166 research outputs found

    The state of the 'art'

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    There is something in restorative justice that resembles art: creativity and rigour, imagination and insight, preparation and improvisation, vocation and inclination, talent and (soft) skill(s). Both (good) restorative justice and (good) art are groundbreaking and far-reaching; both bring about ruptures with mainstream practices and ‘classic’ thoughts and trigger innovation; both carry a ‘political’ dimension when denouncing problems and/or advocating transformations; both pioneer cultural change and may even give rise to new paradigms, either by reaching out to the ‘new’ and the unexpected or by resuming and revitalising the past. The intimate bonds between restorative justice and art are also made visible theoretically by the philosophical connections between restorative justice and aesthetics in the field of the theory of judgment. The increasing interest around restorative justice and its steady growth in recent years expose restorative justice to new risks, such as over-professionalisation, resulting in the loss of the (original) ‘art’ and creating a great(er) gap between the (necessary) vocational nature of restorative processes and their actual daily practice

    Leges Artis. De kunst van het herstelrecht

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    There is something in restorative justice that resembles art: creativity and rigour, imagination and insight, preparation and improvisation, vocation and inclination, talent and (soft) skill(s). Both (good) restorative justice and (good) art are groundbreaking and far-reaching; both bring about ruptures with mainstream practices and ‘classic’ thoughts and trigger innovation; both carry a ‘political’ dimension when denouncing problems and/or advocating transformations; both pioneer cultural change and may even give rise to new paradigms, either by reaching out to the ‘new’ and the unexpected or by resuming and revitalising the past. The intimate bonds between restorative justice and art are also made visible theoretically by the philosophical connections between restorative justice and aesthetics in the field of the theory of judgment. The increasing interest around restorative justice and its steady growth in recent years expose restorative justice to new risks, such as over-professionalisation, resulting in the loss of the (original) ‘art’ and creating a great(er) gap between the (necessary) vocational nature of restorative processes and their actual daily practice

    Victims and Corporations. Legal Challenges and Empirical Findings

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    La Direttiva 2012/29/UE tutela le vittime di reato e mira ad assicurare loro un pi\uf9 effettivo accesso alla giustizia nel rispetto delle garanzie del giusto processo, del diritto di difesa e del principio del contraddittorio. La Direttiva sottolinea, in particolare, la necessit\ue0 di proteggere in modo personalizzato e individualizzato tutte le vittime di reato, con speciale riguardo per le persone \u2018vulnerabili\u2019. Tanto negli ordinamenti nazionali quanto nell'operato delle istituzioni si riscontra, per\uf2, un\u2019ancora insufficiente attenzione verso una nutrita categoria di vittime: le vittime della criminalit\ue0 d\u2019impresa e, in particolare, le vittime di quella che la letteratura internazionale definisce corporate violence. Con la locuzione corporate violence si identificano le condotte penalmente rilevanti, pur riconducibili all'ordinaria attivit\ue0 d\u2019impresa, lesive della salute, dell'integrit\ue0 fisica o della vita delle persone: illeciti ambientali che determinano danni alla vita, alla incolumit\ue0 pubblica o individuale; commercializzazione di prodotti difettosi o pericolosi che cagionano pregiudizio alla vita o alla salute dei consumatori (per esempio, prodotti alimentari e farmaceutici); infortuni sul lavoro dovuti a violazione della disciplina sulla sicurezza sul lavoro. Il volume, frutto di un progetto finanziato dall\u2019Unione Europea (www.victimsandcorporations.eu), offre uno studio approfondito della Direttiva 2012/29/EU sotto i profili giuridici e vittimologico-criminologici, analizzando le implicazioni teoriche e pratiche dell\u2019applicazione della Direttiva Vittima in generale e nei casi di corporate violence, con un\u2019attenzione al pi\uf9 ampio quadro delle politiche europee in materia ambientale, farmaceutica e alimentare e delle politiche europee e internazionali in tema di vittime e soggetti vulnerabili. L\u2019opera affronta le principali questioni connesse alla peculiare vulnerabilit\ue0 delle vittime di corporate violence (squilibri informativi, patologie lungolatenti, incertezza scientifica, ecc.), delineando, anche alla luce delle indicazioni emerse da una articolata ricerca empirica, proposte e indicazioni in ordine alla partecipazione al procedimento penale e al sostegno, all\u2019assistenza e alla protezione delle persone offese. L\u2019opera include anche una serie di raccomandazioni, distillate dai significativi risultati del progetto e rivolte al legislatore e ai policy maker. Il volume \ue8 caratterizzato dal taglio interdisciplinare e da una costante lettura sistematica delle fonti normative europee e internazionali, anche alla luce della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia dell\u2019Unione Europea e della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell\u2019Uomo. L\u2019opera si presta a essere strumento utile per studiosi e professionisti.The book is the final publication of the EU-funded project \u201cVictims and Corporations. Implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU for victims of corporate crimes and corporate violence\u201d (www.victimsandcorporations.eu). European Union Directive 2012/29/UE introduces a \u2018system\u2019 of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection for victims of crimes, and their participation to criminal proceedings, without prejudice to the rights of the offender. Within the scope of the Directive and its definition of \u2018victim\u2019, though, there is a relevant group of victims who have not yet received enough consideration, and whose access to justice may be at stake. It is the victims of corporate crimes, and particularly of corporate violence, meaning those criminal offences committed by corporations in the course of their legitimate activities, which result in harms to natural persons\u2019 health, integrity, or life. Within the vast area of corporate crime, the project and this publication focus on three main strands of victimisation: environmental crime, food safety violations and offences in the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to explore intersections and potential synergies between Directive 2012/29/EU and the existing body of EU legal tools in these three sectors. The publication also includes an overview of the current \u2018state of the art\u2019 with respect to the general issue of victims\u2019 rights, support and protection in light of the EU Directive; a comparison with the principles emerging from the ECtHR case law and the broader field of international law; a study of the existing criminological and victimological literature on corporate crime and corporate violence, its harms, and its victims, integrated with the results of the empirical research which was part of the Project; an analytical discussion of said results with respect to the specific issues related to access to justice by victims of corporate violence and to support needs of said victims; a discussion of the possible benefits of integrating a restorative justice approach in dealing with corporate violence crimes. The book is completed with a set of recommendations for national lawmakers and policymakers


