genes in different treatments confirms their role in response to biotic and abiotic stress. In addition, there is an over-representation of the G-box in their promoters. Some interesting functions are represented among the individual up-regulated genes, such as glutathione S-transferases, transcription factors (including putative regulators of the G-box) and cytochrome P450s. This work provides a wide insight into the molecular cues underlying the effect of MSB as a plant resistance inducer.This work was partially funded by an INVESCAN, S.L. grant (No.OTT2001438) to the CSIC and by a BIO2006-02168 grant of MICINN to PT. The microarrays were funded in part by the “Genome España” Foundation. MER was supported by a research contract (ID-TF-06/002) from the Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Nuevas Tecnologías (Gobierno de Canarias). The authors thank CajaCanarias for their research support. We also thank Lorena Perales for her help in performing the bacterial growth curves, Dr. Héctor Cabrera for his useful advice on writing the manuscript, the English translation service of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Mrs. Pauline Agnew whose endeavoured to edit the English translation of this paper.Peer reviewe

    Fasciola hepatica induces eosinophil apoptosis in the migratory and biliary stages of infection in sheep

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    The aim of the present work was to evaluate the number of apoptotic eosinophils in the livers of sheep experimentally infected with Fasciola hepatica during the migratory and biliary stages of infection. Four groups (n = 5) of sheep were used; groups 1–3 were orally infected with 200 metacercariae (mc) and sacrificed at 8 and 28 days post-infection (dpi), and 17 weeks post-infection (wpi), respectively. Group 4 was used as an uninfected control. Apoptosis was detected using immunohistochemistry with a polyclonal antibody against anti-active caspase-3, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eosinophils were identified using the Hansel stain in serial sections for caspase-3, and by ultrastructural features using TEM. At 8 and 28 dpi, numerous caspase-3+ eosinophils were mainly found at the periphery of acute hepatic necrotic foci. The percentage of caspase -3+ apoptotic eosinophils in the periphery of necrotic foci was high (46.1–53.9) at 8 and 28 dpi, respectively, and decreased in granulomas found at 28 dpi (6%). Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the presence of apoptotic eosinophils in hepatic lesions at 8 and 28 dpi. At 17 wpi, apoptotic eosinophils were detected in the infiltrate surrounding some enlarged bile ducts containing adult flukes. This is the first report of apoptosis induced by F. hepatica in sheep and the first study reporting apoptosis in eosinophils in hepatic inflammatory infiltrates in vivo. The high number of apoptotic eosinophils in acute necrotic tracts during the migratory and biliary stages of infection suggests that eosinophil apoptosis may play a role in F. hepatica survival during different stages of infection

    The Incidence Of Teaching Strategies For Pedagogical Training In The Creation Of Leadership Within The Classroom

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    El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos a partir de uno de los objetivos de la investigación: influencia del liderazgo educativo en los procesos de formación: una crítica a las estrategias didácticas aplicadas en el aula, en el cual se analizó la relación entre la incidencia de la educación y las estrategias didácticas para la formación pedagógica en medio de la creación de liderazgo. La presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo para ella se seleccionó una población compuesta por docentes y estudiantes pertenecientes a instituciones oficiales de la Región Andina a quienes se les aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada que permitió obtener sus impresiones en relación con cuáles son las estrategias didácticas utilizadas en el aula y cómo estas influyen en la formación de liderazgo.  Una vez obtenidos los datos se hizo uso del software Atlas ti para realizar el análisis de la información. Con dichos resultados se expone la importancia de una adecuada elección e implementación de estrategias pedagógicas que promuevan la generación no solo de conocimiento sino el desarrollo de habilidades como el liderazgo, a partir de la capacitación permanente de los docentes. Tal como se aprecia en los resultados obtenidos de la investigación, en donde docentes y estudiantes concluyen que una de las estrategias efectivas es fomentar la socialización docente-estudiante como una forma de explorar y fortalecer los lazos de comunicación y conocimiento, identificando y fortaleciendo las falencias de los alumnos, entendiendo cada una de las personalidades como una forma de fomentar el trabajo en equipo; así mismo se estableció la importancia del apoyo entre pares como una forma de reconocer el liderazgo entre compañeros y gestionar la resolución de conflictos.This article shows the results obtained from one of the objectives of the research: influence of educational leadership in training processes: a critique of the didactic strategies applied in the classroom, in which the relationship between the incidence of education and didactic strategies for pedagogical training in the midst of leadership creation was analyzed. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach for which a population composed of teachers and students belonging to official institutions of the Andean Region was selected and to whom a semi-structured interview was applied to obtain their impressions in relation to the didactic strategies used in the classroom and how they influence leadership formation.  Once the data were obtained, the Atlas ti software was used to analyze the information. These results show the importance of an adequate choice and implementation of pedagogical strategies that promote not only the generation of knowledge but also the development of skills such as leadership, based on the ongoing training of teachers. As can be seen in the results obtained from the research, where teachers and students conclude that one of the effective strategies is to promote teacher-student socialization as a way to explore and strengthen the bonds of communication and knowledge, identifying and strengthening the shortcomings of the students, understanding each of the personalities as a way to promote teamwork; likewise, the importance of peer support was established as a way to recognize leadership among peers and manage conflict resolution

