21 research outputs found

    Luminous and solar characterization of PV modules for building integration

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    The optical characterization of different PV modules for integration in buildings (BIPV) is presented in this paper. The investigated PV modules are laminated glasses (PV laminates) suitable for integration in façades and windows. They are made of different PV cell technologies and some of them present a certain transparency degree, making possible to combine daylighting properties with solar control and electrical generation. The approach is based on spectral UV/vis/NIR reflectance and transmittance measurements of the different considered samples, both at normal incidence and as a function of the angle of incidence when it is possible. The European standard protocols are used to determine the luminous and the solar characteristics of each sample, enabling the optical assessment of these PV modules as building elements. The results indicate the good properties of PV laminates in terms of daylighting and solar control capabilities allowing a feasible efficient integration in building façades and windows. The obtained characteristic parameters can be used to simulate the influence in the energy balance of a building of different types of PV modules integrated in façade or window elements. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Estudio preliminar del impacto óptico del soiling en testigos de vidrio, en un área semiurbana de Madrid, para aplicación en sistemas fotovoltaicos

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMEN: El ensuciamiento (soiling) de los paneles solares disminuye la producción energética de las instalaciones fotovoltaicas. Dentro del proyecto PVCastSOIL, que investiga el soiling desde varias perspectivas, este trabajo presenta los resultados preliminares del estudio del impacto óptico del soiling en un sistema fotovoltaico experimental, no conectado a red, situado en la periferia de Madrid (España). Con el objeto de estimar cuánta luz solar incidente no alcanza las células solares de losmódulos fotovoltaicos debido al soiling, se instaló un mini-soporte que ha permitido exponer, con una inclinación de 35º, una serie de testigos de vidrio durante casi once meses. Midiendo sus espectros de transmitancia, se ha determinado que durante ese periodo el grado de soiling fue bajo (1-3% de pérdida de transmitancia). Por último, se comentan las mejoras aplicadas para continuar este estudio durante 2020, destacándose que el nuevo banco de pruebas de soiling permitirá exponer testigos de vidrio de mayor tamaño y comparar el grado de ensuciamiento para dos inclinaciones diferentes (8º y 35º).ABSTRACT: Soiling on solar panels hinders the energy production of photovoltaic facilities. Within the PVCastSOIL project, which researches soiling from several perspectives, this work presents the early results of the study of the optical impairment due to soiling on an off-grid experimental photovoltaic system located in the urban fringe of Madrid (Spain). In order to estimate how much incoming sunlight does not reach the solar cells of the photovoltaic modules due to soiling, a 35º-tilted mini-mount was installed for the outdoor exposure of a series of glass coupons during almost eleven months. From their transmission spectra measurements, it was concluded that during such period the degree of soiling was low (1-3% of transmission loss). Finally, some improvements adopted for the continuation of this study during 2020 are commented, highlighting among them a new soiling test bench which will allow using larger glass coupons as well as comparing the degree of soiling for two different tilt angles (i.e. 8º and 35º).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    European summer temperatures since Roman times

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    The spatial context is critical when assessing present-day climate anomalies, attributing them to potential forcings and making statements regarding frequency and severity in the long-term perspective. Recent initiatives have expanded the number of high-quality proxy-records and developed new reconstruction methods. These advances allow more rigorous regional past temperature reconstructions and the possibility of evaluating climate models on policy-relevant, spatio-temporal scales. We provide a new proxy-based, annually-resolved, spatial reconstruction of the European summer temperature fields back to 755 CE based on a Bayesian hierarchical modelling (BHM), together with estimates of the European mean temperature variation since 138 BCE based on Composite-plus-Scaling. Our reconstructions compare well with independent instrumental and proxy-based temperature estimates, but suggest a larger amplitude in summer temperature variability than previously reported. Temperature differences between the medieval period, the recent period and Little Ice Age are larger in reconstructions than simulations. This may indicate either inflated variability of the reconstructions, a lack of sensitivity to external forcing on sub-hemispheric scales in the climate models and/or an underestimation of internal variability on centennial and longer time scales including the representation of internal feedback mechanisms