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    Even from the dramatic crisis underway valuable experiences can and should be drawn, to make good use of them, for now and for tomorrow. Among such experiences the new and fundamental one, both for legal professionals and for ordinary citizens, is the vision of a world of rules on the observance or transgression of which people's lives are being played out. Rules that reveal in full view, as rarely happens, the language with which life, nature and the environment speak to us. From now on, the entire regulatory system should pay attention to this language. It is the conviction that inspires this book, born from the hope that the "Federico Stella" Postgraduate School on Criminal Justice had a 'way' to talk to the country and to the academic community about the huge problem of the pandemic that we are all facing together, to prepare ourselves with awareness and determination to the great challenges that we all will confront in the next months and years

    Giustizia e letteratura II

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    The book explores and links different cultures, disciplines and perspectives, with a far more original and broad approach to the relations between “Justice” and “Literature” than more traditional works focused on “Law” and “Literature”. The many contributions from writers, literature and movie critics, psychologists, and criminal law practitioners and scholars, draw a complex and interdisciplinary path through primary texts of Italian and international literature, with the aim of prompting readers’ reflections about core issues related to law, crime, and responsibility. Through the analysis of masterpieces of literature, theatre and cinema, this book aims at stimulating dialogue and debate, as well as critical abilities and a deep-rooted sense of justice, amongst both law professionals and citizens at large. Literature and other forms of narration are presented here as a privileged key to approach long-standing questions about (amongst other) causes and consequences of crime; victimization and coping mechanisms; the role of criminal law and criminal proceedings; legalism and equity; law and ethics; the ‘time’ of justice; freedom, responsibility, culpability and forgiveness; rules, legality, socialization and culture; language and images as mediums for justice issues; the impact of prejudice and of existing balances of power on the application of the law; social and legal mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion; gender issues and legal systems; and so on. A whole section (Part V) is devoted to crimes against humanity and how the literary testimony may be understood both as a strategy to resist injustice and to seek justice, and as a way to prevent further horrors. Through this quest for justice in literature and arts, the volume proposes a wider cultural and research project which defies traditional formalistic and retributive approaches to criminal law, in order to open new perspectives for restorative and reintegrative strategies

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació