49 research outputs found

    Penerapan Algoritma Cosine Similarity Pada Aplikasi Bank Soal

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    Permasalahan dalam duplikasi data soal yang dimasukan pengguna dalam aplikasi bank soal merupakan salah satu permasalahan pengukuran kemiripan text. Setiap text soal yang dimasukan akan di ukur kemiripannya dengan text soal yang lain dalam database. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian terapan Research and Development (R&D). Rancangan penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis sistem, teknik perancangan sistem menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) dan teknik perancangan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML, CSS, javascript, dan PHP. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan web server XAMPP dan MySQL sebagai tempat penyimpanan database. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, dihasilkan sebuah aplikasi bank soal dengan menerapkan algoritma Cosine Similarity untuk menampilkan selisih sudut antara text soal yang terakhir dimasukan dengan text soal yang lain dalam database. Sudut kemiripan text ditujukan jika selisih sudut sama dengan 0 maka kedua text tersebut memiliki kelompok kata yang sama dan jika sudut sama dengan 90 maka kelompok kata yang berbeda. Semakin besar selisih sudut maka akan semakin besar perbedaan text tersebut. Jika sudut semakin kecil, maka nilai Cosine akan semakin besar demikian juga sebaliknya. Kesimpulannya bahwa penggunaan aplikasi dapat memudahkan melihat perbandingan kemiripan antar data soal yang satu dengan soal yang lainnya dengan melihat nilai cosine yang ada

    Pengaruh Leader Member Exchange (Lmx) dan Work Life Balance terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Divisi Produksi di PT Mustika Dharmajaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mela- kukan uji pengaruh antara Leader Member Exchange dan Work-Life Balance terhadap Turnover Intention Karya- wan Divisi Produksi di PT Mustika Dharmajaya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran angket. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Convinience Sampling. Jumlah sampel yang ditetapkan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 278 orang karyawan divisi produksi. Proses pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan program IBM SPSS 23. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif antara Leader Member Exchange dan Work-Life Balance terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan


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    Nugraha Setiawan, Daniel. 2014. Water Exploitation and Its Outcome Caused byCapitalism as Reflected on Gore Verbinski’s Rango Movie. Study Program ofEnglish, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Yusri Fajar, Co-supervisor: Melania Shinta Harendika.Keywords: water exploitation, environment, capitalism, Rango movie. Water exploitation threats ecosystem and causes a great damage to environment. One of the causes of the water exploitation is capitalism. The movie entitled Rango reveals some causes and effects of water exploitation caused by capitalism inside the movie.This research applies eccocriticism approach as the main study to analyze thismovie entitled Rango. This study also applies the concept of capitalism and movie studies. The result of the study reveals that water exploitation causes many effects to the environment. In the movie, Mayor who becomes the main antagonist exploits all water sources for his own benefit. The water exploitation causes many bad effects for such three aspects as plant, animal, and the citizen of Dirt City. Those effects cause imbalance to the cycle of ecosystem which disrupt the life of many living beings.For future researchers, it is advisable to conduct further studies on the samemovie but with different approaches. One of the examples is Marxism approach,because Marxism approach can be used to analyze the struggle of the citizen of Dirt City to get enough water

    Analisis Tingkat Kesadaran Penggunaan Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) pada Lembaga Pendidikan Indonesia

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    In this paper, the authors conducted small-scale research to determine the awareness, utilization, and barriers of school teachers, especially for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teachers in using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). In Indonesia, the utilization of applications and operating systems in educational institutions are still dependent on popular software, it makes the process of learning in schools often mentions the names or brands of certain software that are often used and are usually proprietary. In recent years, several parties have started the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement to break the notion of using Proprietary software, FOSS is starting to be seen by users because of it’s affordability and freedom to use and contribute to developing software together. There are many FOSS that is often used such as Ubuntu, Mozilla Firefox, Moodle, OJS, and many more. The Indonesian government also encourages the use of FOSS in some institutions that have been introduced to FOSS. in this research, the author uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive survey method, it takes a sample from a population and uses a questionnaire as the main data aid.  As a result, many obstacles were found that made teachers and students reluctant to use FOSS in their education, such as lack of knowledge, lack of training, availability of technology, and awareness of it

    Internal Qualiy Assurance of Higher Education Using a Soft Systems Methodology Approach

