2,528 research outputs found

    On the collapse in fourth order gravities

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    The gravitational collapse in fourth order theories of gravity defined by an arbitrary action of the scalar curvature shows significant deviations with General Relativity. The presence of a new scalar mode produces a higher initial contraction that favors the reduction of the collapsing time. However, depending on the particular model, there are fundamental differences when the modifications to the General Relativity collapse leave the linear regime. These analyses can be used to exclude an important region of the parameter space associated with alternative gravitational models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2011, Madrid 201

    Vacunación específica en pacientes con enfermedades reumatológicas

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    Las enfermedades inflamatorias articulares (EIA) , abarcan gran número de patología multiorgánica, que comparten en su mayoría, predisposición genética y los mecanismos inflamatorios. Entre ellas se encuentran la artritis reumatoide (AR), espondilitis anquilosante y la artritis psoriásica. Por el riesgo infeccioso de estos pacientes y el tipo de tratamiento que requieren (tratamiento inmunomodulador), suponen una encrucijada terapéutica y deben ser objeto de prevención primaria de dichas infecciones.Grado en Medicin

    La maternidad subrogada en España: ¿coherencia entre la jurisprudencia civil y laboral? : reflexiones a propósito de la STS de 25 de octubre de 2016. Sala de lo social.

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    Son muchos los estudios sobre maternidad subrogada que se han llevada a cabo. La temática no es una cuestión fácil por mezclarse continuamente aspectos jurídicos y legales con otros éticos y morales por lo que, en función del posicionamiento del autor respecto a estos criterios, encontraremos los más variados argumentos a favor de su defensa o de su detracción. En este estudio pretendemos proponer métodos alternativos que, en función del mejor interés del menor, ofrezca una solución viable cuando, pese a no cumplirse los requisitos exigidos por la legislación civil tanto del país de origen de los niños como la directrices pautadas por la Instrucción de la Dirección General, se ha creado una situación de facto entre padres comitentes y menores engendrados que necesitan una especial protección para que derechos reconocidos constitucionalmente no sufran vulneración.Palabras Clave: maternidad subrogada, padres comitentes, madre gestante, interés superior del menor, analogía, filiación, prestación por maternidad.</jats:p

    La maternidad subrogada en España: Reflexiones en torno a las STS de 25 de octubre de 2016. Sala de lo Social

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    En el último trimestre del año 2016, el Tribunal Supremo en su Sala de lo Social dictó dos sentencias de Pleno que, si bien contaron con varios votos particulares de los Magistrados integrantes de la misma, solventaron la controversia jurisprudencial en orden a la legitimación del padre/madre subrogante en la solicitud de las prestaciones concedidas por nuestra legislación laboral –art. 133 bis de la LGSS, actual artículo 117 tras la reforma acaecida en 2015-.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Development of the item pool for the ‘WHO-ageism scale’:Conceptualisation, item generation, and content validity assessment

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    OBJECTIVES: ageism harms individuals' health and wellbeing and can be costly to societies. Reliable and valid measures that can quantify ageism are critical for achieving accurate data on its global prevalence, determinants and impacts, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to reduce it. Ageism scales exist; however, none have been demonstrated to validly measure ageism in a manner consistent with consensus definitions of the concept (i.e. as manifested in all of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination), whilst also quantifying ageism against all groups, from a target and perpetrator perspective, and across diverse country settings. Our objective was to develop an item pool to meet this need.METHODS: we completed the conceptualisation, item generation and content validity assessment phases of a new World Health Organisation (WHO) WHO-ageism item pool that aims to measure the multi-dimensional nature of ageism. These phases drew on a review of available evidence, an experts' workshop and structured content validity reviews conducted by experts in scale development and ageism drawn from every world region defined by WHO.RESULTS: our resulting item pool is designed to provide a multi-dimensional measure of ageism against all ages measured from both a perpetration and experienced perspective and that can produce valid and reliable scores within diverse country contexts and comparable scores across these contexts.CONCLUSIONS: our item pool is the first major step in providing a global and comprehensive measure of ageism. Future phases of research will refine the item pool and establish the statistical psychometric properties of the final tool

    Desarrollo de un bioplástico comestible y compostable a partir de residuos de la industria alimentaria

