309 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Program Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu(TPS-T) 3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle)

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    Choirun Nisa D0311015. THE PARTICIPATION OF SOCIETY IN WASTE MANAGEMENT THROUGH TPS-T 3R PROGRAM (THE COHESIVE WASTE PREPARATION SITE PROGRAM BY REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE) The research is aimed to find out the participation of society in waste management through the TPS-T 3R Program (the cohesive waste disposal site program by reduce, reuse, and recycle) in Nglinggo, Buran Village, Tasikmadu Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency. This research is also purposed to find out the attitude change of society in waste management process. The method applied in this research is qualitative and case study approach. Case study approach is comprehensive model which is intense, detailed, and deep. This method can be directed to beat out the contemporary phenomena and problems which are limited of the time. Data collection was conducted by observation, interview, and documentation study. In addition, this research used purposive sampling technique in order to gain the sample based on the purpose of the research. The involved informants were the members of PNPM, BKM, PKK, society leader, waste management association, village government, and participants. The result of the research shows that the participation of society in waste management had been in high level, in which the society was involved in planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring program. The participation of society in implementation of waste management was by conducting waste management through waste sorting and waste management. On the other hand, the participation of the society in waste management was the hard-work of BKM which had conducted the society awareness program before this research was realized. The function of BKM was as the companion of society and the result of PNPM program as fund provider in this program. The researcher can conclude that there was the change of the society and PNPM in conducting TPS-T program, so that there was mutualistic relationship among them in order to realize the participation of society to change their attitude in waste management, and the existence of clean environment. Keyword : participation, society, management through, TPS-T 3R Progra

    Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Pembelajaran Membuat Aneka Lipatan Serbet (Napkin Folding)

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    AbstrakPada materi pembelajaran membuat aneka lipatan serbet (Napkin folding) merupakanprogram produktif yang ditetapkan di SMK pada siswa kelas X. Mata pembelajaran ini merupakandasar yang harus dimiliki siswa agar siswa mempunyai ketrampilan untuk memiliki ketrampilan dankreativitas melipat serbet menjadi suatu lipatan yang memiliki estetika. Berdasarkan pengamatan yangtelah dilakukan penggunaan penggunaan media audio visual dikembangkan atas dasar asumsi bahwaperlunya kreativitas dan pemberian materi yang bervariatif oleh guru, dan media yang digunakan padasaat proses belajar mengajar.Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre- experimental designs dengan rancangan penelitian yangdigunakan adalah one – shoot case study. Subyek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas X jasa boga 3 SMKNegeri 8 Surabaya. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, tes hasil belajar siswa pada ranahkognitif , psikomotor dan kreativitas siswa, dan lembar angket respon siswa.Teknik analisis data yangdigunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) pada keterlaksanaan peroses pembelajaran pada TahapPendahuluan sebesar 3,5 dengan kategori sangat baik, pada tahap kegiatan inti sebesar 3,6 dengankategori sangat baik, ada tahap penutup sebesar 3,3 dengan kategori baik, pada tahap pengelolaanpembelajaran sebesar 3,0 dengan kategori baik, Dan pada suasana kelas sebesar 3,7 dengan kategorisangat baik. 2) ketuntasan hasil belajar dengan kriteria ketuntasan individu ≄ 75 dan jika minimal85% seluruh siswa dikelas mencapai skor ≄ 75 maka ketuntasan klasikal dengan menggunakan mediaaudio visual (video napkin folding) pada materi pembelajaran membuat aneka lipatan serbet (napkinfolding) telah berhasil dicapaipada hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif yakni dari aspek teori dan ranahpsikomotor atau penilaian pada praktek menunjukkan 100% siswa x jasa boga 3 dikatakan “tuntas”. 3)data hasil pengamatan kreativitas siswa yang diperoleh dari memutar video napkin folding diperolehrata-rata hasil kreativitas siswa sebesar siswa sebesar 80% atau 28 siswa dapat dikatakan tuntasdengan kategori baik, dan 20% atau 7 siswa yang dikatakan tidak tuntas pada saat praktek. 