    Treatment of cervical cancer with electronic brachytherapy

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    Purpose: We report the first cervical cancer cases treated with interstitial electronic brachytherapy (eBT) at our hospital and compare them with plans made with high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy based on Ir192 (HDR-BT). Materials and methods: Eight patients with cervical cancer were treated with the Axxent eBT device (Xoft, Inc.). Planning was with magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography following the recommendations of the EMBRACE protocol. The dosimetry parameters of organs at risk (OAR) were evaluated for the bladder, rectum, and sigmoid colon (D2cc, D1cc, and D0.1cc). In addition, the V150 and V200 of irradiated tissue were compared for both eBT and HDR-BT. All patients received intensity-modulated external beam radiation therapy with a regimen of 23 sessions of 2 Gy followed by four sessions of 7 Gy of eBT performed over 2 weeks (two sessions followed by another two sessions a week later) following the EMBRACE recommendations. Each of the eight patients was followed to assess acute toxicity associated with treatment. Results: The doses reaching OAR for eBT plans were lower than for HDR-BT plans. As for acute toxicity associated with eBT, very few cases of mucositis were detected. No cases of rectal toxicity and one case with grade 1 urinary toxicity were detected. The results at 1 month are equally good, and no relapses have occurred to date. Conclusions: The first results of treatment with the Axxent eBT device are promising, as no recurrences have been observed and toxicity is very low. eBT is a good alternative for treating cervical cancer in centers without access to conventional HDR

    A review of “Children and adults at home all day long: A world to share and recreate”. An interdisciplinary tool addressed to childhood, families and educators in the context of pandemic and isolation

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    Se reseña una iniciativa interdisciplinaria de comunicación pública de la ciencia dirigida a niños/as, familiares y educadores que busca atender diversas problemáticas asociadas a la convivencia prolongada en hogares en contexto de aislamiento y distanciamiento social debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Articula conocimientos científicos relevantes para la situación actual con los conocimientos y prácticas que se implementan y recrean en los hogares. El proyecto se plasma en más de 30 micros comunicativos multimodales y multimediales creados por las científicas del equipo, ilustrados por artistas y publicados en redes sociales y otros medios masivos de comunicación. Tanto los enfoques epistemológicos, pedagógicos y comunicativos articulados en esta propuesta como los micros comunicativos constituyen herramientas disponibles para educadores en Biología.We offer a review of “Children and adults at home all day long: a world to share and recreate”, an interdisciplinary initiative of public communication of science that seeks to approach problems associated with a prolonged coexistence at home in the context of social isolation or social distancing in Argentina, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative is addressed to children, their families, and educators. It articulates scientific knowledge considered timely with knowledge and practices that already exist at home. A set of more than 30 multimodal brief pieces has been created by the scientists in the team, illustrated by artists and published in social media and mass media. The epistemological, pedagogical and communicational approaches the present project stands on, as well as the set of materials produced are tools available for Biology educators.publishedVersionFil: Bengtsson, Astrid. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina.Fil: Bengtsson, Astrid. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina.Fil: Bugallo, Lucía. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Bugallo, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Coccoz, Verónica. Río Negro, ArgentinaFil: D’Adamo, Paola. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: D’Adamo, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Lozada, Mariana. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Lozada, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina.Fil: Méndez, Laura Marcela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Méndez, Laura Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Pedrazzini, Ana. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Pedrazzini, Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos del Cambio; Argentina.Fil: Rapela, Verónica. Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires; Argentina.Fil: Salsa, Analía. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina.Fil: Salsa, Analía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.Fil: Tozzini, Alma. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina.Fil: Tozzini, Alma. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos del Cambio; Argentina.Fil: Scheuer, Nora. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Scheuer, Nora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Ventura, Ana Clara. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina.Fil: Ventura, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina

    Splice donor site sgRNAs enhance CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout efficiency

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    [EN]CRISPR/Cas9 allows the generation of knockout cell lines and null zygotes by inducing site-specific double-stranded breaks. In most cases the DSB is repaired by non-homologous end joining, resulting in small nucleotide insertions or deletions that can be used to construct knockout alleles. However, these mutations do not produce the desired null result in all cases, but instead generate a similar, functionally active protein. This effect could limit the therapeutic efficiency of gene therapy strategies based on abrogating oncogene expression, and therefore needs to be considered carefully. If there is an acceptable degree of efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 delivery to cells, the key step for success lies in the effectiveness of a specific sgRNA at knocking out the oncogene, when only one sgRNA can be used. This study shows that the null effect could be increased with an sgRNA targeting the splice donor site (SDS) of the chosen exon. Following this strategy, the generation of null alleles would be facilitated in two independent ways: the probability of producing a frameshift mutation and the probability of interrupting the canonical mechanism of pre-mRNA splicing. In these contexts, we propose to improve the loss-of-function yield driving the CRISPR system at the SDS of critical exons