60 research outputs found

    Matosinhos: Proposta para a extensão da marginal e novo centro multidisciplinar da ETAR de Leça da Palmeira

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    O presente trabalho desenvolveu um texto crítico com incidência na análise do projeto de Álvaro Siza para a Marginal de Leça da Palmeira, tentando reconhecer o seu papel unificador do território e estudar a sua relação quer com a paisagem industrial, quer com as outras obras do arquiteto em Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, procurando ainda reconhecer como o crescimento da indústria alterando o modo como se olha os projetos do arquiteto e a própria cidade. Atualmente, a cidade apresenta falhas na relação da indústria com a malha urbana, sendo uma área desmesurada dedicada ao setor industrial, marcada pelas áreas do Porto de Leixões e da Refinaria da Galp, que provocam descontinuidades territoriais, e, consequentemente, uma carência de espaços verdes de qualidade. Partindo desta análise propõe-se, em grupo, uma estratégia à escala da cidade com um novo eixo de mobilidade, unindo Matosinhos a Leça da Palmeira. Partindo das premissas levantadas, e fruto da perspetiva para futuro crescimento da cidade sobre os terrenos da Refinaria, recém desativada, o projeto de arquitetura desenvolve uma estratégia para a extensão do percurso marginal de Leça da Palmeira em direção a norte apoiando-se na necessidade de controlo da ETAR de Leça da Palmeira, desenhando-o através da proposta para uma infraestrutura de transporte de águas residuais, que pretende apoiar a rega dos espaços públicos da cidade consolidada e da área agrícola a norte. E em simultâneo propõem um novo Centro Multidisciplinar associado à ETAR, procurando o desenho de uma nova centralidade no território em transformação.This paper developed a critical text focused on the analysis of Álvaro Siza’s project for the Marginal of Leça da Palmeira, trying to recognize its unifying role of the territory and study its relationship with both the industrial landscape and the other works of the architect in Matosinhos, also trying to recognize how the growth of industry changed the way we look at the projects and the city itself. Currently, the city presents flaws in the relationship between industry and the urban fabric, being an excessive area dedicated to the industrial sector, marked by the Port of Leixões and the Galp Refinery, which cause territorial discontinuities, and consequently a lack of qualified green spaces. Based on this analysis, a proposal is developed, as a group, for a city-wide strategy with a new mobility axis, linking Matosinhos to Leça da Palmeira. Based on the premises raised, and as a result of the perspective for future growth of the city on the land of the recently deactivated refinery, the architectural project develops a strategy for the extension of the Leça da Palmeira waterfront path towards the north, based on the need to control the Leça da Palmeira WWTP, designing it through the proposal for a wastewater transport infrastructure, which aims to support the irrigation of public spaces in the consolidated city and the agricultural area to the north. And simultaneously they propose a new Multidisciplinary Centre associated to the WWTP, seeking the design of a new centrality in the territory in transformation

    Desempeño en el Poder Judicial : conceptualización, estado del arte y programa de investigación

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    O desempenho no Judiciário constitui um tema socialmente importante, no entanto, a pesquisa nessa área ainda carece de volume e sistematização teórica e metodológica que possibilitem a institucionalização do conhecimento. Diante disso, foi realizada uma análise da produção científica a respeito do tema. Foram revisados estudos empíricos publicados entre 1992 e 2011, que apresentavam como objetivo avaliar ou mensurar o desempenho em judiciários. Os resultados mostram que o conceito de desempenho judicial é multidimensional, multinível e tem como elemento central os juízes. Eficiência e celeridade são as dimensões de desempenho mais abordadas. Os resultados indicam que o tema é pouco explorado na área de administração pública. Com base nos resultados encontrados é oferecida uma agenda de pesquisa para estudos futuros.Judicial performance is a socially important issue, however, research in this area still lacks volume and systematic theoretical and methodological that allows the institutionalization of knowledge. To contribute in this direction this study provides a literature review of recent empirical studies on the subject. Empirical studies published between 1992 and 2011, which had as objective to evaluate or measure the performance of the judiciary in many countries, were analyzed. The results show that the concept of judicial performance is multifaceted, multilevel and judges are the key actors. Efficiency and celerity are the more performance dimensions addressed. The findings also indicate that the issue of judicial performance has received scant attention in the field of public administration. A research agenda for future studies is proposed.El desempeño en el Poder Judicial es un problema social importante, sin embargo, la investigación en esta área carece de volumen y sistemática teórica y metodológica que permita la institucionalización del conocimiento. Para contribuir en esta dirección se realizó un análisis de la literatura científica sobre el tema. Se revisaron estudios empíricos publicados entre 1992 y 2011, los cuales tenían como objetivo evaluar o medir el rendimiento en el Poder Judicial en varios países. Los resultados muestran que el concepto de desempeño judicial es multifacético, de múltiples niveles y cuenta con jueces como actores centrales. Las dimensiones de desempeño que más se abordaron fueron eficiencia y rapidez. Los resultados también indican que el tema ha sido poco explorado en el ámbito de la administración pública. Al final, se le ofrece un programa de investigación para futuros estudios

