594 research outputs found


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    O uso e ocupação do solo urbano implica supressão ou remoção da cobertura vegetal nativa dos sítios urbanos, causando impactos ambientais, principalmente, à fauna e à flora, que tem que se adaptar ao meio antropizado e aos fragmentos florestais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo de analisar as características da fauna nos fragmentos florestais presentes no Canal do BIS/CIGS e no Igarapé do Mindu, estabelecendo uma relação com a ação antrópica no sítio urbano, buscando possíveis variações na diversidade da fauna urbana ao longo desses cursos d´agua. A metodologia desta pesquisa foi apoiada nos “Quatros níveis da pesquisa geográfica”, de Libault (1971), que organizou as informações em níveis compilatório, correlativo, semântico e normativo. No nível compilatório foi realizado o levantamento bibliográfico e cartográfico, caracterização da área de pesquisa e trabalho de campo. Posteriormente, a partir das correlações dos dados obtidos, obteve-se uma síntese das informações e a elaboração de material cartográfico. No nível normativo obteve-se a organização dos resultados. Os resultados apontaram que a o baixo curso do Canal do BIS/CIGS e do igarapé do Mindu, bem como a confluência dos mesmos, sustentam uma fauna silvestre mais abundante, pois é um habitat propício para abrigar muitas espécies de animais, principalmente de animais superiores da cadeia alimentar, devido a disponibilidade de alimentos, a presença de herbáceas aquáticas e dos fragmentos florestais do Parque dos Bilhares e da área militar do BIS/CIGS.Palavras-chave: Fauna urbana; Fragmento florestal urbano; Canal do BIS/CIGS; Igarapé do Mindu

    Myelodysplastic Syndrome Progression to Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Cat FeLV Seroreactive

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    Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a group of non-lymphoid hematological tumors characterized by aberrant proliferation and/or decreased apoptosis of a clone of non-mature cells, resulting in the accumulation of immature blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. It is considered rare, as it represents 10% of neoplasms of hematopoietic origin. However, it is known that felines seroreactive for FIV and FeLV are more predisposed and reports of this type of leukemia in cats in the literature are scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the blood and bone marrow of a cat seroreactive for FeLV that presented with myelodysplastic syndrome that progressed to acute myeloid leukemia.  Case: A 6-year-old male mixed-breed cat, neutered, seroreactive for FeLV, showed apathy, weight loss, and pale mucous membranes. Initial peripheral blood smear evaluation revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytosis with many macropackets and giant platelets. Based on this blood picture, a long-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with amoxicillin and clavulanate [Clavulin® BD - 25 mg/kg, every 12 h] was started. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor used filgrastim (rHu G-CSF) [Fiprina® - 5 µg/kg, SC, every 48 h] and appetite stimulant mirtazapine [Mirtz® - 2 mg/cat, orally, every 48 h] were used to correct leukopenia and nutritional status, respectively. Follow-up blood smear evaluation on the 30th day showed persistence of the hematological changes noticed earlier. A bone marrow puncture was performed, and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone [Predsim® - 4 mg/kg, orally, every 24 h] was initiated. The aspirated material showed increased cellularity for age, decreased myeloid:erythroid ratio, and 39.8% of blasts of myeloid origin. An average of 17.7 megakaryocytes were observed per field (10x magnification). Bone marrow cytological evaluation suggested acute myeloid leukemia with dysmegakaryocytopoiesis. After the diagnosis, the examinations were repeated monthly, and there was still intense leukopenia. However, in view of the stable clinical status and leukopenia with neutropenia, treatment for leukemia was not instituted and only supportive treatment was administered when necessary. Eight months after the diagnosis, clinical status had worsened, and unlike the earlier hemograms, global leukocyte count had increased with predominant lymphocytosis (95% of the total leukocytes) with atypical lymphocytes. The cat died a few days later.  Discussion: Bone marrow evaluation is indicated when peripheral blood cell abnormalities are present and cannot be explained in the context of the clinical history. In the present report, the bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular (cellularity above 75%); however, intense leukopenia was observed in the peripheral blood. In myelodysplastic syndromes, it is common for the bone marrow to be normal to hypercellular, which occurs when there is a greater production of myeloid or erythroid cell lines in response to the loss, destruction, or consumption of cells. Despite this, cytopenias may be present in the peripheral blood, since the defective cells undergo apoptosis and die before being released into the circulation, characterizing inefficient hematopoiesis. The diagnosis of acute leukemia comprises a variety of hematopoietic neoplasms that are complex and unique. Each acute leukemia subtype has defining characteristics that affect the prognosis and treatment of each animal. Keywords: tumours, myeloid neoplasm, SMD, LMA, bone marrow cytology, feline

