234 research outputs found

    Non-Lorentzian single-molecule line shape: Pseudolocal phonons and coherence transfer

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    The excitation line shape of a single terrylene molecule in a naphthalene crystal has been investigated. In addition to the conventional Lorentzian, it consists of a dispersive component in the core region and a sideband. This is due to a pseudolocal phonon caused by the substitution of a host molecule with the chromophore. When the pseudolocal phonon is excited, the resonance frequency of the chromophore slightly changes, resulting in the appearance of a second, quasiresonant transition. Coherence transfer between these two optical transitions causes the deviation from the purely Lorentzian line shape

    Factors affecting the yield of microRNAs from laser microdissectates of formalin-fixed tissue sections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantification of microRNAs in specific cell populations microdissected from tissues can be used to define their biological roles, and to develop and deploy biomarker assays. In this study, a number of variables were examined for their effect on the yield of microRNAs in samples obtained from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues by laser microdissection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MicroRNA yield was improved by using cresyl violet instead of hematoxylin-eosin to stain tissue sections in preparation for microdissection, silicon carbide instead of glass fiber as matrix in RNA-binding columns, and overnight digestion of dissected samples with proteinase K. Storage of slides carrying stained tissue sections at room temperature for up to a week before microdissection, and storage of the microdissectates at room temperature for up to a day before RNA extraction did not adversely affect microRNA yield.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These observations should be of value for the efficient isolation of microRNAs from microdissected formalin-fixed tissues with a flexible workflow.</p

    Maternal COVID-19 causing intrauterine foetal demise with microthrombotic placental insufficiency: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women have an increased risk of getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 and are more prone to severe illness. Data on foetal demise in affected pregnancies and its underlying aetiology is scarce and pathomechanisms remain largely unclear. CASE: Herein we present the case of a pregnant woman with COVID-19 and intrauterine foetal demise. She had no previous obstetric or gynaecological history, and presented with mild symptoms at 34 + 3 weeks and no signs of foetal distress. At 35 + 6 weeks intrauterine foetal death was diagnosed. In the placental histopathology evaluation, we found inter- and perivillous fibrin depositions including viral particles in areas of degraded placental anatomy without presence of viral entry receptors and SARS-CoV-2 infection of the placenta. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates that maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection in the third trimester may lead to an unfavourable outcome for the foetus due to placental fibrin deposition in maternal COVID-19 disease possibly via a thrombogenic microenvironment, even when the foetus itself is not infected

    Sustained proliferation in cancer: mechanisms and novel therapeutic targets

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    Proliferation is an important part of cancer development and progression. This is manifest by altered expression and/or activity of cell cycle related proteins. Constitutive activation of many signal transduction pathways also stimulates cell growth. Early steps in tumor development are associated with a fibrogenic response and the development of a hypoxic environment which favors the survival and proliferation of cancer stem cells. Part of the survival strategy of cancer stem cells may manifested by alterations in cell metabolism. Once tumors appear, growth and metastasis may be supported by overproduction of appropriate hormones (in hormonally dependent cancers), by promoting angiogenesis, by undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transition, by triggering autophagy, and by taking cues from surrounding stromal cells. A number of natural compounds (e.g., curcumin, resveratrol, indole-3-carbinol, brassinin, sulforaphane, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, genistein, ellagitannins, lycopene and quercetin) have been found to inhibit one or more pathways that contribute to proliferation (e.g., hypoxia inducible factor 1, nuclear factor kappa B, phosphoinositide 3 kinase/Akt, insulin-like growth factor receptor 1, Wnt, cell cycle associated proteins, as well as androgen and estrogen receptor signaling). These data, in combination with bioinformatics analyses, will be very important for identifying signaling pathways and molecular targets that may provide early diagnostic markers and/or critical targets for the development of new drugs or drug combinations that block tumor formation and progression

    Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration

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    Oxidative stress is a common etiological feature of neurological disorders, although the pathways that govern defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neurodegeneration remain unclear. We have identified the role of oxidation resistance 1 (Oxr1) as a vital protein that controls the sensitivity of neuronal cells to oxidative stress; mice lacking Oxr1 display cerebellar neurodegeneration, and neurons are less susceptible to exogenous stress when the gene is over-expressed. A conserved short isoform of Oxr1 is also sufficient to confer this neuroprotective property both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, biochemical assays indicate that Oxr1 itself is susceptible to cysteine-mediated oxidation. Finally we show up-regulation of Oxr1 in both human and pre-symptomatic mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, indicating that Oxr1 is potentially a novel neuroprotective factor in neurodegenerative disease

    Expression of the Stress Response Oncoprotein LEDGF/p75 in Human Cancer: A Study of 21 Tumor Types