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    Higher education in Indonesia is under pressure from various parties. Apart from the government, strong pressure came from stakeholders. In the midst of this situation, higher education increasingly resembles a business operation, where competition is a key factor. With the increasing cost of higher education, various parties demand the need for accountability for higher education. The higher education accounting system is a consequence of the marketization of the university. Higher education accountability aims to ensure the quality of education in fulfilling all Quality Assurance standards required in the National Quality Assurance Framework for Higher Education. From the results of the evaluation by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2018, it shows that 46% of universities in Indonesia do not have data / output evidence of the implementation of internal quality assurance and this has always been a problem from year to year. This article aims to conduct a reflective review of the internal quality assurance system applied in higher education in Indonesia. This study used the Soft Systems Methodology approach by conducting case studies, that is by comparing two internal quality assurance systems in two different universities. College A is a university that has the accreditation status of institution A (Very Good), while college B is a university that has received the accreditation status of institution C (Sufficient). This study shows how the SSM method can be used by universities for comprehensive evaluation and improvement of the university's internal quality assurance system. The results of this study are a conceptual model of internal quality assurance and recommendations for improvement of the existing system

    Evaluasi Koordinasi Pengamanan Pada Sistem Gardu Induk 150 kV Di Sidoarjo

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    Gardu induk Sidoarjo merupakan salah satu gardu induk yang beroperasi di bawah pengawasan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Area Pelayanan Pelanggan (APP ) Jawa Timur di wilayah Sidoarjo, dengan kapasitas 2 x 60 MVA yang menyuplai 12 penyulang. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisis terhadap setting koordinasi pengaman pada Gardu Induk Sidoarjo. Dalam mengatur sistem koordinasi pengaman, kesalahan yang sering dijumpai adalah pengaturan arus pickup dan pengaturan time dial pada rele arus lebih yang mengakibatkan rele pengaman menjadi kurang selektif dalam mendeteksi gangguan. Perhitungan arus hubungan singkat maksimum digunakan untuk mencari besar nilai time dial dan arus hubungan singkat minimum untuk mencari besar nilai waktu operasi instantaneous pada rele arus lebih. Rele diferensial berfungsi sebagai pengaman utama pada transformator untuk melindungi gangguan internal pada belitan trafo. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan perhitungan slope 1 sebesar 5,8% dan slope 2 sebesar 11,6% serta besarnya grading time antara rele penyulang dengan rele bus kopel 20 kV dan rele arus lebih sekunder trafo sisi 20 kV tidak sesuai standar minimum yakni 0,2 detik sehingga diperlukan resetting agar rele pengaman dapat bekerja sesuai parameter yang tepat. Hasil akhir dari analisis ini dapat berguna sebagai referensi bagi PT. PLN (Persero) dalam merencanakan dan pengaturan sistem koordinasi pengaman agar kehandalan dan kontinuitas penyaluran tenaga listrik dapat terjaga. =============================================================================================================================== The Sidoarjo substation is one of the substations that operates under the supervision of the National Electricity Service (PLN) Customer Service Area (APP) in the Sidoarjo region, with a capacity of 2x60 MVA which supplies 12 feeders. In this final project, an analysis of the protection coordination settings in Sidoarjo Substation was carried out. In regulating the protection coordination system, a common mistake is setting the pickup current and setting the time dial on overcurrent relays which results in the safety relay becoming less selective in detecting interference. The calculation of the maximum short-circuit current is used to find the time dial value and minimum short-circuit current to find the value of instantaneous operating time on overcurrent relays. The differential relay functions as the main safety on the transformer to protect internal interference in the transformer winding. From the analysis results, the calculation of slope 1 is 5.8% and slope 2 is 11.6% and the amount of grading time between feeder relay and 20 kV coupling bus relay and secondary current relay 20 kV side transformer does not meet minimum standards of 0.2 seconds so that resetting is needed so that protection relay can work according to the right parameters. The final results of this analysis can be useful as a reference for PT. PLN (Persero) in planning and regulating a protection coordination system so that the reliability and continuity of electricity distribution can be maintained


