108 research outputs found

    Технология моделирования штормовых нагонов и ветрового волнения в Азовском море на неструктурированных сетках

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    Представлена технология численного моделирования штормовых нагонов и ветровых волн в Азовском море, объединяющая модель циркуляции вод ADCIRC и модель ветрового волнения SWAN. Обе модели реализованы на неструктурированной сетке и адаптированы для параллельных вычислений. Приведены результаты верификации численного алгоритма и анализ его чувствительности к вариациям входных параметров.Представлена технологія чисельного моделювання штормових нагонів і вітрових хвиль в Азовському морі, що об'єднує модель циркуляції вод ADCIRC і модель вітрового хвилювання SWAN. Обидві моделі реалізовані на неструктурованій сітці і адаптовані для паралельних обчислень. Наведено результати верифікації чисельного алгоритму і аналіз його чутливості до варіацій вхідних параметрів.The technology of numerical modeling of storm surge and wind waves in the Sea of Azov, unifying model of the ADCIRC ocean circulation model and SWAN wind waves model. Both models are implemented on unstructured mesh and adapted for parallel computing. The results numerical algorithm verification and analysis of its sensitivity to variations in input parameters are given

    A study of karst hydrosystem recharge at the parcel scale, using modeling and correlation analysis - Low noise underground laboratory of Rustrel site

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    La caractérisation des flux d’eaux qui rechargent réellement les hydrosystèmes souterrains reste un frein à la compréhension du fonctionnement hydrogéologique des milieux souterrains. Lors d’événements pluvieux, quelle part de l’eau est évapo-transpirée ? Quelle part est temporairement stockée dans le sol ? Ces incertitudes sont particulièrement fortes dans le cas de la recharge des milieux hétérogènes tel que le karst. En général, les calculs de recharge des hydrosystèmes karstiques se basent sur une représentation simplifiée de l’évapotranspiration qui considère seulement le climat et pas le fonctionnement de la végétation. Dans cette étude, un modèle de végétation permettant de simuler les transferts d’eaux entre le sol et l’atmosphère en contexte forestier (le modèle CASTANEA), a été appliqué à une parcelle de Chêne vert. L’infiltration efficace (un indicateur de la recharge) estimé avec CASTANEA a été comparée à celle estimée par des approches classiques ainsi qu’à des séries long terme de flux d’eaux souterraines (9 années). Les résultats de cette analyse révèlent que l’infiltration efficace modélisée à partir d’un modèle de végétation comme CASTANEA est plus satisfaisante que les approches classiques ne tenant pas compte du fonctionnement de la végétation. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour mieux tenir compte du fonctionnement de la végétation et de l’usage du sol sur la recharge des hydrosystèmes karstiques.Assessing the recharge of underground hydrosystems remains an obstacle to understand their hydrologeological functioning. During a rain event, which part of the rain is evapotranspired ? And how much is temporarily stored within the soil ? These questions are particularly relevant in heterogeneous media such as karst hydrosystems. Currently, the models used to compute recharge of karst hydrosystems, rely on simplistic formulations of evapotranspiration that do not account for vegetation functioning. In this study, we used the vegetation process based model CASTANEA, which is designed to compute water transfer between soil, plant and atmosphere. We computed effective infiltration (an index of recharge) with CASTANEA and with other classical approach (based on precipitation minus ETP), and for a welldocumented holm oak site in Provence. Our results provide evidences that effective infiltration computed with CASTANEA yield more satisfactory correlation with measured outflow than simulations based on the classical approach. Our results provide a promising way to improve the simulation of karst hydrosystem recharge

    One Stomatal Model to Rule Them All?:Toward Improved Representation of Carbon and Water Exchange in Global Models

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    Stomatal conductance schemes that optimize with respect to photosynthetic and hydraulic functions have been proposed to address biases in land-surface model (LSM) simulations during drought. However, systematic evaluations of both optimality-based and alternative empirical formulations for coupling carbon and water fluxes are lacking. Here, we embed 12 empirical and optimization approaches within a LSM framework. We use theoretical model experiments to explore parameter identifiability and understand how model behaviors differ in response to abiotic changes. We also evaluate the models against leaf-level observations of gas-exchange and hydraulic variables, from xeric to wet forest/woody species spanning a mean annual precipitation range of 361–3,286 mm yr−1. We find that models differ in how easily parameterized they are, due to: (a) poorly constrained optimality criteria (i.e., resulting in multiple solutions), (b) low influence parameters, (c) sensitivities to environmental drivers. In both the idealized experiments and compared to observations, sensitivities to variability in environmental drivers do not agree among models. Marked differences arise in sensitivities to soil moisture (soil water potential) and vapor pressure deficit. For example, stomatal closure rates at high vapor pressure deficit range between −45% and +70% of those observed. Although over half the new generation of stomatal schemes perform to a similar standard compared to observations of leaf-gas exchange, two models do so through large biases in simulated leaf water potential (up to 11 MPa). Our results provide guidance for LSM development, by highlighting key areas in need for additional experimentation and theory, and by constraining currently viable stomatal hypotheses

    How do leaf and ecosystem measures of water-use efficiency compare?