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    The project pursues the use of waste from the Cantabrian food sector (cereal waste from the spirits industry and whey), in order to manufacture an edible, biodegradable and compostable plastic substrate, as an alternative to current plastic production, providing a solution in favor of the recovery of industrial waste. For the development of the edible plastic substrate, arabinoxylan and kefiran compounds were used, from cereal residues and milk whey, respectively. Several formulations were developed to create a pre-industrial prototype of the biocomposite for the edible plastic substrate, likewise, a search was made on the use of whey to obtain biofilm.An exploitation plan was drawn up that evidenced the need to sell 1,900 kg of bioplastic pellets per month to ensure the economic viability of the process. This production would have a unit cost of €15/kg, lower than the estimated sale price of €20/kg. Although it is estimated that the business profit margin would not be very high, the positive environmental impacts are good enough to consider the implementation of the developed solution.El proyecto persigue el aprovechamiento de los residuos del sector alimentario cántabro (residuos cereales de la industria de bebidas espirituosas y el suero de leche), con el objeto de fabricar un sustrato plástico comestible, biodegradable y compostable, como alternativa a la producción de plásticos actual, aportando una solución a favor de la valorización de residuos industriales. Para el desarrollo del sustrato plástico comestible, se partió de los compuestos arabinoxilanos y kefirán, provenientes de residuos cereales y del suero lácteo respectivamente. Se desarrollaron varias formulaciones para crear un prototipo pre-industrial del biocompuesto para el sustrato plástico comestible, asimismo, se realizó una búsqueda sobre el uso del lactosuero para la obtención de biofilm. Se elaboró un plan de explotación que evidenció la necesidad de vender 1900 kg de pellets de bioplástico al mes para asegurar la viabilidad económica del proceso. Esta producción tendría un coste unitario de 15 €/kg, inferior al precio de venta estimado de 20€/kg. Aunque se estima que el margen de beneficio empresarial no sería muy alto, los impactos ambientales positivos son suficientemente buenos como para considerar la implantación de la solución desarrollada

    Use of in-vivo induced antigen technology to identify bacterial genes expressed during Solea senegalensis infection with Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida

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    The marine fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Phdp) is responsible for important disease outbreaks affecting several fish species including flatfish Solea senegalensis (Kaup). Phdp is able to avoid host defences by invasion and intracellular survival in non-phagocytic cells, mainly epithelial cells. Virulence factors reported in Phdp include restricting complement-mediated activity, apoptosis of phagocytes caused by exotoxins secretion, iron acquisition mechanisms such as siderophores that enable the pathogen to obtain iron from transferrin and ability to bind haemin and antioxidant enzymatic activities capable to counteract superoxide radicals (Do Vale et al., 2005; Andreoni and Magnano, 2014). Commonly, genes expressed during pathogen infection are important for pathogenicity. In vivo-induced antigen technology (IVIAT) (Handfield et al., 2000) has been used to identify in vivo-induced genes using pooled sera from fish that have experienced photobacteriosis. Materials and methods Sera were obtained from surviving S. senegalensis specimens after sublethal infection with Phdp (Lg41/01) and subsequently pooled and adsorbed against in vitro grown Phdp Lg41/01 and Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells and lysates according to Handfield et al. (2000). The efficiency of sera adsorption was evaluated based on the immunoreactivity after each adsorption step with whole and lysed Phdp cells grown in vitro. A genomic expression library of Phdp Lg41/01 was generated in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using pET-30 expression system (Novagen, San Diego, CA, USA). The expression library was probed with adsorbed and non-absorbed sera using immunoblot technique. Reactive clones of in vivo-induced and in vitro antigens were obtained, purified and their inserted DNA sequenced (Macrogen Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Nucleotide sequences were compared against the NCBI protein database using BLASTx. Results A progressive reduction in sera immunoreactivity against in vitro grown Phdp cells was detected after the adsorption rounds, especially after the first adsorption step. Thus, following adsorption steps substantially removed antibodies against in vitro expressed antigens and resulted in relative enrichment in antibodies recognizing in vivo expressed antigens. The library from Phdp Lg14/01 constructed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) consisted of approximately 6500 recombinants. A total of 117 clones were selected for their reactivity with pooled adsorbed and non-adsorbed sera from convalescent S. senegalensis specimens after a first round of screening. In a second screening, 14 out of 117 candidate clones showed positive reaction, among which two clones were clearly positive and two gave weak reaction against adsorbed sera. Predicted proteins codified by inserted sequences have intracellular and membrane cell location and are involved in virulence, synthesis of intermediary products, energy metabolism and gene replication. Inosine-5’-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) and alkyl hydroperoxide reductase (AhpC) have been identified as in vivo induced antigens expressed during S. senegalensis infection with Phdp. Iron/manganese superoxide dismutase (Fe/Mn-SOD) and alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) proteins have also been identified, though with weak signal. Discussion and conclusion Identification of immunogenic bacterial proteins during Phdp infection is essential for understanding bacterial pathogenesis and development of effective vaccines. AhpC peroxidase activity has a protective role by reducing hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite and organic hydroperoxides. Immunization with AhpC conferred protection against Helicobacter pylori infection (O’Riordan et al., 2012). IMPDH catalyzes the conversion of products essential in de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides. Adequate levels of purine nucleotides are critical for cell proliferation, nucleic acid replication, cell signaling and as a biochemical energy source. This gene is an important therapeutic target against bacterial diseases (Shu and Nair,2008). In conclusion, different genes expressed during Phdp infection in S. senegalensis have been identified. Among them, IMPDH and AhpC have been identified as in vivo induced antigens expressed during S. senegalensis infection with Phdp. Thus, they are likely to play a role in the virulence of Phdp. The antigenic character of these proteins makes them potential targets for the development of new vaccines. References Andreoni, F., and Magnani, M., 2014. Photobacteriosis: Prevention and Diagnosis. Journal of Immunology Research, 2014: 1-7. Do Vale, A., Silva, M.T., dos Santos, N.M., Nascimento, D.S., Reis Rodrigues, P., Costa Ramos, C., Ellis, A.E., and Azevedo, J.E., 2005. AIP56, a novel plasmid-encoded virulence factor of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida with apoptogenic activity against sea bass macrophages and neutrophils. Molecular Microbiology, 58: 1025-1038. Handfield, M., Brady, L.J., Progulske-Fox, A., and Hillman, J.D., 2000. IVIAT: a novel method to identify microbial genes expressed specifically during human infections. Trends in Microbiology, 8: 336-339. O’Riordan A.A., Morales V.A., Mulligan L., Faheem N., Windle H.J., and Kelleher D.P., 2012. Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase: a candidate Helicobacter pylori vaccine. Vaccine, 30:3876-3884. Shu, Q., and Nair, V., 2008. Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) as a target in drug discovery. Medicinal Research Reviews, 28:219-232.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Compresión del nervio supraescapular por un ganglión en un deportista: a propósito de un caso