4) padaangket respon siswa diperoleh prosentase sebesar 98,57% dengan kategori Sangat Baik.Kata Kunci: media audio visual, kreativitas, aneka lipatan serbet (napkin folding).AbstractOn learning materials create different napkin Folding is a program established in vocationalproductive in class X. Eye learning is fundamental to possess the skills of students so that studentshave the skills and creativity to fold a napkin into a crease that has the aesthetics. Based on theobservations that have been made use audiovisual media use were developed on the assumption thatthe need for creativity and delivery of materials varied by the teacher, and the media used during thelearning process.This research is pre-experimental designs with research design used is one - shoot case study.the research subjects are students of class X catering 3 SMK Negeri 8 Surabaya. Methods of datacollection through observation, Tests student learning outcomes in the cognitive, psychomotor andcreativity of students, and questionnaire responses of students. Teknik sheets of data analysis isdescriptive quantitative analysis.The results showed: 1) the learning peroses on stage introduction by 3.5 by categories good,In phase core activities of 3.6 with the category good, In phase closing of 3.3 with good category, thestage management learning of 3.0 with good category, and the atmosphere of 3.7 with the categoryclass excellent. 2) mastery of learning outcomes with individual mastery criteria ≄ 75 and if at least85% of all students in the class achieved a score of ≄ 75 then the classical completeness by usingaudio-visual media video napkin folding on learning materials create different napkin folding has beene-journal boga. Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013, edisi yudisium periode Februari 2013, Hal. 29 - 3230achieved in the results study on the cognitive aspects of theory and psychomotor domains orassessment practice showed 100% of students catering X 3 it says "Completed". 3) data observationsstudents creativity gained from playing video napkin folding obtained an average result of thecreativity of students by students at 80% or 28 students can be said to be Completed by eithercategory, and 20% or 7 students are saying no completed during practice. 4) the students'questionnaire responses obtained with a percentage of 98.57% very good category.Keywords: the audio visual media creativity, miscellaneous napkin folding

    Cultural Management of Religious Tolerance in Multicultural-Based Islamic Education Learning in State Schools

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    This article describes the management of a culture of religious tolerance in multicultural-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning. Indonesia has much diversity, including ethnic diversity, culture, race, customs, religion, language, etc. In the world of education, especially in public schools or public schools, it is inevitable that students or school residents come from various regions and have different diversity, including religion. Students from diverse backgrounds can cause a sense of insecurity for minority students. This situation requires educators to provide religious education that teaches tolerance to students with different religions, races and cultures. Thus This manuscript study explores multiculturalism. This study uses an interpretive paradigm through a qualitative approach, the type of case study. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the management of a culture of religious tolerance in multicultural-based PAI learning in public schools. The results of this study indicate that through the direction of a culture of religious tolerance in multicultural-based PAI learning that puts forward an ideology that understands, respects, and values human dignity wherever they are. Wherever they come from, emphasizing material from the Qur'an Surat al-hujarat Paragraph 13 can form students who have an attitude of religious tolerance and human values that can create harmony and harmonious relations between students of the same religion or different religions.Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang manajemen budaya toleransi beragama dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) yang berbasis multikultural. Indonesia memiliki banyak keragaman diantaranya keragaman suku, budaya, ras, adat, agama, bahasa, dan lain sebagainya. Pada dunia pendidikan terutama dalam sekolah negeri atau sekolah umum tidak bisa dihindari bahwa peserta didik atau warga sekolah tersebut berasal dari berbagai daerah dan memiliki keragaman yang berbeda, termasuk agama. Keadaan peserta didik dari latar belakang yang beraneka ragam ini dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak percaya diri bagi peserta didik yang minoritas, keadaan ini mengharuskan pendidik untuk memberikan pendidikan agama yang mengajarkan toleransi terhadap peserta didik dengan agama, ras, dan budaya yang berbeda-beda, dengan demikian kajian naskah ini mengupas tentang multikultural. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif melalui pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus. Oleh karena itu, pada artikel ini akan dibahas tentang manajemen budaya toleransi beragama pada pembelajaran PAI berbasis multikultural di sekolah negeri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui manajemen budaya toleransi beragama pada pembelajaran PAI berbasis multikultural yang mengedepankan ideologi  yang  memahami,  menghormati,  dan  menghargai  harkat  dan  martabat  manusia  di manapun  dia  berada  dan  dari  manapun  datangnya dengan penekanan materi dari al-qur'an surat al-hujarat ayat 13 dapat membentuk peserta didik yang memiliki sikap toleransi beragama dan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang dapat menciptakan kerukunan dan keharmonisan hubungan antara peserta didik yang seagama maupun beda agama


