2,131 research outputs found

    Lepton Family Symmetry and Possible Application to the Koide Mass Formula

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    A finite group generated by four Z_3 transformations is applied to lepton families in a supersymmetric model, resulting in the charged-lepton masses m_i being proportional to v_i^2, where v_i are three vacuum expectation values. This may be relevant in obtaining the Koide formula m_e + m_mu + m_tau = (2/3)(sqrt{m_e} + sqrt{m_mu} + sqrt(m_tau})^2.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Near Tribimaximal Neutrino Mixing with Delta(27) Symmetry

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    The discrete subgroup Delta(27) of SU(3) has the interesting multiplication rule 3 X 3 = bar{3} + bar{3} + bar{3}, which is used to obtain near tribimaximal neutrino mixing. Using present neutrino oscillation data as input, this model predicts that the effective mass m_{ee} measured in neutrinoless double beta decay will be 0.14 eV.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Tri-bimaximal Neutrino Mixing from A(4) and \theta_{13} \sim \theta_C

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    It is a common believe that, if the Tri-bimaximal mixing (TBM) pattern is explained by vacuum alignment in an A(4) model, only a very small reactor angle, say \theta_{13} \sim \lambda^2_C being \lambda_C \equiv \theta_C the Cabibbo angle, can be accommodated. This statement is based on the assumption that all the flavon fields acquire VEVs at a very similar scale and the departures from exact TBM arise at the same perturbation level. From the experimental point of view, however, a relatively large value \theta_{13} \sim \lambda_C is not yet excluded by present data. In this paper, we propose a Seesaw A(4) model in which the previous assumption can naturally be evaded. The aim is to describe a \theta_{13} \sim \lambda_C without conflicting with the TBM prediction for \theta_{12} which is rather close to the observed value (at \lambda^2_C level). In our model the deviation of the atmospherical angle from maximal is subject to the sum-rule: \sin ^2 \theta_{23} \approx 1/2 + \sqrt{2}/2 \sin \delta \cos \theta_{13} which is a next-to-leading order prediction of our model.Comment: 16 pages, revised, typos corrected, references adde

    CKM and Tri-bimaximal MNS Matrices in a SU(5) x (d)T Model

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    We propose a model based on SU(5) x {}^{(d)}T which successfully gives rise to near tri-bimaximal leptonic mixing as well as realistic CKM matrix elements for the quarks. The Georgi-Jarlskog relations for three generations are also obtained. Due to the {}^{(d)}T transformation property of the matter fields, the b-quark mass can be generated only when the {}^{(d)}T symmetry is broken, giving a dynamical origin for the hierarchy between m_{b} and m_{t}. There are only nine operators allowed in the Yukawa sector up to at least mass dimension seven due to an additional Z_{12} x Z'_{12} symmetry, which also forbids, up to some high orders, operators that lead to proton decay. The resulting model has a total of nine parameters in the charged fermion and neutrino sectors, and hence is very predictive. In addition to the prediction for \theta_{13} \simeq \theta_{c}/3 \sqrt{2}, the model gives rise to a sum rule, \tan^{2}\theta_{\odot} \simeq \tan^{2} \theta_{\odot, \mathrm{TBM}} - {1/2} \theta_{c} \cos\beta, which is a consequence of the Georgi-Jarlskog relations in the quark sector. This deviation could account for the difference between the experimental best fit value for the solar mixing angle and the value predicted by the tri-bimaximal mixing matrix.Comment: 11 pages; v2: additional references added; minor modifications made; conclusion unchanged; v3: version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing, A4 and the Modular Symmetry

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    We formulate and discuss a 4-dimensional SUSY version of an A4 model for tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing which is completely natural. We also study the next-to-the-leading corrections and show that they are small, once the ratios of A4 breaking VEVs to the cutoff are fixed in a specified interval. We also point out an interesting way of presenting the A4 group starting from the modular group. In this approach, which could be interesting in itself as an indication on a possible origin of A4, the lagrangian basis where the symmetry is formulated coincides with the basis where the charged leptons are diagonal. If the same classification structure in A4 is extended from leptons to quarks, the CKM matrix coincides with the unit matrix in leading order and a study of non leading corrections shows that the departures from unity of the CKM matrix are far too small to accomodate the observed mixing angles.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; added section on a see-saw realization; version to appear on Nucl. Phys.

