95 research outputs found


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    Garut merupakan salah satu produsen padi andalan di Jawa Barat, untuk menjaga agar produksi padi di Garut tetap berkembang maka harus adanya pengelolaa terhadap jarigan-jaringan irigasi teknis mau nonteknis yang berada di Kabupaten Garut. Salah satu daerah irigasi fungsional pemerintah dikabupaten Garut adalah Daerah Irigasi Citameng-II yang berada di Kecamatan Cibatu dan mempunyai luasan sebesar 341,00 ha. Pada saat ini ketersediaan air di Bendung Citameng II belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan air di Daerah Irigasi Citameng-II dikarenakan kekeringan dan juga alih fungsi lahan disekitar Sungai Citameng-II. Pada kasus ini, penulis memberikan alternatif dalam penentuan pola tanam dan masa tanam untuk Daerah Irigasi Citameng-II guna memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi dengan ketersediaan air yang ada di Bendung Citameng II . Ketersediaan air di Bendung Citameng-II terbesar berada pada periode April II dengan debit rata-rata sebesar 771,2 lt/det yaitu pada bulan Maret ke II dan terkecil yaitu sebesar 134 lt/det pada bulan September ke II dan Oktober I. Dari alternatif-alternatif yang dilakukan ternyata kebutuhan akan terpenuhi 100% apa bila tata tanam digunakan dengan pola tanam Padi-Padi-Palawija dengan 4 Golongan dengan awal musim tanam di mulai pada periode November I (Golongan 1), 15 November dan 01 Desember (Golongan 2, Golongan 3, dan 4 berturut - turut). dengan musim tanam ke I (MT I) luas lahan tanam ideal sebesar 303 Hektar yang dibagi rata dengan 4 golongan, sebesar 303/4 = 75,75 hektar, sedangkan pada musim tanam ke II (MT II) luas lahan tanam ideal sebesar 220 hektar yang dibagi rata dengan 4 golongan, sebesar 220/4 = 55 hektar, dan pada musim tanam ke III (MT III) luas lahan tanam ideal sebesar 166 hektar yang dibagi rata dengan 4 golongan, sebesar 166/4 = 41,5 hektar

    Increased Immigration Enforcement and Perceived Discrimination among Latino Immigrants

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    The purpose of this paper was to examine the impact of perceived discrimination among Latino immigrants in the context of recent immigration policies and immigration enforcement strategies. Data for this study were drawn from a pilot study (n=213) of adult Latino immigrants living in Arizona during the summer of 2014. The results of multivariate OLS linear regressions indicated greater perceived discrimination was significantly related to reporting: (1) avoidance of immigration officials; (2) family has suffered; and (3) friends have suffered. In addition, greater perceived discrimination was significantly related to lower confidence in a better future for the individual, their families, their children, and the children of today. Implications for social work practice, advocacy, and research are discussed

    El poder tradicional del sindiku Sumu Tauhka en las comunidades de Wasakin y Fenicia de rio Bambana en el municipio de Rosita 1940 - 2002