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    CHOIRUN NISA. The Correlation between Discipline of Learning and Learning Motivation to Learning Achievement of Students in SMA Islam Panglima Besar Soedirman 1 Bekasi. Faculty of Economy State University of Jakarta. 2015. This research purpose is to find out the relationship between discipline of learning and learning motivation to learning achievement of students in SMA Islam Panglima Besar Soedirman 1 Bekasi. This type of research is survey, with quantitative approach, data recording, interview and questionnaire are research technique. Total population in this study were 83 students with a sample of 68 students of XI social class in SMA Islam Panglima Besar Soedirman 1 Bekasi. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression, classic assumption test, and the hypothesis test consist of t-test and F-test. Based on KolmogorovSmirnov linearity that there was significance of learning achievment showed 0,780, learning of discipline 0,666, and learning motivation 0,424, the meaning that data is greater than 0,0, than concluded the data were normally distributed. While the linearity test results showed a significance of 0,00, mean that the data is less than 0,05, it can be concluded disicpline of learning and learning motivation to learning achievement has a linear. Based on the analysis of the data found that there was a partial effect between discipline of learning toward learning achievement. Can be seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount4,795 t count greater than 1,997 ttabel. Mean while, the partial use of learning motivation are affected by learning achievement, it is seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount 4,223 t count greater than 1,997 ttabel. Simultaneously there is relationship between discipline of learning and learning motivation to learning achievement. Can be seen from the results of data analysis showed Fcount value of 29,084 is greater than the value of 3,14 Ftable. There was a significant positive relationship between discipline of learning and learning motivation to learning achievement of students on the subjects of financial accounting with R for 0,687 and determination coefisien for (R)2 was 47,2%, and of the multiple linear regression showed ƶ = 5.767 + 0,16Xı + 0,13X2


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang hak cipta atas pembajakan karya perfilman menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta dan bagaimana sanksi terhadap pihak lain yang melakukan pembajakan hak cipta karya perfilman berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Perlindungan hukum tentang perfilman di Indonesia telah di atur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2009, namun dalam Undang-Undang Perfilman tidak mengatur tentang sanksi hukum terhadap tindakan pembajakan karya film. Pengaturan sanksi di atur dalam Undang-Undang Hak cipta oleh karena salah satu obyek dari hak cipta yang dilindungi sebagaimana yang di atur dalam Pasal 40 ayat (1) huruf m, adalah sinematografi. Dengan demikian aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam undang-undang hak cipta berkaitan dengan pembajakan perfilman diatur berdasarkan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta 2014. 2. Pembajakan adalah suatu tindakan pelanggaran hukum terhdap hak cipta karya film dilakukan melalui memperbanyak dan menggandakan film dan dikomersialisasikan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan ekonomi. Undang-Undang Hak Cipta 2014 mengatur secara tegas terhadap pihak yang melakukan pembajakan karya cipta perfilman dikenakan sanksi baik berupa denda maupun sanksi hukuman yang berat.Kata kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Pemegang Hak Cipta, Pembajakan Karya Perfilman

    Pengaruh Career Adaptability dan Aging Experience pada Late Career Planning yang Dimediasi oleh Occupational Future Time Perspective

