14 research outputs found

    The Pathophysiology of Inhalational Brucellosis in Balb/c Mice

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    To characterize the clinical presentation and pathophysiology of inhalational brucellosis, Balb/c mice were challenged with Brucella melitensis 16M in a nose-only aerosol exposure chamber. A low dose of 1000 cfu/animal of B. melitensis resulted in 45% of mice with tissue burdens eight weeks post-challenge. The natural history of brucellosis in mice challenged by higher aerosol doses was examined by serial euthanizing mice over an eight week period. Higher challenge doses of 1.00E+05 and 5.00E+05 cfu resulted in positive blood cultures 14 days post-challenge and bacterial burdens were observed in the lung, liver and/or spleens 14 days post-challenge. In addition, the progression of brucellosis was similar between mice challenged by the intranasal and aerosol routes. The results from this study support the use of the Balb/c aerosol nose-only brucellosis mouse model for the evaluation of therapeutics against inhalational brucellosis

    Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS): Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of the Russian-Language Version

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    Identification of complications and control of comorbidities are essential in monitoring the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness and predicting their outcomes. The researchers of the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) developed the Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS) for a comprehensive assessment of such patients. Lack of an officially validated version of the scale hampers its use in Russia, while using versions which have not been completely validated prevents clinicians from obtaining reliable results when examining patients with chronic disorders of consciousness.   Aim. To develop the official Russian language version of the Comorbidities Coma Scale, considering various linguistic and cultural parameters, as a part of the 1st stage of the validation study.   Material and methods. The first stage of validation was completed: direct and reverse translation of the scale was performed by two independent medical translators. The translated version was assessed by an expert board including an expert translator, neurologists, and critical care specialists. Pilot test and two meetings of the expert board, before and after testing, were arranged to assess the results and approve the final Russian version of the scale.   Results. During the first meeting of the expert board, corrections were made in the Russian language version of the scale in terms of language and cultural adaptation. Pilot testing was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers had no difficulties in understanding and interpreting the instructions for the scale. The second meeting of the expert board was held thereupon, and the final version of the Russian language version of the scale was adopted, which is available on the website of the Center for Validation of Health Status Questionnaires and Scales of the Research Center of Neurology.   Conclusion. The first stage of validation, i. e., linguistic and cultural adaptation, was carried out at the Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia). For the first time, the Russian version of the scale for assessing comorbidities in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness was presented and approved for the practical use. The future publications will address the psychometric results of the scale such as sensitivity, validity, reliability

    Шкала оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов (CoCoS): лингвокультурная адаптация русскоязычной версии (сообщение)

