263 research outputs found

    Control de los movimientos de un brazo robótico desde un computador utilizando software libre de control y comunicación inalámbrica con módulos X-BEE

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    This document demonstrates the control of a robotic arm wirelessly by using free software. For this, an operator (user) will be the one giving the orders and actions to be taken, using a computer through various input devices and XBEE modules that are part of our communication channel. The fact that the system includes wireless communication allows distancing the operator from the robot arm and thus can reduce risk when working in addition a large number of wires that may hinder or impede the development of any activity is eliminated. The system has several options for handling the mechanical arm which has developed a free software interface that would maximize all basic input devices of the computer. The software in question is the Processing program which allows the arm to be controlled by keyboard, mouse or even using motion detection through a webcam, and to employ USB output port to transmit data through the modules XBEE.Finally have to say that the results obtained in a complete system prototype robotic arm can serve as a basis for developing several applications including, for example, remote rovers.El presente trabajo muestra el control de un brazo robótico de forma inalámbrica usando software libre. Para esto un operador (usuario) será quien dé las órdenes y acciones a realizar, haciendo uso de un ordenador a través de los diferentes dispositivos de entrada y los módulos XBEE que forman parte de nuestro canal de comunicación. El hecho que el sistema incluya comunicación inalámbrica permite distanciar al operador del brazo robótico y de esta manera se pueda reducir el riesgo al momento de trabajar, además que se elimina una gran cantidad de cables que pueden obstaculizar o dificultar el desarrollo de cualquier actividad. El sistema tiene varias opciones de manipulación del brazo mecánico para lo cual se ha desarrollado una interfaz en software libre que permita aprovechar al máximo todos los dispositivos de entrada básicos del computador. El software en mención es el programa Processing que permite que el brazo sea controlado por el teclado, el mouse o incluso usando detección de movimiento a través de una cámara web, y emplear un puerto USB como salida para la transmisión de datos a través de los módulos XBEE.Finalmente queda decir que los resultados del sistema completo obtenidos en un brazo robótico de prototipo pueden servir como base para el desarrollo de varias aplicaciones entre ellas, por ejemplo, telecontrol de robots exploradores

    Positive Surgical Margins in the 10 Most Common Solid Cancers.

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    A positive surgical margin (PSM) following cancer resection oftentimes necessitates adjuvant treatments and carries significant financial and prognostic implications. We sought to compare PSM rates for the ten most common solid cancers in the United States, and to assess trends over time. Over 10 million patients were identified in the National Cancer Data Base from 1998-2012, and 6.5 million had surgical margin data. PSM rates were compared between two time periods, 1998-2002 and 2008-2012. PSM was positively correlated with tumor category and grade. Ovarian and prostate cancers had the highest PSM prevalence in women and men, respectively. The highest PSM rates for cancers affecting both genders were seen for oral cavity tumors. PSM rates for breast cancer and lung and bronchus cancer in both men and women declined over the study period. PSM increases were seen for bladder, colon and rectum, and kidney and renal pelvis cancers. This large-scale analysis appraises the magnitude of PSM in the United States in order to focus future efforts on improving oncologic surgical care with the goal of optimizing value and improving patient outcomes

    Validity and invariance of measurement of the satisfaction with love life scale in older adults

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    In recent years, interest in satisfaction with love life (SWLL) has increased. Empirical evidence demonstrated that SWLL favors subjective well-being, physical and mental health, marital quality and stability. In this regard, the study aimed to examine evidence based on the internal structure validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the Peruvian version of the Satisfaction with Love Life Scale (SWLLS). The participants were 323 older adults recruited from the region of San Martin (Peru) with an average age of 68.73 years (SD = 7.17). The sample comprised of 49.5% women and 50.5% men. The results supported the one-dimensional model and adequate reliability of the SWLLS. A multi-group analysis provided evidence of configural, metric, and scale invariance across genders. The findings verified the validity and reliability of the Peruvian version of the SWLLS, which can be used to measure SWLL.Universidad del Nort


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    Se determinó la prevalencia de anticuerpos a Mycoplasma meleagridis en 20 lotes de pavos reproductores del departamento de Lima durante el año 2007. Se tomaron 400 muestras de sangre de pavos machos y hembras, entre 8 y 57 semanas de edad, en los distritos de Asia y Chilca. Las muestras se analizaron mediante el ensayo de inmunoabsorción ligado a la enzima (ELISA) a fin de determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra M. meleagridis. Se encontraron tres muestras positivas (una por lote), resultando una prevalencia de 0.75 ± 0.04%. La seropositividad por lote afectado fue de 5%, sin que se mostrasen signos clínicos compatibles con la enfermedad. Se concluye que los 20 lotes examinados no fueron expuestos al microorganismo y que estos resultados se deben a reacciones falsas positivas.A field study was conducted to determine the prevalence of antibodies againstMycoplasma meleagridis in 20 turkey breeder flocks located in the Lima region during2007. A total of 400 blood samples were taken from male and female birds of 8 to 57 weeksold, from Asia and Chilca districts. The indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to measure serum antibodies against M. meleagridis. Three positivesamples were found (one per flock) representing a prevalence of 0.75 ± 0.04%. Theseropositive reactivity per affected flock was 5%, and without showing clinical signscompatible to those observed in the disease. According to these findings, it is concluded that the 20 flocks were not exposed to M. meleagridis and that the positive results maybe due to false positive seroreactions