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    Globally, the elderly population continues to increase, in Indonesia it is predicted to increase higher than the elderly population in other Asian regions. The condition of the aging population can also have a negative impact if the increase in the number of elderly people is not balanced with proper preparation for old age, resulting in the elderly being far from healthy, active, and productive, which of course will increase the burden on the productive age population on the elderly population. This study aims to help determine why and how older workers plan their careers after retirement by examining the effects of career adaptation and aging experience as contributing factors to OFTP-mediated late career planning. This study used 50 respondents with an age range of 50-70 years who live in Sooko District. We found that career adaptability has a significant effect on the formation of late career planning, and aging experience which is divided into 4 dimensions, namely physical loss, personal growth, and social loss, has no significant effect on OFTP and late career planning, but gaining self-knowledge has a significant effect.. The managerial implication in this study is that the company or related organization can review the supporting factors in career adaptation and aging experience, especially to gain self-knowledge, because it has a considerable influence on workers' views on career planning continuation


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    Dunia usaha di Indonesia sedang berkembang dengan pesat dilihat dari semakin terbukanya peluang-peluang bagi masyarakat untuk memulai usahanya dalam bidang apapun, sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya persaingan yang ketat antar sesama perusahaan di Indonesia. Agar dapat bertahan dalam persaingan, perusahaan harus dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan kualitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Total Quality Management (TQM), sistem penghargaan dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja manajerial. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 35 senior manajer dan staff PT STAR Taman Remaja Surabaya. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner (angket). Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui pengiriman kuesioner kepada responden. Metode penelitian yaitu kuantitatif, sedangkan teknik analisis menggunakan Analisis Regresi Liniear Berganda. Hasil dari penelitian nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 66,3%, dan masingmasing dari variabel Total Quality Management (TQM), sistem penghargaan dan komitmen organisasi mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial. Sedangkan 33,7% pengungkapan nilai perusahaan dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar model penelitian. Hasil pengujian kelayakan model didapat bahwa model layak digunakan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut. Hasil pengujian hipotesis yaitu pengaruh variabel Total Quality Management (TQM), sistem penghargaan dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja manajeria

    Aggression Depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games

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    Aggression Depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games   NaningChoirunNisa English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya [email protected] Prof. Dr. FD Kurnia, M.Pd. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya   Abstrak Studiinimembahastentangagresi yang dilakukanolehparapesertaThe Hunger Games, merekaadalahKatniss, Peeta, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, dan Thresh. Agresitelahmenjaditopikutamadidalam novel yang diterbitkantahun 2008 ini.Olehkarenaitu, studiinimembahasduapermasalahan, yakni (1) bagaimanaagresidigambarkan di The Hunger Gameskarya Suzanne Collins, dan (2) mengapaagresiterjadisebagaimanasepertiyang digambarkan di The Hunger Games karyaSuzanne Collins. Data daristudiinidiambildari novel sebagaisumberutamadanjugamembacasecaraintensifsebagailangkahselanjutnyauntukanalisis.Studiinimenggunakankonsepagresidaribeberapaahlidankonsepdeath instinctdari Sigmund Freud.Untukmenyelesaikanrumusanmasalahpertama, studiinimenggunakankonsepagresiuntukmendiskripsikanbagaimanaagresidilakukanolehparapeserta di dalamThe Hunger Games.Kemudianrumusanmasalahkeduadiselesaikanmenggunakanpendekatanpsikologiyakniteorideath instinctdanjugakonsepagresidari Anderson & Bushman untukmengungkapkanfaktorsituasidibaliktindakanagresiparapeserta.Terlebihlagi, penulismenggunakanpendekatanperpustakaan, analisis, danpenggambaran.Pendekatanperpustakaandigunakanuntukmencari datayang kemudiandianalisisberdasarkanteori yang ada.Penggambarandigunakanuntukmenjelaskanhasildarianalisis.Setelahmelaluianalisis yang panjangdenganmenggunakantigametodetersebut, makadapatdigambarkandenganjelasagresi yang dilakukanolehparapeserta, yakniKatniss, Clove, Cato, Peeta, Glimmer, dan Thresh.Hampirsemuatindakanagresimerekadipengaruhiolehdeath instinct, tindakanyang mengarahkepembinasahan, dantindakanagresikarenafaktorsituasi, sepertiisyaratagresi, provokasi, frustrasi, perasaansakitdantidaknyaman, obat-obatan, sertadorongan. Kata kunci :Agresi; kekerasan; death instinct; danfaktorsituasi.    