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    Se describe el caso de un joven jugador de balonmano con un síndrome de compresión del nervio supraescapular de su hombro derecho por un ganglión, haciendo una revisión de la etiología, clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento de este raro síndrome.Supraescapular nerve entrapment caused by a ganglion in a young handball player is reported. Ethiology, clinical, diagnosis and treatment of this rare syndrome is revised

    Comercio internacional, crecimiento económico e inversión extranjera directa : evidencias de causalidad para México

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    El presente estudio prueba la existencia de causalidad, en el sentido de Granger, y la dirección de la misma entre el Producto Interno Bruto real, exportaciones, importaciones y la Inversión Extranjera Directa (FDI) para el caso de México. El análisis aplica tanto la metodología de cointegración desarrollada por Liu, Burrigde y Sinclair (2002) como las pruebas de cambio estructural para vectores de cointegración desarrolladas por Quintos (1993 con Phillips, 1997 y 1998). Los resultados muestran que existe una estable relación causal de la FDI hacia el resto de las variables. Esta relación es unidireccional, por lo que si bien existen beneficios de la inversión foránea en México, estos vínculos pueden estar condicionados por factores externos antes que por la evolución de la economía nacional. ________________________________________This document investigates the existence of causality, in the Granger sense, and its direction among real Gross Domestic Product, exports, imports and Foreign Direct Investment of the Mexican case. The analysis applies the methodology of cointegration developed by Liu, Burridge and Sinclair (2002) and the tests of structural changes for the vector of cointegration developed by Quintos (1993 with Phillips, 1997 and 1998). The statistical results show that there is a stable and causal relationship of the FDI towards the rest of the variables; however in this case it is unidirectional. In this sense, there are benefits of FDI in Mexico, nevertheless this links can be triggered first by external factors, before the evolution of the national economy

    Enhancing Confusion Entropy (CEN) for Binary and Multiclass Classification

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    Different performance measures are used to assess the behaviour, and to carry out the comparison, of classifiers in Machine Learning. Many measures have been defined on the literature, and among them, a measure inspired by Shannon's entropy named the Confusion Entropy (CEN). In this work we introduce a new measure, MCEN, by modifying CEN to avoid its unwanted behaviour in the binary case, that disables it as a suitable performance measure in classification. We compare MCEN with CEN and other performance measures, presenting analytical results in some particularly interesting cases, as well as some heuristic computational experimentation.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, MTM2015 67802-P to R.D. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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