    Mineralogia da argila e propriedades químicas de solos do Planalto Norte Catarinense

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    In the North Plateau of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, there is little information about the mineralogical composition of the soils and a few soil profiles were described and characterized in the region. The two generalized soil maps of Santa Catarina indicate predominance of Inceptisols, Entisols and Oxisols, with hydromorphic soils occupying areas of floodplains. These soils occur in relief from plane to strong wavy, where small and medium rural farmers develop diversified crops, with significant areas with pine reforestation. This work aimed to increase the knowledge of the mineralogical and chemical properties of some of these soils developed from sedimentary rocks of different geological formations. Five soil profiles were described and sampled, included one oxisol and four Inceptisols. In fine earth, physical (sand, silt, clay) and chemical analyzes were performed (pH in water, organic carbon, Ca2+, Mg, K, Na, Al, H + Al) and based on these attributes was calculated effective CEC, CEC at pH7, sum of bases and base saturation. Mineralogical analyzes were conducted in the clay fraction of the B horizon of each soil, using X-ray diffraction techniques. All soils showed very acid reaction, with low sum of bases and base saturation and high levels of organic carbon and exchangeable Al. The clay mineralogy revealed predominance of kaolinite in all soils, with considerable amounts of gibbsite, and vermiculite with hydroxy-Al interlayered.No Planalto Norte Catarinense são escassas as informações sobre a composição mineralógica dos solos e há poucos perfis de solo descritos e caracterizados para a região. O mapa de solos de Santa Catarina indica predominância de Cambissolos, Neossolos Litólicos e Latossolos, com Gleissolos ocupando áreas de várzeas. Esses solos ocorrem em relevo desde plano até forte ondulado, onde pequenos e médios proprietários rurais desenvolvem cultivos diversificados, com áreas expressivas de reflorestamentos com pinus. Este trabalho objetivou aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a mineralogia e as propriedades químicas de alguns desses solos, desenvolvidos de rochas sedimentares de distintas formações geológicas. Foram descritos e coletados cinco perfis de solo, sendo um Latossolo e quatro Cambissolos. Na fração terra fina seca ao ar (TFSA), foram feitas análises físicas (areia, silte, argila) e químicas de caracterização básica (pH em água, carbono orgânico, Ca2+, Mg, K, Na, Al, H + Al) e com base nesses parâmetros foi calculada a CTC efetiva, CTC pH7, Soma e Saturação por Bases. Análises mineralógicas foram conduzidas na fração argila do horizonte B de cada solo, utilizando-se difratometria de raios X. Todos os solos apresentaram reação muito ácida, com baixa soma e saturação por bases e teores elevados de carbono orgânico e Al trocável. A mineralogia da fração argila revelou predomínio de caulinitas em todos os solos, com quantidades consideráveis de illita, gibbsita e vermiculita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas

    The Portfolio as an Evaluation Tool: an Analysis of its Use in an Undergraduate Nursing Program

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    This qualitative study was carried out between April and August 2007. It analyzed the use of portfolios in the academic community. A total of nine full-time professors and 119 students enrolled in their third semester were interviewed through a semi-structured interview. Content analysis was used to analyze data. Learning evaluations are seen as a verification of knowledge and efficacy of pedagogical method, and also as an incentive to study. Evaluations are procedural, that is, evaluation is continuous, or one-time, e.g. semester end tests. The portfolio is defined as a gradual and continuous evaluation tool. The faculty members and students need to accept the use of portfolios and evaluate the possibilities of this resource. This study is a first attempt to appraise the evaluation process of an undergraduate program, and the use of portfolios and other strategies needs to be consolidated in order to improve the educational process in undergraduate nursing programs.