Abstract This paper deals with aggression done by the tributes of the hunger games, they are Katniss, Peeta, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, and Thresh. Aggression has become the main topic of this novel since it was published in 2008. Thus this study focuses on two major problems, (1) how is aggression depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, and (2) why is aggression happened as depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. The data of the thesis is taken from the novel as the main source and intensive reading to next step of analysis. The concept that will be used includes the concept of aggression by several experts and death instinct by Sigmund Freud. To answer the first problem, this study is using the concept of aggression to depict the aggression that is done by the tributes in the hunger games. Then the second problem is answered by using psychological approach of death instinct theory and the concept of aggression by Anderson & Bushman to reveal the situational factors behind their aggressions. Moreover, the writer used library research, analysis and description. Library research is used to college data needed. An analysis is used to analyze the collected data based on the theories. Description is used to describe the result of analysis. After getting through long analysis by using three kinds of method above, it can reveal the depiction of aggression that is done by the tributes, Katniss, Clove, Cato, Peeta, Glimmer, and Thresh and most of their factors to do aggression is following their death instinct to destruction and aggression because of the situational factors, such as aggressive cues, provocation, frustration, pain and discomfort, drugs, and incentives. Keywords:  aggression; violence; death instinct; and  situational factors.     INTRODUCTION: One of the main concern that has been increased nowadays is the issue of violence. Violence must be close related with aggression. As the World Health Organisation (1996) defines violence as an action that used the intentional of physical power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or comunity that has results of harm. Anderson et al. (2002:29) state that violence is aggression whose goal is serious and extreme harm, i.e. death. All violence can be defined as aggression. However aggression is not always violent,i.e., a dentist intentionally gives a patient a shot of Novocain (it might be hurt), but the goal is to help rather than hurt the patient. In social psychology, the term of aggression is generally defined as any behavior that is intended to harm others who does not want to be harmed. Aggression is an external behavior that can be seen. i.e., a person shoots, hits, slaps, or threats someone. Aggression is a social behavior. It involves at least two people. In addition, aggression is intended to hurt, it is not happened accidental. Hence, an extreme and serious aggression may lead to violence. Aggression on violence has been a serious problem over the past decades. It can take several forms; physical aggression, verbal aggression, and relational aggression. Moeller (2001:25) defines physical aggression as actual physical activities that is intentionally intended to harm another person, animal, or object. i.e., hitting, pinching, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, strangling, burning, stabbing, punching, pushing, slapping, beating, shoving, kicking, choking, biting, force-feeding, threats with a weapon or object, any other rough treatment, or even murder.Verbal aggression involves the use of words to harm another persons,i.e.,teasing andthreatening (Moeller, 2001:25). Crick et al. cited in Moeller (2001:25) define relational aggression as “behaviors that harm others through damage (or the threat of damage) to relationships or feelings of acceptance, friendship, or group inclusion”. Whereas relational aggression, Crick &Grotpeter (1995) state that it is a behavior that is intended to hurt someone by harming their relationships with others. Furthermore, aggression on violence has portrayed in literature, i.e., in the novel. Novel deals imaginatively with human experience. Novel is a genre of fiction, and fiction may be defined as the art through the written word, representations of human life that instruct or divert or both(http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/421071/novel). One of the American author deals with the theme of aggression and violence in its works is Suzanne Collins. She is the author of several novels for younger readers. Collins, a 48-year-old mother of two children, began her writing career in television. Collins spent the 1990s writing kids’ shows for Nickelodeon, including Clarissa Explains It All (1993) and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (1997-98). She has also written for pre-school viewers on programs like Little Bear (1995-2003) and Oswald (2001-2008). Few other famous works of Collins includes her book Fire Proof: Shelby Woo (1999). When Charlie McButton Lost Power (2005) and When Charlie McButton Gained Power (2009). Then Collins switched to writing novels for young readers, and between 2003 until 2007 published five novels in The Underland Chronicles series: Gregor the Overlander (2003); Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (2004); Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (2005); Gregor and the Marks of Secret (2006); and Gregor and the Code of Claw (2007). In the same way, between 2008 until 2010 she published the other Series under the name The Hunger Games trilogy. These three books were The Hunger Games (2008); Catching Fire (2009); and Mockingjay (2010). Overall the