4,172 research outputs found

    Effect of crowding on the electron transfer process from plastocyanin and cytochrome c6 to photosystem I: a comparative study from cyanobacteria to green algae

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    Plastocyanin and cytochrome c 6, the alternate donor proteins to photosystem I, can be acidic, neutral or basic; the role of electrostatics in their interaction with photosystem I vary accordingly for cyanobacteria, algae and plants. The effect of different crowding agents on the kinetics of the reaction between plastocyanin or cytochrome c 6 and photosystem I from three different cyanobacteria, Synechocystis PCC 6803, Nostoc PCC 7119 and Arthrospira maxima, and a green alga, Monoraphidium braunii, has been investigated by laser flash photolysis, in order to elucidate how molecular crowding affects the interaction between the two donor proteins and photosystem I. The negative effect of viscosity on the interaction of the two donors with photosystem I for the three cyanobacterial systems is very similar, as studied by increasing sucrose concentration. Bovine serum albumin seems to alter the different systems in a specific way, probably by means of electrostatic interactions with the donor proteins. Ficoll and dextran behave in a parallel manner, favouring the interaction by an average factor of 2, although this effect is somewhat less pronounced in Nostoc. With regards to the eukaryotic system, a strong negative effect of viscosity is able to overcome the favourable effect of any crowding agent, maybe due to stronger donor/photosystem I electrostatic interactions or the structural nature of the eukaryotic photosystem I-enriched membrane particles.Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science BFU2006-01361Andalusian Government PAI BIO-02

    CIXL2: A Crossover Operator for Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Population Features

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    In this paper we propose a crossover operator for evolutionary algorithms with real values that is based on the statistical theory of population distributions. The operator is based on the theoretical distribution of the values of the genes of the best individuals in the population. The proposed operator takes into account the localization and dispersion features of the best individuals of the population with the objective that these features would be inherited by the offspring. Our aim is the optimization of the balance between exploration and exploitation in the search process. In order to test the efficiency and robustness of this crossover, we have used a set of functions to be optimized with regard to different criteria, such as, multimodality, separability, regularity and epistasis. With this set of functions we can extract conclusions in function of the problem at hand. We analyze the results using ANOVA and multiple comparison statistical tests. As an example of how our crossover can be used to solve artificial intelligence problems, we have applied the proposed model to the problem of obtaining the weight of each network in a ensemble of neural networks. The results obtained are above the performance of standard methods

    La història d'un "lloc de memòria" en el marc de l'exili mèdic català: l'Hospital Varsòvia

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    Psicología Positiva en España: Un retrato de un pujante campo de estudio

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    Positive Psychology has been alive for almost two decades and it is a good moment to take stock and, most importantly, present a set of studies that allow us to identify trends, interests, methodologies and results that are being generated within our borders. This monograph is thus an invitation to the reader, either researcher or professional, to explore this territory and use this as a starting point for further investigation in the Positive Psychology literatureLa Psicología Positiva tiene casi dos décadas de vida y es buen momento para hacer balance y, quizá lo más importante, reunir un conjunto de artículos que permitan pulsar las tendencias, intereses, metodologías y resultados que se están generando dentro de nuestras fronteras. Este monográfico es por tanto una invitación al lector, ya sea investigador o profesional, para acercarse a este territorio y para que su lectura sea un punto de partida hacia una mayor profundización en la literatura de la Psicología Positiva

    Marketing digital. Guía básica para digitalizar tu empresa

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    Reseña, para sección Tribuna de adComunica, del libro: Martínez Polo, Josep M.; Martínez Sánchez. Jesús y Parra, M. Concepción (2015). Marketing Digital. Guía básica para digitalizar tu empresa. Barcelona: Editorial UOC

    Los fundamentos teológicos de la política moderna

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    Este artículo analiza la problemática teórica implicada en el tópico teología política . Desde el recurso a diversos pensadores, se defiende la idoneidad de una comprensión de dicha teología política en orden a señalar la especificidad de la soberanía delThis paper analyzes the theoretical problems that involve the topic "political theology". Taking into account the point of view of several authors, the text stands for the idea that it is necessary a proper understanding of this specific concept in orde

