Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB
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    Keterampilan menulis pantun merupakan salah satu materi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dijenjang SMP. Dalam kompetensi keterampilan menulis pantun, kemampuan siswa kelas VIID masih belum optimal. Rendahnya keterampilan siswa disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, diantaranya kurangnya minat siswa dalam menulis dan kurangnya teknik serta kurangnya media pembelajaran yang menarik untuk siswa belajar menulis. Menulis merupakan salahsatu keterampilan berbahasa tertinggi yang berguna untuk mengekspresikan pikiran ke dalambentuk tulisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis pantun pada aspek kelengkapan struktur dan ketepatan kaidah dengan menggunakan teknik ThinkPair Share melalui kartu lipat bergambar pada siswa kelas VII D SMPN 13 Malang. Sumber data adalah siswa kelas VII D SMPN 13 Malang tahun ajaran 2016/ 2017 dengan jumlah 33 siswa. Penelitian ini adalah  jenis PTK dengan menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart yang meliputi: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi dengan menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis peningkatan proses pembelajaran melalui observasi guru dan siswa, serta analisis peningkatan hasil pembelajaran keterampilan menulis pantun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses peningkatan keterampilan menulis pantun mengalami peningkatan. Penerapan teknik ThinkPair Share melalui kartu lipat bergambar dapat meningkatkan nilai siswa dalam menulisPantun. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata siswa setelah menulis pantun berdasarkan struktur dengan nilai 88,37 pada siklus 1 dan meningkat menjadi kategori sangat baik (93,43)pada siklus II. Di samping itu, peningkatan terjadi pada aspek ketepatan kaidah dengan nilai59,34 pada siklus 1 dan menjadi kategori baik (82,52) pada siklus II. Hasil observasi kegiatanguru pada siklus I mencapai 75,6% dan meningkat menjadi 87,5% pada siklus II. Sedangkan pada hasil observasi kegiatan siswa terjadi peningkatan sebesar 80% pada siklus I menjadi 84,1% pada siklus II.   Di samping itu, terjadi peningkatan persentase siswa yang lulus di atas KKM pada siklus I meningkat mencapai 66.66% pada siklus II dan 90,90% pada siklus II dengan kategori sangat baik, yaitu siswa sudah mampu menulis pantun berdasarkan kelengkapan struktur dan ketepatan kaidah.Kata Kunci : menulis, pantun, Think Pair Share, kartu lipat bergamba


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    Keywords: English song, writing descriptive, seventh graders of MTs Miftahul Ulum Malang.English as a foreign language in Indonesia is used as the education requirement. In countryside, English is considered as not important for peoples’ daily life, so that many people put aside English. Fortunately, government supports this by deciding English as compulsory subject. Suyanto (2009) states that low exposure of English can be one of the consideration that learners are categorized as Young Learners. Young learners of English need different treatment in order to mastered English as Foreign Language. One of the different treatment that can be utilized for young learners is English Song.This study aims to find out the use of song in improving students’ ability in writing descriptive text. Research design that is used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the seventh graders of MTS Miftahul Ulum Malang as the subject. In order to obtained information, researcher used five instruments; (1) Writing test, (2) Students’ participation checklist, (3) Teaching participation checklist, (4) Field notes, and (5) Questionnaire.This study shows that the used of English song can help students’ ability in writing descriptive text, in term of generating idea, gaining vocabulary, and also motivate students to learn English. It was shown by the result of writing test which was administered in the end of the implementation. With the minimum score 70, there are 83% students who can get score more than 70. In addition, the rest of the students who could not achieved the minimum score still can improve their writing ability for about 25%. This means that there were learning process happened during the implementation of English song as teaching media. It was also revealed by the result of students’ participation checklist that students’ participation during the implementation was more that 80%.Based on the result of the study, researcher suggested the teacher to use English song in teaching English, especially teaching writing. Teacher needs to considered  appropriate song for appropriate level of the students. Teacher also can use English song for other skill. Researcher also suggested the further researcher to do study of problem faced by the students and teacher in teaching and learning English through English song