series of The Hunger Games has been a great success, they are sold in more than 50 million print and electronic copies. The Hunger Games book has made a film version released in 2012 and for the second book Catching Fire in 2013. In addition, TheHunger Games novels have made Collins extremely popular amongst readers, and led her to be named one of Time Magazine’s Top 100 people in 2010, The New York Times Bestseller, 2009-10; Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, 2008; American Library Association (ALA) Best Book for Young Adults, 2009; and others. The Hunger Games has spent more than 260 consecutive weeks or more than five consecutive years to date on The New York Times bestseller list since publication in September 2008, and has also appeared consistently on USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. It has been sold into 56 territories in 51 languages. However, some critics still appreciate the novel. “I was so obsessed with this book 
 The Hunger Games is amazing.” --- Stephanie Meyer. (http://www.thehungergames.co.uk/press_and_reviews) Hence this paper will discuss aggression in the hunger games based on Suzanne Collins’ first trilogy The Hunger Games where she reveals an outsize imagination for suffering and brutality in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, formerly known as North America. In Panem, the hunger games are an annual game which one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 to 18 years from their respective districts around the Capitol compete in a deadly battle until only one winner remaining. The winner will be famous and given prosperous life. The Hunger Games much presents on aggression that leads to violence. As Dewall et al. (2011:2) argue that violence is any aggressive behavior which is aimed to make harm physicaly, such as injury or death. Hence, theory of death instinct (thanatos) by Sigmund Freud and concept of aggression by Anderson & Bushman have developed to explain the reason of the tributes (Katniss, Peeta, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, and Thresh) doing aggression and violence acts. Thus, this study will discuss deeper aboutwhy people develop behaviors intended to hurt others as seen in The Hunger Games. Theoritical Framework                 Toassistandstrengthenthe datatobe analyzed, it willusea concept of aggression by several experts. To analyze the reasons that influence aggression, it will be explained frompsychological perspective (death instinct) by Sigmund Freud adds with concept of aggression by Anderson & Bushman. Based on the background of the study above, the questions below will be answered. How is aggression depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games? Why does aggression happen as depicted in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games? Data Collection                 The data collection is taken from the novel The Hunger Games including the quotations, phrases, dialogues, or monologues in which reveal thought, speech, action, and attitude that reflects the idea of aggression. Limitation of the Study                 This study is limited and focused on aggression as depictedin Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.The subject of this aggression is the tributes of The Hunger Games. They are KatnissEverdeen, Peeta, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, and Thresh. Thus, the focus on this study is the tributes of the hunger games who have done much aggression to hurt and harm others. The actions of the tributes of The Hunger Games in form of quotations, phrase, dialogues, or monologues in the novel that reveal as aggression, are taken as the data. Procedure of Analysis There were some steps taken in conducting this study. The first step is close reading of the novel to determine the major issue of it. The major issues are collected and proposed into a topic of the study by seeing the conflict, the monologue, the dialogue in the novel. After the topic is already decided, it is tried to figure out what should be analyzed with the topic. Thus it is collected two statements of problems. They are the depiction of aggressionand the factors that influence aggression in The Hunger Games. The next step is searching related information about concept of the topic and to figure it out, it is used a concept of aggression and a theory of death instinct (thanatos) by Sigmund Freud adding with concept of aggression by Anderson & Bushman. The synchronization of analysis and related concept was arranged to get the conclusion. RESULT Concept of Aggression In essence, aggression is an action that harms person or object (Moeller, 2001:2). Bartol cited in Moeller (2001:24) defines aggression as behaviors intended intentionally to harm another person physically or psychologically or to destroy or to take that person’s property. In additional, The Collins Concise Dictionary also defines aggression as “an attack, a harmful action, an offensive activity, a hostile, or destructive mental attitude.” (Harding, 2006:3). Aggression can start from the “low-level” acts, such as being impolite, making minor threats, and