12 research outputs found

    Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Varustuskindluse tagamine toidu, esmatarbekaupade, isikukaitsevahendite ja vee tarneahelas Eestis“ lĂ”pparuanne

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    Uuring valmis Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, Rahandusministeeriumi, Sotsiaalministeeriumi, Siseministeeriumi, Kaitseministeeriumi, Maaeluministeeriumi ja Riigikantselei eesmĂ€rkide elluviimiseks.LĂ”pparanne tĂ€ieneb aja jooksul. KĂ€esolev versioon on seisuga 30.03.2022.KĂ€esolev aruanne vĂ”tab kokku uuringu „Varustuskindluse tagamine toidu, esmatarbekaupade, isikukaitsevahendite ja vee tarneahelas Eestis (VARUST)“ olulisemad jĂ€reldused. Uuringut rahastati Eesti Teadusagentuuri Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi programmi „Valdkondliku teadus- ja arendustegevuse tugevdamine“ (RITA) tegevusest 1 „Strateegilise TA tegevuse toetamine“ (leping nr 7.2-2/20/24). Uuring valmis Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, Rahandusministeeriumi, Sotsiaalministeeriumi, Siseministeeriumi, Kaitseministeeriumi, Maaeluministeeriumi ja Riigikantselei eesmĂ€rkide elluviimiseks. Uuringu viis lĂ€bi kolmest organisatsioonist koosnev konsortsium, kuhu kuulusid Eesti MaaĂŒlikool (3 töögruppi), Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituut ja Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut. Uuringu lĂ€hteĂŒlesande kohaselt oli uuringu eesmĂ€rgiks luua ettevĂ”tetele toimepidevuse hindamiseks universaalne lĂ€henemine (edaspidi mudel), pakkuda vĂ€lja varustuskindluse mÔÔdikud ja sihttasemed ning pakkuda vĂ€lja soovitused, kuidas korraldada varustuskindluse lahendamine Eesti oludele sobivaimal ja riigieelarvet ning ettevĂ”tjaid vĂ€hem koormaval viisil.Uuringu tellis ja uuringut rahastas Eesti Teadusagentuur Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist toetatava programmi „Valdkondliku teadus- ja arendustegevuse tugevdamine“ (RITA) tegevuse 1 „Strateegilise TA tegevuse toetamine“ kaudu

    Late Pleistocene and Holocene groundwater flow history in the Baltic Artesian Basin: a synthesis of numerical models and hydrogeochemical data

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    We review our current understanding of groundwater flow history in the northern part of the Baltic Artesian Basin (BAB) from the end of the Late Pleistocene to current conditions based on the hydrogeological studies carried out in 2012Ăą2020 by the Department of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology and its partners. Hydrogeochemical data and various numerical models are combined in order to understand the link between glaciations and groundwater flow. The results of our earlier research and published literature on groundwater flow history in the BAB are also taken into account. The reconstruction of groundwater flow history is based on the database of the isotopic, chemical and dissolved gas composition of groundwater. The database contains data on 1155 groundwater samples collected during 1974Ăą2017. We find that groundwater in the BAB is controlled by the mixing of three distinct water masses: interglacial/modern meteoric water (ή18O Ăą Ăą11ù°), glacial meltwater (ή18O ù€ Ăą18ù°) and an older syngenetic end-member (ή18O ù„ù4.5ù°). The numerical modelling has suggested that the preservation of meltwater in the northern part of the BAB is controlled by confining layers and the proximity to the outcrop areas of aquifers. Aquifers containing groundwater of glacial origin are in a transient state with respect to modern topographically-driven groundwater flow conditions. The most important topics for future research that can address gaps in our current knowledge are also reviewed

    Dating of glacial palaeogroundwater in the Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer system, northern Baltic Artesian Basin

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    The Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer system in the northern Baltic Artesian Basin contains glacial palaeogroundwater that originates from the Scandinavian Ice Sheet that covered the study area in the Pleistocene. Previously, no absolute dating of this palaeogroundwater has been attempted. In this multi-tracer study, we use H-3, C-14, He-4 and stable isotopes of water to constrain the age distribution of groundwater. We apply the geochemical modelling approach developed by van der Kemp et al. (2000) and Blaser et al. (2010) to calculate the theoretical composition of recharge waters in three hypothetical conditions: modern, glacial and interstadial for( 14)C model age calculations. In the second phase of the geochemical modelling, the calculated recharge water compositions are used to calculate the C-14 model ages using a series of inverse models developed with NETPATH. The calculated C-14 model ages show that the groundwater in the aquifer system originates from three different climatic periods: (1) the post-glacial period; (2) the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) and (3) the pre-LGM period. A larger pre-LGM component seems to be present in the southern and north-eastern parts of the aquifer system where the radiogenic He-4 concentrations are higher (from similar to 3.0.10(-5) to 5.5.10(-4) cc.g(-1)) and the stable isotopic composition of water is heavier (delta O-18 from - 13.5 parts per thousand to -17.3 parts per thousand). Glacial palaeogroundwater from the north-western part of the aquifer system is younger and has C-14 model ages that coincide with the end of the LGM period. It is also characterized by lower radiogenic( 4)He concentrations (similar to 2.0.10(-5) cc.g(-1)) and lighter stable isotopic composition (delta O-18 from -17.7 to - 22.4 parts per thousand). Relations between radiogenic He-4 and C-14 model ages and between radiogenic He-4 and Cl(- )concentration show that groundwater in the aquifer system does not have a single well-defined age. Rather, the groundwater age distribution has been influenced by mixing between waters originating from end-members with strongly differing ages. Overall the results suggest, that in the shallower northern part of the aquifer system, significant changes in groundwater composition can be brought about by glacial meltwater intrusion during a single glaciation. However, multiple cycles of glacial advance and retreat are needed to transport glacial meltwater to the deeper parts of the aquifer system