532 research outputs found

    Ambient Salinity and the Daily Variation of Circulating Prolactin in the Gulf Killifish Fundulus grandis

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    Gulf killifish were maintained in either 3‰ or 35‰ commercial sea salts on a LD 12:12 photoperiod regime and sampled by heart puncture at one of 6 different times of day. Maximum titers of circulating prolactin occurred at the same time of day (8h after light onset) in fish acclimated to either 3‰ or 35‰. Fish acclimated to 3‰ had an additional increase in serum prolactin (8h after light offset) not noted in 35‰ acclimated fish

    Effects of Thermocycles on Body Weight Gain and Gonadal Growth in the Goldfish, Carassius auratus

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    Goldfish subjected to increased temperatures at one of six different times of day had significant differences in weight gain and testicular growth depending on the time of treatment. Depending on the time of day the thermocycle was initiated, weight gain and testicular growth could be either stimulated, inhibited, or equal to that in fishes subjected to constant heat or constant cold. Heat applied during the last 4 h of darkness was particularly conducive to weight gain and testicular growth. The results of this study may have important implications for aquaculture

    A HST study of the stellar populations in the cometary dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 2366

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    We present V and I photometry of the resolved stars in the cometary dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 2366, using Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. The resulting color-magnitude diagram reaches down to I~26.0 mag. It reveals not only a young population of blue main-sequence stars (age <30 Myr) but also an intermediate-age population of blue and red supergiants (20 Myr<age<100 Myr), and an older evolved populations of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars (age >100 Myr) and red giant branch (RGB) stars (age >1 Gyr). The measured magnitude I=23.65+/-0.10 mag of the RGB tip results in a distance modulus m-M=27.67+/-0.10, which corresponds to a distance of 3.42+/-0.15 Mpc, in agreement with previous distance determinations. The youngest stars are associated with the bright complex of HII regions NGC 2363=Mrk 71 in the southwest extremity of the galaxy. As a consequence of the diffusion and relaxation processes of stellar ensembles, the older the stellar population is, the smoother and more extended is its spatial distribution. An underlying population of older stars is found throughout the body of NGC 2366. The most notable feature of this older population is the presence of numerous relatively bright AGB stars. The number ratio of AGB to RGB stars and the average absolute brightness of AGB stars in NGC 2366 are appreciably higher than in the BCD VII Zw 403, indicating a younger age of the AGB stars in NGC 2366. In addition to the present burst of age <100 Myr, there has been strong star formation activity in the past of NGC 2366, from ~100 Myr to <3 Gyr ago.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Emission-Line Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope Probing Evolution and Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) Grism Survey. II: The Complete Sample

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    We present a full analysis of the Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) slitess grism spectroscopic data obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on HST. PEARS covers fields within both the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields, making it ideal as a random survey of galaxies, as well as the availability of a wide variety of ancillary observations to support the spectroscopic results. Using the PEARS data we are able to identify star forming galaxies within the redshift volume 0< z<1.5. Star forming regions in the PEARS survey are pinpointed independently of the host galaxy. This method allows us to detect the presence of multiple emission line regions (ELRs) within a single galaxy. 1162 Ha, [OIII] and/or [OII] emission lines have been identified in the PEARS sample of ~906 galaxies down to a limiting flux of ~1e-18 erg/s/cm^2. The ELRs have also been compared to the properties of the host galaxy, including morphology, luminosity, and mass. From this analysis we find three key results: 1) The computed line luminosities show evidence of a flattening in the luminosity function with increasing redshift; 2) The star forming systems show evidence of disturbed morphologies, with star formation occurring predominantly within one effective (half-light) radius. However, the morphologies show no correlation with host stellar mass; and 3) The number density of star forming galaxies with M_* > 1e9} M_sun decreases by an order of magnitude at z<0.5 relative to the number at 0.5<z<0.9 in support of the argument for galaxy downsizing.Comment: Submitted. 48 pages. 19 figures. Accepted to Ap

