86 research outputs found

    Probioottien merkitys Helicobacter pylori infektiossa

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is a major cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, and it is also designated as a class-I carcinogen for stomach cancer. The role of probiotics in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections is increasingly documented as an alternative or complement to antibiotics, with the potential to decrease the use of antibiotics or reduce their adverse effects. These studies were conducted to investigate the role of probiotics in the treatment of H. pylori infection. Various aspects included: an investigation of the effects of a probiotic combination consisting of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus LC705, Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Bifidobacterium breve Bb99 or B. lactis Bb12 as a supplementation to H. pylori eradication therapy, with special reference to tolerability, effectiveness, and microbiota alterations following the treatment; discovering the role of probiotics in vivo with H. pylori infected and uninfected patients, as well as with an in vitro model of H. pylori infection. The probiotic combination therapy was able to reduce significantly the total symptom score, which takes into account both the frequency and the severity of the adverse effects, during the eradication treatment. The supplementation did not improve the success of the eradication treatment significantly, though some difference was seen in the eradication percentages (91% vs. 79%). The quantities of predominant bacterial groups were altered significantly following the triple treatment. Probiotics slightly counteracted the effects of anti-H. pylori treatment, monitored as significantly less alterations in the total numbers of aerobes and lactobacilli/enterococci group bacteria. After probiotic intervention, L. rhamnosus GG adhered to a minority of the patients upper gastrointestinal mucosa, but all of the probiotics survived well through the gastrointestinal tract transit with and without antimicrobial treatment. Probiotic intervention decreased gastrin-17 levels in H. pylori infected patients and appeared to decrease the 13C-urea breath test values. In in vitro Caco-2 cell line experiments, probiotics inhibited H. pylori adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells. Both L. rhamnosus strains, P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and the combination inhibited the H. pylori-induced acute cell leakage. Simultaneously, both L.rhamnosus strains and the combination transiently improved the epithelial barrier function. The pro-inflammatory effects prevailed when the probiotics were used in combination. According to this series of studies, probiotic combination could have some potential in reducing adverse effects induced by H. pylori eradication treatment and beneficial effects on H. pylori infected subjects.VÀitöskirjatyössÀ selvitettiin, voidaanko neljÀn probioottibakteerin yhdistelmÀllÀ vÀhentÀÀ mahalaukun ja pohjukaissuolen sairauksia aiheuttavan Helicobacter pylori bakteerin hÀÀtöhoidosta aiheutuvia haittoja ja parantaa hoidon onnistumista sekÀ vaikuttaa helikobakteerin aiheuttamaan tulehdukseen. Helikobakteeri-infektio on maailmanlaajuisesti yleinen infektiotauti, joka aiheuttaa suuren osan maha- ja pohjukaissuolihaavoista sekÀ hoitamattomana lisÀÀ riskiÀ sairastua mahalaukun syöpÀÀn. Aiemman kÀsityksen mukaan mahakatarri, mahahaava ja pohjukaissuolihaava johtuvat stressistÀ ja elÀmÀntavoista. Helikobakteeri aiheuttaa yleensÀ jonkinasteisen tulehduksen, vaikka potilas ei huomaisikaan erityisiÀ oireita. Oireisiin vaikuttavat helikobakteerin aiheuttaman tulehduksen vaikeusaste ja sijainti mahalaukussa. Helikobakteerin löytÀminen on muuttanut merkittÀvÀsti kliinisiÀ hoitokÀytÀntöjÀ ruoansulatuskanavan sairauksissa. Helikobakteeri voidaan osoittaa esimerkiksi mahalaukun tÀhystyksen yhteydessÀ otettavista nÀytepaloista tai ulostenÀytteestÀ. Helikobakteeri-infektio hoidetaan yleensÀ kahden antibiootin ja hapon erityksen estolÀÀkityksen yhdistelmÀllÀ. Probioottiset bakteerit ovat mikrobeja, jotka suun kautta otettuna voivat edistÀÀ hyvinvointia. Probiooteilla on havaittu suotuisia vaikutuksia useissa eri suoliston hÀiriö- ja tulehdustiloissa. NeljÀn probioottibakteerin yhdistelmÀn, joka koostui kahdesta maitohappobakteerista, yhdestÀ propionihappobakteerista sekÀ yhdestÀ bifidobakteerista, osoitettiin vÀitöskirjatyössÀ vÀhentÀvÀn hÀÀtöhoidon haittavaikutuksia. Haittavaikutuksia seurattiin hÀÀtöhoidon aikana sekÀ kolme viikkoa hoidon jÀlkeen potilaiden tÀyttÀmien oirepÀivÀkirjojen avulla. Suoliston mikrobistossa havaittiin antibioottisen hÀÀtöhoidon johdosta merkittÀviÀ muutoksia, joihin probioottiyhdistelmÀ vaikutti vÀhentÀmÀllÀ aerobiryhmÀn bakteerien sekÀ enterokokki ja maitohappobakteeri ryhmÀn bakteerien muutoksia. ProbioottiyhdistelmÀ ei vaikuttanut ripulin tai ummetuksen esiintyvyyteen. ProbioottiyhdistelmÀ vÀhensi helikobakteeri-infektoituneiden potilaiden mahalaukun limakalvon tilaa ja toimintakykyÀ osoittavan gastriini-17 proteiinin eritystÀ verenkiertoon. Helikobakteerin mÀÀrÀ vÀhentyi hengitystestillÀ mitattuna. Tutkittavat probiootit, L. rhamnosus GG bakteeria lukuunottamatta, eivÀt pesiytyneet ruoansulatuskanavan ylÀosiin. Myös kokeellisessa solumallissa probioottien vaikutukset eivÀt olleet riippuvaisia bakteerien kiinnittymisestÀ, ja saattaa olla ettÀ yhdistelmÀn vaikutus perustuu pÀÀosin elimistön immuunijÀrjestelmÀn muokkaukseen. Yhteenvetona vÀitöskirjatyön tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ neljÀn probioottibakteerin yhdistelmÀ vÀhentÀÀ mahalaukun sairauksia aiheuttavan Helicobacter pylorin tavanomaisesta hoidosta aiheutuvia haittoja ja mahdollisesti vaikuttaa edullisesti helikobakteeri-infektiossa. ProbioottiyhdistelmÀ ei yksinÀÀn poista helikobakteeria ja vaikutukset oletettavasti vÀlittyvÀt ilman probioottien tarttumista mahalaukun limakalvoon

