UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Walisongo Journals
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    4236 research outputs found

    Improving Social Skills and Learning Outcomes with Carousel Feedback and Inside Outside Circle Modification Methods

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    This research aims to improve students' social skills and cognitive learning outcomes in sociology subjects by utilizing the modified Carousel Feedback and Inside Outside Circle methods. This research is classroom action research carried out in two learning cycles. Each cycle consists of planning stages, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. Research data was collected through observation, learning outcomes tests, interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The results of this study revealed significant improvements in several aspects. The implementation of learning by teachers increased by 11.25%, while the implementation of learning by students increased by 14.36%. In particular, there was a very striking increase in students' social skills, amounting to 43.54%, and students' cognitive learning outcomes in sociology subjects increased by 60.96%. The implication of this research is that the application of the modified Carousel Feedback and Inside Outside Circle methods can significantly improve students' social skills and cognitive learning outcomes in sociology subjects. This has an important impact because it helps students prepare to face future challenges. With consistent improvements in the implementation of teacher and student learning, as well as substantial improvements in social skills and cognitive learning outcomes, this model is worthy of application in a broader educational context to provide greater benefits for students

    The Effect of Ewom on Brand Image and Purchase Intention in the Astro E-grocery Application

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    Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) can be used as a marketing method by companies in developing strategic brands. eWOM communication may have a strong influence on brand image and purchase intention. The rapid growth of social media provides a positive opportunity for companies to approach consumers through eWOM strategies. One of element that influences a person when shopping for daily necessities online or wholesale/e-grocery is e-wom. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework that provides practical and theoretical insights into e-grocery consumers' use of social media as a promotional tool for electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and its impact on brand image (BI) and purchase intention (PI). Using a quantitative survey method with 26 questions, the questionnaire was distributed via Google Forms to 158 respondents selected based on followers and owners of Astro e-grocery mobile apps located in the Jakarta area and its surroundings using path analysis techniques in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The finding is that E-WOM significantly affects Purchase Interest with Brand Image as an intervening variable. The results of this research can be applied practically to help company marketing departments and advertising agencies present information according to consumer characteristics to influence purchasing intentions. Theoretical implications can also help further research in analyzing the factors influenced by EWOM

    Strategi Pemasaran Produk Pendidikan

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi pemerintah memudahkan perijinan dalam mendirikan sebuah lembaga pendidikan baru menjadikan persaingan antara lembaga pendidikan semakin ketat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Semua data dianalisis melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi data.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan strategi pemasaran produk pendidikan di MTs Al Islam Rowosari diawali dengan rapat bersama untuk membentuk panitia PPDB, kemudian menyusun perencanaan pemasaran pendidikan yang meliputi, penetapan tujuan, identifikasi pemasaran, produk yang ditawarkan, metode pemasaran dan anggaran pemasaran. 2) Pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran produk pendidikan di MTs Al Islam Rowosari dilakukan dengan memberikan produk pendidikan yang terbaik, melakukan pelaksanaan pemasaran, strategi khusus dan penanggung jawab 3) Evaluasi strategi pemasaran produk pendidikan di MTs Al Islam Rowosari dilakukan setiap akhir tahun pelajaran. Hasil pemasaran produk pendidikan menyatakan bahwa MTs Al Islam Rowosari terdapat peningkatan peserta didik pada tahun ini mereka mengetahui informasi tersebut melalui tokoh masyarakat. Upaya strategi pemasaran untuk ke depannya yaitu akan terus meningkatkan kepercayaannya yang tidak hanya pemasaran melalui digital dan konvensional, akan tetapi bisa menggunakan media yang lebih bagus efektif dan efisien

    Korelasi Status Gizi, Asupan Natrium, Asupan Serat terhadap Tekanan Darah: A Cross Sectional Study