    Contourite depositional system after the exit of a strait: Case study from the late Miocene South Rifian Corridor, Morocco

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    Idealized facies of bottom current deposits (contourites) have been established for fine-grained contourite drifts in modern deep-marine sedimentary environments. Their equivalent facies in the ancient record however are only scarcely recognized due to the weathered nature of most fine-grained deposits in outcrop. Facies related to the erosional elements (i.e. contourite channels) of contourite depositional systems have not yet been properly established and related deposits in outcrop appear non-existent. To better understand the sedimentary facies and facies sequences of contourites, the upper Miocene contourite depositional systems of the South Rifian Corridor (Morocco) is investigated. This contourite depositional system formed by the dense palaeo-Mediterranean Outflow Water. Foraminifera assemblages were used for age-constraints (7.51 to 7.35 Ma) and to determine the continental slope depositional domains. Nine sedimentary facies have been recognized based on lithology, grain-size, sedimentary structures and biogenic structures. These facies were subsequently grouped into five facies associations related to the main interpreted depositional processes (hemipelagic settling, contour currents and gravity flows). The vertical sedimentary facies succession records the tectonically induced, southward migration of the contourite depositional systems and the intermittent behaviour of the palaeo-Mediterranean Outflow Water, which is mainly driven by precession and millennial-scale climate variations. Tides substantially modulated the palaeo-Mediterranean Outflow Water on a sub-annual scale. This work shows exceptional examples of muddy and sandy contourite deposits in outcrop by which a facies distribution model from the proximal continental slope, the contourite channel to its adjacent contourite drift, is proposed. This model serves as a reference for contourite recognition both in modern environments and the ancient record. Furthermore, by establishing the hydrodynamics of overflow behaviour a framework is provided that improves process-based interpretation of deep-water bottom current deposits

    Spatial and temporal facies evolution of a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform, NW Tethyan margin (Mallorca, Spain)

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    The variety of depositional facies of a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform has been investigated on the island of Mallorca along a transect comprising six stratigraphic profiles. Twenty-nine facies and sub-facies have been recognized, grouped into seven facies associations, ranging in depositional environment from supratidal/terrestrial and peritidal to outer platform. Spatial and temporal (2D) facies distribution along the transect reflects the evolution of the carbonate platform with time showing different facies associations, from a broad peritidal platform (stage 1) to a muddy open platform (stage 2), and finally to a peritidal to outer carbonate platform (stage 3). Stage 1 (early Sinemurian to earliest late Sinemurian) corresponds to a nearly-flat peritidal-shallow subtidal epicontinental platform with facies belts that shifted far and fast over the whole study area. The evolution from stage 1 to stage 2 (late Sinemurian) represents a rapid flooding of the epicontinental shallow platform, with more open-marine conditions, and the onset of differential subsidence. During stage 3 (latest Sinemurian), peritidal and shallow-platform environments preferentially developed to the northeast (Llevant Mountains domain) with a rapid transition to middle-outer platform environments toward the northwest (Tramuntana Range domain). Stages 1 and 3 present facies associations typical of Bahamian-type carbonates, whereas stage 2 represents the demise of the Bahamian-type carbonate factory and proliferation of muddy substrates with suspension-feeders. The described platform evolution responded to the interplay between the initial extensional tectonic phases related to Early Jurassic Tethyan rifting, contemporaneous environmental perturbations, and progressive platform flooding related to the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic worldwide marine transgression and associated accommodation changes

    Contourites and bottom current reworked sands:Bed facies model and implications

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    Multispectral analysis of Northern Hemisphere temperature records over the last five millennia