    Development and application of the human intestinal tract chip, a phylogenetic microarray : analysis of universally conserved phylotypes in the abundant microbiota of young and elderly adults

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    "P>In this paper we present the in silico assessment of the diversity of variable regions of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene based on an ecosystem-specific curated database, describe a probe design procedure based on two hypervariable regions with minimal redundancy and test the potential of such probe design strategy for the design of a flexible microarray platform. This resulted in the development and application of a phylogenetic microarray for studying the human gastrointestinal microbiota - referred as the human intestinal tract chip (HITChip). Over 4800 dedicated tiling oligonucleotide probes were designed based on two hypervariable regions of the SSU rRNA gene of 1140 unique microbial phylotypes (In this paper we present the in silico assessment of the diversity of variable regions of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene based on an ecosystem-specific curated database, describe a probe design procedure based on two hypervariable regions with minimal redundancy and test the potential of such probe design strategy for the design of a flexible microarray platform. This resulted in the development and application of a phylogenetic microarray for studying the human gastrointestinal microbiota - referred as the human intestinal tract chip (HITChip). Over 4800 dedicated tiling oligonucleotide probes were designed based on two hypervariable regions of the SSU rRNA gene of 1140 unique microbial phylotypes (In this paper we present the in silico assessment of the diversity of variable regions of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene based on an ecosystem-specific curated database, describe a probe design procedure based on two hypervariable regions with minimal redundancy and test the potential of such probe design strategy for the design of a flexible microarray platform. This resulted in the development and application of a phylogenetic microarray for studying the human gastrointestinal microbiota - referred as the human intestinal tract chip (HITChip). Over 4800 dedicated tiling oligonucleotide probes were designed based on two hypervariable regions of the SSU rRNA gene of 1140 unique microbial phylotypes (< 98% identity) following analysis of over 16 000 human intestinal SSU rRNA sequences. These HITChip probes were hybridized to a diverse set of human intestinal samples and SSU rRNA clones to validate its fingerprinting and quantification potential. Excellent reproducibility (median Pearson's correlation of 0.99) was obtained following hybridization with T7 polymerase transcripts generated in vitro from SSU rRNA gene amplicons. A linear dose-response was observed with artificial mixtures of 40 different representative amplicons with relative abundances as low as 0.1% of total microbiota. Analysis of three consecutively collected faecal samples from ten individuals (five young and five elderly adults) revealed temporal dynamics and confirmed that the adult intestinal microbiota is an individual-specific and relatively stable ecosystem. Further analysis of the stable part allowed for the identification of a universal microbiota core at the approximate genus level (90% sequence similarity). This core consists of members of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Used as a phylogenetic fingerprinting tool with the possibility for relative quantification, the HITChip has the potential to bridge the gaps in our knowledge in the quantitative and qualitative description of the human gastrointestinal microbiota composition."Peer reviewe