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    The aim of this research is to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between nutritional status, sodium intake and fiber intake on systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional study approach. The research was conducted in November 2020 at the UPT Puskesmas Jombang, South Tangerang City with 100 adult respondents aged 36-45 years who were selected using the Purposive Sampling Technique. Data collection used data analysis tools using the Pearson Correlation test. The results of the correlation test of nutritional status, sodium, and fiber intake on systolic have a p value of 0.096; 0.912; 0.054 and has an r value of 0.162; 0.193; 0.011. The results of the correlation test analysis of nutritional status, sodium and fiber intake on diastole have a p value of 0.058; 0.250; 0.074. Nutritional status, sodium and fiber intake have no correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. More in depth studies at the molecular level are needed to identify in more detail the risk factors for hypertention in the adult group. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arah dan kekuatan hubungan status gizi, asupan natrium, dan asupan serat terhadap tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Penelitian dilakukan pada November 2020 di UPT Puskesmas Jombang Kota Tangerang Selatan dengan jumlah responden dewasa berusia 36-45 tahun sebanyak 100 orang yang dipilih menggunakan Teknik Purposive Sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan uji Korelasi Pearson. Hasil uji korelasi status gizi, asupan natrium, dan serat terhadap sistolik memiliki nilai p yaitu 0,096; 0,912; 0,054 serta memiliki nilai r yaitu 0,162; 0,193; 0,011. Hasil analisis uji korelasi regresi status gizi, asupan natrium, dan serat terhadap diastolik memiliki nilai p yaitu 0,058; 0,250; 0,074. Status gizi, asupan natrium, dan serat tidak memiliki korelasi terhadap tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. Diperlukan kajian lebih dalam hingga ke tingkat molekuler untuk mengidentifikasi lebih detail faktor resiko hipertensi pada kelompok dewasa

    Transcending Paradigm: Bridging Spirituality and Modern Science in the Thoughts of Nasr, al-Attas, and al-Faruqi

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    The research examines the transcending paradigm as a crucial intellectual approach, with scholars like Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, and Ismail Raji al-Faruqi proposing a synthesis of Islamic spiritual principles with modern scientific inquiry. This paradigm aims to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, advocating for a unified model that respects Islamic metaphysical traditions while embracing empirical scientific advancements. Through a systematic comparative and analytical approach, the research thoroughly examines and critiques the philosophical foundations and theoretical frameworks presented by Nasr, al-Attas, and al-Faruqi. This study's synthesis of these scholars' perspectives makes it unique, providing insights into their efforts to move beyond traditional academic paradigms. Their contributions argue for a coherent framework harmonizing divine unity and cosmic understanding. They assert that true knowledge encompasses both the material and the transcendent, offering a holistic and spiritually enriched scientific perspective. This article contributes to enhancing the Islamic intellectual tradition by presenting a model deeply rooted in cultural values and responsive to the complexities of the modern scientific era

    Information Security Awareness Analysis on Digital Bank Customer Using Analytic Hierarchy Process: Case Study at XYZ Application from Bank ABC

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    Digital banking is an innovation from banks to deal with the high demand of the retail customer. This study aims to analyse and measure the level of information security awareness of the customers of XYZ as one of the digital banks in Indonesia and provide recommendations for steps that need to be taken to reduce fraud cases caused by customer negligence. Focus areas that included in this research are the adaptation and extension of the HAIS-Q framework and becoming a new theoretical framework to measure information security awareness for end-user. The measurement is carried out by distributing questionnaires with five Likert scales to 385 respondents and then processed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which involves eight experts measuring the weight of several identified focus areas and then classified using the Kruger scale. The information security awareness measurement has a result of 81,9770 which indicates that the information security awareness of XYZ users has a good level. The results of data processing show that there are two focus areas and ten focus sub-area that is still not in the good category. In addition, several recommendations are given to XYZ so that the focus areas and sub-areas that are not categorized as good can be improved to make sure the information security awareness of XYZ users becomes better

    Analisis Manajemen Strategik

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    Strategic management is the science and art of planning, implementing, evaluating every decision of organization that can enable performance to meet targets and get goals. This research aims to describe strategic management which includes planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies at SDIT Citra Az-Zahra West Jakarta. The research approach and methods use descriptive qualitative using data collection through literature studies, documentation, documentation. Data analysis are carried out by collect of data, reduce of data, present of data, and draw of conclusions. Meanwhile, data validity use data and method and source triangulation. The results of research strategic management research at SDIT Citra Az-Zahra include several activities, namely planning including formulating vision, mission and goals, identifying internal and external factors, determining superior strategies, short until long-term planning. Strategic implementation is determining school policies which include government policies and the school's own policies, motivating educators and education staff by providing several awards, human resources allocated, and school culture. Strategic evaluation includes monitoring of plan and implementation, individual and school performance measured, and improvement steps taked

