307 research outputs found

    Two new species of the superfamily Phthiracaroidea (Acari, Oribatida) from the Seychelles and the USA with notes on other ptyctimous mites from diverse countries

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    Two new species of the family Phthiracaridae, Arphthicarus paratinctus sp. n. from the Seychelles, and Atropacarus (Atropacarus) paraclavigerus sp. n. from California, USA are described and figured. A comparison of morphological similarities with the most closely related species is presented. Additional descriptions, morphological remarks and taxonomical notes for seven ptyctimous species: Arphthicarus sculptilis (Niedbała, 1988), Austrophthiracarus diazae (Ojeda, 1985), Mesoplophora (Mesoplophora) parabacilla Niedbała, 2006, Notophthiracarus lienhardi Mahunka, 1996, N. stenotus Niedbała et Corpuz-Raros, 1998, Plonaphacarus semiaciculatus (Mahunka, 2008), and Steganacarus (Rhacaplacarus) brasiliensis (Pérez-Iñigo et Baggio, 1980) were added. In total, 105 species of ptyctimous oribatid mites were determined in material of 1910 specimens from 15 countries – Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Galapagos, Gough Island, Indonesia (Irian), Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania and the USA. Fauna of ptyctimous mites of Bangladesh, Colombia and Gough Island was studied for the first time. New records of ptyctimous mites for Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, Malaysia, New Guinea (Indonesia, Irian), Reunion, Tanzania and the USA are also presented. A replacement name for the junior homonym Austrophthiracarus longisetosus Niedbała et Starý, 2015, A. longisetus nom. n. is proposed

    Corrosion resistance of Zi-Ni coatings exposured to neutral salt spray

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    substrate (St3S) from an ammonia bath. The corrosion resistance of the obtained coatings was examined using accelerated corrosion test (NSS – neutral salt spray) according to ISO 9227:2007. In order to compare corrosion properties of the as-deposited Zn-Ni coating, Zn-Ni coating after exposure to the NSS environment and Zn coating the potentiodynamic technique, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) methods were used. The obtained results indicate that as-deposited and after NSS test Zn-Ni coatings exhibit better corrosion resistance in 5% NaCl than Zn coating. It was found that addition of nickel in zinc matrix improves corrosion properties of the oxide layer formed on the coating surface. Moreover Zn-Ni coating after exposure to the neutral salt spray have higher corrosion resistance in comparison with as-deposited Zn-Ni coating. It was stated that improved corrosion resistance of the Zn-Ni coatings after salt spray test could be attributed to the presence of Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O phase formed on the coating surface. Elektrolityczne powłoki Zn-Ni (Ni ok. 30% mas.) wytworzono w warunkach galwanostatycznych na podłożu stalowym (S235JR) z kąpieli amoniakalnej. Powłoki Zn-Ni poddano działaniu obojętnej mgły solnej (NSS) zgodnie z ISO 9227:2007. Porównano odporność korozyjną powłok: Zn, Zn-Ni w stanie wyjściowym oraz Zn-Ni po przyśpieszonych badaniach w komorze solnej. Stosowano następujące metody badań: technikę polaryzacji potencjodynamicznej, elektrochemiczną spektroskopię impedancyjną (EIS) i skaningową technikę z użyciem sondy Kelvina (SKP). Analiza wyników badań wskazuje, że powłoki Zn-Ni w stanie wyjściowym oraz poddane działaniu mgły solnej mają większą odporność korozyjną w środowisku 5% NaCl w porównaniu z powłoką Zn. Większa odporność korozyjna powłok stopowych Zn-Ni jest spowodowana przede wszystkim obecnością niklu – poprawia właściwości ochronne warstewki tlenkowej powstałej na powierzchni powłoki. Ponadto stwierdzono, że powłoki Zn-Ni w obecności mgły solnej charakteryzuje większa odporność korozyjna w po-równaniu z powłokami Zn-Ni w stanie wyjściowym. Większą odporność korozyjną powłoki Zn-Ni poddanej działaniu mgły solnej można przypisać obecności produktów korozji na jej powierzchni, których głównym składnikiem jest faza Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O

    Odpowiedzialność karna autorów fake newsów wzbudzających w opinii publicznej poczucie zagrożenia w świetle art. 224A Kodeksu Karnego

