564 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: The hsdar Package

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    Hyperspectral remote sensing is a promising tool for a variety of applications including ecology, geology, analytical chemistry and medical research. This article presents the new hsdar package for R statistical software, which performs a variety of analysis steps taken during a typical hyperspectral remote sensing approach. The package introduces a new class for efficiently storing large hyperspectral data sets such as hyperspectral cubes within R. The package includes several important hyperspectral analysis tools such as continuum removal, normalized ratio indices and integrates two widely used radiation transfer models. In addition, the package provides methods to directly use the functionality of the caret package for machine learning tasks. Two case studies demonstrate the package's range of functionality: First, plant leaf chlorophyll content is estimated and second, cancer in the human larynx is detected from hyperspectral data

    Reduced endothelin-1– and nitric oxide–mediated arteriolar tone in hypertensive renal transplant recipients

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    Reduced endothelin-1– and nitric oxide–mediated arteriolar tone in hypertensive renal transplant recipients.BackgroundThe prevalence of hypertension is high in renal transplant recipients. It has been suggested that calcineurin inhibitors (CI) contribute to the development of post-transplant hypertension by stimulating endothelin (ET-1)-mediated and/or reducing nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vascular tone.MethodsWe tested this hypothesis using 2 groups of renal transplant recipients [normotensive patients without a need for antihypertensive medication (Normo-Tx), and hypertensive patients requiring antihypertensives (Hyper-Tx)] in the presence of CI-based immunosuppression. In addition, we studied matched control subjects (C). BQ 123 (ET-A receptor antagonist), BQ123 + BQ788 (ET-A/B-receptor antagonist), ET-1, L-NMMA (NO-synthase inhibitor), acetylcholine (ACH; endothelium-dependent vasodilator), glyceroltrinitrate (GTN, NO donor), and norepinephrine (NE, endothelium-independent vasoconstrictor) were infused into the brachial artery. Forearm blood flow (FBF) was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography.ResultsEndothelium-independent vasomotion in response to GTN and NE was similar in all groups. Vascular responses to selective and combined blockade of ET receptors in both Normo-Tx and Hyper-Tx did not exceed those of C. In fact, we observed a significantly lower increase in FBF after BQ 123 (P = 0.03), as well as after BQ 123/788 (P = 0.03) in Hyper-Tx compared with Normo-Tx. This was associated with an increased vascular sensitivity to exogenous ET-1 in Hyper-Tx compared with Normo-Tx (P = 0.04). Vasoconstriction after L-NMMA was reduced in Hyper-Tx compared with Normo-Tx (P = 0.015), while the response to ACH was reduced in both groups of Tx patients to a similar degree (P = 0.005 vs. C).ConclusionOur results do not support a major role for the vascular endothelin system in the hypertension of renal transplant recipients, whereas deficient baseline NO production may be a contributing factor

    The Role of Bile in the Regulation of Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion

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    As early as 1926 Mellanby (1) was able to show that introduction of bile into the duodenum of anesthetized cats produces a copious flow of pancreatic juice. In conscious dogs, Ivy & Lueth (2) reported, bile is only a weak stimulant of pancreatic secretion. Diversion of bile from the duodenum, however, did not influence pancreatic volume secretion stimulated by a meal (3,4). Moreover, Thomas & Crider (5) observed that bile not only failed to stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice but also abolished the pancreatic response to intraduodenally administered peptone or soap

    The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey II: The Star Formation Efficiency of Massive Galaxies

