755 research outputs found

    Cossacks of the South of Russia in the Soviet Era: Problems and Prospects of Scientific Research

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    Introduction. In modern Russian historiography, an unacceptable situation has developed since the Soviet period in the history of the Cossacks has not yet become the subject of sufficient research attention; therefore, a common vision of the reference points of scientific research has not taken shape. The article is aimed at studying the methodological and historiographic plots of the Soviet history of the Cossacks of the South of Russia in order to clarify unexplored plots and aspects, to determine further directions of scientific research. Methods and materials. We have at our disposal a number of significant historiographic facts that allow us to identify current historiographic trends in the study of the Soviet history of the Cossacks of the South of Russia. To do this, the article uses the method of system analysis and expert evaluation of historiographic facts, which provides the final argumentative logos. In a number of cases, the authors draw on archival materials to clarify and reinforce their positions. Analysis. The Soviet period in the history of the Cossacks of the South of Russia has been studied extremely unevenly, and this leads to distortions in the interpretation of individual problems. Excessive fascination of many modern authors with stories of decossackization creates a historical background of the tragic existence of the Cossacks in the Soviet era. As a result, the mass heroism of the Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War is involuntarily obscured by the difficult historical past and the plots of Cossack collaborationism. Decades of life of many generations of Cossacks are voluntarily or involuntarily deleted from the general history of the Cossacks. Therefore, it is important to identify the whole range of topical issues in the study of the Soviet period in the history of the Cossacks of the South of Russia, where there is also a positive historical experience. Results. The article outlines the established stages in the historiography of the Cossacks of the Soviet era and provides examples of specific studies on certain issues of Cossack history. The main directions of further research are determined with brief characteristics of the named plots. Contribution of authors. The creation of the concept of the article, the development and description of the research methodology, the conceptual apparatus, and the analysis of the involved content belongs to A.P. Skorik. The selection of archival materials and historiographic facts, as well as their primary analysis, was carried out by V.A. Bondarev. Conceptual editing, identification of a number of historiographical trends and addition of source materials with historiographic facts were carried out by G.G. Matishov. The final scientific and literary editing of the text of the article was carried out by A.P. Skorik and V.A. Bondarev

    The Late Pleistocene history of the Pechora Sea

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    More reliable reconstructions of the Late Quaternary glacial history of the Pechora Sea have been carried out due to new radiocarbon datings. The bulk of evidence favors the view that complete deglaciation of the Pechora Sea occurred in the middle Valdai epoch, about 35-40 ka. After a short interstadial period with normal marine conditions, sea-level fall gave rise to establishment of continental environments. In the late Valdai, the Novaya Zemlya ice sheet occupied only the northernmost Pechora Sea and did not reach the Pechora Lowland. In the Course of the subsequent Holocene transgression, the shelf was abraded. Modern lithodynamic conditions in the Pechora Sea determine accumulation of sandy-silty deposits

    Prospects for the development of commercial fish farming in the South of Russia

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    The article presents the analysis and prospects of commercial aquaculture in the southern regions of Russia. Rostov and Astrakhan region and Krasnodar Krai are the leaders in commercial fish production. Rostov region annually grows 23-24 thousand tons. In Krasnodar region in the period from 2018 to 2022 there was a 15% growth of avcaculture production and in 2022 it was 23,3 thousand tons. In the Astrakhan region from 2018 to 2021 there was a decrease in this indicator by 13%, but in 2022 the volume of production in the region increased to 20.5 thousand tons. Absolute parameters in Stavropol Krai (11.8-12.3 thousand tons) Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (2.5-3.3 thousand tons) and Volgograd Oblast (2.3-2.5 thousand tons) remained almost unchanged. Significant growth of relative production parameters was noted in the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the Republic of Crimea. The main objects of cultivation in the South of Russia are carp fish. A substantiation of creating a state-owned structure ensuring practical interaction between economic entities, executive bodies of state power, scientific and educational institutions is offered

    The accuracy of climate variability and trends across Arctic Fennoscandia in four reanalyses

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    Arctic Fennoscandia has undergone significant climate change over recent decades. Reanalysis datasets allow us to understand the atmospheric processes driving such changes. Here we evaluate four reanalyses against observations of near-surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation (PPN) from 35 meteorological stations across the region for the 35-year period from 1979-2013. The reanalyses compared are the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim), the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) 55-year reanalysis (JRA-55) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA). All four reanalyses have an overall small cool bias across Arctic Fennoscandia, with MERRA typically ~1°C cooler than the others. They generally reproduce the broad spatial patterns of mean SAT across the region, although less well in areas of complex orography. Observations reveal a statistically significant warming across Arctic Fennoscandia, with the majority of trends significant at p < 0.01. Three reanalyses show similar regional warming but of smaller magnitude while CFSR is anomalous, even having a slight cooling in some areas. In general the other reanalyses are sufficiently accurate to correctly reproduce the varying significance of observed seasonal trends. There are much greater differences between the reanalyses when comparing PPN to observations. MERRA-Land, which merges a gauge-based dataset, is clearly the best: CFSR is the least successful, with a significant wet bias. The smoothed reanalysis orography means that the high PPN associated with the western side of the Scandinavian Mountains extends too far inland. Spatial patterns of PPN trends across the region differ markedly between the reanalyses, which have varying success at matching observations and generally fail to replicate sites with significant observed trends. Therefore, using reanalyses to analyse PPN changes in Arctic Fennoscandia should be undertaken with caution.G.J.M. was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) through the British Antarctic Survey research programme Polar Science for Planet Earth. K.J. was partially funded by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 278067 for the PLUMES project). R.M.V. is funded by NERC PhD studentship NE/L002507/1

    Ангиотензинпревращающий фермент – новый прогностический маркер рецидива при терапии рака предстательной железы