    Tri-Bimaximal Lepton Mixing and Leptogenesis

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    In models with flavour symmetries added to the gauge group of the Standard Model the CP-violating asymmetry necessary for leptogenesis may be related with low-energy parameters. A particular case of interest is when the flavour symmetry produces exact Tri-Bimaximal lepton mixing leading to a vanishing CP-violating asymmetry. In this paper we present a model-independent discussion that confirms this always occurs for unflavoured leptogenesis in type I see-saw scenarios, noting however that Tri-Bimaximal mixing does not imply a vanishing asymmetry in general scenarios where there is interplay between type I and other see-saws. We also consider a specific model where the exact Tri-Bimaximal mixing is lifted by corrections that can be parametrised by a small number of degrees of freedom and analyse in detail the existing link between low and high-energy parameters - focusing on how the deviations from Tri-Bimaximal are connected to the parameters governing leptogenesis.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; version 2: references added, minor correction

    Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and the Family Symmetry Z_7 x Z_3

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    The Non-Abelian finite group PSL_2(7) is the only simple subgroup of SU(3) with a complex three-dimensional irreducible representation. It has two maximal subgroups, S_4 which, along with its own A_4 subgroup, has been successfully applied in numerous models of flavor, as well as the 21 element Frobenius group Z_7 x Z_3, which has gained much less attention. We show that it can also be used to generate tri-bimaximal mixing in the neutrino sector, while allowing for quark and charged lepton hierarchies.Comment: 15 pages, matches published version, updated reference

    Tri-bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Quark Masses from a Discrete Flavour Symmetry

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    We build a supersymmetric model of quark and lepton masses based on the discrete flavour symmetry group T', the double covering of A_4. In the lepton sector our model is practically indistinguishable from recent models based on A_4 and, in particular, it predicts a nearly tri-bimaximal mixing, in good agreement with present data. In the quark sector a realistic pattern of masses and mixing angles is obtained by exploiting the doublet representations of T', not available in A_4. To this purpose, the flavour symmetry T' should be broken spontaneously along appropriate directions in flavour space. In this paper we fully discuss the related vacuum alignment problem, both at the leading order and by accounting for small effects coming from higher-order corrections. As a result we get the relations: \sqrt{m_d/m_s}\approx |V_{us}| and \sqrt{m_d/m_s}\approx |V_{td}/V_{ts}|.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; minor correction

    Lepton Flavour Violation in a Supersymmetric Model with A4 Flavour Symmetry

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    We compute the branching ratios for mu-> e gamma, tau-> mu gamma and tau -> e gamma in a supersymmetric model invariant under the flavour symmetry group A4 X Z3 X U(1)_{FN}, in which near tri-bimaximal lepton mixing is naturally predicted. At leading order in the small symmetry breaking parameter u, which is of the same order as the reactor mixing angle theta_{13}, we find that the branching ratios generically scale as u^2. Applying the current bound on the branching ratio of mu -> e gamma shows that small values of u or tan(beta) are preferred in the model for mass parameters m_{SUSY} and m_{1/2} smaller than 1000 GeV. The bound expected from the on-going MEG experiment will provide a severe constraint on the parameter space of the model either enforcing u approx 0.01 and small tan(beta) or m_{SUSY} and m_{1/2} above 1000 GeV. In the special case of universal soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the flavon sector a cancellation takes place in the amplitudes and the branching ratios scale as u^4, allowing for smaller slepton masses. The branching ratios for tau -> mu gamma and tau -> e gamma are predicted to be of the same order as the one for mu -> e gamma, which precludes the possibility of observing these tau decays in the near future.Comment: 44 page
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