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    Aiming to describe spatio-temporal climate variability on decadal-to-centennial time scales and longer, we analyzed a data set of 26 proxy records extending back 1,000–5,000 years; all records chosen were calibrated to yield temperatures. The seven irregularly sampled series in the data set were interpolated to a regular grid by optimized methods and then two advanced spectral methods—namely singular-spectrum analysis (SSA) and the continuous wavelet transform—were applied to individual series to separate significant oscillations from the high noise background. This univariate analysis identified several common periods across many of the 26 proxy records: a millennial trend, as well as oscillations of about 100 and 200 years, and a broad peak in the 40–70-year band. To study common NH oscillations, we then applied Multichannel SSA. Temperature variations on time scales longer than 600 years appear in our analysis as a dominant trend component, which shows climate features consistent with the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Statistically significant NH-wide peaks appear at 330, 250 and 110 years, as well as in a broad 50–80-year band. Strong variability centers in several bands are located around the North Atlantic basin and are in phase opposition between Greenland and Western Europe

    Early Permian during the Variscan orogen collapse in the equatorial realm: insights from the Cantabrian Mountains (N Iberia) into climatic and environmental changes

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    We report the results of a multidisciplinary study of the early Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) Sotres Formation of northern Spain integrating sedimentology, palaeosols, mineralogy, stable isotopes, palynology, ichnology and tectonics. This continental unit was deposited in the near-equatorial Peri-Tethyan Cantabrian Basin. Having developed in the middle of the Variscan fold belt, it is preserved within the present-day Cantabrian Mountains. Three subunits are recognised in the Sotres Formation based on tectono-stratigraphic and sedimentological data: a lower alluvial subunit, a middle carbonate lacustrine subunit, and an upper palustrine subunit. Multidisciplinary results reveal an upward change in climate from humid-subhumid conditions at the base of the formation (Artinskian) to semi-arid and arid conditions at the top of the formation (Kungurian), which may reflect global deglaciation near the end of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age and a probable northward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. This general upward warming/drying climate trend was interrupted by a short-lived interval of monsoon conditions in mid-Kungurian times, which may have coincided with a pulse of global cooling. Our findings are in agreement with the climate trends reported for other central Pangaean basins. Rising CO2 levels may have been a driving factor for climate transition during this time interval. However, in our study area, which lies within the active central Variscan orogenic belt, tectonic conditions must have also played a role in driving climate change

    Long-term thermo-tectonic evolution of the Montes de Toledo area (Central Hercynian Belt, Spain): constraints from apatite fission-track analysis

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    Abstract In the Montes de Toledo area, located in the axial part of the Central Hercynian zone, a long-term thermo-tectonic evolution can be deduced from apatite fission-track (AFT) data in conjunction with tight geological constraints derived from the knowledge of regional geology and other independent chronometers. The area is composed of two different blocks separated by the Toledo Shear Zone (TSZ). The northern block is a granulite facies anatectic terrane. The southern block is composed of greenschist facies Paleozoic sediments intruded by a late Hercynian granitic pluton. A total of 13 samples have been recovered for AFT analysis. AFT ages in both blocks cluster around 189–221 Ma, with mean confined track lengths between 11.4 lm and 12.4 lm. Modeling of the AFT data indicates that the thermal history is broadly similar in both blocks, which constrains the main movement of the TSZ, as essentially before the Upper Permian. AFT ages in the TSZ cluster around 124–164 Ma, and the track lengths vary between 11.4 lm and 12.4 lm. These data reveal that the fault must have been affected by a later thermal overprint as AFT ages are significantly younger than those of the footwall and hangingwall blocks. This differential thermal resetting is likely related to the advection of localized hydrothermal fluids that are responsible for the widespread Pb–Zn mineralization along the TSZ. These results give an example of resetting AFT data by hydrothermal events. The long-term evolution suggests a lack of important Alpine tectonism in the Montes de Toledo block, in clear contrast to other nearby Hercynian areas such as the Sierra de Guadarrama, where the important effect of Alpine tectonism has almost totally erased the previous thermal signal in the AFT system