    The brazilian management graduate program network : analysis of academic relationships and the attributes of programs

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    Este artigo investiga, apoiado na abordagem de redes sociais, a influência de relações acadêmicas e de atributos de programas de pós-graduação em administração na estrutura da rede desses programas. Os dados foram coletados entre fevereiro e julho de 2007. Um questionário eletrônico foi enviado aos coordenadores de 58 programas em funcionamento nesse período. Destes, 32 (55%) responderam à pesquisa, e informaram as relações do próprio programa com os demais 57 programas, em sete atividades: pesquisas conjuntas, produção intelectual compartilhada, realização de eventos científicos, disciplinas compartilhadas, intercâmbio de professores, intercâmbio de estudantes, e participação em comissões examinadoras de dissertações e teses. Os atributos dos programas foram identificados nas páginas eletrônicas da CAPES e de cada programa. Os resultados mostram que: (1) a rede pesquisada é pouco densa, com relações esparsas e, na maioria das vezes,fracas entre programas; (2) a localização geográfica e as linhas de pesquisa dos programas são importantes na definição da estrutura da rede; as linhas de pesquisa mais compartilhadas são: Organizações & Comportamento Organizacional, e Estratégia; e, (3) o programa da UFRGS é o mais central da rede e os programas da FGV/SP,USP/SP, UFRGS e FGV/RJ são os mais prestigiados. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article investigates the influence exerted by relationships between academic institutions and attributes of graduate management programs in shaping the structure of the Brazilian Graduate Management Program network. The research was designed according to a social network approach and the data collection was undertaken between February and July of 2007 and included the coordinators of the 58 programs that were operating at that time, to whom a link to an electronic questionnaire was e-mailed. Thirty two (55%) of these coordinators completed the questionnaire, providing information on the relationships between their programs and the other 57 programs in the following activities: joint research, shared scientific production, promotion of scientific events, shared courses, academic staff exchanges, graduate student exchanges and participation in examination boards for dissertations and theses. The programs’ attributes were obtained from the websites of each program and CAPES. The main results showed: (1) a low density network with mostly weak relationships between programs, (2) a network structure defined by geographical location and research area, with the better connected networks in the areas of Organization and Organizational Behaviour and Strategy; and (3) a network in which UFRGS is the most central program and the FGV/SP, USP/SP, UFRGS and FGV/RJ are the most prestigious

    Administration of justice : an emerging research field

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of Administration of Justice as a research field and set out an agenda for future studies that could promote the production of scientific knowledge in this area. Design/methodology/approach This paper explores the idiosyncratic features, dimensions of analysis upon the Administration of Justice, states a research agenda and discusses the main challenges on this theme. This paper conceptualizes Administration of Justice as a research field and discusses related phenomena from institutional and economic perspectives on innovation, performance, governance and legitimacy. Findings As a research field, Administration of Justice is defined as a set of theoretical concepts, research methods and techniques, aiming to investigate the management processes associated with the use and articulation of resources, knowledge and institutions, at different levels of the justice system, and their influence on the provision of justice in a given social context. As social phenomena, four levels of analysis are proper to investigate the justice system: societal, inter-organizational, organizational and operational. Innovation, performance, governance and legitimacy are central themes of the Administration of Justice and present various gaps and research opportunities. Research limitations/implications The main implications is the proposal of an agenda for future studies on the Administration of Justice field, which is an important step in raising awareness of the issue. Originality/value Administration of Justice encompasses a growing interest among academics, justice practitioners and public managers regarding managerial and political practices carried out in the justice system. Although relevant, this subject has been scarcely studied by the management community. This paper invites community to adopt an organizational and institutional perspective to Administration of Justice, setting an agenda for future research

    Vaginal sheets with Thymbra capitata essential oil for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis: design, characterization and in vitro evaluation of efficacy and safety