    Hur effektivera ekonomiförvaltningen : Case: NÀrpes stad

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    VĂ„rt lĂ€rdomsprov skrivs pĂ„ uppdrag av NĂ€rpes stad som vill fĂ„ reda pĂ„ om stadens ekonomiförvaltning Ă€r resursmĂ€ssigt och ekonomiskt effektivt ordna Ă€ven med beaktande av de största dottersamfunden. Man vill gĂ€rna ha en jĂ€mförelse med andra kommuner. Ämnet Ă€r stĂ€ndigt aktuellt dĂ„ kommuner Ă€r tvungna att spara in pĂ„ de kostnader som det bara Ă€r möjligt att minska. Den teoretiska referensram som behandlas Ă€r kommunal ekonomi inklusive kommunkoncerner och olika samarbetsformer mellan kommuner samt olika alternativ för anskaffning av tjĂ€nster. Metoderna som anvĂ€nts Ă€r besöksintervju samt benchmarking med andra kommuner som utförts genom e-postintervjuer. Alternativet outsourcing, som Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att köpa tjĂ€nster, tas ocksĂ„ upp med hjĂ€lp av en exempelkommun. Resultatet Ă€r att inga drastiska förbĂ€ttringar behövs inom NĂ€rpes stads ekonomiförvaltning. Ekonomiförvaltningen Ă€r ordnad pĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt som i andra nĂ€rliggande kommuner. Att outsourca stadens ekonomiförvaltning Ă€r inte ett alternativ som vi rekommenderar i första taget, sĂ„vida man inte Ă€r beredd att genomgĂ„ en omfattande outsourcingprocess. Dock skulle man kunna utnyttja den programvara man har bĂ€ttre om man ordnade skolningstillfĂ€llen och ekonomiförvaltningen i de största dottersamfunden kunde eventuellt samordnas till en viss del, bland annat nĂ€r det gĂ€ller lönebokföringen.This thesis was written in for the town of NĂ€rpiö to analyze whether its financial administration has been efficiently arranged and whether its other resources as well as those of its largest subsidiaries have been taken into account. The town also takes great interest in comparing its financial administration to the financial administration of other towns. This subject is currently important as towns are always looking for new ways to reduce their expenses. The theoretical part of this thesis analyzes the processes of municipal economies including corporate municipal groups and the different kinds of cooperation between them. Different ways of purchasing services are also analyzed with a specific example of outsourcing financial administration. Two methods have been used for this research; interviews and benchmarking. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that no drastic changes are required to financial administration. The arrangement adopted is similar to that of nearby towns. The idea of outsourcing financial administration would not be recommended unless the municipality is willing to realize a major outsourcing process. It would, however, be possible to use the software in a more effective way; which could be made possible through training sessions. In addition to this, the financial administration of the largest subsidiaries could also be coordinated to some extent

