380 research outputs found

    Near IR diffraction-limited integral-field SINFONI spectroscopy of the Circinus galaxy

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    Using the adaptive optics assisted near infrared integral field spectrometer SINFONI on the VLT, we have obtained observations of the Circinus galaxy on parsec scales. The morphologies of the H_2(1-0)S(1) 2.12um and Br_gamma 2.17um emission lines are only slightly different, but their velocity maps are similar and show a gradient along the major axis of the galaxy, consistent with rotation.Since V_rot/sigma is approximately 1 suggests that random motions are also important, it is likely that the lines arise in a rotating spheroid or thickened disk around the AGN. Comparing the Br_gamma flux to the stellar continuum indicates that the star formation in this region began almost 10^8 yr ago. We also detect the [SiVI] 1.96um,[AlIX] 2.04um and [CaVIII] 2.32um coronal lines. In all cases we observe a broad blue wing, indicating the presence of two or more components in the coronal line region. A correlation between the ionisation potential and the asymmetry of the profiles was found for these high excitation species.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IFS Workshop, Jul 4-8 2005, Durham, Englan

    The first detection of near-infrared CN bands in active galactic nuclei: signature of star formation

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    We present the first detection of the near-infrared CN absorption band in the nuclear spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN). This feature is a recent star formation tracer, being particularly strong in carbon stars. The equivalent width of the CN line correlates with that of the CO at 2.3 microns, as expected in stellar populations (SP) with ages between ~ 0.2 and ~ 2 Gyr. The presence of the 1.1 microns CN band in the spectra of the sources is taken as an unambiguous evidence of the presence of young/intermediate SP close to the central source of the AGN. Near-infrared bands can be powerful age indicators for star formation connected to AGN, the understanding of which is crucial in the context of galaxy formation and AGN feedback.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 4 pages, 3 figure

    School leadership through the lens of headteachers’ daily activities

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    En este artículo se analiza la actividad diaria de los directivos escolares. Este ha sido uno de los enfoques adoptados en el marco de un proyecto de investigación en curso que trata de conocer las características y patrones de distribución del liderazgo en las escuelas. Para ello hemos utilizado una metodología basada en un Registro Diario de la Actividad Escolar (REDAE) que se envió durante dos semanas a 42 líderes de 39 escuelas –la mayoría directores/as– tanto primarias como secundarias de dos provincias andaluzas. Se les pedía que cumplimentaran el registro al final de la jornada escolar, proporcionando información acerca de la actividad que consideraban más relevante del día. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan quién lidera la actividad en los centros, cómo se ejerce el liderazgo en relación a aspectos como la enseñanza, la gestión, las relaciones sociales y el desarrollo profesional, así como las actitudes y sentimientos experimentados por los directivos durante el desempeño de las tareas.The daily activities of school leaders are analysed in this paper. That has been one of the focuses of an ongoing research project on the characteristics and distribution patterns of school leadership. The employed methodology is based on a Leadership Daily Practice (LDP) log which was sent during two weeks to 42 leaders of 39 primary and secondary schools –most of them were headteachers– from two Andalusian provinces. They were asked to fill in the log at the end of the school day, focusing on the most relevant activity they had been involved during the day. The results provided us information about who led the activities, how and with what frequency activities of different spheres (curriculum, school management, social relationships and professional development) were addressed and the attitudes and feelings experienced by headteachers when performing the activitie

    Short-Term Changes in Algometry, Inclinometry, Stabilometry, and Urinary pH Analysis After a Thoracolumbar Junction Manipulation in Patients with Kidney Stones

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of a high-velocity low-amplitude manipulation of the thoracolumbar junction in different urologic and musculoskeletal parameters in subjects suffering from renal lithiasis. Design: Randomized, controlled blinded clinical study. Settings/Location: The Nephrology departments of two hospitals and one private consultancy of physiotherapy in Valencia (Spain). Subjects: Forty-six patients suffering from renal lithiasis. Interventions: The experimental group (EG, n¿=¿23) received a spinal manipulation of the thoracolumbar junction, and the control group (CG, n¿=¿23) received a sham procedure. Outcome measures: Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) of both quadratus lumborum and spinous processes from T10 to L1, lumbar flexion range of motion, stabilometry, and urinary pH were measured before and immediately after the intervention. A comparison between pre- and postintervention phases was performed and an analysis of variance for repeated measures using time (pre- and postintervention) as intrasubject variable and group (CG or EG) as intersubject variable. Results: Intragroup comparison showed a significant improvement for the EG in the lumbar flexion range of motion (p¿<¿0.001) and in all the PPT (p¿<¿0.001 in all cases). Between-group comparison showed significant changes in PPT in quadratus lumborum (p¿<¿0.001), as well as in the spinous processes of all of the evaluated levels (p¿<¿0.05). No changes in urinary pH were observed (p¿=¿0.419). Conclusion: Spinal manipulation of the thoracolumbar junction seems to be effective in short term to improve pain sensitivity, as well as to increase the lumbar spine flexion

    Portable IR dye laser optofluidic microresonator as a temperature and chemical sensor

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    A compact and portable optofluidic microresonator has been fabricated and characterized. It is based on a Fabry-Perot microcavity consisting essentially of two tailored dichroic Bragg mirrors prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering deposition. The microresonator has been filled with an ethanol solution of Nile-Blue dye. Infrared laser emission has been measured with a pump threshold as low as 0.12 MW/cm2 and an external energy conversion efficiency of 41%. The application of the device as a temperature and a chemical sensor is demonstrated. Small temperature variations as well as small amount of water concentrations in the liquid laser medium are detected as a shift of the resonant laser modes.España Mineco MAT2013-40852-R MAT2013-46649-C4-4-PMALTA CSD2007-0045FUNCOAT MAT2015-69035-REDCEU-FEDER P12- FQM-2265 P10-FQM-690

    Incidencia del ejercicio físico y el entrenamiento vibratorio sobre la amplitud de movimiento de mujeres con fibromialgia

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    ResumenObjetivoEn la presente investigación hemos planteado como objetivos principales, por un lado, valorar el efecto del ejercicio físico y el entrenamiento vibratorio sobre la amplitud de movimiento en mujeres con fibromialgia (FM) y, por otro, determinar si existe alguna relación entre dicha variable y el dolor y la rigidez.MétodoLa muestra estuvo constituida por un total de cuarenta y seis mujeres (edad: 58,2±8,5 años; peso: 72,1±9,6kg; altura: 156,9±6,1cm) diagnosticadas con FM. Los participantes fueron divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos: ejercicio físico y entrenamiento vibratorio (WBV + EJ; n=15); ejercicio físico sin vibraciones (EJ; n=15) y un grupo control (GC; n=16). Los grupos WBV + EJ y EJ realizaron dos sesiones semanales de ejercicio físico durante 8 semanas. Además, los integrantes de WBV + EJ realizaron 3 sesiones semanales de entrenamiento vibratorio (30Hz, 4mm). Las pruebas de evaluación incluyeron el test de sit and reach (variable principal), la valoración del número de tender points (TP) y una escala analógica visual (VAS) para determinar la rigidez.ResultadosLos resultados derivados del análisis intra e intergrupo no mostraron diferencias significativas en la rigidez o el número de TP, si bien, la prueba de sit and reach mostró una mejora estadísticamente significativa en WBV + EJ (58%; p<0,05). El análisis correlacional mostró una relación inversa (r =-0,55; p<0,05) entre el sit and reach y el número de TP.ConclusiónComo conclusión, podemos indicar que los datos obtenidos en la presente investigación han mostrado los efectos significativos del entrenamiento vibratorio sobre la amplitud de movimiento en mujeres con FM, aunque el número de TP o la rigidez no se vieron afectados en ningún caso.AbstractObjectiveThe main aim of this investigation was twofold: first to evaluate the effects of exercise and whole body vibration training on flexibility in women with fibromyalgia (FM) and determine whether these improvements are related to symptom severity (stiffness and bodily pain).MethodForty-six women (mean±sd, age: 58.2±8.5 years; weight: 72.1±9.6kg; height: 156.9±6.1cm) with FM were randomized into one of three groups: exercise and whole body vibration (WBV) training group (WBV + EX; n=15), exercise training group (EX), and usual-care control group (CG). WBV + EX and EX groups carried out two sessions per week of exercise training for 8 weeks. In addition, WBV + EX group performed 3 vibration-training (30Hz, 4mm) sessions per week. Outcome assessed included sit and reach test (primary outcome), tender points (TP) evaluation, and a visual analog scale (VAS) was used to determine the stiffness level.ResultsResults showed no statistical intra and intergroup differences in stiffness or the number of TP. However, a significant increment in the sit and reach performance was observed in WBV + EX (58%; p<0.05). Moreover, correlation analysis showed an inverse and significant relationship (r=-0.55; p<0.05) between sit and reach and number of TP in WBV+EX group.ConclusionIn conclusion, exercise and WBV seems to be effective on flexibility in women with FM. However, the number of TP and stiffness was not modified after the interventio

    Morbilidad y lactancia materna exclusiva en el primer semestre en relación con una intervención educativa

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    Introducción: las normas culturales para la alimentación infantil han cambiado y ha disminuido la utilización de la lactancia materna en el mundo. Objetivos: evaluar los resultados de la lactancia materna exclusiva en el primer semestre y la morbilidad de los niños, después una intervención educativa en las gestantes. Métodos: se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de casos y controles, entre marzo de 2010 y junio de 2012 de las madres y los lactantes, durante el primer semestre de vida en el Policlínico “Mártires del 9 de Abril” en el municipio San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque. Se conformaron dos grupos que cumplieron los criterios establecidos: uno producto de una intervención previa y otro control. Se exploraron: edad, escolaridad y estado civil maternos; constitución del núcleo familiar, hijos previos y lactancia recibida, tiempo de lactancia en el primer semestre, causas de abandono y morbilidad. Resultados: el mayor por ciento de madres de ambos grupos tenían: entre 20 a 34 años, nivel escolar técnico medio o preuniversitario, uniones consensuadas, familias extensas y eran primíparas. Las multíparas en ambos grupos ofrecieron lactancia materna exclusiva predominantemente de 1 a 4 meses. Las causas del abandono de la lactancia materna para ambos grupos estuvieron: relacionadas con la hipogalactia. Los lactantes del grupo no intervenido tuvieron mayor frecuencia de procesos mórbidos, ingresos y consumo de antibióticos Conclusiones: la intervención educativa resultó efectiva. Se alcanzaron mejores tiempos de lactancia materna exclusiva, menor morbilidad y menos ingresos hospitalarios en el grupo de niños cuyas madres fueron intervenidas

    Location Dependent Dirichlet Processes

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    Dirichlet processes (DP) are widely applied in Bayesian nonparametric modeling. However, in their basic form they do not directly integrate dependency information among data arising from space and time. In this paper, we propose location dependent Dirichlet processes (LDDP) which incorporate nonparametric Gaussian processes in the DP modeling framework to model such dependencies. We develop the LDDP in the context of mixture modeling, and develop a mean field variational inference algorithm for this mixture model. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling framework is shown on an image segmentation task

    An ionized superbubble powered by a protocluster at z = 6.5

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    We show herein that a proto-cluster of Ly α emitting galaxies, spectroscopically confirmed at redshift 6.5, produces a remarkable number of ionizing continuum photons. We start from the Ly α fluxes measured in the spectra of the sources detected spectroscopically. From these fluxes, we derive the ionizing emissivity of continuum photons of the protocluster, which we compare with the ionizing emissivity required to reionize the protocluster volume. We find that the sources in the protocluster are capable of ionizing a large bubble, indeed larger than the volume occupied by the protocluster. For various calculations, we have used the model AMIGA, in particular to derive the emissivity of the Lyman continuum photons required to maintain the observed volume ionized. Besides, we have assumed the ionizing photons escape fraction given by AMIGA at this redshift

    A 0.8-2.4 microns spectral atlas of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Aims: We present a near-infrared spectral atlas of 47 active galactic nuclei (AGN), of all degrees of activity, in the wavelength interval of 0.8-2.4 microns, including the fluxes of the observed emission lines. We analyze the spectroscopic properties of the continuum and emission line spectra of the sources Methods: In order to exclude aperture and seeing effects we use near-infrared spectroscopy in the short cross-dispersed mode (SXD, 0.8-2.4 microns), taking the JHK-bands spectra simultaneously. Results: We present the most extensive NIR spectral atlas of AGN to date. This atlas offers a suitable database for studying the continuum and line emission properties of these objects in a region full of interesting features. The shape of the continuum of QSOs and Seyfert 1's are similar, being essentially flat in H and K band, in the J band, a strong variation is found. In Seyfert 2 galaxies, the continuum in the F_lambda X lambda space smoothly decreases from 1.2 microns redwards in almost all sources. In J, it smoothly rises bluewards in some sources while in others a small decreased in flux is observed. The spectra are dominated by strong emission features of H I, He I, He II, [S III] and conspicuous forbidden lines of low and high ionization species. Molecular lines of H2 are common features to most objects. The absence of O I and Fe II lines in Seyfert 2 galaxies give observational support to the fact that these lines are formated in the outermost portion of the broad line region. [P II] and coronal lines are detected in all degrees of activity. The [Fe II] 12570A/16436A line ratio becomes a reliable reddening indicator for the narrow-line region of Seyfert galaxies.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (15/05/2006