    The Portfolio as an Evaluation Tool: an Analysis of its Use in an Undergraduate Nursing Program

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    This qualitative study was carried out between April and August 2007. It analyzed the use of portfolios in the academic community. A total of nine full-time professors and 119 students enrolled in their third semester were interviewed through a semi-structured interview. Content analysis was used to analyze data. Learning evaluations are seen as a verification of knowledge and efficacy of pedagogical method, and also as an incentive to study. Evaluations are procedural, that is, evaluation is continuous, or one-time, e.g. semester end tests. The portfolio is defined as a gradual and continuous evaluation tool. The faculty members and students need to accept the use of portfolios and evaluate the possibilities of this resource. This study is a first attempt to appraise the evaluation process of an undergraduate program, and the use of portfolios and other strategies needs to be consolidated in order to improve the educational process in undergraduate nursing programs.Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en el período de abril a agosto de 2007. El objetivo fue analizar la utilización del portafolio por la comunidad académica. Se entrevistó a través de un guión a nueve docentes efectivos y 119 discentes matriculados a partir del tercer período. En el análisis de datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido. La evaluación del aprendizaje es considerada como verificación del conocimiento, como eficacia del método pedagógico e incentivo al estudio. Con relación al tipo de evaluación son procesuales y puntuales. El portafolio es definido como un instrumento de evaluación gradual y continuo. Es necesario que el cuerpo docente y discente acepte experimentar la utilización del portafolio y así evaluar las posibilidades de este recurso. Representa una primera aproximación al proceso de evaluación en la graduación y de esa forma el portafolio y otras estrategias necesitan ser consolidadas de forma a mejorar el proceso de formación en la graduación de enfermería.Este é um estudo qualitativo, realizado no período de abril a agosto de 2007. O objetivo foi analisar a utilização do portfólio pela comunidade acadêmica. Entrevistaram-se, através de um roteiro, nove docentes efetivos e 119 discentes matriculados a partir do terceiro período. Na análise de dados utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo. A avaliação da aprendizagem é considerada como verificação do conhecimento, como eficácia do método pedagógico e incentivo ao estudo. Com relação aos tipos de avaliação são eles processuais e pontuais. O portfólio é definido como instrumento de avaliação gradual e contínuo. É necessário que o corpo docente e discente aceite experimentar a utilização do portfólio e assim avaliar as possibilidades desse recurso. Representa a primeira aproximação ao processo de avaliação na graduação e, dessa forma, o portfólio e outras estratégias precisam ser consolidadas de forma a melhorar o processo de formação na graduação de enfermagem

    Contabilidade Gerencial: análise da cientificidade e da metodologia dos artigos publicados no ENANPAD e ANPCONT

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    Ao longo da última década houve expressivo crescimento de eventos acadêmicos no Brasil, com o aumento da quantidade de artigos publicados em anais. Mas esse aumento quantitativo pode não qualidade similar. Este trabalho analisa o rigor científico e metodológico dos artigos publicados nos anais do Encontro Anual da Associação Nacional de Programas de Pós-graduação em Administração (ENANPAD) e da Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis (ANPCONT), no período de 1997 a 2009, na área de Contabilidade Gerencial. Foi estabelecida uma base teórica sobre a caraterização da Contabilidade Gerencial e, em seguida, detalha-se os constructos em duas dimensões que formam a base da análise deste estudo. Com relação a metodologia utilizada, o estudo se enquadra como descritivo, quanto aos seus objetivos; quanto à sua natureza é uma pesquisa aplicada, cuja abordagem do problema é do tipo quantitativo-qualitativo; os procedimentos utilizados é de pesquisa documental e com uso do método dedutivo. Em termos de resultados, foram estudados 346 artigos e observou a ausência de rigor metodológico e científico, demonstrando a necessidade de maior austeridade na produção científica para aumentar a sua qualidade

    Potential wound healing effect of gel based on chicha gum, chitosan, and mauritia flexuosa oil

