71 research outputs found

    Complementary Currencies as a Socio-Technical Innovation. Evidence from a local clearing union in Italy

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    The paper points out the importance of considering how the technical solutions adopted in the development of a complementary currency (CC) are related to all the other ingredients required for the establishment of a monetary institution. In particular, the authors aim to shed light on the social implications deriving from the choice to adopt a specific monetary architecture, and how this choice interacts with the other institutional conditions of economic transactions. In doing so, they present the results of empirical research on a clearing-based currency project, showing that monetary tools are likely to produce effects which, far from being a smooth projection of pre-existing social dynamics, are the result of a dialectical process that is also influenced by the way they are technically designed. Even in the case of top-down CC projects, new forms of sociality can emerge from a process of "learning by doing", where monetary innovations serve as a laboratory allowing its users to experiment new ways of combining social and economic interactions. For this to happen, currency projects must be sustained by a whole set of relational, educational and economic resources, but the way they are technically designed deeply affect the conditions required for their institutionalisation

    El trabajo (labour) digital en la economía de plataforma: el caso de Facebook

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse the features of the digital labour connected with the so-called platform economy. Many platform-based business models rely on a new composition of capital capable of capturing personal information and transforming it into big data. Starting with the example of the Facebook business model, we explain the valorisation process at the core of platform capitalism, stressing the relevance of digital labour, to clarify the crucial distinction between labour and work. Our analysis differs from Fuchs and Sevignani’s thesis about digital work and digital labour and seems consistent with the idea that Facebook extracts a rent from the information produced by the free labour of its users.El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las características del trabajo (labour) digital conectado con la llamada economía de plataforma. Muchos modelos de negocios basados en plataformas se basan en una nueva composición del capital capaz de capturar información personal y transformarla en big data. Comenzando con el ejemplo del modelo de negocio de Facebook, explicamos el proceso de valorización en el núcleo de capitalismo de plataforma, haciendo hincapié en la relevancia del trabajo digital, para aclarar la distinción crucial entre el trabajo como labour y el mismo como work[1]. Nuestro análisis difiere de la tesis de Fuchs y Sevignani sobre el trabajo digital como labour y el trabajo digital como work y resulta consistente con la idea de que Facebook extrae una renta de la información generada por el trabajo (labour) libre de sus usuarios.   [1] [N. de los Traductores] El equipo de traducción de Hipertextos se confronta permanentemente con dificultades relativas a la distinción anglosajona entre work y labour en inglés o werk y arbeit en alemán. Una precisión indispensable que recorre buena parte de los debates de la filosofía, la sociología, la economía política, impregnando además a la historia y la antropología. Distinción que, en suma, tiene un impacto decisivo en las llamadas ciencias sociales, sin que en lenguas latinas se reconozcan inmediatas equivalencias. En efecto, a pesar de que la palabra labour tiene una raíz latina (laborem), cuando se introduce en la lengua inglesa en el siglo XIV, queda ya asociada inequívocamente al sufrimiento, al padecimiento y la aspereza. Como reconoce Raymond Williams, labour designa formas de organización del trabajo bajo relaciones de clase, o en otros términos, relaciones de poder en las que el trabajador no domina y dirige su fuerza de trabajo o es compelido a trabajar por otros. Aquello que Marx, apelando a Hegel, designa con el término “alienación” y entiende la unidad de estas formas de alienación como explotación de la fuerza de trabajo. Como reconoce uno de los traductores de Williams, la traducción como labor resulta insatisfactoria. Otro tanto sucede con la expresión germana arbeit, que deriva del término arba que signfica esclavo. Inversamente tanto Work como werk aluden a la creatividad, a la ejecutividad y si se nos permite la hipótesis antropológica, a la realización humana. Ante la recurrencia nada casual de esta díada contradictoria entre los artículos que la nuestra revista pone a disposición de los lectores de lengua española, el equipo de traducción de Hipertextos, seguirá intentando utilizar un significante en español que mejor se adapte al espíritu del texto, pero indicando entre paréntesis el término originalmente utilizado por los autores.O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as características do trabalho digital (trabalho) ligado à chamada economia de plataforma. Muitos modelos de negócios baseados em plataformas são baseados em uma nova composição de capital capaz de capturar informações pessoais e transformá-las em big data. Começando com o exemplo do modelo de negócios do Facebook, explicamos o processo de valorização no núcleo do capitalismo de plataforma, enfatizando a relevância do trabalho digital, para esclarecer a distinção crucial entre trabalho como labour e o mesmo como work. Nossa análise difere da tese de Fuchs e Sevignani sobre trabalho digital como work e trabalho digital como labour e é consistente com a idéia de que o Facebook extrai uma renda da informação gerada pelo trabalho (labour) livre de seus usuários