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    Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Kakujoshi, Partikel.Kakujoshi merupakan joshi yang umumnya dipakai setelah nomina. Dalam bahasa Jepang, terdapat kakujoshi yang mempunyai makna yang sama, salah satu nyade, ni, o dan e. Kesamaan makna ini membuat pembelajar bahasa asing tingkat dasar melakukan berbagai kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Penulis selanjutnya melakukan analisis kesalahan dengan tujuan mengetahui jenis dan penyebab kesalahan yang terjadi dalam penggunaan kakujoshi de, ni, o dan e oleh siswa kelas XI Bahasa SMA Negeri Kertosono tahun ajaran 2013/2014.Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk penelitian deskriptif  kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa tes dan angket. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalahsiswa kelas XI Bahasa SMAN 1 Kertosono TA 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 25 orang. Analisis menggunakan tabulasi lalu menetapkan jenis dan penyebab kesalahan. Pada hasil penelitian ditemukan jenis kesalahan yang terjadi adalah kesalahan perorangan, kesalahan kelompok, kesalahan menganalogi dan kesalahan tekstual.Sedangkan penyebab kesalahan yang terjadi adalah pendapat populer, bahasa ibu dan interfernsi.Pada penelitian selanjutnya dapat menggunakan teori jenis dan penyebab kesalahan juga cara pengukuran validitas dan reabilitas yang sama dengan obyek yang berbeda


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    Keywords: Poetry, Semiotics, Sociology of Literature, Human Nature, Dehumanization, Technology. Poetry is one of literary works that represents phenomena happening in society. A poet usually uses a poem as a media to describe the condition of his or her society by using specific words picturing the phenomena. One of the phenomena happening in society nowadays is technology development. Even though technology can help human to ease their daily life, it can also change all of their social aspects, which can make themselves deprive their qualities. Later, this phenomenon is usually called as dehumanization. This study aims to find out the effect of technology development toward culture and human nature as pictured in Touchscreen poem. This research analyzes the dehumanization effect of technology toward culture and human nature by using Semiotics and Sociology of Literature theory. Peirce’s semiotics theory of signs is used to reveal the meaning of Touchscreen poem. For further analysis on the human social aspects, the writer uses Sociology of Literature to analyze the aspects of human life those are affected by technology development. The result of the research shows that in Touchscreen poem, the poet pictures the dehumanization phenomenon by technology affecting culture aspects, such as lifestyle, social status, and communication. Besides, that phenomenon also affects human nature, in the relation to human feelings. By covering those aspects, technology changes modern people style of living. They usually buy high price technology device to symbolize their social status and to communicate with otherwithout real social contact. Later, the lack of contact decreases human feeling qualities, resulting effects to other people and nature. For the next researchers who look for new object to be analyzed, they are suggested to use Touchscreen poem that is analyzed by using postmodernism–hyper reality theory, because people nowadays usually have more attention to the World Wide Web than the real world. It means that those people have become more involved with the hyperreal world and less with the physical real world. People nowadays likely chose to stay online and update their daily status in social media rather than communicate directly with their family or friends


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    Keywords: transgender, social psychology, interpersonal relationship, groupdynamics   Transgender is the term that is used to describe someone with different gender behavior from their actual gender. Nowadays, there are some phenomena in which a transgender has come out in juvenile age that is called as transgender youth. A transgender usually tends to not reveal his identity due to the social opinion toward transgender as a social problem. This study focuses on the role of external factors toward transgender youth in Luna by Julie Anne Peters which shows the influence of society toward transgender in the process of coming out. The story depicts the life of a transgender youth, Liam who tries to come out in public with help from people around him. This study aims to reveal the role of people around Liam in helping him find his identity as a transgender youth. Social psychology approach is used to analyze the role of people around Liam that influence his thought and behavior with interpersonal relationship, group dynamics. In addition, Transgender Identity Affirmation and Mental Health theory by Nuttbrock, Rosen blum and Blumenstein is used to support the analysis.The study findings reveal that there are two external factors which influence Liam’s behavior and thinking in the process of coming out. They are family and affiliation. They have significant influences to his behavior in making him confident in facing his life as a transgender.Liam’s process of coming out as a transgender is influenced by the acceptance from his surroundings. When the surroundings accept his come out process, it actually becomes the significant support for a transgender. In fact, that acceptance has a correlation with his mental health as shown in this study. For future research the writer suggests that the English Department students do research on transgender-themed literature by using Devor’s Transgender Identity model that describes fourteen processes of transgender identity development. The writer hopes that doing this study can raise the awareness of the existence of transgender, particularly the young people’s


