101 research outputs found

    Nutrição do intestino, imunidade intestinal e resistência a parasitas do intestino em cães

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaA presente dissertação é o resultado do estágio realizado na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Campus de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil. É composta por uma descrição resumida das actividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio, exposição breve da casuística acompanhada, seguida de uma revisão bibliográfica do tema proposto. Esta revisão incide sobre as funções do intestino na nutrição do animal e destaca o papel essencial da dieta na nutrição do intestino. Estuda-se a importância do intestino na imunidade, relacionando os mecanismos de resistência a parasitas intestinais (endo e extracelulares) em cães. No âmbito do tema escolhido, são referidos os efeitos específicos das deficiências de nutrientes a nível molecular ou de produção de citoquinas específicas. Há muitas pesquisas que demonstram que a má nutrição e a infecção ocorrem em conjunto. Não podem ser feitas generalizações sobre os efeitos de diversos nutrientes sobre os vários componentes da resposta imune, e a falta de compreensão da base de imunidade funcional contra nemátodes, torna difícil identificar as deficiências nutricionais que deveriam ser de maior preocupação. Neste estudo, o foco é centrado no intestino, que é o local da digestão e absorção de nutrientes e de permanência da maioria dos parasitas. Como complemento do tema, procede-se ao estudo dos aspectos nutricionais de sete casos clínicos acompanhados pelo autor com a respectiva discussão. Por fim, salientam-se as conclusões obtidas. Em Portugal, o autor realizou um inquérito a Médicos Veterinários sobre Nutrição Clínica, demonstrando-se que é uma área subvalorizada no nosso país. É abordada a importância de profissionais nesta área e de cursos de Nutrição Clínica para os veterinários. O tecido linfóide associado ao intestino é o maior componente do sistema imunitário do organismo. Há uma relação dinâmica entre nutrição, imunidade e doença e esta área interdisciplinar de investigação necessita de uma maior cooperação entre veterinários, parasitologistas, nutricionistas, imunologistas, biólogos moleculares e profissionais de saúde pública.ABSTRACT - GUT NUTRITION, INTESTINAL IMMUNITY AND RESISTANCE TO INTESTINAL PARASITES OF DOGS - This thesis is the result of the training held at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Jaboticabal Campus, São Paulo, Brazil. The description of the activities undertaken during the training, brief overview of the casuistic, followed by a literature review of the proposed theme are presented. This review focuses on the functions of the gut in animal nutrition and highlights the essential role of diet in the nutrition of the intestine. The importance of gut immunity and the relationship between mechanisms of resistance to intestinal parasites (endo and extracellular) in dogs are mentioned. As a complement of the subject, a study of nutritional aspects of seven clinical cases are referred and followed by discussion and conclusions. Considering the aim of the present work the specific effects of nutrient deficiencies at the molecular level or production of specific cytokines are highlighted. There are many studies showing that malnutrition and infection occur together. No generalizations can be made on the effects of various nutrients on the various components of the immune response. The knowledge of functional immunity basis against nematode is needed to clear identify nutritional deficiencies. In this study, the focus is centred in the intestine, an organ were absorption and digestion of nutrients as well as localization of a large number of parasites do occur. In Portugal, the author conducted a questionnaire to Veterinarians about Clinic Nutrition. The results allowed to conclude that this area is undervalued in our country and it must be taken into account the need of experts and training courses in clinical nutrition for veterinarians. The lymphoid tissue associated with the intestine is the major component of the body's immune system. There is a dynamic relationship between nutrition, immunity and disease, and this interdisciplinary research requires greater cooperation between veterinarians, parasitologists, nutritionists, immunologists, molecular biologists and public health professionals

    Avaliação do efeito da acupuntura e técnicas afins e perfil clínico e epidemiológico de cães com doenças neurológicas e osteomusculares atendidos em serviço de reabilitação veterinária

