44 research outputs found

    Water Storage Analysis and Design Portfolio for Nocaima, Colombia

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    In partnership with Santa Clara University Frugal Innovation Hub and the Institución Universitaria of Politécnico Grancolombiano, the project aims to provide a single household, self-managed, water storage solution for residents of rural Nocaima, Colombia. Currently, the impacts of climate change and the lack of a sufficient community water system threaten the water security of rural Nocaima and the livelihoods of its residents. Proposed are two rainwater collection and storage systems, one including slow sand filtration and tank storage system, and the other a retention pond that will not be filtered. Components of the solutions include collection, storage, and filtration systems, comparison of materials, cost analysis, design details, schedule estimate, and water capacity projections. Additional analysis components include a daily usage model and an analysis of alternatives. The two designs will not consider distribution past the point of extraction from the storage system

    Recursos fitoterapéuticos utilizados para la prevención de la COVID-19 por la población asegurada del Centro de Salud Pachacútec de Cajamarca Enero – Marzo 2022

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    Objetivo: Identificar los recursos fitoterapéuticos utilizados para la prevención de la COVID-19 por la población asegurada del Centro de Salud Pachacútec de Cajamarca Enero – Marzo 2022. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de enfoque cualitativo, de diseño no experimental-transversal y prospectivo en la población asegurada del Centro de Salud Pachacútec de Cajamarca durante enero a marzo del 2022. Los datos se recopilaron mediante un cuestionario de entrevista estructurado con 20 preguntas. Resultado: Del total de asegurados, el 72,1% fueron mujeres, con edades entre 30 y 59 años y con un grado de instrucción primaria y secundaria (34,6%). Al menos el 72,1% de participantes utilizaron las hojas (95,1%) del eucalipto y matico, en infusión (51,8%) por vía oral (85,9%) para la prevención de la COVID-19. Los signos y síntomas que conllevó a la población a utilizar las plantas medicinales fueron: tos (44%), fiebre (23,2%) y disnea (5,5%). Por último, los síntomas que manifestaron los participantes fueron malestar general (34,9%), dolor de garganta (27,6%) y cefalea (20,6%). Conclusiones: Los recursos fitoterapéuticos utilizados para la prevención de la COVID-19 por la población asegurada, fue las hojas de eucalipto y matico en infusión por vía oral

    Impacto de las presunciones tributarias en la determinación del impuesto a la renta e IGV en la empresa Modior Confecciones S.A.C. - Período 2017 (Art. 65º del Código Tributario)

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    Actualmente en nuestro país, la industria textil se encuentra en un proceso de adaptación respecto al sinceramiento tributario, actualmente estas empresas omiten declarar ingresos a fin de evadir las obligaciones tributarias, en tal sentido la Administración Tributaria (SUNAT), viene desarrollando acciones de fiscalización con el objetivo de encontrar inconsistencias por las operaciones realizadas en el ejercicio 2017. MODIOR CONFECCIONES S.A.C, ubicado en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra, en el distrito de La Victoria, departamento de Lima, ante esta problemática y teniendo conocimiento de las posibles contingencias en las que puede incurrir, ha tomado la decisión de encargar al área contable realice una auditoría tributaria interna a fin de evitar que la SUNAT califique el incumplimiento como una defraudación tributaria. La presente trata de identificar, de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 65º de Código Tributario, el impacto de las presunciones tributarias, en la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta e Impuesto General a las Ventas - IGV, de la empresa por el período 2017, así como también el cálculo de las multas e intereses y la gradualidad por subsanación voluntaria por la infracción tipificada en el numeral 1 de artículo 178 de Código Tributario.Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalCampus Lima Centr

    ASODAT : una plataforma de información sobre el teatro clásico español a partir de bases de datos federadas

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    Se presenta en este artículo la primera versión en red de ASODAT, una federación de bases de datos sobre el teatro clásico español y su práctica escénica. Se analizan los pasos necesarios para la creación de este sistema federado de bases de datos, sus objetivos y los resultados conseguidos hasta el momento, así como las perspectivas de continuidad que esta plataforma abre para la integración de investigadores y nuevos proyectos. En su estado actual, ASODAT aporta información sobre obras y autores, manuscritos, censuras y canciones relacionados con textos teatrales. In this article we present the first version of the online database ASODAT, a federation of four databases on different aspects of early modern Spanish theater and its performance. We explain the steps that we followed to create this federated system of databases, its objectives, and our preliminary results, as well as the perspectives of continuity and integration that this platform offers to researchers and new projects. In its current state, ASODAT provides information about plays and authors, manuscripts, censorship and songs related to theatrical texts