violating minor rules that are generally annoying acts. (Moeller 2001:22) Bartol et al. cited in Moeller (2001:25) state that aggression can also be hostile, instrumental, or reactive. Hostilehas the main purpose to harm or suffer the victim.Hostile aggression is driven byarousal, impulsivity, and immediate to situationalprovocation. It may be closer to the kinds of aggressionidentified by instinct theories. It includes irritableaggression.Instrumental aggression refers to unprovoked aggression used more force to get nonaggressive actions from the victim. Instrumental aggression is a learned response where aggression is a mechanism forachieving certain goals.In this mode aggression is just another way of gettingwhat you want or avoiding being criticised by authorityor gaining normal awards. i.e., a child beats another child to take some money (Bartol et al. cited in Moeller, 2001:25). In essence, instrumental aggression is not commonly followed by emotional feeling. It is just used as a way to get something else. Instrumental aggression involves defensive action, fight to get authority or want to dominate others.Whereas reactive aggression called as provoked aggression. It refers to an angry acts in response to some provokating environmental event or behaviors (Bartol et al. cited in Moeller, 2001:25). According to Pawlik et al. (2000:195) state that aggression that is used to survive depends on the individual organisms securing environmental resources. i.e., water as resources is freely available in humid country, so it does not need to fight to get it. The predatory species always hunt to get the food, on the contrary the prey (food) may resist themselves. Both predators and prey may engage in aggressive attack and defensive actions in this case. Furthermore, in his term of “intra-specific interactions”, Pawlik et al. explain that as individuals of the same species often have to compete for resources such as food or shelter. In one hand, in intra-specific antagonism aggression may occur in competition for social resources, i.e., mating partners or alienating. Characteristics of Aggression From some explanation of aggression above can be concluded the characteristics of aggression are: Aggression is aimed to hurt, to harm or to destroy others. Aggression is a release action of frustration, anger, or bad feeling. Types of Aggression Physical aggression Moeller (2001:25) defines phisical aggression as actual phisical activities that is intentionally intended to harm another person, animal, or object. i.e., hitting, pinching, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, strangling, burning, stabbing, punching, pushing, slapping, beating, shoving, kicking, choking, biting, force-feeding, threats with a weapon or object, any other rough treatment, or even murder. Verbal aggression Verbal aggression involves the use of words to harm another persons for such as teasing andthreatening. (Moeller, 2001:25) Verbal aggression includes acts such as insulting with bad language, displaying anger, threatening, swearing and being sarcastic all in order to cause emotional and psychological pain (Sameer &Jamia 2007), while National Youth Violence Prevention Research Centre (2002) state that verbal aggression includes such behaviors as threatening, intimidating others and engaging in malicious teasing and name-calling. (Onukwufor, J., 2013:64) Teasing is one of the type of verbal aggression. Teasing can be “playful” or “hurtful”. According to Dess, J. et al. (2011:2) state that teasing can be “playful” when; (1) teasing is used when we are talking with friends and everyone involves in the teasing, it is called as ‘teasing pie’, (2) teasing isn’t aimed to hurt, (3) teasing is done by closed friends, and (4) teasing is repeated again. However, teasing can be “hurtful” when; (1) teasing tends to direct into one person in a group, (2) teasing is sometimes repeated, (3) teasing is done by someone whom we do not recognize, (4) it is used to make fun of someone who having disability. Relational aggression Crick et al. cited in Moeller (2001:25) define relational aggression as “behaviors that harm others through damage (or the threat of damage) to relationships or feelings of acceptance, friendship, or group inclusion.” Crick &Grotpeter (1995) also agree that relational aggression is behavior that is intended to hurt someone by harming their relationships with others.