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    Kata Kunci : Psikologi perkembangan anak, Perang Dunia II, animasi, perang danperkembangan anak Film Hadashi no Gen merupakan karya sastra lama karya Mori Masaki. Film Hadashi no Gen menceritakan tentang seorang anak kecil berusia sekitar delapan tahun yang tinggal bersama keluarganya di kota Hiroshima. Jepang pada saat itu dalam kondisi Perang Dunia II. Pada film Hadashi no Gen menunjukkan adanya pengaruh lingkungan terhadap perkembangan psikologi seseorang. Oleh karena  itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perang terhadap perkembangan psikologi.Pada penelitian ini, menggunakan pendekatan psikologi perkembangan dari Elizabeth B. Hurlock. Proses perkembangan psikologi pada masa akhir kanak-kanak sangat mempengaruhi penyesuaian pribadi dan penyesuaian sosial anak. Oleh karena itu pada proses psikologi perkembangan muncul tugas-tugas perkembangan. Tugas-tugas perkembangan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan motivasi, dan memudahkan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perang memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat terhadap perkembangan psikologis tokoh Gen, sehingga ada lima tugas perkembangan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan. Selain itu perang juga telah membentuk tokoh Gen menjadi seseorang yang bertanggung jawab tinggi melebihi anak seusianya.Penulis menyarankan kepada mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Jepang untuk meneliti konflik batin pada tokoh utam


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    Keywords: word association test, lexical storage, mental lexicon, bilingualchildren Word association test is a test used to investigate lexical storage in mental lexicon. In this test, the participants are asked to respond to the first words come into their minds right after they are given the stimulus words. By doing this test, the writer aimed to find out the types of word association produced by students in Indonesia Interactive Standard School (IISS) Malang and to what extent Indonesian and local languages influence students’ responses in Indonesia Interactive Standard School (IISS) Malang. The theories used to achieve the purpose of this study are Field’s (2004) and Lawson’s (2007) about word association test and lexical storage of L2 learners. The participants of this study were 45 students of IISS. Then, the data of this study were students’ responses obtained by having word association test.The result showed that encyclopaedic association was the most type found in the students’ responses with 135 responses (38.8%). Then, syntagmatic association had 114 responses (2.8%) comprising collocation with 80 responses (23%) and multi word items with 34 responses (9.8%). Meanwhile, paradigmatic association had total 56 responses (16.1%) in which antonym were 19 responses (5.5%), synonym were 2 responses (0.6%), superordinate were 5 responses (1.4%), co-ordinate were 14 responses (4%), and meronymy were 16 responses (4.6%). Then, 13 students made responses which were categorized in misunderstanding due to homophone and it resulted in 13 responses (3.7%). Moreover, based on the result found, Indonesian language still influenced the students in responding the stimulus words even though the responses appeared only 22 responses (6.3%) of 352 responses found. However, local languages did not influence the responses. In conclusion, bilingual children tend to associate words by chain relationship and their first language  still influences the responses.The writer suggests to Study Program of English to provide more studies or references in psycholinguistics field, especially about lexical storage. Then, the writer also suggests for the next writers who want to conduct research in the same topic to take different participants and categorization of word association types

    EFL Vocabulary Mastery of Senior High School Students of SMA N 7 Malang and Its Relationship to Their Ability in EFL Reading Comprehension

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    Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Reading Assessment, Vocabulary Assessment, MIA, Peminatan Bahasa Inggris The present study investigated the correlation between students’ achievement in EFL vocabulary and EFL reading comprehension. The study was done in SMA N 7 Malang. The sample of the research was 30 students which were taken by systematic sampling. This study was quantitative research with correlational method. In collecting data, the writer used a test which consists of 20 items of vocabulary test and 20 items of reading comprehension test as the instrument. The students were asked to do the test of both vocabulary and reading comprehension at the same time. Therefore, the data were in the form of students’ scores from the test. As the study was correlational method and the data gained is ratio data, thus they were computed statistically by using Pearson Product Moment. The result of coefficient correlation (ro) was 0.79 and tvalue (to) was 6.82. Then by df 28, it was compared with rtable and tat 5% significance which is 0.374 and 2.048. It shows that ro is higher than rtable (0.79 > 0.374) and to is higher than ttable (6.82 > 2.048). Since ro was higher than rtable and ‘to’ was also higher than ttable table; therefore the correlation was positive and strong. These mean the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Therefore, there was statistically significant correlation between students’ mastery in EFL vocabulary and their EFL reading comprehension


