
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Program Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu(TPS-T) 3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle)


Choirun Nisa D0311015. THE PARTICIPATION OF SOCIETY IN WASTE MANAGEMENT THROUGH TPS-T 3R PROGRAM (THE COHESIVE WASTE PREPARATION SITE PROGRAM BY REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE) The research is aimed to find out the participation of society in waste management through the TPS-T 3R Program (the cohesive waste disposal site program by reduce, reuse, and recycle) in Nglinggo, Buran Village, Tasikmadu Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency. This research is also purposed to find out the attitude change of society in waste management process. The method applied in this research is qualitative and case study approach. Case study approach is comprehensive model which is intense, detailed, and deep. This method can be directed to beat out the contemporary phenomena and problems which are limited of the time. Data collection was conducted by observation, interview, and documentation study. In addition, this research used purposive sampling technique in order to gain the sample based on the purpose of the research. The involved informants were the members of PNPM, BKM, PKK, society leader, waste management association, village government, and participants. The result of the research shows that the participation of society in waste management had been in high level, in which the society was involved in planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring program. The participation of society in implementation of waste management was by conducting waste management through waste sorting and waste management. On the other hand, the participation of the society in waste management was the hard-work of BKM which had conducted the society awareness program before this research was realized. The function of BKM was as the companion of society and the result of PNPM program as fund provider in this program. The researcher can conclude that there was the change of the society and PNPM in conducting TPS-T program, so that there was mutualistic relationship among them in order to realize the participation of society to change their attitude in waste management, and the existence of clean environment. Keyword : participation, society, management through, TPS-T 3R Progra

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