35 research outputs found

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three available genomic nomenclature systems for SARS-CoV-2 to all sequence data from the WHO European Region available during the COVID-19 pandemic until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation. We provide a comparison of the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.Peer reviewe

    Track D Social Science, Human Rights and Political Science

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138414/1/jia218442.pd

    Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The individual-level data from the Mammalian Methylation Consortium can be accessed from several online locations. All data from the Mammalian Methylation Consortium are posted on Gene Expression Omnibus (complete dataset, GSE223748). Subsets of the datasets can also be downloaded from accession numbers GSE174758, GSE184211, GSE184213, GSE184215, GSE184216, GSE184218, GSE184220, GSE184221, GSE184224, GSE190660, GSE190661, GSE190662, GSE190663, GSE190664, GSE174544, GSE190665, GSE174767, GSE184222, GSE184223, GSE174777, GSE174778, GSE173330, GSE164127, GSE147002, GSE147003, GSE147004, GSE223943 and GSE223944. Additional details can be found in Supplementary Note 2. The mammalian data can also be downloaded from the Clock Foundation webpage: https://clockfoundation.org/MammalianMethylationConsortium. The mammalian methylation array is available through the non-profit Epigenetic Clock Development Foundation (https://clockfoundation.org/). The manifest file of the mammalian array and genome annotations of CpG sites can be found on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.7574747). All other data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The chip manifest files, genome annotations of CpG sites and the software code for universal pan-mammalian clocks can be found on GitHub95 at https://github.com/shorvath/MammalianMethylationConsortium/tree/v2.0.0. The individual R code for the universal pan-mammalian clocks, EWAS analysis and functional enrichment studies can be also found in the Supplementary Code.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 : Supplementary Tables 1–3 and Notes 1–6.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2 : Reporting SummarySUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 3 : Supplementary Data 1–14.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 4 : Supplementary Code.Aging, often considered a result of random cellular damage, can be accurately estimated using DNA methylation profiles, the foundation of pan-tissue epigenetic clocks. Here, we demonstrate the development of universal pan-mammalian clocks, using 11,754 methylation arrays from our Mammalian Methylation Consortium, which encompass 59 tissue types across 185 mammalian species. These predictive models estimate mammalian tissue age with high accuracy (r > 0.96). Age deviations correlate with human mortality risk, mouse somatotropic axis mutations and caloric restriction. We identified specific cytosines with methylation levels that change with age across numerous species. These sites, highly enriched in polycomb repressive complex 2-binding locations, are near genes implicated in mammalian development, cancer, obesity and longevity. Our findings offer new evidence suggesting that aging is evolutionarily conserved and intertwined with developmental processes across all mammals.https://www.nature.com/nataginghj2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Características de carcaça de cordeiros Hampshire Down e Santa Inês sob diferentes fotoperíodos Carcass characteristics of Hampshire Down and Santa Inês ram lambs under different photoperiods

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do fotoperíodo e da raça nas características de carcaça de cordeiros machos Hampshire Down e Santa Inês. Sete cordeiros Hampshire Down e sete Santa Inês foram submetidos a fotoperíodo de 12 horas luz x 12 horas escuro (curto) e de 18 horas luz x 6 horas escuro (longo). Após o desmame, os cordeiros foram alojados em baias individuais de acordo com os tratamentos. Ao atingirem 31 kg de peso vivo, foram abatidos e a carcaça e os componentes não-constituintes da carcaça foram pesados. Cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram peso de carcaça quente superior ao dos Hampshire e maior rendimento comercial. Cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram maior peso de sangue, coração, pulmão, rins e baço. Jå os cordeiros Hampshire Down apresentaram pesos de pele, patas e aparelho gastrintestinal cheio superiores aos do Santa Inês. Os cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram maior largura de garupa e comprimento de perna do que os Hampshire Down. Os cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram porcentagem de costela descoberta e baixos maior do que os Hampshire Down, com maior porcentagem de perna. A raça influencia mais as características de carcaça do que o fotoperíodo.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of photoperiod and breed on carcass characteristics. Seven Hampshire Down and seven Santa Inês ram lambs were assigned to two photoperiods: 12 hours light x 12 hours dark, or short photoperiod, and to 18 hours of light x 6 hours of dark, or long photoperiod. After weaning, the lambs were housed in individual stalls. The lambs were weighed weekly until slaughter weight of 31 kg. After slaughter, the carcass and the non-carcass components were weighed. Santa Inês lambs had higher hot carcass weight than Hampshire Down and also a higher commercial dressing percentage. Santa Inês lambs had higher blood, heart, lung, kidneys and spleen weight. The Hampshire Down lambs had higher skin, feet, full stomach and full intestine weight. Santa Inês lambs had higher width hindquarters and leg length than the Hampshire Down. Santa Inês lambs had higher percentage of discovered rib and low and the Hampshire Down lambs, higher percentage of leg. Breed influences more the carcass characteristics than photoperiod