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    We use measurements of the HI content, stellar mass and star formation rates in ~190 massive galaxies with stellar masses greater than 10^10 Msun, obtained from the Galex Arecibo SDSS Survey (GASS) described in Paper I (Catinella et al. 2010) to explore the global scaling relations associated with the bin-averaged ratio of the star formation rate over the HI mass, which we call the HI-based star formation efficiency (SFE). Unlike the mean specific star formation rate, which decreases with stellar mass and stellar mass surface density, the star formation efficiency remains relatively constant across the sample with a value close to SFE = 10^-9.5 yr^-1 (or an equivalent gas consumption timescale of ~3 Gyr). Specifically, we find little variation in SFE with stellar mass, stellar mass surface density, NUV-r color and concentration. We interpret these results as an indication that external processes or feedback mechanisms that control the gas supply are important for regulating star formation in massive galaxies. An investigation into the detailed distribution of SFEs reveals that approximately 5% of the sample shows high efficiencies with SFE > 10^-9 yr^-1, and we suggest that this is very likely due to a deficiency of cold gas rather than an excess star formation rate. Conversely, we also find a similar fraction of galaxies that appear to be gas-rich for their given specific star-formation rate, although these galaxies show both a higher than average gas fraction and lower than average specific star formation rate. Both of these populations are plausible candidates for "transition" galaxies, showing potential for a change (either decrease or increase) in their specific star formation rate in the near future. We also find that 36+/-5% of the total HI mass density and 47+/-5% of the total SFR density is found in galaxies with stellar mass greater than 10^10 Msun. [abridged]Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. GASS publications and released data can be found at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/GASS/index.ph

    Neutral Hydrogen Gas in Interacting Galaxies: The NGC 1511 galaxy group

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    We present HI line and 20-cm radio continuum observations of the NGC 1511 galaxy group obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The data reveal an extended, rather disturbed HI distribution for the peculiar starburst galaxy NGC 1511 and a narrow bridge to its small companion galaxy, NGC 1511B, which has been severely distorted by the interaction/collision between the two galaxies. No stellar counterpart to the gaseous bridge has been detected. In addition, we find that the peculiar optical ridge to the east of NGC 1511 is probably the stellar remnant of a galaxy completed disrupted by interactions with NGC 1511. The slightly more distant neighbour, NGC 1511A, shows a regular HI velocity field and no obvious signs of interactions. Radio continuum emission from NGC 1511 reveals three prominent sources on top of a more diffuse, extended distribution. We derive an overall star formation rate of 7 Msun/yr. The most enhanced star formation is found in the south-eastern part of the disk, coincident with several bright HII regions, and closest to the peculiar optical ridge. No continuum emission was detected in the companions, but NGC 1511B appears to show an HII region at its faint western edge, closest to NGC 1511. The group displays a prime example of interaction-induced star formation activity.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A chemical understanding for the enhanced hydrogen tunnelling in hydroperoxidation of linoleic acid catalysed by soybean lipoxygenase-1

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    The reaction path of the Interacting-State Model (ISM) is used with the Transition-State Theory (TST) and the semiclassical correction for tunnelling (ISM/scTST) to calculate the rates of H-atom abstraction from C(11) of linoleic acid catalysed by soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SLO), as well as of an analogous uncatalysed reaction in solution. The calculated hydrogen-atom transfer rates, their temperature dependency and kinetic isotope effect (KIE) are in good agreement with the experimental data. ISM/scTST calculations reveal the hypersensitivity of the rate to protein dynamics when the hydrogen bonding to a carbon atom is present in the reaction coordinate

    The Main Results of the Borexino Experiment

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    The main physical results on the registration of solar neutrinos and the search for rare processes obtained by the Borexino collaboration to date are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figgures, To be published as Proceedings of the Third Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 201

    Measurement of neutrino flux from the primary proton--proton fusion process in the Sun with Borexino detector

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    Neutrino produced in a chain of nuclear reactions in the Sun starting from the fusion of two protons, for the first time has been detected in a real-time detector in spectrometric mode. The unique properties of the Borexino detector provided an oppurtunity to disentangle pp-neutrino spectrum from the background components. A comparison of the total neutrino flux from the Sun with Solar luminosity in photons provides a test of the stability of the Sun on the 105^{5} years time scale, and sets a strong limit on the power production in the unknown energy sources in the Sun of no more than 4\% of the total energy production at 90\% C.L.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, 3 figure