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic in 2020 was accompanied by the spreading of false and misleading information, the so-called fake news, on a growing scale. This was done primarily through the Internet with the use of social media, instant messaging, but also websites, including those imitating Internet portals widely recognized as reliable. The disinformation carried out in the manner described above, combined with the growing number of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and deceased as a result of it, constituted no less than the virus itself a threat to society, arousing its anxiety and sometimes even panic. In response to this new threat, the authorities of individual countries have made efforts to counter it with the use of existing and new criminal laws. In the case of Poland, representatives of some public institutions informed about the possibility of holding the authors of fake news criminally liable under art. 224a of the Criminal Code. The author of the article attempts to answer the question whether the indicated penal provision can in fact be used to counteract the more and more frequent dissemination of misleading information. For the above purpose, he analyzes selected cases of fake news in terms of the possibility of their authors fulfilling the criteria of a prohibited act under Art. 224a of the Criminal Code. Epidemii wirusa SARS-CoV-2 panującej w 2020 roku towarzyszyło rozpowszechnianie na coraz większą skalę fałszywych i wprowadzających opinię publiczną w błąd informacji, tzw. fake newsów. Następowało to przede wszystkim za pośrednictwem Internetu z wykorzystaniem mediów społecznościowych, komunikatorów internetowych, ale również stron internetowych, w tym imitujących portale internetowe powszechnie uznawane za rzetelne. Prowadzona w opisany sposób dezinformacja, w połączeniu z rosnącą liczbą osób zarażonych wirusem SARS-CoV-2 i zmarłych w jego wyniku, stanowiła w nie mniejszym stopniu od samego wirusa zagrożenie dla społeczeństwa, budząc jego niepokój, a niekiedy nawet panikę. W odpowiedzi na to nowe zagrożenie organy poszczególnych państw podejmowały starania w celu przeciwdziałania mu z wykorzystaniem istniejących i nowych przepisów karnych. W przypadku Polski przedstawiciele niektórych instytucji publicznych informowali o możliwości pociągnięcia autorów fake newsów do odpowiedzialności karnej na podstawie art. 224a Kodeksu karnego. Autor artykułu podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy wskazany przepis karny w rzeczywistości może służyć przeciwdziałaniu coraz częstszemu rozpowszechnianiu informacji wprowadzających opinię publiczną  w błąd. W powyższym celu dokonuje on analizy wybranych przypadków fake newsów pod względem możliwości wypełnienia przez ich autorów znamion czynu zabronionego z art. 224a Kodeksu karnego.

    Dobór pracowników W procesie realizacji polityki kadrowej uspołecznionych zakładów pracy

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    L'une des conditions fondamentales de la réalisation correcte des tâches socio- -économiques est une politique convenable de personnel. Elle constitue une concrétisation au degré des entreprises des principes de l'économie sociale de cadre. Parmi les éléments composants de la politique de cadre c'est la politique concernant la sélection des cadres de travailleurs qui occupe la place particulière. En pratique la sélection des travailleurs doit être appuyée sur des certains principes résultant également des dispositions en vigueur, elle doit aussi prendre en considération des conditions réelles de l'activité de 1-entreprise. Les prinicipes susmentionnés ont un double caractère: a) quelques-uns concernent tous les travailleurs de l'entreprise, b) cependant les autres ont une application aux certains groupes de travailleurs, et particulièrement dans le cas de remplir des postes de dirigeant, les „cellules d'état major" etc. La formation des principes et des bases de la politique de personnel de l'entreprise c'est l'une des tâches fondamentales du dirigeant en chef. Sa cellule d'exécution constitue cependant le Service du personnel et des chefs des cellules fonctionelles de l'entreprise. Le but fondamental de l'activité de la direction et de l'état-major auxiliaire doit être l'assurance de la stabilisation de cadre de l'entreprise. La tâche parailèle doit être aussi la création des conditions pour une sélection du cadre de travailleurs, la plus desirée du point de vue des besoins de l'entreprise. La sélection de travailleurs reste donc en contact strict avec la réalisation d'autres éléments de la politique de cadre p. ex. l'augmentation des qualifications professionnelles, l'embauchage d'une jeune cadre des diplômés des écoles supérieures. Les examens faits en pratique montrent, que dans beaucoup d'établissements domine encore un traitement partiel des affaires de cadre. Il manque jusqu'à présent dans ces établissements d'un programme complexe de la formation de l'emploie de personnelDigitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Mapa Wszechświata

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    Preparation and structure of the electrodeposited Ni-Mo alloys with polymers