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    Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou 181 cães com doenças neurológicas e osteomusculares atendidos em um serviço de reabilitação e dor crônica, durante o período de 2013 a 2015. Objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos animais e analisar a eficácia da acupuntura (AP) e terapias afins e respectiva evolução clínica. O diagnóstico baseou-se no exame físico, neurológico, ortopédico e de imagem. As afecções mais prevalentes foram as do sistema nervoso central, sobretudo doença do disco toracolombar e traumas vertebromedulares agudos. Nas enfermidades neurológicas, o tratamento foi considerado eficaz quando os pacientes foram capazes de recuperar a deambulação e para as lesões medulares, quando houve melhora clínica do quadro neurológico avaliado por meio de escores. O sucesso obtido nos quatro segmentos medulares foi de 69,5%. Nas enfermidades osteomusculares, 47% dos cães apresentavam lesões no joelho e 44% displasia coxofemoral (DCF). Adotou-se a escala analógica visual (EAV) de locomoção para definir o sucesso do tratamento nestas doenças, que foi de 52,8%. As técnicas que mais se associaram à AP manual foram, por ordem decrescente, a eletroacupuntura, a ozonioterapia e o LASER. O número de sessões de AP foi em média de 7,6±3,5. Conclui-se que a AP e técnicas afins melhoraram o escore de déficit neurológico nas doenças neurológicas avaliadas quando usadas de forma isolada e quando associadas à medicina convencional

    Estudo retrospectivo de 98 felinos submetidos à acupuntura atendidos em serviço de reabilitação e dor crônica

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    Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou os casos clínicos de felinos atendidos em Serviço de Reabilitação e Dor Crônica, durante 13 anos, totalizando 98 prontuários. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar o perfil do paciente atendido e avaliar a eficácia da acupuntura (AP) e dos métodos associados a esta técnica no tratamento de doenças em felinos e respectiva evolução clínica. Constatou-se que 69,7% dos pacientes melhoraram após tratamento com AP, 16,7% não apresentaram resposta significativa e 13,6% vieram a óbito. Não foram registrados casos de piora relacionados ao tratamento com AP, embora, dos nove animais que vieram a óbito, três foram devido à progressão da doença primária tratada exclusivamente com AP. As principais afecções tratadas foram relacionadas ao sistema nervoso - sobretudo trauma medular e encefálico – em que se registrou uma melhora em 53,7% dos animais. O tratamento foi considerado eficaz quando os pacientes recuperaram a capacidade normal de deambulação e em casos de doenças medulares quando o escore neurológico mudou de IV (grave) ou V (muito grave) para I (normal) ou II (leve alteração). A técnica de agulha seca foi a mais utilizada para os tratamentos, com 94,7% de prevalência, seguida da eletroacupuntura (30,6%) e da laserpuntura (21,4%). O número de sessões totais de AP foi em média de 6,97±14,97, sendo as mesmas semanais. Conclui-se que o estímulo de acupontos utilizando diferentes métodos foi eficiente para tratar a maioria dos gatos com diversas condições clínicas, evidenciando que esta espécie provavelmente responde tão bem como os cães após o tratamento de AP

    Improving Ovine Behavioral Pain Diagnosis by Implementing Statistical Weightings Based on Logistic Regression and Random Forest Algorithms

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    Recently, the Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute pain scale (USAPS) was created, refined, and psychometrically validated as a tool that offers fast, robust, and simple application. Evidence points to an improvement in pain diagnosis when the importance of the behavioral items of an instrument is statistically weighted; however, this has not yet been investigated in animals. The objective was to investigate whether the implementation of statistical weightings using machine learning algorithms improves the USAPS discriminatory capacity. A behavioral database, previously collected for USAPS validation, of 48 sheep in the perioperative period of laparoscopy was used. A multilevel binomial logistic regression algorithm and a random forest algorithm were used to determine the statistical weights and classify the sheep as to whether they needed analgesia or not. The quality of the classification, estimated by the area under the curve (AUC) and its 95% confidence interval (CI), was compared between the USAPS versions. The USAPS AUCs weighted by multilevel binomial logistic regression (96.59 CI: [95.02–98.15]; p = 0.0004) and random forest algorithms (96.28 CI: [94.17–97.85]; p = 0.0067) were higher than the original USAPS AUC (94.87 CI: [92.94–96.80]). We conclude that the implementation of statistical weights by the two machine learning algorithms improved the USAPS discriminatory ability

    Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS).