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    Keywords: Address Terms, Orang Rimba, Bahasa Rimba.There are many ethnic groups in Indonesia which use specific languages. One of them is Suku Anak Dalam or called Orang Rimba. Suku Anak Dalam is a semi nomadic ethnic group living in National Park of Bukit Dua Belas, Jambi. They use Bahasa Rimba to communicate to each other. In Bahasa Rimba to address someone is the most important things to be considered. Bahasa Rimba has some variations and also has some social functions. The writer conducted a study about address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam by using Kridalaksana classification of address terms and Wardhaugh’s theory on the function of address terms. This study focuses on two problems: (1) What are the address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam, (2) What are the functions of address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam.This study uses qualitative approach to describe the address terms used in Bahasa Rimba and answer the problems. There are two types of data employed in this study, namely primary and secondary data. They are in the form of transcription of the observation result and in the form of transcription of interview result. Moreover, this study is a qualitative research because the writer only analyzed the data without any statistical number.This research finds 28 address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam which are classified into four categories; 4 terms in second personal pronouns, such as diria, mikae, senamo and urangmeru; 8 terms in kinship terms, such as induk, bepak, kakok, nenek jenton; 4 terms in title and rank categories, such as temenggung, bepak kepala adat, ibu guru; and also 12 terms in other categories, such as guding, bebet, kinde, waris and jenang. Furthermore, address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam has some social functions such as to show politeness, to show intimacy, to show solidarity, and to maintain social status.To summarize, address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam has some variations, by the title or rank, sex, age, etc. The address terms are used to address their family, their neighbor, the people around, their friends, their teacher, the people who already passed away, and even the stranger. The function of the address terms that is found in this study are to show politeness, intimacy, solidarity, and also to maintain social status. The writer also hopes that this study can provide better and deeper explanation especially on address terms in Bahasa Rimba. The writer suggests the next researchers who want to conduct a research about Bahasa Rimba focusing on different linguistic aspects such as, semantic,syntax, pragmatic, etc. for their research, so that their study is different and unique


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    Kata Kunci : Dialek Kansai, webcomic, Karin-dou 4koma Di negara Jepang, meski hanya menggunakan satu bahasa yaitu bahasa Jepang, namun terdapat berbagai macam dialek yang berbeda. Salah satu dialek yang terkenal adalah dialek Kansai atau lebih sering disebut dengan Kansai-ben yang digunakan di daerah Kansai. Selain tercermin pada kehidupan sehari-hari, dialek Kansai juga sering ditemui di dalam komik, salah satunya adalah webcomic Karin-dou 4koma karya Rakurakutei Ramen. Perbedaan antara dialek Kansai dengan bahasa Jepang standar terletak pada sintaksis (gramatika), morfologi (kata), dan fonologi (aksen dan intonasi). Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) bagaimana bentuk dialek Kansai dalam webcomic Karin-dou 4koma karya Rakurakutei Ramen, dan 2) bagaimana tingkat kemunculan bentuk dialek Kansai dalam webcomic Karin-dou 4koma karya Rakurakutei Ramen.Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Data temuan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori dari Okamoto Makiko dan Ujihara Youko (2006), tentang 20 bentuk perubahan bentuk bahasa Jepang standar ketika digunakan dalam dialek Kansai. Selanjutnya data diperingkat untuk mengetahui tingkat kemunculan bentuk dialek Kansai dalam webcomic Karin-dou 4koma Karya Rakurakutei Ramen.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 12 bentuk gramatika dari 20 bentuk dialek Kansai yang dikemukakan oleh Okamoto Makiko dan Ujihara Youko, 10 bentuk gramatika lain, 11 macam perubahan total kata dalam dialek Kansai, 14 macam perubahan sebagian kata dalam dialek Kansai. Bentuk yang paling sering muncul adalah, “kalimat yang menyatakan asumsi atau dugaan†pada bentuk gramatika dan “ee†yang bermakna baik pada bentuk perubahan total, dan “mon†yang bermakna hal/benda pada bentuk perubahan sebagian dialek Kansai dari bentuk standar. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan meneliti dialek Kansai dari segi fonologi berupa aksen dan intonasi untuk melengkapi data tentang bentuk dialek Kansai dengan menggunakan korpus data dari film atau rekaman dialog orang Jepang secara langsung


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