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    El objetivo de este estudio del poder tradicional de sindiku Sumu, consiste en que los valores ancestrales del pueblo Sumu Tuahka; Se van desapareciendo día a día se pretenden conocer la causas de su extinción. De igual maneras los líderes comunales actuales no tienen esa memoria de normas tradicionales. Los ancianos, los pastores, los sindikus y jueces también los padres de familia que tenga esas iniciativas de instruir a sus hijos la trasmisión de sus conocimientos cultural del pueblo Sumu Tuahka. Además los poderes locales tradicionales van disminuyendo a los sindikos, jueces, pastores, a los ancianos. La figura del poder jerárquico de los lideres comunitarios ahora se convierte en negocio por el poder económico de los empresario y de los políticos se les olvida su misión y visión de ser un sindiku del pueblo Sumu Tuahka, no son de personas vocativo sino lucrativos, negociante de derecho, su tierra y de recursos naturales, que es el patrimonio del pueblo Sumu Tuahka. Ofrendado por nuestro ancestros hombres dignos con mucha sabiduría natural, visión del futuro. Un dirigente actual tiene que ser astuto, audaz para hacer obras de competitividad así poder evaluar a través de su logro y sus obras prácticas. El dirigente tiene que tener en cuenta su recursos con lo que cuenta. La identidad étnica, recursos naturales, recursos humano, con extensión territorio comunal, el titulo de la propiedad, y la estructura bien con formado para su buena administración de la misma. Muchos de las autoridades por falta de conocimientos sobre nuestra existencia en esta región han violado el derecho del pueblo Sumu Tuahka, la comunidad Wassahbin (desemboca de caño pequeño). Hoy Wasakin existe antes que existiera las tres cabeceras municipales Rosita, Siuna, y Bonanza, incluso el pueblo Tuahka ya existían mas antes de la llegada de los hombres blancos en estos tres municipios antes mencionado. La oficina payulul significa rescate de valores tradicionales del pueblo Sumu Tuahka, tiene sus miras para festejar el próximo 2005 los cien años de su titilo real. Otorgado por el tratado Harrison Altamirano en 1,905 a los indígenas Sumu Tuahka de wassahbin. Esta oficina se creó por los primeros licenciados de la universidad URACCAN extensión Rosita, sigla payulul M.A.N. significa Modesta Dolores, Alberto dolores. Neddy Ismael. Quienes están al frente de este resácate cultural de las tradiciones, lenguas, territorios del pueblo antes mencionados. Este estudio pretende identificar, comparar, definir valores las tradición que están en el margen de extinción, no solo el pueblo Sumu, lo que concierne a la región del Caribe de Nicaragua. Por ende crear programas especiales en el municipio en la Región en nivel central, pro a la necesidad y en el fortalecimiento de nuestro pueblo Indígena Sumu Tuahka en la R.A.A.N

    Experimental evolution reveals high insecticide tolerance in Daphnia inhabiting farmland ponds

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    Exposure of nontarget populations to agricultural chemicals is an important aspect of global change. We quantified the capacity of natural Daphnia magna populations to locally adapt to insecticide exposure through a selection experiment involving carbaryl exposure and a control. Carbaryl tolerance after selection under carbaryl exposure did not increase significantly compared to the tolerance of the original field populations. However, there was evolution of a decreased tolerance in the control experimental populations compared to the original field populations. The magnitude of this decrease was positively correlated with land use intensity in the neighbourhood of the ponds from which the original populations were sampled. The genetic change in carbaryl tolerance in the control rather than in the carbaryl treatment suggests widespread selection for insecticide tolerance in the field associated with land use intensity and suggests that this evolution comes at a cost. Our data suggest a strong impact of current agricultural land use on nontarget natural Daphnia populations

    Metal mixture modeling evaluation project: 2. Comparison of four modeling approaches

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    As part of the Metal Mixture Modeling Evaluation (MMME) project, models were developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), the US Geological Survey (USA), HDR|HydroQual (USA), and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (United Kingdom) to address the effects of metal mixtures on biological responses of aquatic organisms. A comparison of the 4 models, as they were presented at the MMME workshop in Brussels, Belgium (May 2012), is provided in the present study. Overall, the models were found to be similar in structure (free ion activities computed by the Windermere humic aqueous model [WHAM]; specific or nonspecific binding of metals/cations in or on the organism; specification of metal potency factors or toxicity response functions to relate metal accumulation to biological response). Major differences in modeling approaches are attributed to various modeling assumptions (e.g., single vs multiple types of binding sites on the organism) and specific calibration strategies that affected the selection of model parameters. The models provided a reasonable description of additive (or nearly additive) toxicity for a number of individual toxicity test results. Less-than-additive toxicity was more difficult to describe with the available models. Because of limitations in the available datasets and the strong interrelationships among the model parameters (binding constants, potency factors, toxicity response parameters), further evaluation of specific model assumptions and calibration strategies is needed