    Publicações científicas em revistas peruanas de psicologia: uma análise desde a participação dos estudantes

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    The study describes the scientific production of psychology students in Peruvian Psychology Journals registered in the Latindex directory in 2017. A theoretical study that analyzed 220 articles from 12 journals of psychology was carried out. Any publication that did not have the IMRAD structure was excluded. There were 485 authors with national and international affiliation, of which 8.25% were psychology students and had participated in the publication of 29 articles (original research, reviews, and case studies). Of the 29 articles with student authorship, 64.5% were articles from the clinical area and 35.5% from the educational area. The most prevalent type of research was instrumental (54.8%). It is concluded that the scientific production of undergraduate psychology students in psychology journals is low. This makes it necessary to strengthen and encourage the generation and dissemination of psychology scientific studies by students in Peru.El estudio describe la producción científica de estudiantes de psicología en revistas peruanas de psicología registrados en el directorio Latindex, en el año 2017. Se realizó un estudio teórico analizando 220 artículos de 12 revistas de psicología. Se excluyó todo aquel tipo de publicación que no cuente con la estructura IMRYD. Se registraron 485 autores con afiliación nacional e internacional de los cuales el 8.25% son estudiantes de psicología, los cuales han participado en la publicación de 29 artículos (investigaciones originales, revisiones y estudios de caso). De los 29 artículos con autoría estudiantil, el 64.5% son artículos del área clínica y el 35.5% del área educativa. El tipo de investigación con mayor predominancia es instrumental (54.8%). Se concluye que la producción científica de los estudiantes de psicología de pregrado en las revistas de psicología es baja. Esto hace necesario fortalecer e incentivar la generación y divulgación de los estudios científicos psicológicos por parte de los estudiantes en el Perú.O estudo descreve a produção científica de estudantes de psicologia em revistas peruanas dessa disciplina, cadastrados no diretório Latindex, em 2017. Realizou-se um estudo técnico por meio da análise de 220 artigos de 12 revistas de psicologia. Excluiu-se todo tipo de publicação que não contasse com a estrutura IMRYD. Dos 485 autores com filiação nacional e internacional cadastrados, 8,25% eram estudantes de psicologia, os quais tinham participado na publicação de 29 artigos (pesquisas originais, revisões e estudos de caso). Dos 29 artigos de autoria estudantil, 64,5% correspondiam a artigos da área clínica e 35,5% pertenciam à área educativa. O tipo de pesquisa de maior predominância foi a instrumental (54,8%). Conclui-se que a produção cientifica dos estudantes de psicologia dos cursos de graduação presente nas revistas de psicologia é baixa. Isto torna necessário fortalecer e incentivar a geração e difusão dos estudos científicos psicológicos de estudantes no Peru

    MFA13 (MFA 2013)

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    Catalogue of a culminating student exhibition held at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, May 3-July 29, 2013. Contents include Introduction / Buzz Spector -- The collaborative turn : new models of thinking, making, and learning / Patricia Olynyk -- [Introduction] / David Schuman -- Lyndon Barrois, Jr. / Rickey Laurentiis -- Sarah Bernhardt -- Shifting Shanghais / Hsuan Ying Chen -- Serhii Chrucky / JaNae Contag -- JaNae Contag / Emily Hanson -- Carrie DeBacker / Gabriel Feldman -- Erin M. Duhigg -- José Garza / Serhii Chrucky -- Eric Gray / Ariel Lewis -- Meghan Allynn Johnson : to or towards / Blair Allyn Johnson -- Hoa Le / Maria Xia -- Christine Eunji Lee -- Lavar Munroe : the black superhero when everyone was looking for the scapegoat / Patrick Johnson -- Jon A. Orosco : architectonics / Rickey Laurentiis -- Michael Powell / Nicholas Tamarkin -- Bridget A. Purcell : welcome home / Andy Chen -- Malahat Qureshi -- Natalie Rodgers / Katie McGinnis -- Carla Fisher Schwartz / Jennifer Padgett -- Zak Smoker -- Laurencia Strauss / Maura Pellettieri -- Lili Yang -- Vivian Zapata -- Contributors -- About the Sam Fox School.https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/books/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Syndecan-1 Enhances Proliferation, Migration and Metastasis of HT-1080 Cells in Cooperation with Syndecan-2