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       Identification of complications and control of comorbidities are essential in monitoring the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness and predicting their outcomes. The researchers of the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) developed the Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS) for a comprehensive assessment of such patients. Lack of an officially validated version of the scale hampers its use in Russia, while using versions which have not been completely validated prevents clinicians from obtaining reliable results when examining patients with chronic disorders of consciousness.   Aim. To develop the official Russian language version of the Comorbidities Coma Scale, considering various linguistic and cultural parameters, as a part of the 1st stage of the validation study.   Material and methods. The first stage of validation was completed: direct and reverse translation of the scale was performed by two independent medical translators. The translated version was assessed by an expert board including an expert translator, neurologists, and critical care specialists. Pilot test and two meetings of the expert board, before and after testing, were arranged to assess the results and approve the final Russian version of the scale.   Results. During the first meeting of the expert board, corrections were made in the Russian language version of the scale in terms of language and cultural adaptation. Pilot testing was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers had no difficulties in understanding and interpreting the instructions for the scale. The second meeting of the expert board was held thereupon, and the final version of the Russian language version of the scale was adopted, which is available on the website of the Center for Validation of Health Status Questionnaires and Scales of the Research Center of Neurology.   Conclusion. The first stage of validation, i. e., linguistic and cultural adaptation, was carried out at the Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia). For the first time, the Russian version of the scale for assessing comorbidities in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness was presented and approved for the practical use. The future publications will address the psychometric results of the scale such as sensitivity, validity, reliability.   Выявление осложнений и контроль над течением сопутствующих заболеваний является важнейшим этапом в отслеживании динамики и прогнозе исходов у пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания. Для проведения оценки состояния у данной категории пациентов сотрудниками департамента биотехнологических и прикладных клинических наук университета L'Aquila (Италия) была разработана шкала — Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS). Отсутствие официально валидированной версии данной шкалы затрудняет ее применение в России, а использование версий, не прошедших все необходимые этапы валидации, препятствует получению достоверных результатов при обследовании пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания.   Цель. Разработка официальной русскоязычной версии Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов с учетом языковых и культурных особенностей ее пользователей в рамках проведения 1-го этапа валидационного исследования.   Материал и методы. Письменное разрешение на адаптацию шкалы CoCoS было получено сотрудниками группы валидации международных шкал и опросников Научного центра неврологии (ФГБНУ НЦН, г. Москва, Россия) у разработчика оригинальной версии Francesca Pistoia. Провели первый этап валидации: выполнен прямой и обратный перевод шкалы двумя независимыми медицинскими переводчиками. Произведена оценка разработанной версии экспертной комиссией с участием переводчика-эксперта, неврологов и анестезиологов-реаниматологов. Провели пилотное тестирование на 15 пациентах с диагнозом хронического нарушения сознания и два заседания экспертной комиссии до и после тестирования для оценки результатов и утверждения окончательной русскоязычной версии шкалы.   Результаты. В ходе первого заседания экспертной комиссии внесли поправки в русскоязычную версию шкалы в рамках языковой и культурной адаптации: были изменены единицы измерения лабораторных показателей с мг/дл на ммоль/л в 7-м и 14-м пунктах (оценка гликемии и концентрации креатинина, соответственно). Изменен термин «надаортальные сосуды» на «брахиоцефальные артерии» в 10-м пункте, сопоставлены предложенные варианты повреждения мягких тканей со стадиями развития пролежней согласно NPUAP — EPUAP [18] в 21-м пункте, добавлен параметр индекс массы тела (ИМТ) для оценки выраженности недостаточности питания. В ходе пилотного тестирования с учетом критериев включения и исключения сложностей при понимании и интерпретации инструкций шкалы у исследователей не возникло. По итогам состоялось второе заседание экспертной комиссии, на котором приняли окончательный вариант русскоязычной версии шкалы. Он доступен для ознакомления на сайте группы валидациимеждународных шкал и опросников ФГБНУ НЦН https://www.neurology.ru/reabilitaciya/centr-validacii-mezhdunarodnyh-shkal-i-oprosnikov, а также по QR-коду.   Заключение. На базе ФГБНУ НЦН выполнили первый этап валидации — лингвокультурную адаптацию. Впервые представили и рекомендовали к использованию русскоязычную версию Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов. В последующих публикациях будут представлены результаты оценки психометрических свойств (чувствительность, валидность, надежность) русскоязычной версии данной шкалы

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials in the Treatment of Human Brucellosis

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    BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is a persistent health problem in many developing countries throughout the world, and the search for simple and effective treatment continues to be of great importance. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A search was conducted in MEDLINE and in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Clinical trials published from 1985 to present that assess different antimicrobial regimens in cases of documented acute uncomplicated human brucellosis were included. The primary outcomes were relapse, therapeutic failure, combined variable of relapse and therapeutic failure, and adverse effect rates. A meta-analysis with a fixed effect model was performed and odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals were calculated. A random effect model was used when significant heterogeneity between studies was verified. Comparison of combined doxycycline and rifampicin with a combination of doxycycline and streptomycin favors the latter regimen (OR = 3.17; CI95% = 2.05-4.91). There were no significant differences between combined doxycycline-streptomycin and combined doxycycline-gentamicin (OR = 1.89; CI95% = 0.81-4.39). Treatment with rifampicin and quinolones was similar to combined doxycycline-rifampicin (OR = 1.23; CI95% = 0.63-2.40). Only one study assessed triple therapy with aminoglycoside-doxycycline-rifampicin and only included patients with uncomplicated brucellosis. Thus this approach cannot be considered the therapy of choice until further studies have been performed. Combined doxycycline/co-trimoxazole or doxycycline monotherapy could represent a cost-effective alternative in certain patient groups, and further studies are needed in the future. CONCLUSIONS: Although the preferred treatment in uncomplicated human brucellosis is doxycycline-aminoglycoside combination, other treatments based on oral regimens or monotherapy should not be rejected until they are better studied. Triple therapy should not be considered the current treatment of choice

    Serosurveillance study on transmission of H5N1 virus during a 2006 avian influenza epidemic