    El trabajo (labour) digital en la economía de plataforma: el caso de Facebook

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    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las características del trabajo (labour) digital conectado con la llamada economía de plataforma. Muchos modelos de negocios basados en plataformas se basan en una nueva composición del capital capaz de capturar información personal y transformarla en big data. Comenzando con el ejemplo del modelo de negocio de Facebook, explicamos el proceso de valorización en el núcleo de capitalismo de plataforma, haciendo hincapié en la relevancia del trabajo digital, para aclarar la distinción crucial entre el trabajo como labour y el mismo como work. Nuestro análisis difiere de la tesis de Fuchs y Sevignani sobre el trabajo digital como labour y el trabajo digital como work y resulta consistente con la idea de que Facebook extrae una renta de la información generada por el trabajo (labour) libre de sus usuarios.The aim of the paper is to analyse the features of the digital labour connected with the so-called platform economy. Many platform-based business models rely on a new composition of capital capable of capturing personal information and transforming it into big data. Starting with the example of the Facebook business model, we explain the valorisation process at the core of platform capitalism, stressing the relevance of digital labour, to clarify the crucial distinction between labour and work. Our analysis differs from Fuchs and Sevignani’s thesis about digital work and digital labour and seems consistent with the idea that Facebook extracts a rent from the information produced by the free labour of its users.O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as características do trabalho digital (trabalho) ligado à chamada economia de plataforma. Muitos modelos de negócios baseados em plataformas são baseados em uma nova composição de capital capaz de capturar informações pessoais e transformá-las em big data. Começando com o exemplo do modelo de negócios do Facebook, explicamos o processo de valorização no núcleo do capitalismo de plataforma, enfatizando a relevância do trabalho digital, para esclarecer a distinção crucial entre trabalho como labour e o mesmo como work. Nossa análise difere da tese de Fuchs e Sevignani sobre trabalho digital como work e trabalho digital como labour e é consistente com a idéia de que o Facebook extrai uma renda da informação gerada pelo trabalho (labour) livre de seus usuários.El presente artículo es una traducción de "Digital Labour in the Platform Economy: The Case of Facebook", publicado por Fumagalli, A.; Lucarelli, S.; Musolino, E; y Rocchi, G., en Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1757. La traducción, a cargo del consejo editorial, fue realizada por Emilio Cafassi, Martina Lasalle, Santiago Liaudat e Ignacio Rocca.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Benefit-risk profile of cytoreductive drugs along with antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy after transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke in myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    We analyzed 597 patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) who presented transient ischemic attacks (TIA, n = 270) or ischemic stroke (IS, n = 327). Treatment included aspirin, oral anticoagulants, and cytoreductive drugs. The composite incidence of recurrent TIA and IS, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and cardiovascular (CV) death was 4.21 and 19.2%, respectively at one and five years after the index event, an estimate unexpectedly lower than reported in the general population. Patients tended to replicate the first clinical manifestation (hazard ratio, HR: 2.41 and 4.41 for recurrent TIA and IS, respectively); additional factors for recurrent TIA were previous TIA (HR: 3.40) and microvascular disturbances (HR: 2.30); for recurrent IS arterial hypertension (HR: 4.24) and IS occurrence after MPN diagnosis (HR: 4.47). CV mortality was predicted by age over 60 years (HR: 3.98), an index IS (HR: 3.61), and the occurrence of index events after MPN diagnosis (HR: 2.62). Cytoreductive therapy was a strong protective factor (HR: 0.24). The rate of major bleeding was similar to the general population (0.90 per 100 patient-years). In conclusion, the long-term clinical outcome after TIA and IS in MPN appears even more favorable than in the general population, suggesting an advantageous benefit-risk profile of antithrombotic and cytoreductive treatment

    Managing chronic myeloid leukemia for treatment-free remission: a proposal from the GIMEMA CML WP

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    Several papers authored by international experts have proposed recommendations on the management of BCR-ABL1+ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Following these recommendations, survival of CML patients has become very close to normal. The next, ambitious, step is to bring as many patients as possible into a condition of treatment-free remission (TFR). The Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA; Italian Group for Hematologic Diseases of the Adult) CML Working Party (WP) has developed a project aimed at selecting the treatment policies that may increase the probability of TFR, taking into account 4 variables: the need for TFR, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), the characteristics of leukemia, and the patient. A Delphi-like method was used to reach a consensus among the representatives of 50 centers of the CML WP. A consensus was reached on the assessment of disease risk (EUTOS Long Term Survival [ELTS] score), on the definition of the most appropriate age boundaries for the choice of first-line treatment, on the choice of the TKI for first-line treatment, and on the definition of the responses that do not require a change of the TKI (BCR-ABL1 6410% at 3 months, 641% at 6 months, 640.1% at 12 months, 640.01% at 24 months), and of the responses that require a change of the TKI, when the goal is TFR (BCR-ABL1 >10% at 3 and 6 months, >1% at 12 months, and >0.1% at 24 months). These suggestions may help optimize the treatment strategy for TFR