    The Mass-Metallicity and Luminosity-Metallicity Relation from DEEP2 at z ~ 0.8

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    We present the mass-metallicity (MZ) and luminosity-metallicity (LZ) relations at z ~ 0.8 from ~1350 galaxies in the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe 2 (DEEP2) survey. We determine stellar masses by fitting the spectral energy distribution inferred from photometry with current stellar population synthesis models. This work raises the number of galaxies with metallicities at z ~ 0.8 by more than an order of magnitude. We investigate the evolution in the MZ and LZ relations in comparison with local MZ and LZ relations determined in a consistent manner using ~21,000 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We show that high stellar mass galaxies (log(M/M_solar)~10.6) at z ~ 0.8 have attained the chemical enrichment seen in the local universe, while lower stellar mass galaxies (log(M/M_solar)~9.2) at z ~ 0.8 have lower metallicities (Delta log(O/H)~0.15 dex) than galaxies at the same stellar mass in the local universe. We find that the LZ relation evolves in both metallicity and B-band luminosity between z ~ 0.8 and z~ 0, with the B-band luminosity evolving as a function of stellar mass. We emphasize that the B-band luminosity should not be used as a proxy for stellar mass in chemical evolution studies of star-forming galaxies. Our study shows that both the metallicity evolution and the B-band luminosity evolution for emission-line galaxies between the epochs are a function of stellar mass, consistent with the cosmic downsizing scenario of galaxy evolution.Comment: Accepted Version: 18 pages, 13 figure

    AEGIS: Enhancement of Dust-enshrouded Star Formation in Close Galaxy Pairs and Merging Galaxies up to z ~ 1

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    Using data from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey and HST/ACS imaging in the Extended Groth Strip, we select nearly 100 interacting galaxy systems including kinematic close pairs and morphologically identified merging galaxies. Spitzer MIPS 24 micron fluxes of these systems reflect the current dusty star formation activity, and at a fixed stellar mass (M_{*}) the median infrared luminosity (L_{IR}) among merging galaxies and close pairs of blue galaxies is twice (1.9 +/- 0.4) that of control pairs drawn from isolated blue galaxies. Enhancement declines with galaxy separation, being strongest in close pairs and mergers and weaker in wide pairs compared to the control sample. At z ~ 0.9, 7.1% +/- 4.3% of massive interacting galaxies (M_{*} > 2*10^{10} M_{solar}) are found to be ULIRGs, compared to 2.6% +/- 0.7% in the control sample. The large spread of IR luminosity to stellar mass ratio among interacting galaxies suggests that this enhancement may depend on the merger stage as well as other as yet unidentified factors (e.g., galaxy structure, mass ratio, orbital characteristics, presence of AGN or bar). The contribution of interacting systems to the total IR luminosity density is moderate (<= 36 %).Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, minor changes to match the proof version, accepted for publication in the ApJL AEGIS Special Issu

    Very Strong Emission-Line Galaxies in the WISP Survey and Implications for High-Redshift Galaxies

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    The WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey (WISP) uses the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) infrared grism capabilities to obtain slitless spectra of thousands of galaxies over a wide redshift range including the peak of star formation history of the Universe. We select a population of very strong emission-line galaxies with rest-frame equivalent widths higher than 200 A. A total of 176 objects are found over the redshift range 0.35 < z < 2.3 in the 180 arcmin^2 area we analyzed so far. After estimating the AGN fraction in the sample, we show that this population consists of young and low-mass starbursts with higher specific star formation rates than normal star-forming galaxies at any redshift. After spectroscopic follow-up of one of these galaxies with Keck/LRIS, we report the detection at z = 0.7 of an extremely metal-poor galaxy with 12+Log(O/H)= 7.47 +- 0.11. The nebular emission-lines can substantially affect the broadband flux density with a median brightening of 0.3 mag, with examples producing brightening of up to 1 mag. The presence of strong emission lines in low-z galaxies can mimic the color-selection criteria used in the z ~ 8 dropout surveys. In order to effectively remove low redshift interlopers, deep optical imaging is needed, at least 1 mag deeper than the bands in which the objects are detected. Finally, we empirically demonstrate that strong nebular lines can lead to an overestimation of the mass and the age of galaxies derived from fitting of their SED. Without removing emission lines, the age and the stellar mass estimates are overestimated by a factor of 2 on average and up to a factor of 10 for the high-EW galaxies. Therefore the contribution of emission lines should be systematically taken into account in SED fitting of star-forming galaxies at all redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 13 figure

    The Persistence of Cool Galactic Winds in High Stellar Mass Galaxies Between z~1.4 and ~1