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    The terrestrial carbon and water cycles are intimately linked: the carbon cycle is driven by photosynthesis, while the water balance is dominated by transpiration, and both fluxes are controlled by plant stomatal conductance. The ratio between these fluxes, the plant wateruse efficiency (WUE), is a useful indicator of vegetation function. WUE can be estimated using several techniques, including leaf gas exchange, stable isotope discrimination, and eddy covariance. Here we compare global compilations of data for each of these three techniques. We show that patterns of variation in WUE across plant functional types (PFTs) are not consistent among the three datasets. Key discrepancies include the following: leaf-scale data indicate differences between needleleaf and broadleaf forests, but ecosystem-scale data do not; leaf-scale data indicate differences between C3 and C4 species, whereas at ecosystem scale there is a difference between C3 and C4 crops but not grasslands; and isotope-based estimates of WUE are higher than estimates based on gas exchange for most PFTs. Our study quantifies the uncertainty associated with different methods of measuring WUE, indicates potential for bias when using WUE measures to parameterize or validate models, and indicates key research directions needed to reconcile alternative measures of WUE

    Stem CO2 efflux and its contribution to ecosystem CO2 efflux decrease with drought in a Mediterranean forest stand

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    tThe rate of metabolic processes demanding energy in tree stems changes in relation with prevailing cli-matic conditions. Tree water availability can affect stem respiration through impacts on growth, phloemtransport or maintenance of diverse cellular processes, but little is known on this topic. Here we moni-tored seasonal changes in stem CO2efflux (Fs), radial growth, sap flow and non-structural carbohydrates intrees of Quercus ilex in a Mediterranean forest stand subjected since 2003 to either partial (33%) through-fall exclusion (E) or unchanged throughfall (C). Fsincreased exponentially during the day by an effectof temperature, although sap flow attenuated the increase in Fsduring the day time. Over the year, Fsalso increased exponentially with increasing temperatures, but Fscomputed at a standard temperatureof 15?C (F15s) varied by almost 4-fold among dates. F15swas the highest after periods of stem growth anddecreased as tree water availability decreased, similarly in C and E treatments. The decline in F15swas notlinked to a depletion of soluble sugars, which increased when water stress was higher. The proportionof ecosystem respiration attributed to the stems was highest following stem growth (23.3%) and lowestduring the peak of drought (6.5%). High within-year variability in F15smakes unadvisable to pool annualdata of Fsvs. temperature to model Fsat short time scales (hours to months) in Mediterranean-type for-est ecosystems. We demonstrate that water availability is an important factor governing stem CO2effluxand suggest that trees in Mediterranean environments acclimate to seasonal drought by reducing stemrespiration. Stem respiratory rates do not seem to change after a long-term increase in drought intensity,however

    MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales

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    Regional-level applications of dynamic vegetation models are challenging because they need to accommodate the variation in plant functional diversity, which requires moving away from broadly defined functional types. Different approaches have been adopted in the last years to incorporate a trait-based perspective into modeling exercises. A common parametrization strategy involves using trait data to represent functional variation between individuals while discarding taxonomic identity. However, this strategy ignores the phylogenetic signal of trait variation and cannot be employed when predictions for specific taxa are needed, such as in applications to inform forest management planning. An alternative strategy involves adapting the taxonomic resolution of model entities to that of the data source employed for large-scale initialization and estimating functional parameters from available plant trait databases, adopting diverse solutions for missing data and non-observable parameters. Here we report the advantages and limitations of this second strategy according to our experience in the development of MEDFATE (version 2.9.3), a novel cohort-based and trait-enabled model of forest dynamics, for its application over a region in the western Mediterranean Basin. First, 217 taxonomic entities were defined according to woody species codes of the Spanish National Forest Inventory. While forest inventory records were used to obtain some empirical parameter estimates, a large proportion of physiological, morphological, and anatomical parameters were matched to measured plant traits, with estimates extracted from multiple databases and averaged at the required taxonomic level. Estimates for non-observable key parameters were obtained using meta-modeling and calibration exercises. Missing values were addressed using imputation procedures based on trait covariation, taxonomic averages or both. The model properly simulated observed historical changes in basal area, with a performance similar to an empirical model trained for the same region. While strong efforts are still required to parameterize trait-enabled models for multiple taxa, and to incorporate intra-specific trait variability, estimation procedures such as those presented here can be progressively refined, transferred to other regions or models and iterated following data source changes by employing automated workflows. We advocate for the adoption of trait-enabled and population-structured models for regional-level projections of forest function and dynamics

    Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change

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    16 páginas.- 5 figuras.- 179 referencias.- Additional Supporting Information may be found online in theSupporting Information section at the end of the article.Plant hydraulics is crucial for assessing the plants' capacity to extract and transport water from the soil up to their aerial organs. Along with their capacity to exchange water between plant compartments and regulate evaporation, hydraulic properties determine plant water relations, water status and susceptibility to pathogen attacks. Consequently, any variation in the hydraulic characteristics of plants is likely to significantly impact various mechanisms and processes related to plant growth, survival and production, as well as the risk of biotic attacks and forest fire behaviour. However, the integration of hydraulic traits into disciplines such as plant pathology, entomology, fire ecology or agriculture can be significantly improved. This review examines how plant hydraulics can provide new insights into our understanding of these processes, including modelling processes of vegetation dynamics, illuminating numerous perspectives for assessing the consequences of climate change on forest and agronomic systems, and addressing unanswered questions across multiple areas of knowledge.This article is an output of the international network ‘PsiHub’ funded and supported by the ECODIV department of INRAE.This review was partly supported by the H2020 Project FORGENIUS (Improving access to FORest GENetic resourcesInformation and services for end-USers) #862221Peer reviewe

    SurEau database : A database of hydraulic and stomatal traits for modelling drought resistance in plants

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    This file contains a database of hydraulic and stomatal traits that accompanies the paper untitled "Pant resistance to drought relies on timely stomatal closure" publish in Ecology Letters. This database was used to built the Figure of this manuscript. > The first page ("Stem_VCurves") contains the parameter of vulnerability curve to embolism for 150 species. Family, genus and species names as well as original reference are provided. > The second page ("Pgs90") contains a first proxy for the water potential causing stomatal closure, it is the value of water potential causing 90% stomatal closure computed from gs versus water potential. Family, genus and species names as well as original reference are provided. > The third page (Ptlp) contains a second proxy for the water potential causing stomatal closure, it is the turgor loss point computed from pressure volume curves. Family, genus and species names as well as original reference are provided. > The fourth page (ALL) contains all the three previous pages together, allowing to reconstruct Figure 1. > The fifth page (PitlpAdultSeedlings) contains values of turgor loss point for adults and seedilngs for 15 species. > The sixth page (P50AdultSeedlings) contains values of embolism resistance for adults and seedilngs for 14 species. > The seventh page (Emin) contains values of minimum (i.e. cuticular) conductance and minimum transpiration for 33 species as well as embolism resistance values for theese species

    SurEau: a mechanistic model of plant water relations under extreme drought

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageA new process-based model,SurEau, is described. It predicts the risk of xylem hydraulic failure under drought.ContextThe increase in drought intensity due to climate change will accentuate the risk of tree mortality. But very few process-based models are currently able to predict this mortality risk.AimsWe describe the operating principle of a new mechanistic model SurEau that computes the water balance, water relations, and hydraulics of a plant under extreme drought.MethodsSurEau is based on the formalization of key physiological processes of plant response to water stress. The hydraulic and hydric functioning of the plant is at the core of this model, which focuses on both water flows (i.e., hydraulic) and water pools (i.e., hydric) using variable hydraulic conductances. The model considers the elementary flow of water from the soil to the atmosphere through different plant organs that are described by their symplasmic and apoplasmic compartments. For each organ, the symplasm is described by a pressure-volume curve and the apoplasm by its vulnerability curve to cavitation. The model is evaluated on mature oak trees exposed to water stress.ResultsOn the tested oak trees, the model captures well the observed soil water balance, water relations, and level of embolism. A sensitivity analysis reveals that the level of embolism is strongly determined by air VPD and key physiological traits such as cuticular transpiration, resistance to cavitation, and leaf area.ConclusionThe process-based SurEau model offers new opportunities to evaluate how different species or genotypes will respond to future climatic conditions