    From Uyghur Muslims in China to the Uyghur Diaspora in Southeast Asia: A Political Reflection

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    This article discusses the problems of the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, People's Republic of China, who have experienced mistreatment and violence from the communist regimes of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongji, and Xi Jinping. Despite facing this treatment, the Uyghur Muslim minority has received criticism and negative labels for their resistance. The world community has also shown little attention to the Uyghur issue. This article aims to reveal the dynamics among Uyghur Muslims as they shift from nationalistic interests to their participation in acts of terrorism. This article uses a descriptive-analytical qualitative method based on data obtained from interviews, documents and literature studies. This article also explores the novelty of this topic by discussing the impact and implications of Uyghur Muslim involvement in global jihadist groups. For example, this article shows that thousands of Uyghur Muslims have become diasporas in other countries (Turkey, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.) seeking solutions to their problems, while being in a difficult and disadvantageous position . This article also explores the magnitude and extent of the activities and presence of Uyghur Muslims in Indonesia, such as in Aceh, Jakarta and Papua

    Kombinasi Jus Belimbing Manis (Averrhoa carambola L) dan Jeruk Manis (Citrus sinensis L) Efektif Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Kelompok Dewasa

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    The purpose of this study was to reduce the blood pressure by administering a combination of sweet starfruit and sweet orange juice to state civil servants at the library and archives service in Bengkulu province. The study was conducted in January-February 2023. The design used in this research is Pre-Experimental with pre-test and post-test design. The treatment given was a combination of 200 grams of sweet starfruit juice and 50 grams of sweet orange given for 7 consecutive days. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant difference ( P= 0.001) for systolic blood pressure and 0.004 for diastolic blood pressure. That the combination of sweet starfruit juice and sweet orange can be used as a functional food ingredient which is recommended as an alternative to help lower blood pressure. Tujualn penelitialn ini untuk menurunkaln tekalnaln dalralh terhaldalp pemberialn kombinalsi jus belimbing malnis daln jeruk malnis paldal kelompok dewasa AApalraltur Sipil Negalral di Dinals Perpustalkalaln daln Kealrsipaln Daleralh Provinsi Bengkulu. Desalin yalng digunalkaln dallalm penelitialn ini aldallalh Quasy Experimentall dengaln ralncalngaln pre-test alnd post-test design. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2023. Perlalkualn yalng diberikaln yalitu kombinalsi jus belimbing malnis sebalnyalk 200 gralm daln jeruk malnis sebalnyalk 50 gralm diberikaln selalmal 7 halri berturut-turut. Alnallisis daltal menggunalkaln uji Wilcoxon menujukkaln aldal perbedaan yalng signifikaln pada tekanan darah sistolik (p = 0,001) dan diastolik (p= 0,004) sebelum dan setelah pemberian intervensi jus belimbing manis dan jeruk manis. Kombinalsi jus belimbing malnis daln jeruk malnis dalpalt dijaldikaln sebalgali balhaln palngaln fungsionall yalng direkomendalsikaln sebalgali allternaltif pangan untuk membalntu menurunkaln tekalnaln dalralh.

    Complexity of Conflict for Islamic Educational Management Student; Humanistic Approach as a Solution

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    The realm of Islamic educational management is not immune to conflicts, which can arise from various sources such as differing ideologies, cultural disparities, or administrative challenges. This study delves into the multifaceted dimensions of conflicts faced by Islamic educational management students. By employing a humanistic approach, this research seeks to unravel the intricate layers of conflicts within the context of Islamic education and offers innovative solutions to mitigate their adverse effects. Drawing from theories rooted in humanism, the study explores the psychological and sociocultural aspects of conflict resolution, emphasizing empathy, understanding, and effective communication. Through in-depth qualitative analysis and case studies, the research provides valuable insights into the root causes of conflicts, enabling Islamic educational management students to cultivate a harmonious learning environment. This study not only contributes to the academic discourse but also equips future leaders in Islamic education with practical strategies to navigate conflicts, fostering a conducive atmosphere for holistic learning and personal growth


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