    Pahvisen tukilastan tuotannon tehostaminen : tuotantotekniset ja materiaalia koskevat ratkaisut

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tilaaja oli Bekvil Oy, joka valmistaa pahvisia tukilastoja terveydenhuollon tarpeisiin. Pahvisten tukilastojen valmistaminen on ollut hidas prosessi, jossa on vaadittu paljon kĂ€sityötĂ€. Tukilastojen tuotantomÀÀrĂ€ ei ole ollut kysyntÀÀn nĂ€hden riittĂ€vĂ€, ja siksi lastojen valmistusmenetelmÀÀ ja raaka-ainetta haluttiin kehittÀÀ. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millainen kuitumateriaali sopii ominaisuuksiltaan parhaiten kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ksi tukilastassa ja millaisella menetelmĂ€llĂ€ se on mahdollista valmistaa tehokkaasti. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli valmistaa protokappale uudesta raaka-aineesta ja uudella valmistusmenetelmĂ€llĂ€. TyössĂ€ perehdyttiin aluksi tukilastan mahdollisiin raaka-aineisiin ja valmistusmenetelmiin. Tukilastan alkuperĂ€isen raaka-aineen, pahvin, peruslaatusuureista neliömassa, paksuus, tiheys ja taivutusjĂ€ykkyys mitattiin TAMKin paperi- ja pakkauslaboratoriossa. Tarkoituksena oli kehittÀÀ alkuperĂ€istĂ€ raaka-ainetta vastaava kuitumateriaali kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ksi kuituvalosprosessissa. Proton valmistusta eri kuitumateriaaleilla demottiin valmistamalla kuituarkkeja. Protolastaa varten suunniteltiin ja 3D-tulostettiin muotti, rajain ja muotin vastakappale. Lopullisessa tukilastan raaka-aineen valinnassa on otettava huomioon erityisesti lastan vaatimat jĂ€ykkyys ja viranomaisten vaatimukset. Raaka-aineen ominaisuuksia on mahdollista parantaa lisĂ€aineiden avulla. Kuituvalostekniikka valikoitui vertailun perusteella parhaaksi valmistusmenetelmĂ€ksi. Muotin avulla valmistettiin protolasta kuituvalostekniikalla alan yrityksen Ecopulp Finland Oy:n tiloissa. Protolastan raaka-aineena kĂ€ytettiin yrityksen kierrĂ€tyskuitumassaa. Protolastoilla saatiin vahvistus kuituvalostekniikan hyvĂ€stĂ€ soveltuvuudesta lastojen valmistusmenetelmĂ€ksi. Protolastan malli ei sinĂ€llÀÀn vielĂ€ ollut valmis tuotantoon, mutta sen pohjalta pystytÀÀn kehittĂ€mÀÀn muotin teknistĂ€ muotoilua ja sÀÀtĂ€mÀÀn valmistuksen parametreja. Esimerkiksi lastan jĂ€ykisteuria tulee syventÀÀ ja reunatukia muotoilla paremmin pystyssĂ€ pysyviksi. Lastan rakenteen muutos on erityisen tĂ€rkeĂ€ kuivausprosessin kannalta, jotta lastan muoto pysyisi haluttuna. Luottamuksellista aineistoa sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€ liite on poistettu julkisesta raportista.This bachelor’s thesis was produced in co-operation with Bekvil Oy, a company that manufactures cardboard medical splints. The manufacturing process has been manual and therefore slow. The production volume of splints has not been large enough compared to demand and that is why the manufacturing method and raw material need to be developed. The purpose of this thesis was to explore what kind of pulp would be best to use in the splints and with what kind of method the manufacturing would be efficient. The target of this thesis was to produce a proto splint with a new raw material and a new manufacturing method. In the beginning of this thesis the potential raw materials and manufacturing methods to be used in producing a splint were investigated. The raw material of the original splints was tested in TAMK’s paper and packaging laboratory. Basis weight, thickness, density and bending stiffness were tested. The goal was to develop material similar to the original raw material to be used in the molded pulp method. Production of the proto splint was tested with a number of different pulps by preparing pulp sheets. The mold, delimiter and mold’s counterpart were designed and 3D-printed to produce the actual proto splint. When selecting the final material for the splint the requirements of the public authority Valvira must be taken into consideration. Also the splint must be stiff enough. It is possible to improve the features of raw material with additives. The molded pulp method was selected as the best method on the basis of comparison. The proto splint was manufactured with the produced mold using molded pulp method. The manufacturing took place at Ecopulp Finland Oy’s factory. The raw material used in the proto was company’s recycled pulp. After the proto production the molded pulp method was confirmed to be a suitable method for manufacturing the splint. The proto splint’s model was not yet ready for actual production. However, with the proto, the mold’s technical design can be developed and production parameters adjusted. For example, the splints reinforcement slots must be deeper and side rests should be redesigned. This redesign is crucial to the drying process, because the splint must hold its shape. One confidential attachment was deleted from the public report