    Polymetallic nanoparticles in pyrite from massive and stockwork ores of VMS deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    This paper reports the first-ever study on nanoscale mineralogy in pyrite from the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, southwestern Iberian Peninsula. It targeted colloform-textured grains formed at low temperature in the distal part of a polymetallic (Pb-Zn) massive sulfide lens hosted in felsic volcanoclastic rocks from the Masa Valverde deposit, and euhedral-textured grains (re)-deposited by higher temperature fluids in the Co-Au rich stockwork hosted in black shales of the Filón Norte orebody of the Tharsis deposit. The results acquired by a combination of techniques for mineral microanalysis and characterization (i.e., reflected light, FE-SEM, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, HRTEM-STEM and TEM-EDS) show that trace amounts of metals (Au, Ag, As, Pb, Sb, Cu, Co) are incorporated as both lattice-bound and into nanoparticles (NPs). The mode of occurrence is strongly related with the evolutionary history of the mineralization. In the colloform pyrite collected from the massive sulfide lens, a rhythmic banding/oscillatory zonation with up to 3 wt% As, 5,000 ppm Pb, 1,070 ppm Sb and 750 ppm Cu is defined by the coexistence of several nano-sized layers (5 to 100 nm) and NPs (<100 nm) containing all these metals. The NPs include galena [PbS], tetrahedrite [(Cu,Fe)12Sb4S13)] and arsenopyrite [FeAsS] that exhibit euhedral and less frequently anhedral (i.e., droplet-like) morphologies being both randomly and preferentially oriented with respect to As-rich pyrite bands they are usually associated with. These features suggest formation of the NPs via direct deposition from the hydrothermal fluid(s) or low-temperature melts entrained in them as well as exsolution of trace elements originally dissolved in the As-rich pyrite structure. Additionally, some of these NPs are connected to late fractures disrupting the chemical zoning in colloform pyrite documenting a third genetic type of NPs related to late infiltration of fluids post-dating pyrite formation. In contrast, euhedral pyrite from the stockwork form well-developed homogeneous grains with discrete porous areas relatively depleted in Fe (45.20 wt%), and As (8,800 ppm) but enriched in Co (5,900 ppm). At the nanoscale, Co-enriched domains show patchy zoning defined by irregular distribution of Co– and As-rich bands of 200–500 nm in thickness. These nanometer Co– and As-rich bands are often disrupted by micron-to-nano-sized polycrystalline Au-Ag-Hg particles that fill voids in porous areas. Contact morphology anatomy between Co-rich pyrite and inclusions suggests that the Au-Ag-Hg particles are negative crystals occupying spaces originated in pyrite by coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction. Likewise, HRTEM observations along such pyrite-inclusion contacts show the existence of polycrystalline matrices in both pyrite and Au-Ag-Hg inclusions, the former consisting of nano-sized domains of arsenian pyrite and/or arsenopyrite in As-free pyrite and the Au-Ag-Hg inclusions made up of multiple crystal domains including nano-crystallites of Au0/Ag0 or electrum. Recognition of crystalline nanodomains and NPs in these polycrystalline matrices raises the possibility that Au NPs or nanomelts already present in the hydrothermal fluid catalyzed the formation of these heterogeneous crystals

    The Influence of Cannabis and Alcohol Use on Sexuality: An Observational Study in Young People (18–30 Years)

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    The consumption of cannabis and alcohol results in a variety of effects on the psychic functions of young users. Notwithstanding their widespread and prevalent use, the impact of these drugs on sexual health remains unknown. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyse the influence of alcohol and cannabis consumption on sexual function in young people. An observational study was conducted in 274 participants aged 18–30 years. The following selection tools were used: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST), and Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire Short-Form. Participants who were at high risk of having cannabis-related problems performed better on the CAST concerning sexual function, arousal, and orgasm. Participants at high risk had higher arousal and orgasm scores than those who were not at risk for cannabis problems. Improvements in sexual function were found between people who were at high risk of having alcohol problems and those who were not at risk. Sexual function in young people who use cannabis and alcohol more frequently was shown to be better than in those who do not use either, highlighting the need for more information aimed at the young population

    Impacto de la estrategia SENA empresa

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    Esta investigación alude al impacto social de los egresados SENA en las empresas y universidades con el fin de identificar servicios apropiados para la comunidad educativa; además de apoyar la gestión tecnológica de la institución. Los egresados forman parte de la comunidad educativa, por lo cual le aportan a la Universidad, con sus opiniones y sugerencias, sus experiencias de la formación que aprobaron en el SENA; información oportuna para identificar aquellos aspectos que la Universidad debería adoptar respecto a sus características socioeconómicas, experiencia académica y laboral. Así, se encontraría un nivel de satisfacción mayor, por medio de la implementación de la estrategia SENA vista a partir de las etapas lectiva y productiva. El seguimiento a los egresados permite obtener información actualizada de los principales usuarios de las SENA: las Empresas. Esta información es precisa para abordar el diseño curricular con el propósito que sean pertinentes ante las demandas laborales.na1 págin

    TPEA good practice guide: lessons for cross-border MSP from transboundary planning in the European Atlantic

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    This Good Practice Guide is the outcome of a project co-funded by the European Commission (DG Mare) called Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA), which ran from December 2012 to May 2014. The aim of the project was to demonstrate approaches to transboundary maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the European Atlantic region. This is one of a series of projects exploring the opportunities and challenges of carrying out cross-border MSP in Europe’s regional seas, making connections with integrated coastal management (ICM). TPEA focused on two pilot areas: one involving Portugal and Spain and the other Ireland and the United Kingdom. Despite distinct identities in the region relating to different traditions of planning and stages of MSP implementation, TPEA worked towards a commonly-agreed approach to transboundary MSP and developed principles of cross-border working which it is hoped will be of wider benefit. This guide presents these principles, illustrated with examples from the TPEA project

    Decolonising Museums

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    "Decolonising Museums is the second thematic publication of L'Internationale Online; it addresses colonial legacies and mindsets, which are still so rooted and present today in the museum institutions in Europe and beyond. The publication draws from the conference Decolonising the Museum which took place at MACBA in Barcelona, 27-29 November 2014 [...]" -- Publisher's website