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    We aimed to incorporate Thymbra capitata essential oil (TCEO), a potent antimicrobial natural product against bacterial vaginosis (BV)-related bacteria, in a suitable drug delivery system. We used vaginal sheets as dosage form to promote immediate relief of the typical abundant vaginal discharge with unpleasant odour. Excipients were selected to promote the healthy vaginal environment reestablishment and bioadhesion of formulations, while the TCEO acts directly on BV pathogens. We characterized vaginal sheets with TCEO in regard to technological characterization, predictable in vivo performance, in vitro efficacy and safety. Vaginal sheet D.O (acid lactic buffer, gelatine, glycerine, chitosan coated with TCEO 1% w/w) presented a higher buffer capacity and ability to absorb vaginal fluid simulant (VFS) among all vaginal sheets with EO, showing one of the most promising bioadhesive profiles, an excellent flexibility and structure that allow it to be easily rolled for application. Vaginal sheet D.O with 0.32 µL/mL TCEO was able to significantly reduce the bacterial load of all in vitro tested Gardnerella species. Although vaginal sheet D.O presented toxicity at some concentrations, this product was developed for a short time period of treatment, so this toxicity can probably be limited or even reversed when the treatment ends.This work supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the research project PTDC/BIA-MIC/28271/2017 under the scope of COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-028271) including an individual scholarship and general funding. This work was also developed within the scope of the CICS-UBI projects UIDB/00709/2020 and UIDP/00709/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of coronavirus-2 by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in conjunctival swabs from patients with severe form of Coronavirus disease 2019 in São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: To test conjunctival swabs from patients with laboratory-confirmed severe forms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 on real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). METHODS: Fifty conjunctival swabs were collected from 50 in-patients with laboratory-confirmed severe forms of COVID-19 at the largest teaching hospital and referral center in Brazil (HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP). The samples were tested for SARS-CoV-2 on rRT-PCR with the primers and probes described in the CDC protocol which amplify the region of the nucleocapsid N gene (2019_nCoV_N1 and 2019_nCoV_N2) of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and compared with naso/oropharyngeal swabs collected within 24 hours of the conjunctival swabs. RESULTS: Five conjunctival samples (10%) tested positive (amplification of the N1 and N2 primer/probe sets) while two conjunctival samples (4%) yielded inconclusive results (amplification of the N1 primer/probe set only). The naso/oropharyngeal swabs were positive for SARS-CoV-2 on rRT-PCR in 34 patients (68%), negative in 14 (28%) and inconclusive in 2 (4%). The 5 patients with positive conjunctival swabs had positive (n=2), negative (n=2) or inconclusive (n=1) naso/oropharyngeal swabs on rRT-PCR. Patients with negative or inconclusive naso/oropharyngeal swabs had the diagnosis of COVID-19 confirmed by previous positive rRT-PCR results or by serology. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to present conjunctival swab rRT-PCR results for SARS-CoV-2 in a Brazilian population. In our sample of 50 patients with severe forms of COVID-19, 10% had positive conjunctival swabs, most of which were correlated with positive naso/oropharyngeal rRT-PCR results

    Encapsulation of Nanostructures in a Dielectric Matrix Providing Optical Enhancement in Ultrathin Solar Cells

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    The incorporation of nanostructures in optoelectronic devices for enhancing their optical performance is widely studied. However, several problems related to the processing complexity and the low performance of the nanostructures have hindered such actions in real-life devices. Herein, a novel way of introducing gold nanoparticles in a solar cell structure is proposed in which the nanostructures are encapsulated with a dielectric layer, shielding them from high temperatures and harsh growth processing conditions of the remaining device. Through optical simulations, an enhancement of the effective optical path length of approximately four times the nominal thickness of the absorber layer is verified with the new architecture. Furthermore, the proposed concept in a Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell device is demonstrated, where the short-circuit current density is increased by 17.4%. The novel structure presented in this work is achieved by combining a bottom-up chemical approach of depositing the nanostructures with a top-down photolithographic process, which allows for an electrical contact.This work was funded in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under Grants IF/00133/2015, PD/BD/142780/2018 and SFRH/BD/ 146776/2019. The authors also want to acknowledge the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through the ARCIGS-M project under Grant 720887, the Special Research Fund (BOF) of Hasselt University, the FCT through the project NovaCell (PTDC/CTM-CTM/28075/ 2017), and InovSolarCells (PTDC/FISMAC/29696/2017) co-funded by FCT and the ERDF through COMPETE2020. The authors also want to acknowledge Sandra Maya for the production of images used in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Portugal: synthesis and prospects

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    The Tardiglacial of Portugal has been associated with the Magdalenian culture and lithic industries characterized by tool miniaturization, a diversity of microlith types, and the absence of a intentional blade production. The technological characterization, the chronology and the phasing of the Portuguese Magdalenian have been defined based on data recovered from open-air sites of the Estremadura region (Central Portugal). This paper presents an overview of the research undertaken over the last twenty-five years, including results from research and preventive archaeology fieldwork outside this region, namely in the Côa, Sabor and Vouga Valleys (northern Portugal), as well as in the Guadiana Valley and Algarve regions (southern Portugal). Our chronological boundaries are the Greenland Stadial 2-1b and the 8.2 ka event, from Early Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic. Regarding vegetation, deciduous Quercus underwent expansion during the warm phases of the Tardiglacial and retracted during cold ones, when pines increased. After the Solutrean, the faunal assemblages show a decrease in the variability of the represented species and an increase in fish, birds, small mammals and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Concerning the cultural sequence, the Middle Magdalenian remains uncharacterised. After the Upper Magdalenian, and thenceforward, the use of local raw materials and of cores-on-flakes (burin or carinated endscraper type) for bladelet production gradually increased. In terms of lithic armatures typology, a four-stage sequence can be discerned: 1) Upper Magdalenian with axial points rather than backed bladelets, quite common in previous phases; 2) Final Magdalenian with an increase in the diversity of armature types; 3) Azilian with geometric microliths, curved backed points (Azilian points) and Malaurie points, and 4) Early Mesolithic without retouched bladelet tools or at best a persistence of Azilian armature types. There were some changes in the Palaeolithic rock art of the Douro basin between phase 3 (Final Magdalenian) and phase 4 (Late Azilian): figurative animal representations give place to animal depictions characterized by their geometrical bodies, often filled-in, and red deer becomes the best-represented animal.FCT: PTDC/EPH-ARQ/0326/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio