195 research outputs found

    Tsallis entropy approach to radiotherapy treatments

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    The biological effect of one single radiation dose on a living tissue has been described by several radiobiological models. However, the fractionated radiotherapy requires to account for a new magnitude: time. In this paper we explore the biological consequences posed by the mathematical prolongation of a model to fractionated treatment. Nonextensive composition rules are introduced to obtain the survival fraction and equivalent physical dose in terms of a time dependent factor describing the tissue trend towards recovering its radioresistance (a kind of repair coefficient). Interesting (known and new) behaviors are described regarding the effectiveness of the treatment which is shown to be fundamentally bound to this factor. The continuous limit, applicable to brachytherapy, is also analyzed in the framework of nonextensive calculus. Also here a coefficient arises that rules the time behavior. All the results are discussed in terms of the clinical evidence and their major implications are highlighted.Comment: 6 figures, accepted for publication to Physica

    Shocks in supersonic sand

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    We measure time-averaged velocity, density, and temperature fields for steady granular flow past a wedge and calculate a speed of granular pressure disturbances (sound speed) equal to 10% of the flow speed. The flow is supersonic, forming shocks nearly identical to those in a supersonic gas. Molecular dynamics simulations of Newton's laws and Monte Carlo simulations of the Boltzmann equation yield fields in quantitative agreement with experiment. A numerical solution of Navier-Stokes-like equations agrees with a molecular dynamics simulation for experimental conditions excluding wall friction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Competing Patterns of Signaling Activity in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Quantitative experiments are described on spatio-temporal patterns of coherent chemical signaling activity in populations of {\it Dictyostelium discoideum} amoebae. We observe competition between spontaneously firing centers and rotating spiral waves that depends strongly on the overall cell density. At low densities, no complete spirals appear and chemotactic aggregation is driven by periodic concentric waves, whereas at high densities the firing centers seen at early times nucleate and are apparently entrained by spiral waves whose cores ultimately serve as aggregation centers. Possible mechanisms for these observations are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 4 ps figures, accepted in PR

    Onset of fluidization in vertically shaken granular material

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    When granular material is shaken vertically one observes convection, surface fluidization, spontaneous heap formation and other effects. There is a controversial discussion in literature whether there exists a threshold for the Froude number Γ=A0ω02/g\Gamma=A_0\omega_0^2/g below which these effects cannot be observed anymore. By means of theoretical analysis and computer simulation we find that there is no such single threshold. Instead we propose a modified criterion which coincides with critical Froude number Γc=1\Gamma_c=1 for small driving frequency ω0\omega_0.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Spin fluctuations in CuGeO3_3 probed by light scattering

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    We have measured temperature dependence of low-frequency Raman spectra in CuGeO3_3, and have observed the quasi-elastic scattering in the (c,c)(c,c) polarization above the spin-Peierls transition temperature. We attribute it to the fluctuations of energy density in the spin system. The magnetic specific heat and an inverse of the magnetic correlation length can be derived from the quasi-elastic scattering. The inverse of the magnetic correlation length is proportional to (T−TSP)1/2(T-T_{SP})^{1/2} at high temperatures. We compare the specific heat with a competing-JJ model. This model cannot explain quantitatively both the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility with the same parameters. The origin of this discrepancy is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, REVTeX, 5 Postscript figures; in press in PR

    Transport Coefficients for Granular Media from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Under many conditions, macroscopic grains flow like a fluid; kinetic theory pred icts continuum equations of motion for this granular fluid. In order to test the theory, we perform event driven molecular simulations of a two-dimensional gas of inelastic hard disks, driven by contact with a heat bath. Even for strong dissipation, high densities, and small numbers of particles, we find that continuum theory describes the system well. With a bath that heats the gas homogeneously, strong velocity correlations produce a slightly smaller energy loss due to inelastic collisions than that predicted by kinetic theory. With an inhomogeneous heat bath, thermal or velocity gradients are induced. Determination of the resulting fluxes allows calculation of the thermal conductivity and shear viscosity, which are compared to the predictions of granular kinetic theory, and which can be used in continuum modeling of granular flows. The shear viscosity is close to the prediction of kinetic theory, while the thermal conductivity can be overestimated by a factor of 2; in each case, transport is lowered with increasing inelasticity.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 39 references, submitted to PRE feb 199

    Designing Irreversible Inhibitors—Worth the Effort?

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: González-Bello, C. (2016). Designing Irreversible Inhibitors-Worth the Effort?. Chemmedchem, 11(1), 22-30, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.201500469. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley-VCH Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingDespite the unquestionable success of numerous irreversible drugs that are currently in clinical use, such as acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and penicillin, the number of such approved drugs is much lower than that of noncovalent drugs. Over the years, the potential off‐target effects of these types of compounds have been the primary concern that has hampered their development. However, their remarkable advantages over noncovalent drugs and a better analysis of the risks have decreased the widespread skepticism surrounding them. The design of irreversible inhibitors is a challenge, particularly considering that in some cases their efficacy is due to complex and unexpected mechanisms of action. In this review the main advantages of irreversible inhibition are summarized, and the complexity of certain covalent modification mechanisms is highlighted with selected examplesSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Grant Number: SAF2013-42899-R Xunta de Galicia. Grant Number: GRC2013-041 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Catchability of pelagic trawls for sampling deep-living nekton in the mid-North Atlantic

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    Material collected in summer 2004 from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Iceland and the Azores with three pelagic trawls was used to estimate relative catchabilities of common fish, cephalopod, decapod, and jellyfish species. Catchability is defined as the ratio of numbers caught between two trawls, standardized for towed distance. Taxon-specific catchability coefficients were estimated for two large pelagic trawls with graded meshes, using a smaller pelagic trawl with a uniform mesh size as the reference trawl. Two of the trawls were equipped with multiple opening–closing codends that allowed sampling of different depth layers. Generalized linear and mixed models suggest that most of the taxa have catchabilities much lower than expected from the area of opening alone, indicating that only a few species are herded by the large mesh at the mouth of larger trawls. Catchability coefficients across taxa show a very large spread, indicating that the sampled volume for the larger trawls with graded meshes was highly taxon-specific. Part of this variability can be explained by body size and taxonomic group, the latter probably reflecting differences in body form and behaviour. The catchability estimates presented here form the basis for combining data for quantitative analyses of community structure