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    Hinge Lid Packer (HLP) 2 adalah mesin yang berfungsi  mengemas batangan rokok. Pada tahap quality control, material input berups material uji coba (Ciggarette Tow). Pemisahan material uji coba dari kemasan rokok saat quality control perlu dilakukan dikarenakan material uji coba yang terbatas. Material uji coba yang telah dipisahkan dari kemasan rokok digunakan kembali dengan tujuan proses quality control dapat terus berjalan sampai fungsi dan standar yang diingingkan dari mesin tercapai. Proses pemisahan material uji coba dari kemasan rokok masih dilakukan secara manual oleh setter mesin HLP 2 dan operator.. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat dan menghasilkan rancangan unit separator yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat proses pemisahan material uji coba dari kemasan rokok. Unit separator dapat menggantikan tenaga manusia yang digunakan untuk pemisahan secara manual dengan tenaga mesin secara otomatis, dengan waktu 1,9 kali lebih cepat. Unit separator dapat mengurangi pekerjaan setter mesin, sehingga dapat melakukan quality control pada mesin HLP 2 dengan maksimal


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    Abstrak: Tidak terkomputerisasinya dokumen pada usaha kecil menengah akan mempersulit perusaaan dalam melakukan pendataan transaksi, baik itu dalam pengontrolan alur kas, menghitung keuntungan, serta mengurangi kehilangan barang. Pengabdian ini ditujukan untuk membatu salah satu usaha kecil menengah di Pontianak agar mempermudah dalam mendata transaksi penjulan dan pembeliannya untuk menghitung keuntungan. Metode yang digunakan antara lain dengan melakukan wawancara langsung dengan pemilik usaha dan melakukan obervasi terhadap proses bisnis yang ada, melakukan analisis perangkat lunak, pembuatan perangkat lunak, dan mengimplemantasikan kepada pihak manajemen CV. Suskes Mandiri Pontianak. Dari aplikasi yan sudah diterapkan, CV. Sukses Mandiri dapat menggunakan aplikasi berbasis desktop yang dapat membantu efisiensi kinerja serta penaikan jumlah penjualan sebesar 30.05 % dan pembelian produk sebesar 2.63 % pada bulan pertama penggunaan aplikasi.  Abstract:  Un-Computerize document in the small-middle entrepreneur will make more complicate for controlling transaction data collection, control their cash flow, count the benefit, and reduce item lost. These social services help one of small-middle entrepreneur at Pontianak to control transaction data collection in selling and buying to count benefit. Methods that have been used are customer interview with business owner, observation, software analysis, software development, and implement software to CV. Sukses Mandiri’s management. From the software that was implement in CV. Sukses Mandiri can be used in desktop based application which help them to increase performance efficiency and increase selling by 23.6 % and product purchasing by 21.3% in the first month application used

    A Feminist Reading of Moana: A Break of Traditional Gender Roles

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    Movie known as one kind of media which portray reality or social condition and issue. One of many issues in today’s society is women equality. Some Walt Disney’s animated movies should be related to this issue because they depict young women as their protagonists, whom are known as Disney Princesses. Moana is one of them. However, Moana’s main character named Moana is described as a different Disney Princess because of the roles she played. Therefore, this research aimed to show to readers how Moana promotes gender role equality by breaking traditional gender roles. The analysis was done based on Feminism perspective. Focusing on examining the main character’s dialogs, actions, and her interaction with the other characters, this research is a descriptive qualitative study. The findings reveal that Moana promotes gender role equality by presenting a young female protagonist who breaks traditional gender role and some male characters who fail to stick to their gender role

    Evaluation of Audit Quality Control at the Surakarta City Inspectorate

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    Audit quality control is required to ensure and provide the assurance of audits that had applied with auditing standards and code of ethics.. The Government Internal Supervisory Appartus (APIP) considered the three lines model functions to provide independent for objective assurance and advice on all matters related  for  the  achievement of organizational goals. Therefore, APIP is obliged to apply the Guidelines for Quality Control Audit of  Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus. This research aims to analyze the suitability of the implementation of audit quality control at the Surakarta City Inspectorate using the eight  elements contained  in  the  APIP  Pedoman  Kendali  Mutu APIP  dan  Pedomaan  Telaah  Sejawat,  and  to  analyze  the strategies implemented for improving audit quality controls at the Surakarta City Inspectorate. The research methodology used a  case  study-based  on  qualitative  descriptive  method.  The  data used  in  this  study  are  primary  data,  which  obtained  through interviews  with  source  person  and  secondary  data  from  32 documents. The results of data analysis indicated, that the audit implementation  at  the Surakarta  City  Inspectorate  had  not been  fully  implemented  the  APIP  Auditi  Quality  Control Guidelines. The strategy needs for improving the effectiveness of the implementation of audit quality  control are the commitment of the leadership and all employees to enforce the supervision in according with PKMA-APIP