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    Oxidative stress-modulated signaling pathways have been implicated in carcinogenesis and therapy resistance. The lens epithelium derived growth factor p75 (LEDGF/p75) is a transcription co-activator that promotes resistance to stress-induced cell death. This protein has been implicated in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, HIV-AIDS, and cancer. Although LEDGF/p75 is emerging as a stress survival oncoprotein, there is scarce information on its expression in human tumors. The present study was performed to evaluate its expression in a comprehensive panel of human cancers. Transcript expression was examined in the Oncomine cancer gene microarray database and in a TissueScan Cancer Survey Panel quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) array. Protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in cancer tissue microarrays (TMAs) containing 1735 tissues representing single or replicate cores from 1220 individual cases (985 tumor and 235 normal tissues). A total of 21 major cancer types were analyzed. Analysis of LEDGF/p75 transcript expression in Oncomine datasets revealed significant upregulation (tumor vs. normal) in 15 out of 17 tumor types. The TissueScan Cancer Q-PCR array revealed significantly elevated LEDGF/p75 transcript expression in prostate, colon, thyroid, and breast cancers. IHC analysis of TMAs revealed significant increased levels of LEDGF/p75 protein in prostate, colon, thyroid, liver and uterine tumors, relative to corresponding normal tissues. Elevated transcript or protein expression of LEDGF/p75 was observed in several tumor types. These results further establish LEDGF/p75 as a cancer-related protein, and provide a rationale for ongoing studies aimed at understanding the clinical significance of its expression in specific human cancers

    Depletion of Plasmodium berghei Plasmoredoxin Reveals a Non-Essential Role for Life Cycle Progression of the Malaria Parasite

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    Proliferation of the pathogenic Plasmodium asexual blood stages in host erythrocytes requires an exquisite capacity to protect the malaria parasite against oxidative stress. This function is achieved by a complex antioxidant defence system composed of redox-active proteins and low MW antioxidants. Here, we disrupted the P. berghei plasmoredoxin gene that encodes a parasite-specific 22 kDa member of the thioredoxin superfamily. The successful generation of plasmoredoxin knockout mutants in the rodent model malaria parasite and phenotypic analysis during life cycle progression revealed a non-vital role in vivo. Our findings suggest that plasmoredoxin fulfils a specialized and dispensable role for Plasmodium and highlights the need for target validation to inform drug development strategies

    CD39 abrogates platelet-derived factors induced IL-1β expression in the human placenta

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    Tissue insults in response to inflammation, hypoxia and ischemia are accompanied by the release of ATP into the extracellular space. There, ATP modulates several pathological processes, including chemotaxis, inflammasome induction and platelet activation. ATP hydrolysis is significantly enhanced in human pregnancy, suggesting that increased conversion of extracellular ATP is an important anti-inflammatory process in preventing exaggerated inflammation, platelet activation and hemostasis in gestation. Extracellular ATP is converted into AMP, and subsequently into adenosine by the two major nucleotide-metabolizing enzymes CD39 and CD73. Here, we aimed to elucidate developmental changes of placental CD39 and CD73 over gestation, compared their expression in placental tissue from patients with preeclampsia and healthy controls, and analyzed their regulation in response to platelet-derived factors and different oxygen conditions in placental explants as well as the trophoblast cell line BeWo. Linear regression analysis showed a significant increase in placental CD39 expression, while at the same time CD73 levels declined at term of pregnancy. Neither maternal smoking during first trimester, fetal sex, maternal age, nor maternal BMI revealed any effects on placental CD39 and CD73 expression. Immunohistochemistry detected both, CD39 and CD73, predominantly in the syncytiotrophoblast layer. Placental CD39 and CD73 expression were significantly increased in pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia, when compared to controls. Cultivation of placental explants under different oxygen conditions had no effect on the ectonucleotidases, whereas presence of platelet releasate from pregnant women led to deregulated CD39 expression. Overexpression of recombinant human CD39 in BeWo cells decreased extracellular ATP levels after culture in presence of platelet-derived factors. Moreover, platelet-derived factors-induced upregulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1β, was abolished by CD39 overexpression. Our study shows that placental CD39 is upregulated in preeclampsia, suggesting an increasing demand for extracellular ATP hydrolysis at the utero-placental interface. Increased placental CD39 in response to platelet-derived factors may lead to enhanced conversion of extracellular ATP levels, which in turn could represent an important anti-coagulant defense mechanism of the placenta

    Ginger inhibits cell growth and modulates angiogenic factors in ovarian cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ginger (<it>Zingiber officinale </it>Rosc) is a natural dietary component with antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. The ginger component [6]-gingerol has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects through mediation of NF-κB. NF-κB can be constitutively activated in epithelial ovarian cancer cells and may contribute towards increased transcription and translation of angiogenic factors. In the present study, we investigated the effect of ginger on tumor cell growth and modulation of angiogenic factors in ovarian cancer cells <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effect of ginger and the major ginger components on cell growth was determined in a panel of epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines. Activation of NF-κB and and production of VEGF and IL-8 was determined in the presence or absence of ginger.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ginger treatment of cultured ovarian cancer cells induced profound growth inhibition in all cell lines tested. We found that <it>in vitro</it>, 6-shogaol is the most active of the individual ginger components tested. Ginger treatment resulted in inhibition of NF-kB activation as well as diminished secretion of VEGF and IL-8.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ginger inhibits growth and modulates secretion of angiogenic factors in ovarian cancer cells. The use of dietary agents such as ginger may have potential in the treatment and prevention of ovarian cancer.</p
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