Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu: Jurnal UNIVED
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    3117 research outputs found

    The Influence of Compensation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the BAPPEDA (Regional Development Planning Agency) Office of Bengkulu Province

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of salary and work environment on employee performance in the Bengkulu Province BAPPEDA (Regional Development Planning Agency) Office. This study relied on primary data in the form of a questionnaire delivered to the research population. Employee performance is the dependent variable. Compensation and work environment are the independent factors considered. This study employs quantitative tools and a survey strategy. The research population consisted of 106 BAPPEDA personnel from Bengkulu Province. Purposive sampling was used to choose the research sample of 80 persons. With the assistance of SmartPLS, the data processing approach employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The research results found that compensation and work environment have a significant effect on employee performance. This means that by providing appropriate compensation and a good work environment, employee performance at the BAPPEDA office can be improved

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jauh Di Sd Negeri 02 Pasmah Air Keruh

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    This research aims to: (1) determine the leg muscle explosive power of male fifth-grade students at SD Negeri 02 Pasmah Air Keruh Kepahiang. (2) The results of the long jump performance of male fifth-grade students at SD Negeri 02 Pasmah Air Keruh Kepahiang. (3) To investigate the relationship between leg muscle explosive power and long jump performance at SD 02 Pasmah Air Keruh. This study is a correlational descriptive research conducted at SD 02 Pasmah Air Keruh, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. Research Procedure The research activities include several stages: (1) Standing broad jump test. (2) Preparing the equipment. (3) Test implementation. (4) Recording the results. Data collection technique in this research uses measurement test technique, while the data analysis technique includes test results, prerequisite test, and correlation test. The research results indicate that the leg muscle explosive power test results for fifth-grade students at SD Negeri 02 Pasmah Air Keruh fall into the "Sufficient" category. Based on the long jump test results, the average score is 4.29, which falls into the "Good" category. Based on the correlation test results, the significant value of leg muscle explosive power on long jump performance is 0.000, indicating a significant relationship between leg muscle explosive power and long jump performance with a Pearson Correlation coefficient of 0.819, signifying a high degree of correlation

    Sosialisai Pemahaman Tentang Apa Itu Olahraga Rekreasi dan Apa Itu Olahraga Prestasi di Desa Padang Batu

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    ecreational sports are physical pursuits that are done for enjoyment, relaxation, and amusement rather than under pressure to meet predetermined goals or standards. Developing mental and physical well-being is the primary goal. The purpose of engaging in different activities, like hiking, cycling, or swimming, is to pass the time and interact with others. Recreational sports foster a calm and encouraging atmosphere that helps people socialize, form friendships, and enhance their general wellbeing. Meanwhile, sports performance on the other hand, refers to physical activity done primarily for the purpose of accomplishing certain goals, such as winning a game, setting a personal record, or receiving an honor. To reach a level of excellence, competitors compete at a high level and concentrate on rigorous training and skill development. Achievements in sports are frequently linked to competitiveness, prestige, and recognition. Performance sports socialization encompasses experience sharing, a sense of community, and teamwork, fostering an atmosphere that encourages athletes to reach their goals

    The Effect of Work Environment and Leadership on Employee Performance at the Kaur Regency Dprd Secretariat

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the work environment on employee performance at the Kaur District DPRD Secretariat, to determine the effect of leadership on employee performance at the Kaur District DPRD, and to determine the effect of the work environment and leadership on employee performance at the Kaur District DPRD Secretariat. The method of collecting data in this study is using a questionnaire and the method of analysis is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the work environment had a significant effect on employee performance at the Kaur Regency DPRD Secretariat because the significance value was 0.000 <0.05. Leadership has a significant effect on employee performance at the Kaur Regency DPRD Secretariat because its significance value is 0.016 <0.05. The work environment and leadership simultaneously or jointly have a significant effect on employee performance at the Kaur Regency DPRD Secretariat because the significance value is 0.000 <0.05. &nbsp

    Hybrid Learning : Solusi Pembelajaran Bahasa di Era New-Normal

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    The times demand students to always adapt to learning media. IT-based learning media is an important part of the 21st century. On the other hand, we are entering a "new normal" order, which means the return to conditions that were originally home learning and now back to normal. Students are allowed to learn 50% or half of the number of students. Of course, it leaves questions for students, how to study well. Hybrid learning is a solution to student problems in this new normal era. However, is it believed that hybrid learning can work efficiently and increase learning motivation? To answer this question, research was carried out using a quasi-experimental methodology by creating two groups. Namely the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was given hybrid learning while the control group was given online learning. The results of this study are that the average value of hybrid learning is higher than the average value of online learning. So that hybrid learning can be recommended for teachers in this new normal era.   Keyword: Hybrid Learning, quasi-experimental, online learnin

    Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Keorganisasian Bagi Siswa Smkn 4 Kota Bengkulu Dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan

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    SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City on Embedding Organizational Values for Students of SMKN 4 Bengkulu City in Educational Development. The targets of this activity are students of SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City who are active in the intra-school student organization (OSIS). The activity method is carried out directly (face-to-face) through exposure to organizational and leadership materials. This PKM activity is carried out in several stages, namely the preparation stage, observation stage, implementation stage, report writing stage, and activity evaluation stage. The results of this activity educate and instill organizational values for students of SMKN 4 Bengkulu City in educational development. This PKM activity is carried out to encourage and motivate students to be more active and foster a sense of belonging, solidarity, caring and develop creativity and innovations in organizations to improve students' soft skills and hard skills. So it is hoped that the achievements achieved by SMK N 4 Bengkulu City students will increase and have a role in the development of Indonesian education


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh proses pembelajaran pada penyampaian materi masih menggunakan teks yang monoton sehingga membuat peserta didik merasa bosan, dan kurang respon terhadap materi yang disampaikan. Salah satu solusi yang dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa adalah menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis komputer pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu Selatan mata pelajaran jaringan dasar komputer. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode kuantitatif yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan perhitungan angka-angka dengan perhitungan statistik, jenis penelitian Eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh murid kelas X SMAN 7 Bengkulu Selatan sebanyak 19 siswa. Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa nilai sig (2-tailed) 0,001<0,05, serta dibandingkan nilai t hitung dengan t tabel diperoleh nilai t hitung 13,238 > 2,101 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima yang artinya terdapat peningkatan minat belajar siswa kelas X SMAN 7 Bengkulu Selatan dengan media pembelajaran berbasis komputer pada mata pelajaran jaringan dasar komputer

    The Influence Of E-Service Quality, E-Payment, And Web Design Quality On Customer Satisfaction In Purchasing Gacoan Noodles Through The Shopeefood Application

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of E-Service Quality, E-Payment, and Web Design Quality on customer satisfaction in purchasing Gacoan Noodles through the Shopeefood application in Surakarta City. This type of research is quantitative with explanatory research. The population in this study were all Gacoan consumers in Surakarta city. The sampling technique in this study. using purposive sampling. The sample calculation uses the theory of Ferdinand. The sample of this study amounted to 200 respondents. This study uses primary data in its preparation. Primary data is obtained through the first source or respondent answers from Gacoan Noodle customers in Surakarta City using a questionnaire.  The results of this study show that the E-Service Quality variable has a positive influence on Customer Satisfaction with Gacoan products is a significant result. The ease and security of the payment process can affect customer satisfaction. Web Design Quality variable has a positive influence on Customer Satisfaction. The three independent variables (E-Service Quality, E-Payment, and Web Design Quality) together have a positive effect on Customer Satisfaction, indicating that service and a holistic shopping experience are key to increasing customer satisfaction

    The Influence Of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes, And Personality On Financial Management Behavior (Student of the Faculty of Economics, Department of Management, Bachelorwiyata Tamansiswa University)

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    This research aims to examine the influence of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes and Personality on Financial Management Behavior (Students of the Faculty of Economics, Management Department, Bachelorwiyata University of Tamansiswa Yogyakarta). This research is descriptive in nature with a quantitative method using the lemeshow formula with a sample size of 96 respondents. The research results prove that financial knowledge and personality influence financial management behavior, while financial attitudes do not influence financial management behavior

    Interest in Revisiting Yogyakarta City Among Generation Z

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    This research aims to examine the influence of E-WoM, quality of experience, and destination image on revisit intention through tourist satisfaction in the city of Yogyakarta. The data used in this research is primary data. This research is included in quantitative research with a purposive sampling technique. The population of this study was 203 tourists who had visited the city of Yogyakarta in Indonesia. This research uses SEM-PLS version 4.0. The results of this research show that the experience quality and destination image have a significant positive effect on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention. Then the experience quality and destination image also have a significant positive effect on revisit intention through tourist satisfaction. Meanwhile, E-WoM has an insignificant positive effect on tourist satisfaction and an insignificant negative effect on revisit intention. E-WoM also has a positive and insignificant effect on intention to revisit through tourist satisfaction


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