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    We present an analysis of the MgII 2796, 2803 and FeII 2586, 2600 absorption line profiles in coadded spectra of 468 galaxies at 0.7 < z < 1.5. The galaxy sample, drawn from the Team Keck Treasury Redshift Survey of the GOODS-N field, has a range in stellar mass (M_*) comparable to that of the sample at z~1.4 analyzed in a similar manner by Weiner et al. (2009; W09), but extends to lower redshifts and has specific star formation rates which are lower by ~0.6 dex. We identify outflows of cool gas from the Doppler shift of the MgII absorption lines and find that the equivalent width (EW) of absorption due to outflowing gas increases on average with M_* and star formation rate (SFR). We attribute the large EWs measured in spectra of the more massive, higher-SFR galaxies to optically thick absorbing clouds having large velocity widths. The outflows have hydrogen column densities N(H) > 10^19.3 cm^-2, and extend to velocities of ~500 km/s. While galaxies with SFR > 10 Msun/yr host strong outflows in both this and the W09 sample, we do not detect outflows in lower-SFR (i.e., log M_*/Msun < 10.5) galaxies at lower redshifts. Using a simple galaxy evolution model which assumes exponentially declining SFRs, we infer that strong outflows persist in galaxies with log M_*/Msun > 10.5 as they age between z=1.4 and z~1, presumably because of their high absolute SFRs. Finally, using high resolution HST/ACS imaging in tandem with our spectral analysis, we find evidence for a weak trend (at 1 sigma significance) of increasing outflow absorption strength with increasing galaxy SFR surface density.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 25 pages, 19 figures, Figure 2 reduced in resolution. Uses emulateapj forma

    Dependence of Star Formation Activity On Stellar Mass and Environment From the Redshift One LDSS-3 Emission Line Survey (ROLES)

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    Using the sample from the \it Redshift One LDSS3 Emission line Survey \rm (ROLES), we probe the dependence of star formation rate (SFR) and specific star formation rate (sSFR) as a function of stellar mass MM_* and environment as defined by local galaxy density, in the CDFS field. Our spectroscopic sample consists of 312 galaxies with KAB<24K_{AB}<24, corresponding to stellar mass \log(M_*/M_{\sun})>8.5, and with [OII] derived star-formation rates SFR>0.3M_{\sun}/yr, at 0.889z1.1490.889\leq z \leq 1.149. The results have been compared directly with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 sample at 0.032z0.050.032\leq z \leq 0.05. For star-forming galaxies, we confirm that there is little correlation between SFR and density at z0z\sim 0. However, for the lowest mass galaxies in our z1z\sim 1 sample, those with \log(M_*/M_{\sun})<10, we find that both the median SFR and specific SFR {\it increase} significantly with increasing local density. The "downsizing" trend for low mass galaxies to be quenched progressively later in time appears to be more pronounced in moderately overdense environments. Overall we find that the evolution of star-formation in galaxies is most strongly driven by their stellar mass, with local galaxy density playing a role that becomes increasingly important for lower mass galaxies.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Environmental Dependence of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We study the environmental dependence of local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. The LIRG and ULIRG samples are constructed by cross-correlating spectroscopic catalogs of galaxies of the SDSS Data Release 7 and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite Faint Source Catalog. We examine the effects of the large-scale background density (Sigma_5), galaxy clusters, and the nearest neighbor galaxy on the properties of infrared galaxies (IRGs). We find that the fraction of LIRGs plus ULIRGs among IRGs (f_(U)LIRGs) and the infrared luminosity (L_IR) of IRGs strongly depend on the morphology of and the distance to the nearest neighbor galaxy: the probability for an IRG to be a (U)LIRG (f_(U)LIRGs) and its L_IR both increase as it approaches a late-type galaxy, but decrease as it approaches an early-type galaxy (within half the virial radius of its neighbor). We find no dependence of f_(U)LIRGs on the background density (surface galaxy number density) at fixed stellar mass of galaxies. The dependence of f_(U)LIRGs on the distance to galaxy clusters is also found to be very weak, but in highest-density regions such as the center of galaxy clusters, few (U)LIRGs are found. These environmental dependence of LIRGs and ULIRGs and the evolution of star formation rate (SFR)-environment relation from high redshifts to low redshifts seem to support the idea that galaxy-galaxy interactions/merging play a critical role in triggering the star formation activity of LIRGs and ULIRGs.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures. To appear in A&A. Paper with high resolution figures is available at http://astro.kias.re.kr/~hshwang/doc/ms_hwang_lirg.pd