85 research outputs found

    Cytological Characteristics of Postoperative Metastases of Papillary Thyroid Cancer During the Development of Secondary Radioiodine Refractoriness

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    Radioiodine refractoriness is the main problem in the diagnosis and treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the cytological and immunocytochemical changes of thyrocytes in fine-needle aspiration smears of thyroid papillary cancer metastases in the course of the development of secondary radioiodine resistance. A total of 70 postoperative metastases of thyroid papillary cancer (secondary radioiodine refractory metastases, previously responsive to radioiodine, that eventually loses the ability to radioiodine accumulation, radioiodine-avid metastases, primary radioiodine-refractory metastases), immunohistochemical staining of thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, cytokeratin 17 and cytological analysis were performed. Revealing the presence of specific cellular phenotypes and structures in punctuates, a low percentage of thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin-positive thyrocytes allows the development of the method of cytological prediction of the radioiodine therapy effectiveness

    Cultural contacts on a microscale – how to live together when culture divides us? On intercultural relationships

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    Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony związkom międzykulturowym oraz ich różnym aspektom, uwzględniając m.in. ich wewnętrzne zróżnicowanie i zachodzące podziały. W tekście przybliżone zostaną powody wstępowania w takie związki oraz płaszczyzny ich funkcjonowania: zewnętrzna, którą tworzą społeczności lokalne oraz wewnętrzna – rodzinna. Z uwagi na odmienne wzory kulturowe wnoszone przez partnerów do takiego związku, omówione zostaną dylematy, z jakimi muszą sobie radzić partnerzy oraz postawy, które przyjmują, aby wspomnianym dylematom zaradzić. Ponadto, przybliżony zostanie termin pogranicza ze wskazaniem na to, w jaki sposób obszar ten sprzyja wstępowaniu w związki międzykulturowe.This article relates to intercultural relationships and their various aspects, including their internal diversity and their divisions. The text will explain the reasons for starting such relationships and the levels of their functioning: external, which is formed by local communities and internal – formed by family frame. Due to the different cultural model contributed by the partners to the relationship, I will discuss the dilemmas partners and their strategies to overcome those dilemmas. Next, I will present what borderland is and how this kind of area promotes the formation of intercultural relationships.Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuBoski P., (2009), Psychologia akulturacji, [w:] P. Boski, Kulturowe ramy zachowań społecznych, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.Hałas E., (1992), Konwersja, Lublin, Norbertinum.Jodłowska M., (2001), Konflikty w międzykulturowych małżeństwach mieszanych, [w:] Z. Tyszka, Współczesne rodziny polskie – ich stan i kierunek przemian, Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.Mucha J., (1999a), Dominacja kulturowa i reakcje na nią, [w:] J. Mucha, Kultura dominująca jako kultura obca, Warszawa, Oficyna Naukowa.Mucha J., (1999b), Polska kultura narodowa jako kultura własna i jako kultura obca, [w:] J. Mucha, Kultura dominująca jako kultura obca, Warszawa, Oficyna Naukowa.Romanowicz W., (2012), Społeczny wymiar małżeństw mieszanych wyznaniowo, „Istocznik”, nr 1(21).Sadowski A., (1995), Pogranicze polsko­‑białoruskie. Tożsamość mieszkańców, Białystok, Trans Humana.Szlendak T., (2010), Socjologia rodziny, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA.Tyszka Z., (1974), Socjologia rodziny, Warszawa, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.40341

    Exploring the factors related to parent involvement in the interventions of their children with autism

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    Project (M.S.W., Social Work)--California State University, Sacramento, 2015.This thesis explores the factors of parental involvement in the behavioral interventions of children with autism. Parental involvement in behavioral intervention is crucial to child success. Urie Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model suggests there are environmental factors that influence child development. A child???s development can be affected when individuals with the most influence and who are closest to the child are affected by environmental or societal factors. It is important for therapy professionals and social workers to understand these factors so they can provide parents with the necessary support to assure successful development and learning of the child. This study was conducted in Sacramento, California. The participants were recruited through a local resource center called WarmLine, which provides support to families with children who have special needs. A parent questionnaire was distributed to participants using an online survey system. Participation was anonymous and voluntary. Fifteen parents of children with autism between the ages of three to five who were receiving behavioral intervention participated in this study. Participants indicated the major factors that made it easier for them to be involved included: financial resources, frequent communication with providers, support from family and friends, and the initiative of staff to provide parents with information regarding interventions and resources. Involvement is potentially more difficult when those needs are not met. The results of parental involvement found in this study cannot be applied to the particular population at large because the participants were already receiving services from this resource center, and because most of the participants indicated a significant level of involvement already. However, the results are significant nonetheless because they help to inform professionals who work with this population of the potential challenges and strengths parents can have and to help the professionals build on them to encourage parental involvement. Recommendations for future research are to collect a larger number of responses and explore the effect of utilization of resource centers on parental involvement in interventions of their children with autism.Social Wor

    Factors affecting the extent of dopamine cell loss and behavioral sparing after partial unilateral lesions of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway : the role of basic fibroblast growth factor

