433 research outputs found

    Dimerization of cAMP phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) in living cells requires interfaces located in both the UCR1 and catalytic unit domains

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    PDE4 family cAMP phosphodiesterases play a pivotal role in determining compartmentalised cAMP signalling through targeted cAMP breakdown. Expressing the widely found PDE4D5 isoform, as both bait and prey in a yeast 2-hybrid system, we demonstrated interaction consistent with the notion that long PDE4 isoforms form dimers. Four potential dimerization sites were uncovered using a scanning peptide array approach, where a recombinant purified PDE4D5 fusion protein was used to probe a 25-mer library of overlapping peptides covering the entire PDE4D5 sequence. Key residues involved in PDE4D5 dimerization were defined using a site-directed mutagenesis programme directed by an alanine scanning peptide array approach. Critical residues stabilising PDE4D5 dimerization were defined within the regulatory UCR1 region found in long, but not short, PDE4 isoforms, namely the Arg173, Asn174 and Asn175 (DD1) cluster. Disruption of the DD1 cluster was not sufficient, in itself, to destabilise PDE4D5 homodimers. Instead, disruption of an additional interface, located on the PDE4 catalytic unit, was also required to convert PDE4D5 into a monomeric form. This second dimerization site on the conserved PDE4 catalytic unit is dependent upon a critical ion pair interaction. This involves Asp463 and Arg499 in PDE4D5, which interact in a trans fashion involving the two PDE4D5 molecules participating in the homodimer. PDE4 long isoforms adopt a dimeric state in living cells that is underpinned by two key contributory interactions, one involving the UCR modules and one involving an interface on the core catalytic domain. We propose that short forms do not adopt a dimeric configuration because, in the absence of the UCR1 module, residual engagement of the remaining core catalytic domain interface provides insufficient free energy to drive dimerization. The functioning of PDE4 long and short forms is thus poised to be inherently distinct due to this difference in quaternary structure

    Illness Beliefs Predict Mortality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Background - Patients’ illness beliefs have been associated with glycaemic control in diabetes and survival in other conditions. Objective - We examined whether illness beliefs independently predicted survival in patients with diabetes and foot ulceration. Methods - Patients (n = 169) were recruited between 2002 and 2007. Data on illness beliefs were collected at baseline. Data on survival were extracted on 1st November 2011. Number of days survived reflected the number of days from date of recruitment to 1st November 2011. Results - Cox regressions examined the predictors of time to death and identified ischemia and identity beliefs (beliefs regarding symptoms associated with foot ulceration) as significant predictors of time to death. Conclusions - Our data indicate that illness beliefs have a significant independent effect on survival in patients with diabetes and foot ulceration. These findings suggest that illness beliefs could improve our understanding of mortality risk in this patient group and could also be the basis for future therapeutic interventions to improve survival

    "We're all the same here"—Investigating the rehabilitative climate of a re-rolled sexual offender prison: a qualitative longitudinal study

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    Understanding how individuals with sexual convictions experience prison and its environment is important because such experiences can impact on rehabilitation outcomes. This is the first qualitative longitudinal investigation that explores the experiences of prisoners in a prison exclusively for individuals with sexual convictions over time. The purpose of this research was to explore the rehabilitative and therapeutic climate of a recently re-rolled prison (a general prison turned into a prison only for individuals who have sexually offended) at two time points (T1 at reroll and T2 a year later). The study focuses on prisoners perspectives of the purpose of the prison, experience of prison life, relationships in the prison, and the prison regime over time. Twenty interviews were conducted across the time points and revealed two main superordinate themes “‘Being’ in a prison for individuals with sexual convictions” and “obstructions to change". This research adds to the emerging body of knowledge surrounding the importance of the wider prison environment on the rehabilitation of individuals with sexual convictions and on the benefits and risks of co-locating men who have committed sexual offences in the same prison site. It also has implications wider than rehabilitation of those convicted of sexual offences and has insights for the types of environment and prisoner-staff relationships that are conducive to rehabilitation

    Chemical informatics uncovers a new role for moexipril as a novel inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4)

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    PDE4 is one of eleven known cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase families and plays a pivotal role in mediating hydrolytic degradation of the important cyclic nucleotide second messenger, cyclic 3′5′ adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). PDE4 inhibitors are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, but their use in the clinic has been hampered by mechanism-associated side effects that limit maximally tolerated doses. In an attempt to initiate the development of better-tolerated PDE4 inhibitors we have surveyed existing approved drugs for PDE4-inhibitory activity. With this objective, we utilised a high-throughput computational approach that identified moexipril, a well tolerated and safe angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, as a PDE4 inhibitor. Experimentally we showed that moexipril and two structurally related analogues acted in the micro molar range to inhibit PDE4 activity. Employing a FRET-based biosensor constructed from the nucleotide binding domain of the type 1 exchange protein activated by cAMP, EPAC1, we demonstrated that moexipril markedly potentiated the ability of forskolin to increase intracellular cAMP levels. Finally, we demonstrated that the PDE4 inhibitory effect of moexipril is functionally able to induce phosphorylation of the Hsp20 by cAMP dependent protein kinase A. Our data suggest that moexipril is a bona fide PDE4 inhibitor that may provide the starting point for development of novel PDE4 inhibitors with an improved therapeutic window

    Online distributed leadership: A content analysis of interaction and teacher reflections on computer-supported learning

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    This study performs a content analysis of the communication that develops in online educational situations. It focuses on two aspects of communication in a context in which we observe instructional leadership: how leadership is seen in the virtual classroom and how teachers view their role. The study attempts to answer the question of how teachers lead this methodological change, that is, instructional leadership at the service of distributed leadership. The study analyses the online interaction and teachers’ reflections on the communication between teachers and students in the process of virtual teaching, specifically in post compulsory secondary education in Spain.Study financed by an R&D project in the area of Education Sciences Management entitled ‘Learning-Focused Leadership and its Impact on Improvement: Practices and Results in Secondary Education’, under the Subprogram for basic, non-oriented research projects. National Plan for R&D, 2010 Competition

    Utilisation of sexual health services by female sex workers in Nepal

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    Background The Nepal Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) in 2006 showed that more than half (56%) of the women with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, in Nepal sought sexual health services. There is no such data for female sex workers (FSWs) and the limited studies on this group suggest they do not even use routine health services. This study explores FSWs use of sexual health services and the factors associated with their use and non-use of services. Methods This study aimed to explore the factors associated with utilisation of sexual health services by FSWs in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, and it used a mixed-method approach consisting of an interviewer administered questionnaire-based survey and in-depth interviews. Results The questionnaire survey, completed with 425 FSWs, showed that 90% FSWs self-reported sickness, and (30.8%) reported symptoms of STIs. A quarter (25%) of those reporting STIs had never visited any health facilities especially for sexual health services preferring to use non-governmental clinics (72%), private clinics (50%), hospital (27%) and health centres (13%). Multiple regression analysis showed that separated, married and street- based FSWs were more likely to seek health services from the clinics or hospitals. In- depth interviews with 15 FSWs revealed that FSWs perceived that personal, structural and socio-cultural barriers, such as inappropriate clinic opening hours, discrimination, the judgemental attitude of the service providers, lack of confidentiality, fear of public exposure, and higher fees for the services as barriers to their access and utilisation of sexual health services. Conclusion FSWs have limited access to information and to health services, and operate under personal, structural and socio-cultural constraints. The ‘education’ to change individual behaviour, health worker and community perceptions, as well as the training of the health workers, is necessary