    Desarrollo histórico y nuevos paradigmas en la Leishmaniosis canina

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    Discurso de ingreso como Académico Numerari

    Cohn, Carol (ed.), Women and Wars, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2013, ps. 296

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    Health Line App

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    Es tracta d'una app mòbil de millora d'hàbits d'alimentació, amb la finalitat de millorar els hàbits alimentosos i donar idees a l'hora de cuinar a diari, fer la compra etc...El context de l'aplicació serà el de poder obtenir receptes recomanades en funció dels ingredients que tenim a la nevera en aquest moment, (és a dir introdueixo per exemple arròs i pollastre i em proposa diferents receptes amb aquests ingredients), a la vegada amb fitxa de detall de la recepta. D'altra banda, una calculadora de calories per grams o quantitats que calculi l'ingredient que vulguem és a dir una mena de seguiment calòric o taula de calories, al seu torn disposaríem d'un calendari amb la dieta que vulguem seguir per setmana (esmorzar, dinar, sopar.. els menjars que desitgem fer al dia), amb l'objectiu d'observar si ens saltem o complim amb assiduïtat els menjars del dia. Per últim, es podran crear llistes de la compra per a reduir despeses i tenir ben controlat el que es necessita. L'aplicació serà duta a terme amb el framework Ionic i serà compatible amb Android i iOs. En conclusió, es tracta d'una idea original que té una clara orientació al públic "sa" i és potencialment utilitzable en el dia a dia ja que ens facilita molt la feinaIt is a mobile app for improving eating habits, with the objetive of improving nutritional habits and giving ideas when it comes to cooking daily, doing the shopping, etc. The context of the application will be to be able to get recommended recipes based on the ingredients we have in the fridge right now (that is, I introduce for example rice and chicken and proposes different recipes with these ingredients), at the same time with recipe detail sheet. On the other hand, a calculator of calories per grams or quantities that calculate the ingredient we want, that is, a kind of calorie tracking or calorie chart, in turn we would have a calendar with the diet we want to follow per week ( breakfast, lunch, dinner ... the meals that we want to make daily), with the aim of observing if we skip or regularly fulfill the meals of the day. Lastly, shopping lists can be created to reduce costs and have what you need well controlled. The application will be carried out with the Ionic framework and will be compatible with Android and iOS. In conclusion, this is an original idea that has a clear orientation to the "healthy" public and is potentially usable in the day to day as it facilitates us a lot of work.Se trata de una app móvil de mejora de hábitos de alimentación, con el fin de mejorar los hábitos alimenticios y dar ideas en la hora de cocinar a diario, hacer la compra etc...El contexto de la aplicación será el de poder obtener recetas recomendadas en función de los ingredientes que tenemos a la nevera en este momento, (es decir introduzco por ejemplo arroz y pollo y me propone diferentes recetas con estos ingredientes), a la vegada con ficha de detalle de la receta. Por otro lado, una calculadora de calorías por gramos o cantidades que calcule el ingrediente que queramos es decir un tipo de seguimiento calórico o tabla de calorías, a su vez dispondríamos de un calendario con la dieta que queramos seguir por semana (almuerzo, comida, cenar.. las comidas que deseamos hacer en el día), con el objetivo de observar si nos saltamos o cumplimos con asiduidad las comidas del día. Por último, se podrán crear listas de la compra para reducir gastos y tener muy controlado el que se necesita. La aplicación será llevada a cabo con el framework Ionic y será compatible con Android y iOs. En conclusión, se trata de una idea original que tiene una clara orientación al público "sano" y es potencialmente utilizable en el día a día puesto que nos facilita mucho el trabajo

    El antiliberalismo como clave de la obra de Koselleck

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    En este artículo defiendo que la crítica del liberalismo puede considerarse una clave que permite unifi car el proyecto teórico de Koselleck. Su antiliberalismo tiene sus orígenes en la infl uencia del pensamiento de Schmitt, y se concreta en la tesis deIn this article I defend that the criticism about the liberalism can be considered a key in order to unify the Koselleck s theoretical projet. His point of view anti-liberal has its origins in the infl uence of Schmitt s thought, and it is stated explici