    Managing chronic myeloid leukemia for treatment-free remission: A proposal from the GIMEMA CML WP

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    Several papers authored by international experts have proposed recommendations on the management of BCR-ABL11 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Following these recommendations, survival of CML patients has become very close to normal. The next, ambitious, step is to bring as many patients as possible into a condition of treatment-free remission (TFR). The Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA; Italian Group for Hematologic Diseases of the Adult) CML Working Party (WP) has developed a project aimed at selecting the treatment policies that may increase the probability of TFR, taking into account 4 variables: the need for TFR, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), the characteristics of leukemia, and the patient. A Delphi-like method was used to reach a consensus among the representatives of 50 centers of the CML WP. A consensus was reached on the assessment of disease risk (EUTOS Long Term Survival [ELTS] score), on the definition of the most appropriate age boundaries for the choice of first-line treatment, on the choice of the TKI for first-line treatment, and on the definition of the responses that do not require a change of the TKI (BCR-ABL1 ≤10% at 3 months, ≤1% at 6 months, ≤0.1% at 12 months, ≤0.01% at 24 months), and of the responses that require a change of the TKI, when the goal is TFR (BCR-ABL1 >10% at 3 and 6 months, >1% at 12 months, and >0.1% at 24 months). These suggestions may help optimize the treatment strategy for TFR

    The Changing Landscape of Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus in Italy Between 2003 and 2022

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    Context In the last decade the Sanger method of DNA sequencing has been replaced by next-generation sequencing (NGS). NGS is valuable in conditions characterized by high genetic heterogeneity such as neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM).Objective To compare results of genetic analysis of patients with NDM and congenital severe insulin resistance (c.SIR) identified in Italy in 2003-2012 (Sanger) vs 2013-2022 (NGS).Methods We reviewed clinical and genetic records of 104 cases with diabetes onset before 6 months of age (NDM + c.SIR) of the Italian dataset.Results Fifty-five patients (50 NDM + 5 c.SIR) were identified during 2003-2012 and 49 (46 NDM + 3 c.SIR) in 2013-2022. Twenty-year incidence was 1:103 340 (NDM) and 1:1 240 082 (c.SIR) live births. Frequent NDM/c.SIR genetic defects (KCNJ11, INS, ABCC8, 6q24, INSR) were detected in 41 and 34 probands during 2003-2012 and 2013-2022, respectively. We identified a pathogenic variant in rare genes in a single proband (GATA4) (1/42 or 2.4%) during 2003-2012 and in 8 infants (RFX6, PDX1, GATA6, HNF1B, FOXP3, IL2RA, LRBA, BSCL2) during 2013-2022 (8/42 or 19%, P = .034 vs 2003-2012). Notably, among rare genes 5 were recessive. Swift and accurate genetic diagnosis led to appropriate treatment: patients with autoimmune NDM (FOXP3, IL2RA, LRBA) were subjected to bone marrow transplant; patients with pancreas agenesis/hypoplasia (RFX6, PDX1) were supplemented with pancreatic enzymes, and the individual with lipodystrophy caused by BSCL2 was started on metreleptin.Conclusion NGS substantially improved diagnosis and precision therapy of monogenic forms of neonatal diabetes and c.SIR in Italy

    Significant benefits of AIP testing and clinical screening in familial isolated and young-onset pituitary tumors

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    Context Germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene are responsible for a subset of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) cases and sporadic pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs). Objective To compare prospectively diagnosed AIP mutation-positive (AIPmut) PitNET patients with clinically presenting patients and to compare the clinical characteristics of AIPmut and AIPneg PitNET patients. Design 12-year prospective, observational study. Participants & Setting We studied probands and family members of FIPA kindreds and sporadic patients with disease onset ≤18 years or macroadenomas with onset ≤30 years (n = 1477). This was a collaborative study conducted at referral centers for pituitary diseases. Interventions & Outcome AIP testing and clinical screening for pituitary disease. Comparison of characteristics of prospectively diagnosed (n = 22) vs clinically presenting AIPmut PitNET patients (n = 145), and AIPmut (n = 167) vs AIPneg PitNET patients (n = 1310). Results Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut PitNET patients had smaller lesions with less suprasellar extension or cavernous sinus invasion and required fewer treatments with fewer operations and no radiotherapy compared with clinically presenting cases; there were fewer cases with active disease and hypopituitarism at last follow-up. When comparing AIPmut and AIPneg cases, AIPmut patients were more often males, younger, more often had GH excess, pituitary apoplexy, suprasellar extension, and more patients required multimodal therapy, including radiotherapy. AIPmut patients (n = 136) with GH excess were taller than AIPneg counterparts (n = 650). Conclusions Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut patients show better outcomes than clinically presenting cases, demonstrating the benefits of genetic and clinical screening. AIP-related pituitary disease has a wide spectrum ranging from aggressively growing lesions to stable or indolent disease course