    Deployment and validation of a smart system for screening of language disorders in primary care

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    Neuro-evolutive development from birth until the age of six years is a decisive factor in a child?s quality of life. Early detection of development disorders in early childhood can facilitate necessary diagnosis and/or treatment. Primary-care pediatricians play a key role in its detection as they can undertake the preventive and therapeutic actions requested to promote a child?s optimal development. However, the lack of time and little specific knowledge at primary-care avoid to applying continuous early-detection anomalies procedures. This research paper focuses on the deployment and evaluation of a smart system that enhances the screening of language disorders in primary care. Pediatricians get support to proceed with early referral of language disorders. The proposed model provides them with a decision-support tool for referral actions to trigger essential diagnostic and/or therapeutic actions for a comprehensive individual development. The research was conducted by starting from a sample of 60 cases of children with language disorders. Validation was carried out through two complementary steps: first, by including a team of seven experts from the fields of neonatology, pediatrics, neurology and language therapy, and, second, through the evaluation of 21 more previously diagnosed cases. The results obtained show that therapist positively accepted the system proposal in 18 cases (86%) and suggested system redesign for single referral to a speech therapist in three remaining cases

    Environmental Risk Assessment of Fluctuating Diazinon Concentrations in an Urban and Agricultural Catchment Using Toxicokinetic–Toxicodynamic Modeling

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    Temporally resolved environmental risk assessment of fluctuating concentrations of micropollutants is presented. We separated the prediction of toxicity over time from the extrapolation from one to many species and from acute to sublethal effects. A toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic (TKTD) model predicted toxicity caused by fluctuating concentrations of diazinon, measured by time-resolved sampling over 108 days from three locations in a stream network, representing urban, agricultural and mixed land use. We calculated extrapolation factors to quantify variation in toxicity among species and effect types based on available toxicity data, while correcting for different test durations with the TKTD model. Sampling from the distribution of extrapolation factors and prediction of time-resolved toxicity with the TKTD model facilitated subsequent calculation of the risk of undesired toxic events. Approximately one-fifth of aquatic organisms were at risk and fluctuating concentrations were more toxic than their averages. Contribution of urban and agricultural sources of diazinon to the overall risk varied. Thus using fixed concentrations as water quality criteria appears overly simplistic because it ignores the temporal dimension of toxicity. However, the improved prediction of toxicity for fluctuating concentrations may be small compared to uncertainty due to limited diversity of toxicity data to base the extrapolation factors on

    Behavior and chronic toxicity of two differently stabilized silver nanoparticles to Daphnia magna

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    While differences in silver nanoparticle (AgNP) colloidal stability, surface potential, or acute aquatic toxicity for differently stabilized AgNP have often been reported, these have rarely been studied in long-term ecotoxicity tests. In the current study, we investigated the chronic toxicity of AgNP to Daphnia magna over a 21-day period with two different stabilizers (citrate and detergent), representative for charge and sterical stabilizers, respectively. This was coupled with a series of short-term experiments, such as mass balance and uptake/depuration testing, to investigate the behavior of both types of AgNP during a typical media exchange period in the D. magna test for chronic toxicity. As expected, the sterically stabilized AgNP were more stable in the test medium, also in the presence of food; however, a higher uptake of silver after 24 h exposure of the charge stabilized AgNP was found compared to the detergent-stabilized AgNP (0.046 ± 0.006 μg Ag μg DW−1 and 0.023 ± 0.005 μg Ag μg DW−1, respectively). In accordance with this, the higher reproductive effects and mortality were found for the charge-stabilized than for the sterically-stabilized silver nanoparticles in 21-d tests for chronic toxicity. LOEC was 19.2 μg Ag L−1 for both endpoints for citrate-coated AgNP and >27.5 μg Ag L−1 (highest tested concentration for detergent-stabilized AgNP). This indicates a link between uptake and toxicity. The inclusion of additional short-term experiments on uptake and depuration is recommended when longer-term chronic experiments with nanoparticles are conducted