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    A scale with robust statistical validation is essential to diagnose pain and improve decision making for analgesia. This blind, randomised, prospective and opportunist study aimed to develop an ethogram to evaluate behaviour and validate a scale to assess acute ovine postoperative pain. Elective laparoscopy was performed in 48 healthy sheep, filmed at one preoperative and three postoperative moments, before and after rescue analgesia and 24 hours after. The videos were randomised and assessed twice by four evaluators, with a one-month interval between evaluations. Statistical analysis was performed using R software and differences were considered significant when p 0.80 with the numerical, simple descriptive, and visual analogue scales, and a correlation of 0.48 with the facial expression scale. According to the mixed linear model, the scale was responsive, due to the increase and decrease in pain scores of all items after surgery and analgesic intervention, respectively. All items on the scale demonstrated an acceptable Spearman item-total correlation (0.56-0.76), except for appetite (0.25). The internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach's α = 0.81) and all items presented specificity > 0.72 and sensitivity between 0.61-0.90, except for appetite. According to the Youden index, the cut-off point was ≥ 4 out of 12, with a diagnostic uncertainty zone of 4 to 5. The area under the curve > 0.95 demonstrated the excellent discriminatory capacity of the instrument. In conclusion, the Unesp-Botucatu pain scale in sheep submitted to laparoscopy is valid, reliable, specific, sensitive, with excellent internal consistency, accuracy, discriminatory capacity, and a defined cut-off point

    Saúde e espiritualidade na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu: trajetória de 2003 a 2015

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    Introduction: spirituality is recognized as a factor that contributes to the health of many people. The spirituality of the health implications have been studied scientifically and documented in hundreds of articles and growing number of medical schools, national and international, either with optional discipline or even the mandatory disciplines. The School of Medicine of Botucatu / UNESP has since 2003 activities that emphasize interactions between health and spirituality. In 2009 these activities were organized in the form of a university extension project entitled: "Health and Spirituality". Objective: To encourage studies, scientific research and assistance activities in the area of health and spirituality in an integration scenario from academia to society in order to promote better health and well-being to human being as an integral being: body, mind and spirit. Methods: The following activities are performed: Ecumenical Spiritual Support Group with the patients hospitalized in the HC-UNESP, group studies issues related to the interaction health and spirituality, scientific research, courses and conferences in this area. Results: The project enables reflection, studies, research and support of its members in the health and spirituality area, as well as a broader view on health, and application of spirituality in clinical practice. Since its formalization as a university extension project in 2009, it owned a total of 03 fellows (graduate students in Medicine), and from the beginning of its activities (2003), more than 80 active members have been through the project (among undergraduate students medicine and other courses, faculty and staff of FMB / UNESP and community members), plus more than 1,300 people have participated in at least some of the activities promoted by the project, especially courses and conferences. It takes place also encourage research and publications in this area.Introdução: a espiritualidade é reconhecida como um fator que contribui para a saúde de muitas pessoas. As implicações da espiritualidade na saúde vêm sendo estudadas cientificamente e documentadas em centenas de artigos e em número cada vez maior de escolas médicas, nacionais e internacionais, seja com disciplina optativa ou mesmo obrigatória dos currículos médicos. A Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/ UNESP possui desde 2003 atividades que contemplam a interação saúde e espiritualidade. Em 2009 essas atividades organizaram-se sob a forma de um projeto de extensão universitária intitulado: “Saúde e Espiritualidade”. Objetivo: estimular estudos, pesquisas científicas e atividades de assistência na área de saúde e espiritualidade, em um cenário de integração do meio acadêmico com a sociedade, no intuito de promover mais saúde e bem-estar ao ser humano, como ser integral: corpo, mente e espírito. Materiais e métodos: são realizadas as seguintes atividades: Grupo Ecumênico de Apoio Espiritual junto aos pacientes internados nas enfermarias do HC-UNESP, Grupo de estudos de temas relacionados à interação saúde e espiritualidade, pesquisas científicas, cursos e congressos nessa área. Resultados: O projeto possibilita reflexão, estudos, pesquisas e assistência dos seus integrantes na área de saúde e espiritualidade, além de uma visão mais abrangente sobre a saúde, e aplicação da espiritualidade na prática clínica. Desde sua formalização como projeto de extensão universitária em 2009, possuiu um total de 03 bolsistas (alunos da graduação em Medicina), e desde o início de suas atividades (2003), mais de 80 membros ativos já passaram pelo projeto (entre alunos de graduação de medicina e outros cursos, docentes e funcionários da FMB/UNESP e membros da comunidade), além de mais de 1300 pessoas já participaram de pelo menos alguma das atividades promovidas pelo projeto, principalmente cursos e congressos. Realiza-se também incentivo a pesquisa e publicações nessa área