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    Purpose: The aim of the paper is presentation the process of forming the Ni-Mo electrodeposited layers with polypyrrole, polytiophne and polyethylene. Design/methodology/approach: There are three ways of polymeriztion and layer depositon. Findings: In case of polytiophen + Ni-Mo – there is observed process of electropolymerization and Ni-Mo electrodeposition in the cathodic process. In case of polypyrrole + Ni-Mo – there is observed two-step process: electropolymerization in the anodic process and Ni-Mo electrodeposition in the cathodic process. So the composite is forming when the electrodes have worked alternately as the anode and as the cathode. In case of polyethylene + Ni-Mo – there is observed process of Ni-Mo electrodeposition with grains of polyethylene in the cathodic process. From structural analyses by X-ray diffraction it was noticed that the solid solution of Mo in Ni is forming. The unit cell parameters of solid solution are slightly changing with the incerasing of molybdenum contents in the alloy from the value 3.57 to 3.61 Å. In case of all polymers, the crystallite size calculated basing on the Williamson-Hall theory is about 5 - 6 nanometers. Practical implications: The codeposition of alloys with polymers or polymerisation with alloys codeposition has created new opportunities in the preparation of novel composite materials. Conductive polymers have been investigated for use as the electrode materials for a number of applications including rechargeable batteries, electrochemical sensors etc. Electrochemical method described in this paper is unique in that it can be used for processing ceramics, polymers, metals, composites and hybrid materials. Originality/value: Using the electopolymerization and electrodeposition processes in preparation of the composites

    The Alice : "Follow the White Rabbit" : parasites of farm rabbits based on coproscopy

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    The aim of the study, conducted in the years 2011–2013, was to determine the level of gastrointestinal parasites infection in New Zealand White rabbits, kept at the Experimental Station of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. The study showed rabbits protozoan infection with the genus Eimeria, belonging – based on the sporulation method – to the following species: E. magna, E. media, E. perforans, E. stiedae and E. irresidua. The highest prevalence of infection, as well as the intensity of oocysts output (OPG – oocysts per gram of faeces), was noted for E. magna and E. media – respectively 31.4 % (19477.3 OPG), and 40.0 % (14256.07 OPG). The infection of rabbits with Eimeria spp. differed significantly between years. With regard to oocysts output, the level of infection was strongly connected with the age of rabbits, being higher in young animals. However, the range of infection was highest among adults. Among nematodes, Passalurus ambiguus pinworm was regularly found (prevalence reached 21.9%), other species – Trichuris leporis, and Graphidium strigosum were rarely noted. The overall infection with nematodes did not differ between years. Similarly, as in the case of Eimeria older individuals were more often infected by nematodes. We observed some trends in parasite oocysts/eggs output; the protozoan oocysts were recorded more often in faecal samples collected in the evenings, whereas the nematodes eggs occurred frequently in the mornings. This situation may be related to the phenomenon of coprophagy occurring in the mammals of Lagomorpha order. The results of the study indicate that especially coccidiosis constitute permanently throughout the years an important problem in the rabbitry examined

    Type of broadleaf forest matters most for ptyctimous mite communities (Acari, Oribatida) in Norway

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    We studied ptyctimous moss mites, which are characteristic of forest habitats, in Norwegian broadleaf forests considered as biodiversity hotspot areas in Fennoscandia. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of different factors (regional locality, annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, forest type, forest wetness and microhabitat) on the ptyctimous mites and on discovering their richness in broadleaf forests. Samples were collected from nine broadleaf forests in Western, Southern and Eastern Norway, in different climatic conditions, six forest types, three forest wetness states and eight microhabitats. Overall, 3341 ptyctimous mites were collected and their abundance differed significantly among the regions, forest types and microhabitats. Forest type turned out to be the most important factor, responsible for 24.5% of the total variation in the abundance of the ptyctimous mites. Other important factors were forest wetness and microhabitat. In total, 27 species, i.e., 87% of all ptyctimous mites known from before in Norway were found and the species richness was highest in the east and lowest in the west of the country. Atropacarus (Atropacarus) striculus was most common and most abundant; it made nearly 30% of all ptyctimous mites collected. On the other hand, a quarter of the species were represented by less than 10 specimens; most of these were new records for Norway. Among ten species discovered as new to Norway, four were also new to Fennoscandia. These findings confirm the unique character and high biological diversity of Norwegian broadleaf forests.publishedVersio

    Dynamic effects of fiscal and monetary policy instruments on environmental pollution in ASEAN

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    This study aims to re-examine the impacts of monetary and fiscal policy on environmental quality in ASEAN countries from 1990 to 2019. We utilized the panel and time series NARDL approach to explore the long-run and short-run estimates at a regional level and country level. ASEAN regional-wise analysis shows that contractionary monetary policy reduces the CO2 emissions, while expansionary monetary policy enhances CO2 emissions in the long run. The long-run coefficient further confirms that expansionary fiscal policy mitigates CO2 emissions in ASEAN. The impact of expansionary monetary and fiscal policy on CO2 emissions is positive and significant, while contractionary monetary and fiscal policy have an insignificant impact on CO2 emissions in the short run. ASEAN country-wise analysis also reported the country-specific estimates for the short and long run. Some policies can redesign in light of these novel findings in ASEAN economies