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    In this thesis, the hypothesis that endogenous expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), a neurotrophic and neuroprotective factor produced by astrocytes and shown to mediate behavioral sensitization to amphetamine, plays a role in behavioral recovery after 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons was studied. Initial findings revealed that, despite the increases in FGF-2 expression after lesions, there was a progressive loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-IR) cells in the dopamine cell body regions and no behavioral recovery. Manipulations of gonadal hormones in the neonatal and adult life, known to enhance behavioral sensitization to amphetamine, reduced both the lesion-induced increases in astrocytic FGF-2 expression and losses in TH-IR cells in the dopamine cell body regions, but had no effect on behavioral recovery. Paradoxically, forced limb-use, shown previously and here to stimulate sparing after 6-OHDA lesions, did not further enhance lesion-induced increases in FGF-2, and did not protect against loss of TH-IR cells, but, in itself, increased FGF-2 expression. Finally, pre-lesion treatment with a sensitizing regimen of amphetamine, known to increase FGF-2 expression in the vicinity of dopamine neurons, led to remarkable sparing of function after subsequent lesions, but did not protect against loss of striatal tissue dopamine. It is proposed that the increases in endogenous expression of astrocytic FGF-2 seen here after extensive 6-OHDA lesions reflect a magnitude-dependent response of dopamine neurons to degeneration. These increases in FGF-2 may be effective in promoting recovery when combined with behavioral demands, such as forced use, or when induced before the injur

    Природні та антропогенні ландшафти як складова знань про довкілля

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    У статті підкреслюється необхідність зосереджуватись не на нагромадженні мало пов’язаних різноманітних знань, оскільки окремі знання в географічній освіті не дають істинного розуміння природи та можливості проникати в сутність речей, розуміти взаємозв’язки процесів і явищ. Розкривається важливість формування цілісного світогляду і комплексного розуміння природи, відзначається суттєва роль знань про природні та антропогенні ландшафти, що дозволяє орієнтуватись у вирішенні проблем взаємовідносин людини і природи, реально розуміти природні процеси й особливості антропогенного впливу на них

    Розробка комплексного підходу до оцінювання впливу інноваційного розвитку на рівень фінансової безпеки домогосподарств

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    This paper reports a comprehensive approach devised to assess the impact of innovative development on the level of financial security of households. The study considers the peculiarities of the interpretation of the concepts of "household" and "innovation" and identifies the main factors influencing the financial security of households. The indicators characterizing the state of financial security of households and innovative development were analyzed in dynamics. The study's result produced a SWOT analysis that ensures the financial security of households. Among the strengths are the high economic potential of the country, the process of reforming state systems, the transition to complete digitalization (digitalization), and the presence of highly educated specialists. It was clarified that the factors that have the greatest negative impact are the low level of investment attractiveness, corruption component, the impact of the global economic crisis, and the high level of shadowing of the economy. The method of correlation-regression analysis was used to prove the hypothesis put forward regarding the existence of a connection between the indicators characterizing innovative development and the level of financial security of households. The adequacy of the developed model has been confirmed on the basis of the Fisher's F-criterion. The existence of a strong relationship between independent and dependent variables (multiple correlation coefficient R=0.9875) was mathematically confirmed, which proves the expediency of stimulating innovative development to strengthen financial security. It was established that with an increase in both independent variables at the same time by 1 % (the cost of scientific research, the total amount of expenditures in the areas of innovative activity of industrial enterprises), the volume of GDP per capita (an indicator of the state of financial security of households) increases by 1.75 %.Разработан комплексный подход к оценке влияния инновационного развития на уровень безопасности домохозяйств. В ходе исследования рассмотрены особенности трактовки понятий «домохозяйство» и «инновации» и определены основные факторы влияния на финансовую безопасность домохозяйств. Проанализированы показатели, характеризующие состояние финансовой безопасности домохозяйств и инновационного развития в динамике. В результате исследования был проведен SWOT-анализ гарантирования финансовой безопасности домохозяйств. Выделены среди сильных сторон высокий экономический потенциал страны, процесс реформирования государственных систем, переход к полной цифровизации (диджитализации) и наличие высокообразованных специалистов. Выяснено, что факторами, которые несут наибольшее негативное влияние, являются: низкий уровень инвестиционной привлекательности, коррупционная составляющая, влияние мирового экономического кризиса и высокий уровень тенизации экономики. Применив метод корреляционно-регрессионного анализа, доказана выдвинутая гипотеза о наличии связи между показателями, характеризующими инновационное развитие, и уровнем финансовой безопасности домохозяйств. Доказана адекватность разработанной модели в соответствии с F-критерием Фишера. Математически подтверждено существование сильной связи между независимыми и зависимыми переменными (коэффициент множественной корреляции R=0,9875), что доказывает целесообразность стимулирования инновационного развития для укрепления финансовой безопасности. Подтверждено, что при увеличении обеих независимых переменных одновременно на 1% (затраты на выполнение научных исследований, общий объем расходов по направлениям инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий), объем ВВП на душу населения (индикатор состояния финансовой безопасности домохозяйств) увеличивается на 1,75 %.Розроблено комплексний підхід до оцінювання впливу інноваційного розвитку на рівень фінансової безпеки домогосподарств. У ході дослідження розглянуто особливості трактування понять «домогосподарство» та «інновації» та визначено основні чинники впливу на фінансову безпеку домогосподарств. Проаналізовано показники, що характеризують стан фінансової безпеки домогосподарств та інноваційного розвитку в динаміці. У результаті дослідження здійснено SWOT-аналіз гарантування фінансової безпеки домогосподарств. Виокремлено серед сильних сторін високий економічний потенціал країни, процес реформування державних систем, перехід до повної цифровізації (діджиталізація) та наявність високоосвічених фахівців. З’ясовано, що факторами, які несуть найбільший негативний вплив, є: низький рівень інвестиційної привабливості, корупційна складова, вплив світової економічної кризи та високий рівень тінізації економіки. Застосувавши метод кореляційно-регресійного аналізу, доведено висунуту гіпотезу щодо наявності зв’язку між показниками, що характеризують інноваційний розвиток, та рівнем фінансової безпеки домогосподарств. Доведено адекватність розробленої моделі відповідно до F-критерію Фішера. Математично підтверджено існування сильного зв’язку між незалежними та залежною змінними (коефіцієнт множинної кореляції R=0,9875), що доводить доцільність стимулювання інноваційного розвитку задля зміцнення фінансової безпеки. Підтверджено, що при збільшенні обох незалежних змінних одночасно на 1% (витрати на виконання наукових досліджень, загальний обсяг витрат за напрямами інноваційної діяльності промислових підприємств) обсяг ВВП на душу населення (індикатор стану фінансової безпеки домогосподарств) збільшується на 1,75 %