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    In 2006 an outbreak of avian influenza A(H5N1) in Turkey caused 12 human infections, including four deaths. We conducted a serological survey to determine the extent of subclinical infection caused by the outbreak. Single serum samples were collected from five individuals with avian influenza whose nasopharyngeal swabs tested positive for H5 RNA by polymerase chain reaction, 28 family contacts of the cases, 95 poultry cullers, 75 individuals known to have had contact with diseased chickens and 81 individuals living in the region with no known contact with infected chickens and/or patients. Paired serum samples were collected from 97 healthcare workers. All sera were tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies by enzyme-linked immunoassay, haemagglutination inhibition and microneutralization assays. Only one serum sample, from a parent of an avian influenza patient, tested positive for H5N1 by microneutralization assay. This survey shows that there was minimal subclinical H5N1 infection among contacts of human cases and infected poultry in Turkey in 2006. Further, the low rate of subclinical infection following contact with diseased poultry gave further support to the reported low infectivity of the virus

    The WHO global alliance against chronic respiratory diseases in Turkey (GARD Turkey)

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    In order to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the 61st World Health Assembly has endorsed an NCD action plan (WHA resolution 61.14). A package for essential NCDs including chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) has also been developed. The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) is a new but rapidly developing voluntary alliance that is assisting World Health Organization (WHO) in the task of addressing NCDs at country level. The GARD approach was initiated in 2006. GARD Turkey is the first comprehensive programme developed by a government with all stakeholders of the country. This paper provides a summary of indicators of the prevalence and severity of chronic respiratory diseases in Turkey and the formation of GARD Turkey

    Update on treatment options for spinal brucellosis

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    We evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of antibiotic regimens and optimal duration of therapy in complicated and uncomplicated forms of spinal brucellosis. This is a multicentre, retrospective and comparative study involving a total of 293 patients with spinal brucellosis from 19 health institutions. Comparison of complicated and uncomplicated spinal brucellosis was statistically analysed. Complicated spinal brucellosis was diagnosed in 78 (26.6%) of our patients. Clinical presentation was found to be significantly more acute, with fever and weight loss, in patients in the complicated group. They had significantly higher leukocyte and platelet counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rates and C-reactive protein levels, and lower haemoglobulin levels. The involvement of the thoracic spine was significantly more frequent in complicated cases. Spondylodiscitis was complicated, with paravertebral abscess in 38 (13.0%), prevertebral abscess in 13 (4.4%), epidural abscess in 30 (10.2%), psoas abscess in 10 (3.4%) and radiculitis in 8 (2.7%) patients. The five major combination regimens were: doxycycline 200mg/day, rifampicin 600mg/day and streptomycin 1g/day; doxycycline 200mg/day, rifampicin 600mg/day and gentamicin 5mg/kg; doxycycline 200mg/day and rifampicin 600mg/day; doxycycline 200mg/day and streptomycin 1g/day; and doxycycline 200mg/day, rifampicin 600mg/day and ciprofloxacin 1g/day. There were no significant therapeutic differences between these antibiotic groups; the results were similar regarding the complicated and uncomplicated groups. Patients were mostly treated with doxycycline and rifampicin with or without an aminoglycoside. In the former subgroup, complicated cases received antibiotics for a longer duration than uncomplicated cases. Early recognition of complicated cases is critical in preventing devastating complications. Antimicrobial treatment should be prolonged in complicated spinal brucellosis in particular

    Genitourinary brucellosis: results of a multicentric study

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    This study reviewed the clinical, laboratory, therapeutic and prognostic data on genitourinary involvement of brucellosis in this largest case series reported. This multicentre study pooled adult patients with genitourinary brucellar involvement from 34 centres treated between 2000 and 2013. Diagnosis of the disease was established by conventional methods. Overall 390 patients with genitourinary brucellosis (352 male, 90.2%) were pooled. In male patients, the most frequent involved site was the scrotal area (n=327, 83.8%), as epididymo-orchitis (n=204, 58%), orchitis (n=112, 31.8%) and epididymitis (n=11, 3.1%). In female patients, pyelonephritis (n=33/38, 86.8%) was significantly higher than in male patients (n=11/352, 3.1%; p<0.0001). The mean blood leukocyte count was 7530 +/- 3115/mm(3). Routine laboratory analysis revealed mild to moderate increases for erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP). The mean treatment duration and length of hospital stay were significantly higher when there were additional brucellar foci (p<0.05). Surgical operations including orchiectomy and abscess drainage were performed in nine (2.3%) patients. Therapeutic failure was detected in six (1.5%), relapse occurred in four (1%), and persistent infertility related to brucellosis occurred in one patient. A localized scrotal infection in men or pyelonephritis in women in the absence of leucocytosis and with mild to moderate increases in inflammatory markers should signal the possibility of brucellar genitourinary disease