    Kuinka parantaa organisaation sisÀistÀ viestintÀÀ ja tiedonkulkua?

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli konkretisoida niitĂ€ ongelmakohtia, joita organisaation sisĂ€iseen viestintÀÀn ja tiedonvĂ€litykseen liittyy. Kun nĂ€mĂ€ ongelmat ovat tiedossa, on sisĂ€istĂ€ viestintÀÀ helpompi alkaa kehittĂ€mÀÀn haluttuun suuntaan. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tilaajana oli Kuudes Linja Oy ja kyseessĂ€ oli tapaustutkimus. OpinnĂ€yte työ pohjasi teoriaan ja tutkimukseen sisĂ€isestĂ€ viestinnĂ€stĂ€. Teorian avulla selvitettiin, mitĂ€ sisĂ€inen viestintĂ€ on yleisesti, minkĂ€laisia kanavia siinĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn ja millaista on toimiva sisĂ€inen viestintĂ€. Teoriaa hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ löydettiin kehityskohteita, joihin teorian pohjalta pyrittiin löytĂ€mÀÀn ratkaisuja. Tutkimus toteutettiin havainnoinnin ja haastattelujen avulla. NĂ€itĂ€ menetelmiĂ€ kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ kerĂ€ttiin dataa siitĂ€, mitĂ€ organisaatiossa todella tapahtuu ja selvitettiin, mitkĂ€ asiat sisĂ€iseen viestintÀÀn liittyen kaipaavat kehitystĂ€. Tulosten perusteella organisaation tulisi panostaa vuorovaikutukseen, kouluttaa henkilöstöÀ viestimÀÀn sekĂ€ suunnitella viestintĂ€strategia ja –suunnitelma. Tavoitteiden konkretisoiminen ja tiedottaminen, strategian jalkauttaminen sekĂ€ henkilöstön sitouttaminen ja motivoiminen olivat avainsanoja sisĂ€isen viestinnĂ€n parantamiseen