    Analysis of the factor structure of the physical condition of girls 17-19 year-old

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    The article analyses the factor structure of the physical condition of girls aged 17-19 years. It was determined percentage of each factor and it was established that the general physical condition is determined by a group of four factors: physical development is 41.8 %, the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system is 28.4 %, physical performance and coordination abilities are 12.4 %, physical readiness, in particular speed, speed-strength qualities, agility and flexibility -2.3 %, which together constitute 84.9 % of the explained dispersion. We have found out that the anthropometric status determines the physical condition even after the end of the puberty period. Most factor loading is accounted for the indicators that characterize the total body size: waist girth (r=-0.975 at p<0.01); chest girth (r=-0.966 at p<0.01); the pelvis girth of (r=-0.956 for p<0.01), as well as indicators characterizing the fat component: the sum of the skin-fat folds (r=-0.985 at p<0.01); the suprailiac skinfold, (r=-0.968 at p<0.01); the medial (inside) calf fold (r=-0.950 at p<0.01). Based on the analysis of the studied indicators, which form the basis of all four factors, there were obtained results that have the predictive value for the individualization and differentiation of the pedagogical process, as well as the influence assessment of the basic pedagogical tools and methods in the process of physical education

    Pro-Inflammatory S100A8 and S100A9 Proteins: Self-Assembly into Multifunctional Native and Amyloid Complexes

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    S100A8 and S100A9 are EF-hand Ca2+ binding proteins belonging to the S100 family. They are abundant in cytosol of phagocytes and play critical roles in numerous cellular processes such as motility and danger signaling by interacting and modulating the activity of target proteins. S100A8 and S100A9 expression levels increased in many types of cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and they are implicated in the numerous disease pathologies. The Ca2+ and Zn2+-binding properties of S100A8/A9 have a pivotal influence on their conformation and oligomerization state, including self-assembly into homo- and heterodimers, tetramers and larger oligomers. Here we review how the unique chemical and conformational properties of individual proteins and their structural plasticity at the quaternary level account for S100A8/A9 functional diversity. Additional functional diversification occurs via non-covalent assembly into oligomeric and fibrillar amyloid complexes discovered in the aging prostate and reproduced in vitro. This process is also regulated by Ca2+and Zn2+-binding and effectively competes with the formation of the native complexes. High intrinsic amyloid-forming capacity of S100A8/A9 proteins may lead to their amyloid depositions in numerous ailments characterized by their elevated expression patterns and have additional pathological significance requiring further thorough investigation

    Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses

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    Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis which can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time. Even greater flexibility is to be expected in fields in which the primary data lend themselves to a variety of possible operationalizations. The multidimensional, temporally extended nature of speech constitutes an ideal testing ground for assessing the variability in analytic approaches, which derives not only from aspects of statistical modeling, but also from decisions regarding the quantification of the measured behavior. In the present study, we gave the same speech production data set to 46 teams of researchers and asked them to answer the same research question, resulting insubstantial variability in reported effect sizes and their interpretation. Using Bayesian meta-analytic tools, we further find little to no evidence that the observed variability can be explained by analysts’ prior beliefs, expertise or the perceived quality of their analyses. In light of this idiosyncratic variability, we recommend that researchers more transparently share details of their analysis, strengthen the link between theoretical construct and quantitative system and calibrate their (un)certainty in their conclusions