(http://www.hopehouseonline.org/pages/gorls.shtml, 2010-2011) Little, Jones, Henrich, & Hawley cited in Young E. (2010:2) categorize relational aggression into two parts; reactive relational aggression and instrumental relational aggression. Reactive relational aggression is used to respond to provocation. People used this aggression by manipulating social issues, such as spreading rumors, as a response to feeling threatened or angry. Whereas instrumental relational aggression is “manipulating relationships or using aggression to get what one wants.” The Relationship between Aggression and Violence Anderson, C., &Huesmann, L. cited in Hogg & Cooper (2003:298) state that aggression is any behavior that is intended to harm directed toward others. Furthermore the agent of aggression will make sure that his aggression will harm the target. However, the target will automatically avoid the aggression as a defensive action. Anderson, C.A., & Bushman B.J. (2002:29) state that violence is aggression that has extreme harm as its goal, i.e., death. Tolan and Guerra cited in Moller (2001:2) state that violence is “the most extreme and serious” form of aggression. Anderson et al. (2002:29) state that all violence can be defined as aggression. However, in some cases of aggression are not always violent. i.e., a child is pushing his friend’s tricycle is an act of aggression but is not an act of violence. To reach that serious and extreme goal, such as injury or even death, must be expressed into visible way, i.e., physical aggression. Thus aggression can lead to violence if it is happened on physical aggression. Because the goal of aggression that leads to violence is to hurt and to harm the target of aggression. Moreover, Anderson, C., &Huesmann, L. cited in Hogg & Cooper (2003:298) also agree that “violence is physical aggression at the extremely high end of the aggression continuum, such as murder and aggravated assault.” Harding (2006:4) adds that aggression is the easiest to recognize in violence. She calls it as “the rawest manifestation being ‘destructive motor action’.” In addition, The World Health Organisation (1996) also defines violence as an action that used the intentional of physical power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or comunity that has results of harm or even death. Hence, in social psychology, violence is aggression that has extreme physical harm as its goal, such as injury or death. One child intentionally pushing another child down is an act of aggression but it is not an act of violence. One person intentionally hitting, kicking, shooting, or stabbing another person is an act of violence. Thus, violence is a subset of aggression. All violent acts are aggressive, but not all aggressive acts are violent (only the ones that are intended to cause extreme physical damage are called violent). Factors Influencing Aggression Drives Drive derived from a German word Trieb which refers to a stimulus within person. This word is generally understood as instinct, inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically determined rather than learned with its characteristics that are both physical (bodily needs) and psychological (wishes). Drives operate as a constant motivational force. Freud proposed that drives consists of two parts; sex (eros) and aggression (thanatos). (Feist, 2008:31) Death Instinct     Death Instinct is the concept made by a psychoanalist, Sigmund Freud. Thomas cited in Moeller (2001:26) states that Freud assumes that human born with a drive, called the Thanatos. To Allen (2006:24), thanatos is the instinct toward destructiveness and death which is aimed at returning living things to their original lifeless state. Freud stated in Li (2011:116) defines thanatos as “an urge inherent in organic life to restore an earlier state of things”. Thanatos might be directed toward the self that is resulting in self-injury or even death, it can be also directed toward others that is resulting in aggression. The instinct theory of aggression derives mainly from two sources: psychoanalysis and ethology. According to psychoanalytic theory, human behavior is motivated by two sets of opposing instincts: Eros, consisting of all those forces aimed at furthering life, and Thanatos, consisting of all those forces striving for the destruction of life (Freud, 1933). When Thanatos, the death instinct, is discharged outward,


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    Beberapa tahun terkahir ini anak usia dini dituntut untuk menguasai kemampuan berhitung sebelum masuk SD/MI. Sementara menurut psikologi mate­matika, keterampilan ber­hitung diijinkan untuk dipelajarkan ke anak asalkan konsep dasar pen­dukung­nya sudah dikuasai. Adapun kon­sep dasar pen­dukung dari keterampilan berhitung adalah ke­mampuan meng­urutkan, membandingkan, meng­umpul­kan, konsep him­pun­an, korespondensi satu-satu, dan bilang­an kardinal. Sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh Piaget bahwa anak usia dini masuk pada tahapan sensorimotor dan praoperasi dimana pada tahapan ini anak belum mampu meng­gunakan aturan yang jelas atau logis, maka pembelajaran konsep berhitung dan pen­dukungnya tidak dapat di­sampai­kan secara formal. Oleh karena itu penggunaan media mutlak di­perlukan. Salah satu media yang dapat menjadi alternatif adalah media berbasis teknologi. Media ini mem­punyai banyak kelebihan, antara lain kemudah­an akses, tahan lama, mudah menyimpan­nya, serta dapat didesain secara fleksi­bel sesuai kebutuhan anak.Teknologi informasi juga sangat tepat untuk anak usia dini karena dapat orangtua/ pendidik dapat memasukkan unsur warna, musik, atau kari­katur yang sesuai dengan kesukaan anak. Adapun untuk menunjang keterampilan berhitung, anak dapat dikenalkan dengan kalkulator, Microsoft PowerPoint, internet, atau mobile teknologi seperti handphone dan tablet