    HIFK i Media

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    I denna medieforskning granskar jag hur medierna rapporterar om ishockeylaget HIFK sedan Ă„r 2002 dĂ„ jag blev nĂ€ra bekant med laget. För att fĂ„ reda pĂ„ hur medierna rappor-terar om HIFK har jag samlat material frĂ„n bland annat Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsingin Sanomat och Urheilulehti. Dessutom har jag intervjuat sex nyckelpersoner. Sportrepor-tarna Filip SaxĂ©n (Hufvudstadsbladet) och Heikki Miettinen(Helsingin Sanomat) gav synvinklar frĂ„n sina respektive mediehus. FrĂ„n HIFK fick jag intervjuer av VD Jukka Valtanen, sportchef Tom Nybondas, chefstrĂ€naren Antti TörmĂ€nen samt lagkaptenerna Toni Söderholm och Arttu Luttinen. PĂ„ basen av det insamlade materialet och intervju-erna har jag analyserat hurudan medierapportering om HIFK Ă€r. Har medierna lyckats i rapporteringen om HIFK? Har HIFK lyckats samarbeta med medierna pĂ„ bĂ€sta möjliga sĂ€tt? Jag kom till den slutsatsen att alla parter har mycket att förbĂ€ttra. Medierna borde skriva mera om sjĂ€lva spelet, medan HIFK kunde berĂ€tta mer för allmĂ€nheten. Samti-digt borde bĂ„da parter se över hur man kunde förbĂ€ttra sin verksamhet och locka mera supportrar. Jag tror att Ă€ven supportrarna kunde dra sitt strĂ„ i stacken.Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on saada selville miten media raportoi Helsingin IFK:n jÀÀkiek-kojoukkueesta, lĂ€hinnĂ€ vuodesta 2002 lĂ€htien. Tutkimustani varten kerĂ€sin materiaalia muun muassa seuraavista medioista: Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsingin Sanomat ja Urheilu-lehti. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi haastattelin kuusi avainhenkilöÀ. Urheilutoimittajista Filip SaxĂ©n (Hufvudstadsbladet), Heikki Miettinen (Helsingin Sanomat). HIFK:n organisaatiosta haastattelut antoivat toimitusjohtaja Jukka Valtanen, urheilutoimenjohtaja Tom Nybon-das, pÀÀvalmentaja Antti TörmĂ€nen, sekĂ€ joukkueen kapteenit Toni Söderholm ja Arttu Luttinen. KerĂ€tty mediamateriaali ja haastattelut antoivat pohjan analysoinnille. Millaista mediaraportointi IFK:sta on? Ovatko mediatalot onnistuneet raportoinnissaan? EntĂ€ mi-ten IFK tulee toimeen median kanssa? Löytyykö parannettavaa? PÀÀdyin tutkimuksessa-ni siihen tulokseen, ettĂ€ kaikilla osapuolilla on peiliin katsomisen paikka. Mediat voisivat kirjoittaa enemmĂ€n pelistĂ€, kun taas HIFK voisi antaa avoimempia ja kiinnostavampia vastauksia medioille. LisĂ€ksi mediat ja HIFK voisivat miettiĂ€ periltĂ€ pohjin miten parantaa toimintaansa, jotta kiinnostus medioita ja seuraa kohtaan olisi paras mahdolli-nen. Fanit ja kiekkoyleisö on vaativa, myös he voisivat yrittÀÀ vaikuttaa enemmĂ€n HIFK:n kehitykseen ja siihen miten media raportoi. LisÀÀ avointa keskustelua tarvitaan.Let’s play hockey! You are about to read a run-through on the media coverage of IFK Helsinki, mainly since 2002, the year I started following this unique sports club. IFK Helsinki (shortened as HIFK) is seen as the most respected ice hockey team in Hel-sinki and has a long tradition in Finnish sports culture. The brand “IFK” is considered as one of Finland’s biggest. Ice hockey has been the main face of the club since the late 1960s, when Canadian player Carl Brewer arrived to the team. Other big names from the past are Matti Hagman, Ville Peltonen, Kimmo Kuhta and Mikael Granlund. In the 1990s IFK Helsinki renewed the club’s brand and became famous for its scary beast logo. Today the original IFK-shield is again used as the primary logo. The Canadi-an style of hockey and electric rock music are a big part of the club’s identity. IFK still (as of November 2014) play their home games at the legendary Ice Hall in Helsinki. The media coverage of the team is as exciting as the game inside the rink, just one reason why I decided to have a look at it. I did interviews with 1.the club’s CEO Jukka Valtanen 2.manager Tom Nybondas 3.head coach Antti TörmĂ€nen 4.players Toni Söderholm (captain) and Arttu Luttinen (vice-captain), plus the leading hockey journalists of Helsinki, 5.Filip SaxĂ©n (Hufv-udstadsbladet) and 6.Heikki Miettinen (Helsingin Sanomat), all great value for the re-search. I hope this research will give sports journalists and hockey fans a great reading experi-ence and something to think about. There is always room for discussion and develop-ment. The ice hall is my second home and HIFK hockey is my passion. Welcome to the jungle! Jan-Henri