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    Wounds are considered a clinically critical issue, and effective treatment will decrease complications, prevent chronic wound formation, and allow rapid healing. The development of products based on naturally occurring materials is an efficient approach to wound healing. Natural polysaccharides can mimic the extracellular matrix and promote cell growth, thus making them attractive for wound healing. In this context, the aim of this work was to produce a gel based on chicha gum, chitosan, and Mauritia flexuosa oil (CGCHO) for wound treatment. TG and DTG analyzed the thermal behavior of the materials, and SEM investigated the surface roughness. The percentages of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and antioxidants were determined, presenting a value of 81.811 ± 7.257 µmol gallic acid/g Mauritia flexuosa oil, 57.915 ± 0.305 µmol quercetin/g Mauritia flexuosa oil, and 0.379 mg/mL, respectively. The anti-inflammatory was determined, presenting a value of 10.35 ± 1.46% chicha gum, 16.86 ± 1.00% Mauritia flexuosa oil, 10.17 ± 1.05% CGCHO, and 15.53 ± 0.65% chitosan, respectively. The materials were tested against Gram-negative (Klebsiella pneumoniae) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria and a fungus (Candida albicans). The CGCHO formulation showed better antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. In addition, an in vivo wound healing study was also performed. After 21 days of treatment, the epidermal re-epithelialization process was observed. CGCHO showed good thermal stability and roughness that can help in cell growth and promote the tissue healing process. In addition to the good results observed for the antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and providing wound healing, they provided the necessary support for the healing process, thus representing a new approach to the wound healing process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of hospital dental care in a pediatric center / Análise da assistência odontológica hospitalar em um centro pediátrico

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    Oral health promotion in hospitalized patients aims to improve the general clinical conditions and reduce the length of hospital stay. This study's objective was to analyze the role of the dentist inserted in the multidisciplinary staff in hospital environment, in order to improve the general conditions and well-being of hospitalized infant patients. The sample consisted of 180 (60%) males and 120 (40%) females, with a mean age of 5.6 years ±156 months. The analysis of the dental condition found in these patients was good in 30% of the cases (n = 90), regular in 45% (n = 135) and poor in 25% (n = 75). Most of the visits were preventive (79.57%), and curative procedures (20.43%) contributed to the improvement of clinical conditions. It is concluded that the insertion of the dentist in the hospital, both in the context of the wards and in the intensive care units, are beneficial to the hospitalized patients


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    A Síndrome Pré-Menstrual (SPM) conhecida pela população como TPM, é um conjunto de diferentes sintomas que aparecem entre 10 e 14 dias antes da menstruação e desaparecem com o início do fluxo, é comum em mulheres na fase reprodutiva, sendo caracterizada por sintomas físicos e emocionais que ocorrem de forma cíclica durante a fase lútea do ciclo menstrual. O manejo e o tratamento adequados dos sintomas pré-menstruais têm sido uma grande incógnita para os clínicos. Porém, com base em vários estudos científicos realizados na última década, hoje há critérios diagnósticos para a forma mais severa desta condição clínica, assim como novas estratégias terapêuticas

    Compilado de documentos históricos: campanha civil contra o comunismo e o nazifascismo no arquivo de Orestes Augusto Alves, Curitiba (1941-1942)

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    This study tried to present the compilation of historical documents, produced in the city of Curitiba in the period between 1941 and 1942, entitled campaign against Nazism. As specific objectives, we tried to present Orestes Augusto Alves; describe what compiles this compiled; contextualize the historical moment in which the documents were elaborated. We counted on the studies of Bacellar (2015) for the treatment of the archives. It was possible to perceive that Orestes and his group were imbued with the sense of nationalism promoted in the Era Vargas. In addition, the large number of immigrants in the south of the country and the repercussions of the Second World War reinforced the fear of the foreign threat.Este estudo procurou apresentar o compilado de documentos históricos, produzidos na cidade de Curitiba no período entre 1941 e 1942, intitulados campanha contra o nazismo. Como objetivos específicos, procurou-se apresentar Orestes Augusto Alves; descrever o que compõe esse compilado; contextualizar o momento histórico em que os documentos foram elaborados. Contou-se com os estudos de Bacellar (2015) para o tratamento dos arquivos. Foi possível perceber que Orestes e seu grupo estavam imbuídos do sentimento de nacionalismo promovido na Era Vargas, além disso, o grande número de imigrantes no sul do país e a repercussão da 2º Guerra Mundial reforçavam o medo da ameaça estrangeira