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    Syndecans are transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycans. Their role in the development of the malignant phenotype is ambiguous and depends upon the particular type of cancer. Nevertheless, syndecans are promising targets in cancer therapy, and it is important to elucidate the mechanisms controlling their various cellular effects. According to earlier studies, both syndecan-1 and syndecan-2 promote malignancy of HT-1080 human fibrosarcoma cells, by increasing the proliferation rate and the metastatic potential and migratory ability, respectively. To better understand their tumour promoter role in this cell line, syndecan expression levels were modulated in HT-1080 cells and the growth rate, chemotaxis and invasion capacity were studied. For in vivo testing, syndecan-1 overexpressing cells were also inoculated into mice. Overexpression of full length or truncated syndecan-1 lacking the entire ectodomain but containing the four juxtamembrane amino acids promoted proliferation and chemotaxis. These effects were accompanied by a marked increase in syndecan-2 protein expression. The pro-migratory and pro-proliferative effects of truncated syndecan-1 were not observable when syndecan-2 was silenced. Antisense silencing of syndecan-2, but not that of syndecan-1, inhibited cell migration. In vivo, both full length and truncated syndecan-1 increased tumour growth and metastatic rate. Based on our in vitro results, we conclude that the tumour promoter role of syndecan-1 observed in HT-1080 cells is independent of its ectodomain; however, in vivo the presence of the ectodomain further increases tumour proliferation. The enhanced migratory ability induced by syndecan-1 overexpression is mediated by syndecan-2. Overexpression of syndecan-1 also leads to activation of IGF1R and increased expression of Ets-1. These changes were not evident when syndecan-2 was overexpressed. These findings suggest the involvement of IGF1R and Ets-1 in the induction of syndecan-2 synthesis and stimulation of proliferation by syndecan-1. This is the first report demonstrating that syndecan-1 enhances malignancy of a mesenchymal tumour cell line, via induction of syndecan-2 expression

    Multi-tiered genomic analysis of head and neck cancer ties TP53 mutation to 3p loss

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is characterized by aggressive behavior with a propensity for metastasis and recurrence. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of the molecular and clinical features of HNSCC that govern patient survival. We find that TP53 mutation is frequently accompanied by loss of chromosome 3p, and that the combination of both events associates with a surprising decrease in survival rates (1.9 years versus >5 years for TP53 mutation alone). The TP53-3p interaction is specific to chromosome 3p, rather than a consequence of global genome instability, and validates in HNSCC and pan-cancer cohorts. In Human Papilloma Virus positive (HPV+) tumors, in which HPV inactivates TP53, 3p deletion is also common and associates with poor outcomes. The TP53-3p event is modified by mir-548k expression which decreases survival even further, while it is mutually exclusive with mutations to RAS signaling. Together, the identified markers underscore the molecular heterogeneity of HNSCC and enable a new multi-tiered classification of this disease

    Synthesize of pluronic-based nanovesicular formulation loaded with Pistacia atlantica extract for improved antimicrobial efficiency

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    One of the current concerns to human health is antibiotic resistance, which promotes the use of antibiotics that are more harmful, expensive, and ineffective. In this condition, researchers are turning to innovative options to combat this alarming situation. Combining herbal medicine with nanotechnology has created a new strategy to increase the effectiveness of phytochemical compounds in overcoming antimicrobial resistance. Pistacia atlantica is one of the promising herbs with medicinal benefits, but its poor solubility in biological fluids is challenging. In this regard, we seek to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of Pistacia atlantica extract-loaded nanovesicle. Cholesterol, Span 40, and Pluronic F127 modified nanoformulation was developed using an environmentally friendly improved heating technique, and it was evaluated for size distribution, zeta potential, morphology, entrapment efficiency (EE%), release behavior, stability, and antimicrobial performance. By using DLS, spherical nanovesicles were identified with a size distribution of 50–150 nm and a zeta potential of −43 mV. The extract's encapsulation efficiency was 72.03%. The developed loaded nanovesicles demonstrated controlled extract release in the tested 96 h and storage stability of at least 12 months at 25 °C. Also, Comparing the two samples, the encapsulated extract had greater antibacterial activity against Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida with MIC of 1320, 570, and 1100 µg/mL, respectively. Besides reducing the misuse of antibiotics by allowing for the controlled release of drugs made from natural sources, we expect the findings described here to help provide alternative plant-based formulations with greater stability and antibacterial activity