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of ttˉbbˉ\mathrm{t\bar{t}b\bar{b}} production in the lepton+jets channel at s\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV

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    International audienceMeasurements of inclusive and normalized differential cross sections of the associated production of top quark-antiquark and bottom quark-antiquark pairs, ttbb, are presented. The results are based on data from proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1^{-1}. The cross sections are measured in the lepton+jets decay channel of the top quark pair, using events containing exactly one isolated electron or muon and at least five jets. Measurements are made in four fiducial phase space regions, targeting different aspects of the ttbb process. Distributions are unfolded to the particle level through maximum likelihood fits, and compared with predictions from several event generators. The inclusive cross section measurements of this process in the fiducial phase space regions are the most precise to date. In most cases, the measured inclusive cross sections exceed the predictions with the chosen generator settings. The only exception is when using a particular choice of dynamic renormalization scale, μR=12i=t,tˉ,b,bˉmT,i1/4\mu_\mathrm{R}=\frac{1}{2} \prod_{i=\mathrm{t, \bar{t}, b, \bar{b}}} m_{\mathrm{T},i}^{1/4}, where mT,i2=mi2+pT,i2m_{\mathrm{T},i}^2=m_i^2+p^2_{\mathrm{T},i} are the transverse masses of top and bottom quarks. The differential cross sections show varying degrees of compatibility with the theoretical predictions, and none of the tested generators with the chosen settings simultaneously describe all the measured distributions

    Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of ttˉbbˉ {\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}} \mathrm{b}\bar{\mathrm{b}} production in the lepton+jets channel at s= \sqrt{s}= 13 TeV

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    Measurements of inclusive and normalized differential cross sections of the associated production of top quark-antiquark and bottom quark-antiquark pairs, ttˉbbˉ {\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}} \mathrm{b}\bar{\mathrm{b}} , are presented. The results are based on data from proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1 ^{-1} . The cross sections are measured in the lepton+jets decay channel of the top quark pair, using events containing exactly one isolated electron or muon and at least five jets. Measurements are made in four fiducial phase space regions, targeting different aspects of the ttˉbbˉ {\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}} \mathrm{b}\bar{\mathrm{b}} process. Distributions are unfolded to the particle level through maximum likelihood fits, and compared with predictions from several event generators. The inclusive cross section measurements of this process in the fiducial phase space regions are the most precise to date. In most cases, the measured inclusive cross sections exceed the predictions with the chosen generator settings. The only exception is when using a particular choice of dynamic renormalization scale, μR=12i=t,tˉ,b,bˉmT,i1/4 {\mu_{\mathrm{R}}=\frac12 \prod_{i=\mathrm{t},\bar{\mathrm{t}},\mathrm{b},\bar{\mathrm{b}}} m_{\mathrm{T},i}^{1/4}} , where mT,i2=mi2+pT,i2 {m_{\mathrm{T},i}^2=m_i^2+p_{\mathrm{T},i}^2} are the transverse masses of top and bottom quarks. The differential cross sections show varying degrees of compatibility with the theoretical predictions, and none of the tested generators with the chosen settings simultaneously describe all the measured distributions.Measurements of inclusive and normalized differential cross sections of the associated production of top quark-antiquark and bottom quark-antiquark pairs, ttbb, are presented. The results are based on data from proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1^{-1}. The cross sections are measured in the lepton+jets decay channel of the top quark pair, using events containing exactly one isolated electron or muon and at least five jets. Measurements are made in four fiducial phase space regions, targeting different aspects of the ttbb process. Distributions are unfolded to the particle level through maximum likelihood fits, and compared with predictions from several event generators. The inclusive cross section measurements of this process in the fiducial phase space regions are the most precise to date. In most cases, the measured inclusive cross sections exceed the predictions with the chosen generator settings. The only exception is when using a particular choice of dynamic renormalization scale, μR=12i=t,tˉ,b,bˉmT,i1/4\mu_\mathrm{R}=\frac{1}{2} \prod_{i=\mathrm{t, \bar{t}, b, \bar{b}}} m_{\mathrm{T},i}^{1/4}, where mT,i2=mi2+pT,i2m_{\mathrm{T},i}^2=m_i^2+p^2_{\mathrm{T},i} are the transverse masses of top and bottom quarks. The differential cross sections show varying degrees of compatibility with the theoretical predictions, and none of the tested generators with the chosen settings simultaneously describe all the measured distributions