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    Background. Introduction to the clinical practice of new criteria for the diagnosis and monitoring of neoplastic processes in the prostate based on the identification of informative predictors and markers of prostate cancer (PC), especially its aggressive forms, is one of the priority directions of scientific research in oncological urology. The goal – the search of new markers of aggressive forms of PC.Materials and methods. For identification associated with PC progression indicators – potential markers clinically aggressive forms of PC was determined activity kininase II (angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), EC in serum of blood with using as substrate N-(3-(2-furyl) acryloyl)-L-phenylalanyl-glycyl-glycine (FAPGG). Retrospectively evaluated ACE activity in patients with the development of biochemical recurrence and without after hormone-radiation therapy.Results. It has been shown that the development of PC recurrence is associated with an increase in ACE activity, and the ACE activity starts to grow sooner than noted the development of biochemical recurrence. Joint determination of prostate-specific antigen and the activity of the enzyme after a month of treatment allows to select a group of patients with high risk of biochemical recurrence with sensitivity, specificity of 78.6 % (p &lt; 0.001), respectively 94,6 % (p &lt; 0.001).Conclusions. There is every reason to believe that ACE is a promising predictive marker of clinically aggressive forms of PC. The renin-angiotensin system in PC can be considered as a new therapeutic target for targeted therapy.Введение. Применение в реальной клинической практике новых критериев диагностики и мониторинга неопластических процессов в предстательной железе на основе выявления информативных предикторов и маркеров рака предстательной железы (РПЖ), особенно его агрессивных форм, является одним из приоритетных направлений научных разработок в онкоурологии.Цель исследования – идентифицировать маркеры для прогнозирования агрессивных форм РПЖ.Материалы и методы. Для идентификации ассоциированных с прогрессированием РПЖ показателей – потенциальных маркеров клинически агрессивных форм РПЖ – определяли активность кининазы II (ангиотензинпревращающего фермента (АПФ), КФ с использованием в качестве субстрата N-[3-(2-фурил)-акрилоил]-L-фенилаланил-глицил-глицин (FAPGG) в сыворотке крови. Ретроспективно оценивали активность АПФ у пациентов с наличием и отсутствием биохимического рецидива после гормонолучевой терапии.Результаты. Показано, что развитие рецидива РПЖ ассоциировано с увеличением активности АПФ, причем она начинает расти раньше, чем отмечается развитие биохимического рецидива. Совместное определение простатического специфического антигена и активности АПФ через 1 мес после лечения позволяет выделить группу больных с высоким риском развития биохимического рецидива с чувствительностью 78,6 % (р &lt; 0,001) и специфичностью 94,6 % (р &lt; 0,001).Выводы. Есть все основания полагать, что АПФ является перспективным прогностическим маркером клинически агрессивных форм РПЖ. Ренин-ангиотензиновая система организма при РПЖ может рассматриваться как новая терапевтическая мишень для таргетной терапии

    Role of the disorder of activity of proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors in the development of prostate cancer

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    The indentification of reliable predictors of behaviour and markers of prostate cancer (CaP) remains a key problem for oncology. The aim of this work was to analyse the disorder of proteolytic processes in prostate secretions of CaP patients. The results show the activation of proteolysis and a dysbalance between proteinases and their inhibitors in Prostate Secretions of CaP patients. The determination of levels kallikrein and angiotensin-converting enzyme in prostration secretions can be employed as a marker in the diagnosis of CaP.Выявление информативных предикторов и маркеров рака предстательной железы (РПЖ) остается центральной проблемой современной онкоурологии. Цель работы - анализ нарушений протеолитических процессов в секрете простаты при раке предстательной железы. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о нарушении баланса между протеиназами и их ингибиторами в секрете простаты при РПЖ. Определение активности калликреина и АПФ может использоваться как маркер РПЖ

    Arctic Ocean fresh water changes over the past 100 years and their causes

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    Recent observations show dramatic changes of the Arctic atmosphere–ice–ocean system. Here the authors demonstrate, through the analysis of a vast collection of previously unsynthesized observational data, that over the twentieth century the central Arctic Ocean became increasingly saltier with a rate of freshwater loss of 239 ± 270 km3 decade−1. In contrast, long-term (1920–2003) freshwater content (FWC) trends over the Siberian shelf show a general freshening tendency with a rate of 29 ± 50 km3 decade−1. These FWC trends are modulated by strong multidecadal variability with sustained and widespread patterns. Associated with this variability, the FWC record shows two periods in the 1920s–30s and in recent decades when the central Arctic Ocean was saltier, and two periods in the earlier century and in the 1940s–70s when it was fresher. The current analysis of potential causes for the recent central Arctic Ocean salinification suggests that the FWC anomalies generated on Arctic shelves (including anomalies resulting from river discharge inputs) and those caused by net atmospheric precipitation were too small to trigger long-term FWC variations in the central Arctic Ocean; to the contrary, they tend to moderate the observed long-term central-basin FWC changes. Variability of the intermediate Atlantic Water did not have apparent impact on changes of the upper–Arctic Ocean water masses. The authors’ estimates suggest that ice production and sustained draining of freshwater from the Arctic Ocean in response to winds are the key contributors to the salinification of the upper Arctic Ocean over recent decades. Strength of the export of Arctic ice and water controls the supply of Arctic freshwater to subpolar basins while the intensity of the Arctic Ocean FWC anomalies is of less importance. Observational data demonstrate striking coherent long-term variations of the key Arctic climate parameters and strong coupling of long-term changes in the Arctic–North Atlantic climate system. Finally, since the high-latitude freshwater plays a crucial role in establishing and regulating global thermohaline circulation, the long-term variations of the freshwater content discussed here should be considered when assessing climate change and variability